MyBatis Dynamic SQL includes Kotlin extensions for Spring that simplify execution of statements generated by the library.
The library will render SQL in a format that is suitable for use with Spring's named parameter JDBC template. The only
difficulty with using the DSL directly is that the parameters for statements need to be formatted properly for Spring.
For example, this may involve the use of a BeanPropertySqlParameterSource
or a MapSqlParameterSource
depending on
the statement type. The Kotlin DSL hides all these details.
The Spring extensions also allow use of Spring's row mappers for ResultSets, and generated key holder for retrieving generated keys on certain insert statements.
This page will show our recommended pattern for using the MyBatis Dynamic SQL with Kotlin and Spring JDBC Template.
The code shown on this page is from the src/test/kotlin/examples/kotlin/spring/canonical
directory in this repository.
That directory contains a complete example of using this library with Kotlin and Spring.
All Kotlin support for Spring is available in two packages:
- contains the basic DSL elements common to all runtimesorg.mybatis.dynamic.sql.util.kotlin.spring
- contains utilities that simplify integration with Spring JDBC Template
The Kotlin support for Spring JDBC is implemented as extension methods to NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
. There are extension
methods to support count, delete, insert, select, and update operations based on SQL generated by this library.
For each operation, there are two different methods of executing SQL:
- The first method is a two-step method. With this method you build SQL provider objects as shown on the Kotlin
overview page and then execute the generated SQL by passing the provider to an extension method
- The second method is a one-step method that combines these operations into a single step
We will illustrate both approaches below.
The pattern for the meta-model is the same as shown on the Kotlin overview page. We'll repeat it here to show some specifics for Spring.
import org.mybatis.dynamic.sql.SqlTable
import org.mybatis.dynamic.sql.util.kotlin.elements.column
import java.util.Date
object PersonDynamicSqlSupport {
val person = Person()
val id =
val firstName = person.firstName
val lastName = person.lastName
val birthDate = person.birthDate
val employed = person.employed
val occupation = person.occupation
val addressId = person.addressId
class Person : SqlTable("Person") {
val id = column<Int>(name = "id")
val firstName = column<String>(name = "first_name")
val lastName = column(
name = "last_name",
parameterTypeConverter = lastNameConverter
val birthDate = column<Date>(name = "birth_date")
val employed = column(
name = "employed",
parameterTypeConverter = booleanToStringConverter
val occupation = column<String>(name = "occupation")
val addressId = column<Int>(name = "address_id")
Note the use of a "parameter type converter" on the employed
column. This allows us to use the column as a Boolean in
Kotlin, but store the values "Yes" or "No" on the database. The type converter looks like this:
val booleanToStringConverter: (Boolean?) -> String = { it?.let { if (it) "Yes" else "No" } ?: "No" }
The type converter will be used on general insert statements, update statements, and where clauses. It is not used on
insert statements that map insert fields to properties in a data class. So you will need to add properties to a data
class to use in that case. In the examples below, you will see use of a data class property employedAsString
This can easily be implemented by reusing the converter function as shown below...
