Welcome to the gulp flavor of our web app generator! If you're not familiar with gulp, we suggest checking out their docs.
If you haven't already, install yo and this generator by running:
$ npm install -g yo generator-gulp-webapp
Now you can scaffold your very own web app:
$ mkdir my-webap
$ cd my-webapp
$ yo gulp-webapp
To start developing, run:
$ gulp serve
This will fire up a local web server, open http://localhost:9000 in your default browser and watch files for changes, reloading the browser automatically via LiveReload.
To make a production-ready build of the app, run:
$ gulp
To get the list of available tasks, run:
$ gulp --tasks
As you might have noticed, gulp plugins (the ones that begin with gulp-
) don't have to be require()
'd. They are automatically picked up by gulp-load-plugins and available through the $
We use the .tmp
directory mostly for compiling assets like SCSS files. It has precedence over app
, so if you had an app/index.html
template compiling to .tmp/index.html
, http://localhost:9000 would point to .tmp/index.html
, which is what we want.
This system can be a little confusing with the watch
task, but it's actually pretty simple:
- notify LiveReload when compiled assets change
- run the compile task when source assets change
E.g. if you have Less files, you would want to notify LiveReload when Less files have compiled, i.e. when .tmp/styles/**/*.css
change, but you would want to compile Less files by running the styles
task when source files change, i.e. app/styles/**/*.less
SCSS files are compiled in the styles
task, which you can customize however you want. E.g. to reduce the usage of calc()
with postcss-calc, run:
$ npm install --save-dev postcss-calc
and add it to PostCSS:
require('autoprefixer-core')({browsers: ['last 1 version']}),
We keep bower_components
in the project root, you can read details about that here.
While gulp serve
is running, installing Bower components will usually be as easy as:
$ bower install --save jquery
Behind the scenes wiredep will automatically inject assets from your Bower components to your HTML/SCSS files.
Keep in mind that there will sometimes be situations where you will have to do some extra work.
gulp serve
watches bower.json
and runs gulp wiredep
on change, so the solution is to simply run gulp wiredep
These are a bit tricky, as they can't be automatically injected. Ideally you would want to put them in a place where the link would work both in development and in production, like we do with Bootstrap, but that's sometimes not possible. In those cases you would need to do some gulp-replace trickery.
If there's a problem, it's usually with the main
field, which wiredep uses to wire up assets. Fortunately you can always override these fields and send a pull request to that component's repository, fixing their bower.json