- #16: renamed repository to match artifact
- #15: Fix repository url in package.json and fix widget naming in documentation
- #13: widget integration technology is now
instead ofangular
- BREAKING CHANGE: see ticket for details
- #12: The html template file name is now
inseatd oflaxar-html-display-widget.html
- #11: update to webpack, LaxarJS 2, Angular 1.6 and Jasmine 2
- BREAKING CHANGE: see ticket for details
- #10: Use laxar-mocks instead of laxar-testing now
- #9: Expanded the widget definition
- #7: Support AMD references (and installation through bower)
- #8: Added a
for open continuous integration
- #6: Updated LaxarJS dependencies to v1.0.0.
- BREAKING CHANGE: see ticket for details
- #5: Fixed LaxarJS dependencies (downgrade from v1.x to v0.x)
- WARNING: don't use v1.3.0 because of wrong dependencies
- #4: Fix names of dependencies
- #3: Updated LaxarJS dependencies and updated contribution information
- #2: Documentation: Fixed layout in section "Integration"
- #1: Documentation: Fixed anchor link to the section "Integration"
Initial OSS version.