data class PersonRecord(
var employed: Boolean? = null,
) {
val employedAsString: String
get() = booleanToStringConverter(employed)
Count statements are constructed as shown on the Kotlin overview page. These methods create a
that can be executed with an extension method for NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
like this:
import org.mybatis.dynamic.sql.util.kotlin.spring.count
val countStatement = count(...) // not shown... see the overview page for examples
val template: NamedParameterJdbcTemplate = getTemplate() // not shown
val rows = template.count(countStatement) // rows is a Long
Count statements can be constructed and executed in a single step with code like the following:
import org.mybatis.dynamic.sql.util.kotlin.spring.count
import org.mybatis.dynamic.sql.util.kotlin.spring.countDistinct
import org.mybatis.dynamic.sql.util.kotlin.spring.countFrom
val template: NamedParameterJdbcTemplate = getTemplate() // not shown
val rowcount = template.countFrom(person) {
where(id, isLessThan(4))
val columnCount = template.count(lastName) {
where(id, isLessThan(4))
val distinctColumnCount = template.countDistinct(lastName) {
where(id, isLessThan(4))
There is also a method that can be used to count all rows in a table:
val rows = template.countFrom(Person) {
Delete statements are constructed as shown on the Kotlin overview page. These methods create a
that can be executed with an extension method for NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
like this:
import org.mybatis.dynamic.sql.util.kotlin.spring.deleteFrom
val deleteStatement = deleteFrom(...) // not shown... see the overview page for examples
val template: NamedParameterJdbcTemplate = getTemplate() // not shown
val rows = template.delete(deleteStatement) // rows is an Int
Delete statements can be constructed and executed in a single step with code like the following:
import org.mybatis.dynamic.sql.util.kotlin.spring.deleteFrom
val template: NamedParameterJdbcTemplate = getTemplate() // not shown
val rows = template.deleteFrom(person) {
where(id, isLessThan(4))
There is also a method that can be used to count all rows in a table:
val rows = template.deleteFrom(person) {
Single record insert statements are constructed as shown on the Kotlin overview page. These methods create a
that can be executed with an extension method for NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
like this:
val insertStatement = insert(...) // not shown, see the overview page for examples
val template: NamedParameterJdbcTemplate = getTemplate() // not shown
val rows = template.insert(insertStatement) // rows is an Int
If you want to retrieve generated keys, you can use Spring's KeyHolder as follows:
val keyHolder = GeneratedKeyHolder()
val rows = template.insert(insertStatement, keyHolder) // rows is an Int
Single record insert statements can be constructed and executed in a single step with code like the following:
val row = PersonRecord(100, "Joe", "Jones", Date(), true, "Developer", 1)
val rows = template.insert(row).into(Person) {
map(occupation).toPropertyWhenPresent("occupation", row::occupation)
Note the use of the toPropertyWhenPresent
mapping - this will only set the insert value if the value of the property
is non-null. Also note that you can use the mapping methods to map insert fields to nulls and constants if desired.
Using a KeyHolder with the single step method looks like this:
val keyHolder = GeneratedKeyHolder()
val row = PersonRecord(100, "Joe", "Jones", Date(), true, "Developer", 1)
val rows = template.withKeyHolder(keyHolder) {
insert(row).into(Person) {
map(occupation).toPropertyWhenPresent("occupation", row::occupation)
General insert statements are constructed as shown on the Kotlin overview page. These methods create a
that can be executed with an extension method for NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
like this:
val insertStatement = insertInto(...) // not shown... see overview page for examples
val template: NamedParameterJdbcTemplate = getTemplate() // not shown
val rows = template.generalInsert(insertStatement) // rows is an Int
If you want to retrieve generated keys, you can use Spring's KeyHolder as follows:
val keyHolder = GeneratedKeyHolder()
val rows = template.generalInsert(insertStatement, keyHolder) // rows is an Int
General insert statements can be constructed and executed in a single step with code like the following:
val myOccupation = "Developer"
val rows = template.insertInto(Person) {
Note the use of the toValueWhenPresent
mapping - this will only set the insert value if the value of the property
is non-null. Also note that you can use the mapping methods to map insert fields to nulls and constants if desired.
