This provides a re-usable inventory system in form of a Component that can be attached to actors like players or chests in the level.
The inventory uses a grid, like those found in the Resident Evil series, to store items. If there is not enough space to pick up an item, it cannot be added to the inventory.
- Just drag the inventory zip from the releases part of the repo into your project
- The demo is to show you how it would work in game build
- You must set up your input action you want to pull up your inventory up then you set up your player and put the BP_InventoryComponent on the player
- You must create a child blueprint of BP_items to create your own and you need to override Get Default Item Object Function and after you make a child you can duplicate the blueprint and just change the dimensions, the icons, and the item class of the item you just made
For the inventory grid size, it is on the player under BP_InventoryComponent
Add/make your own icons you will need a normal and a rotated icon
You will need your own assets for the items you change on the child blueprints
If you are using your own character you need make SpawnItemFromDrop function
change the casts that are below if you are using your own character
- the item class isn't the actor that is placed in the world the children the item class is what is placed in the world
- The Item class holds all the code for the children
- The BP_InventoryComponent has some of the code the item and Inventory
- RoomAvailble function the way it works is it is looking for room that is available
- TryAddItem function the that works is it uses the RoomAvailble function to see if there is room if the is room it uses the AddItem
- AddItemfunction witch it adds the item to the top left of inventory and if there is no room to add it won’t add it inventory
- WBP_InvGrid Has some code for Inventory
- The Paint function paints all the lines and the icons and the colored backgrounds
- OnDrop function when you drop the item from your Inventory the item should spawn on the floor
- Create line function is the math for the lines of the Inventory grid
- GetItem function get the items you picked up and put it in your Inventory
- IsRoomForItem function checks if there is enough room for the item trying to go in your Inventory
- OnDragOver function is when you drag the item over Inventory
- MousePosInInv function it tracks your mouse in the Inventory
- OnPreviewKeyDown function when you press the R button it rotates your item icons 90 degrees
- ItemObject
- GetDimensions function it gets Dimensions of the item
- GetIcon function get the item icon
- GetItem function it gets the item
Reids channel I used it as a base so the code is similar but from here on out i am going to update, change it and i have plans to add on to it
- work for multi-player compatibility
- work for ai
There will be more to add and if you have suggestions please email Here is my email if you have questions or suggestions [email protected]