ServerListMOTD Latest Version: -
ServerListMOTD was originally created by KennyTv for use on Spigot and Bungeecord Servers. The plugin allowed users to set a custom MOTD and server-icon easily. KennyTv eventually moved on to greater things, so as of now, I (Bradydawg) have taken over this project, in hopes to provide the spigot community with a fully supported version of the plugin.
ServerListMOTD was built with weight in mind, therefore, the dependencies are quite easy: ProtocolLib, and PlaceholderAPI. Generally speaking, PlaceholderAPI is not a true dependency, but rather the plugin does provide support for it. ProtocolLib is only required if you are using the spigot version of the plugin.
When creating an issue, please include the following information.
- ServerListMotd version
- Whether you are using the plugin on a Spigot or a BungeeCord server
- Explanation of how to reproduce the issue
- The entire error message (!) if present
Issues can be created here:
Nothing at the moment! Feel free to request some things here:
description: ServerListMotd main-command
aliases: [serverlistmotd, motd]
motd reload:
description: Reloads the config files and the server-icon
motd set <index> <1/2> <motd>:
description: Sets a MOTD
motd remove <index>:
description: Removes a MOTD
motd list:
description: Lists the currently saved MOTDs
motd update:
description: Remotely downloads the newest version of the plugin onto your server
description: Use the motd commands
description: Use the "/motd reload" command
description: use the "/motd update" command
description: use the "/motd set" and "/motd remove" commands
description: use the "/motd list" command