Using a KeyHolder with the single step method looks like this:
val keyHolder = GeneratedKeyHolder()
val myOccupation = "Developer"
val rows = template.withKeyHolder(keyHolder) {
insertInto(Person) {
Multi-Row insert statements are constructed as shown on the Kotlin overview page. These methods create a
that can be executed with an extension method for NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
like this:
val insertStatement = insertMultiple(...) // not shown... see overview page for examples
val template: NamedParameterJdbcTemplate = getTemplate() // not shown
val rows = template.insertMultiple(insertStatement) // rows is an Int
If you want to retrieve generated keys, you can use Spring's KeyHolder as follows:
val keyHolder = GeneratedKeyHolder()
val rows = template.insertMultiple(insertStatement, keyHolder) // rows is an Int
Multi-Row insert statements can be constructed and executed in a single step with code like the following:
val record1 = PersonRecord(100, "Joe", LastName("Jones"), Date(), true, "Developer", 1)
val record2 = PersonRecord(101, "Sarah", LastName("Smith"), Date(), true, "Architect", 2)
val rows = template.insertMultiple(record1, record2).into(Person) {
Using a KeyHolder with the single step method looks like this:
val keyHolder = GeneratedKeyHolder()
val record1 = PersonRecord(100, "Joe", LastName("Jones"), Date(), true, "Developer", 1)
val record2 = PersonRecord(101, "Sarah", LastName("Smith"), Date(), true, "Architect", 2)
val rows = template.withKeyHolder(keyHolder) {
insertMultiple(record1, record2).into(Person) {
Batch insert statements are constructed as shown on the Kotlin overview page. These methods create a
that can be executed with an extension method for NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
like this:
val insertStatement = insertBatch(...) // not shown... see overview page for examples
val template: NamedParameterJdbcTemplate = getTemplate() // not shown
val rows = template.insertBatch(insertStatement) // rows is an IntArray
Spring does not support retrieval of generated keys with batch insert statements.
Batch statements can be constructed and executed in a single step with code like the following:
val record1 = PersonRecord(100, "Joe", LastName("Jones"), Date(), true, "Developer", 1)
val record2 = PersonRecord(101, "Sarah", LastName("Smith"), Date(), true, "Architect", 2)
val rows = template.insertBatch(record1, record2).into(Person) {
Insert select statements are constructed as shown on the Kotlin overview page. These methods create a
that can be executed with an extension method for NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
like this:
val insertStatement = insertSelect(...) // not shown... see overview page for examples
val template: NamedParameterJdbcTemplate = getTemplate() // not shown
val rows = template.insertSelect(insertStatement) // rows is an Int
If you want to retrieve generated keys, you can use Spring's KeyHolder as follows:
val keyHolder = GeneratedKeyHolder()
val rows = template.insertSelect(insertStatement, keyHolder) // rows is an Int
Insert select statements can be constructed and executed in a single step with code like the following:
val insertSelectRows: Int = template.insertSelect(person) {
columns(id, firstName, lastName, birthDate, employed, occupation, addressId)
add(id, constant<Int>("100")), firstName, lastName, birthDate, employed, occupation, addressId
) {
where(employed, isTrue())
Using a KeyHolder with the single step method looks like this:
val keyHolder = GeneratedKeyHolder()
val rows = template.withKeyHolder(keyHolder) {
insertSelect(person) {
columns(id, firstName, lastName, birthDate, employed, occupation, addressId)
add(id, constant<Int>("100")), firstName, lastName, birthDate, employed, occupation, addressId
) {
where(employed, isTrue())
There are several ways to execute select statements with Spring. Many of the methods require the use of a row mapper.
A row mapper is a user provided function that creates objects based on the values in a ResultSet
The rowMapper
function will be called repeatedly until the end of the result set is reached. The function accepts two
parameters - the ResultSet
and an Int
which will be set to the current row number. Many times the row number is
In Kotlin, you can declare the row mapper function either as a declared function, or as a function variable. A declared function could look like the following:
import java.sql.ResultSet
fun rowMapper(resultSet: ResultSet, rowNum: Int): PersonRecord =
id = rs.getInt(,
firstName = rs.getString(,
lastName = rs.getString(,
birthDate = rs.getDate(,
employed = rs.getString( == "Yes",
occupation = rs.getString(,
addressId = rs.getInt(
A function variable could look like this:
import java.sql.ResultSet
val rowMapper: (ResultSet, Int) -> PersonRecord = { rs, _ ->
id = rs.getInt(,
firstName = rs.getString(,
lastName = rs.getString(,
birthDate = rs.getDate(,
employed = rs.getString( == "Yes",
occupation = rs.getString(,
addressId = rs.getInt(
Note that in this case we are ignoring the row number. You can also pass a function like this directly to the extension methods as a lambda as we will see below.
