This file is used to list changes made in each version of the git cookbook.
- Fixing package_id on OSX
- Adding 2.5.1 data for Windows
- #76: Use checksum keyname instead of value in source recipe
- Fixing up Windows provider (issue #73)
- Supporting changes to source_prefix in source provider (#62)
- Fixing up osx_dmg_source_url
- Removing references to node attributes from provider code
- Name-spacing of client resource property names
- Addition of windows recipe
- Creation of package recipe
- Fixing source provider selection bug from 4.2.3
- mac_os_x provider mapping
- various rubocops
- Fix up action in Chef::Resource::GitService
- Adding matchers
- Fixing Chef 11 support.
- Adding provider mapping file
- Converting recipes to resources.
- Keeping recipe interface for backwards compat
- Fixing windows package checksums
- Various test coverage additions
- [COOK-4482] - Add FreeBSD support for installing git client
- [COOK-4397] Only use_inline_resources on Chef 11
- [COOK-4392] - Cleanup git_config LWRP
[COOK-4387] Add git_config type [COOK-4388] Fix up rubocops [COOK-4390] Add integration tests for default and server suites
- [COOK-4146] - wrong dependency in git::source for rhel 6
- [COOK-3947] - Git cookbook adds itself to the path every run
Updating to depend on cookbook yum ~> 3 Fixing style to pass rubocop Updating test scaffolding
fixing metadata version error. locking to 3.0
Locking yum dependency to '< 3'
- [COOK-3433] - git::server does not correctly set git-daemon's base-path on Debian
- COOK-3624 - Don't restart
on each Chef client run - COOK-3482 - Force git to add itself to the current process' PATH
- COOK-3223 - Support Omnios and SmartOS package installs
- COOK-3193 - Add proper debian packages
- [COOK-2813]: Fix bad string interpolation in source recipe
- Relax runit version constraint (now depend on 1.0+).
- [COOK-2734] - update git versions
- [COOK-2385] - update git::server for
resource support
- [COOK-2303] - git::server support for RHEL
- [COOK-2110] - initial test-kitchen support (only available in GitHub repository)
- [COOK-2253] - pin runit dependency
- [COOK-2043] - install git on ubuntu 12.04 not git-core
The repository didn't have pushed commits, and so the following changes from earlier-than-latest versions wouldn't be available on the community site. We're releasing 2.1.0 to correct this.
- [COOK-1943] - Update to git 1.8.0
- [COOK-2020] - Add setup option attributes to Git Windows package install
This version uses platform_family
attribute, making the cookbook incompatible with older versions of Chef/Ohai, hence the major version bump.
- [COOK-1668] - git cookbook fails to run due to bad
call - [COOK-1759] - git::source needs additional package for rhel
- [COOK-2020] - Add setup option attributes to Git Windows package install
- [COOK-1943] - Update to git 1.8.0
- [COOK-1537] - add recipe for source installation
- [COOK-1152] - Add support for Mac OS X
- [COOK-1112] - Add support for Windows
- [COOK-853] - Git client installation on CentOS
- Current public release