Releases: LBCrion/sfwbar
Releases · LBCrion/sfwbar
- Implement tooltips
- Implement dynamci styling
- MPD support
- Idle Inhibit protocol support
- Taskbar output filter (only show windows from a given output)
- SetBarSize action
- title_width property to trim long window titles
- SetBarID action (listen to events on a specific bar ID)
- SetValue / SetStyle actions (control widget visuals via actions)
- Implement user defined menues, functions and actions
- Allow binding actions to multiple mouse events for any widget
- Implement tray icon menues
- Lookup XDG data system directories for resources
- Update default configs to be more useful
- Bug fixes
Implement system tray
Move configuration from libucl to custom parser
Move expression parser to custom parser
Move data extraction and expression engine to a separate thread
Beyond sway
- Make configuration modular
- Implement Df command to check disc free space
- Allow placing taskbar on specified edge
- Allow specifying timezone for Time command
Clean-up css loading
v0.9.9.3 disable css file autoload
Drop obsolete configs
v0.9.9.2 delete obsolote configs
Put configs into correct location
Put configs into correct location
modular config and vertical bars
- Implement modular configuration file
- Allow selecting the edge to which the bar is attached
- Add column mode for taskbar and pager to play nice with vertical bars
- Implement Df function to monitor disk usage
- Allow selecting timezone when querying time