Select statements are constructed as shown on the Kotlin overview page. These methods create a
that can be executed with extension methods for NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
. There are several
extension methods that can be used in the two-step method as detailed below:
Method | Comments |
selectList(SelectStatementProvider, RowMapper) | Executes a select statement and returns a list (the list will be empty if no records match). The row mapper is used to map result sets for rows. |
selectList(SelectStatementProvider, KClass) | Executes a select statement and returns a list (the list will be empty if no records match). This method can be used to execute a select statement that returns a single column. Spring will attempt to retrieve objects of type KClass from the result set. |
selectOne(SelectStatementProvider, RowMapper) | Executes a select statement and returns a single object (or null if no records match). The row mapper is used to map result sets for row. |
selectOne(SelectStatementProvider, KClass) | Executes a select statement and returns a single object (or null if no records match). This method can be used to execute a select statement that returns a single column. Spring will attempt to retrieve an object of type KClass from the result set. |
The following example shows the most common case: executing a statement that returns multiple rows with a user provided row mapper. The row mapper is passed as a lambda and ignores the row number:
val selectStatement = select(...) // not shown... see overview page for examples
val template: NamedParameterJdbcTemplate = getTemplate() // not shown
val rows = template.selectList(selectStatement) { rs, _ -> // rows is a List of PersonRecord in this case
id = rs.getInt(,
firstName = rs.getString(,
lastName = rs.getString(,
birthDate = rs.getDate(,
employed = rs.getString( == "Yes",
occupation = rs.getString(,
addressId = rs.getInt(
Select statements can be constructed and executed in a single step with code like the following:
val personRecords: List<PersonRecord> =, firstName, lastName, birthDate, employed, occupation, addressId) {
where(id, isLessThan(5))
and(id, isLessThan(4)) {
and(id, isLessThan(3)) {
and(id, isLessThan(2))
}.withRowMapper { rs, _ ->
id = rs.getInt(,
firstName = rs.getString(,
lastName = rs.getString(,
birthDate = rs.getDate(,
employed = rs.getString( == "Yes",
occupation = rs.getString(,
addressId = rs.getInt(
There are similar methods for selecting a single row, or executing a select distinct query. A single row select looks like this:
val personRecord: PersonRecord? = template.selectOne(id, firstName, lastName, birthDate, employed, occupation, addressId) {
where(id, isEqualTo(key))
}.withRowMapper { rs, _ ->
id = rs.getInt(,
firstName = rs.getString(,
lastName = rs.getString(,
birthDate = rs.getDate(,
employed = rs.getString( == "Yes",
occupation = rs.getString(,
addressId = rs.getInt(
A distinct query looks like this:
val personRecord: List<PersonRecord> = template.selectDistinct(id, firstName, lastName, birthDate, employed, occupation, addressId) {
where(id, isLessThan(key))
}.withRowMapper { rs, _ ->
id = rs.getInt(,
firstName = rs.getString(,
lastName = rs.getString(,
birthDate = rs.getDate(,
employed = rs.getString( == "Yes",
occupation = rs.getString(,
addressId = rs.getInt(
Update statements are constructed as shown on the Kotlin overview page. These methods create an
that can be executed with an extension method for NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
like this:
val updateStatement = update(...) // not shown... see overview page for examples
val template: NamedParameterJdbcTemplate = getTemplate() // not shown
val rows = template.update(updateStatement) // rows is an Int
Update statements can be constructed and executed in a single step with code like the following:
val rows = template.update(Person) {
where(firstName, isEqualTo("Fred"))
There a many set mappings that allow setting values to null, constants, etc. There is also a mapping that will only set the column value if the passed value is non-null.
If you wish to update all rows in a table, simply omit the where clause:
val rows = template.update(Person) {