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Lightweight Kotlin Web Server

A simple, easy to use and lightweight kotlin web server for small quick projects


Kotlin DSL

repositories {
    maven {
        name = "devOS"
        url = uri("")

dependencies {

Gradle Groovy

repositories {
    maven {
        name "devOS"
        url ""

dependencies {
    implementation 'cz.lukynka:lkws:1.2'

How to Use

You want to create new instance of LightweightWebServer with port supplied as parameter (defaults to 7270)

val server = LightweightWebServer(port = 7270)

You can then listen to get calls on specific path by calling .get(path) on the server and providing lambda expression to execute when a request is received at the specified endpoint.

server.get("/uwu") { res ->
    res.respond("owo :3")

you can use Response.URLParameters[param] to get url parameter

server.put("/users/{USER}/settings") {
    val user = it.URLParameters["USER"]
    val updatedSettingsJson = it.requestBody
    //handle stuff

    it.respond("settings changed", 201)

You can use Response.requestCookies[cookie] to get value of cookie. Will return null if cookie was not found. To return error to user you can simply throw exception. Error page is customizable (Error Handling section below)"/projects/create") {
    if(it.requestCookies["token"] != superSecretTokenTrustMe) throw Exception("nuh uh, you are not logged in")

    val projectName = it.queryParameters["name"]
    val redirectAfterCreated = it.queryParameters["redirect"].toBoolean()
    //whatever here

    if(redirectAfterCreated) {
    } else {
        it.respond("project created", 201)

You can add Headers by adding Pair<string, string>to the headers variable of Response

server.get("/status") { res ->
    res.headers.Add(Pair("Content-Type", "application/json"))
    res.respondJson("{ 'status': 'operational' }")

You can also add middleware to all requests like this:

val token = "imdownbadforvonlycaon"

fun isAuth(response: Response): Boolean {
    return response.requestHeaders["Token"] == token

server.get("/status", ::isAuth) { res ->
    it.respondFile(File("src/test/imgs/lycaon.jpg"), 200, "image")

The server will automatically throw an exception if the auth function returns false

Additionally, this supports all request types (GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, PATCH etc.)

Error Handling

Listening to errors / invalid requests is pretty much the same as listening to for example GET requests but with the difference of the thrown exception being included in the response object

server.error { res ->
    res.respond("oopsie happened: ${res.exception}", 500)