go get github.com/someone/some_module@af044c0995fe
// e.g.
go get github.com/numaproj/numaflow-go@44ff06c
Sometimes you see it at the top of a go file and you think: "Why do we put it on this line?" It's because we want to explicitly ensure this struct client
is an implementation of the interface Client
var _ Client = (*client)(nil)
Within container, we can use flag library to read input configurations from command line.
var prefixStr string
flag.StringVar(&prefixStr, "prefix", "test-payload-", "Prefix of the payload")
simpleSource := impl.NewSimpleSource(prefixStr)
On Numaflow template, we can declare container as follow:
image: quay.io/numaio/numaflow-go/source-simple-source:v0.5.2
args: ["--prefix=abc-"]
The UDSource will then use abc-
instead of default test-payload-
, as its message payload prefix.
-> integer value
-> floating point
-> plain string
-> default format
-> Enabling WRAPPING errors
Wrapping an error with %w
makes it available to errors.Is
and errors.As
: (More details in Working with Errors)
err := fmt.Errorf("access denied: %w", ErrPermission)
if errors.Is(err, ErrPermission) ...
# Start a new module
go mod init module_name
# Add dependency
go get
# clean up and ensure "go.sum" files are up-to-date
go mod tidy
- How to create a library Golang repo
go mod init github.com/numaproj-contrib/numaflow-utils-go