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Practical 1 of Advanced Topics in Computational Semantics (first year master AI @ UvA).


In this project, we test multiple models proposed by Conneau et al.. The following models are considered:

  • Baseline: averaging word embeddings to obtain sentence representations.
  • Unidirectional LSTM applied on the word embeddings, where the last hidden state is considered as sentence representation.
  • Simple bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM), where the last hidden state of forward and backward layers are concatenated as sentence representations.
  • BiLSTM with max pooling applied to the concatenation of word-level hidden states from both directions to retrieve sentence representations.


Getting Started

  1. Open Anaconda prompt and clone this repository (or download and unpack zip):
git clone
  1. Create the environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
  1. Activate the environment:
conda activate ATCS
  1. View the notebook with the experimental results:
jupyter notebook results.ipynb

Replicating Results

Training a model:

  1. Do step 1-3 of the above section.
  2. Download en from spacy for the tokenizer:
python -m spacy download en
  1. Create a .data folder inside the root folder and place the SNLI data from the SNLI website in this folder.
  2. Run the training of the models:
python --model MODEL 

Running SentEval:

  1. Clone the SentEval project:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the SentEval folder.
  2. Install SentEval
python install
  1. Open GitBash, navigate to the data/downstream folder and download data:
  1. Download Glove embeddings from the Stanford website.
  2. Move the .zip file to the SentEval/pretrained folder and unzip here. (make sure the .txt file is in the pretrained folder directly)
  3. Move the entire SentEval folder inside the ATCS_Practical_1 folder.
  4. Run SentEval from the ATCS_Practical_1 folder:
python --model MODEL


  • If you want to make use of the --development feature to run on a smaller dataset when making changes:
    1. Create a folder .development_data in the root folder.
    2. Copy the SNLI dataset from .data to .development_data.
    3. Limit the .json files to your taste. Since I used 64 as batch size, I use the following limits:
      • 64x400 for train
      • 64x100 for dev
      • 64x100 for test
  • Add the --progress_bar argument to the training to see the training progress.
  • If you want to use a checkpoint, use the --checkpoint_dir argument and provide the path to the checkpoint file. (add the .ckpt file at the end of the path)
  • Use our trained models instead of training yourself (can take very long).
    1. Download the models from this Drive folder.
    2. Move the individual model folders inside your pl_logs/lightning_logs/ folder.
  • Use our SentEval results instead of running yourself (takes about 3 hours per model). The results can be found in the senteval_outputs folder.

Using Lisa Cluster

  • Use the enviroment_Lisa.yml file to create the correct environment.
  • NO need to download en from spacy, this is done in the .job files.
  • Run the provided .job files for the different models.
  • If you alter the .job files, do keep in mind to not use --progress_bar as argument. This does not fare well on Lisa.


The models can be trained with the following command line arguments:

usage: [-h] [--model MODEL] [--lr LR] [--lr_decay LR_DECAY]
		    [--lr_decrease_factor LR_DECREASE_FACTOR] [--lr_threshold LR_THRESHOLD] 
		    [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--checkpoint_dir CHECKPOINT_DIR]
		    [--seed SEED] [--log_dir LOG_DIR] [--progress_bar] [--development]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            			Show help message and exit.
  --model MODEL					What model to use. Options: ['AWE', 'UniLSTM', 'BiLSTM', 'BiLSTMMax']. Default is 'AWE'.
  --lr LR					Learning rate to use. Default is 0.1.
  --lr_decay LR_DECAY				Learning rate decay after each epoch. Default is 0.99.
  --lr_decrease_factor LR_DECREASE_FACTOR	Factor to divide learning rate by when dev accuracy decreases. Default is 5.
  --lr_threshold LR_THRESHOLD			Learning rate threshold to stop at. Default is 10e-5.
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE			Minibatch size. Default is 64.
  --checkpoint_dir CHECKPOINT_DIR		Directory where the pretrained model checkpoint is located. Default is None (no checkpoint used).
  --seed SEED					Seed to use for reproducing results. Default is 1234.
  --log_dir LOG_DIR				Directory where the PyTorch Lightning logs should be created. Default is 'pl_logs'.
  --progress_bar				Use a progress bar indicator for interactive experimentation. Not to be used in conjuction with SLURM jobs.
  --development					Limit the size of the datasets in development.

