Releases: JackyyTV/DimensionalEdibles
Dimensional Edibles 1.2 (for 1.11.2)
Completely rewritten teleportation algorithm, hopefully fixes desync and incorrect location teleporting problems, closes #5
Rewritten config file structures
Added config option for customizing teleportation coordinates, closes #4
Added config option for enabling cakes to be pre-fueled upon placed, closes #6
Made safe-proof obsidian platform spawning less sensitive and only spawns in the nether, closes #8
[1.12] Enforced optional JEI dependency to version 4.12.0 or later, migrated from using a deprecated API method for ingredient infos
Dimensional Edibles 1.2 (for 1.10.2)
Completely rewritten teleportation algorithm, hopefully fixes desync and incorrect location teleporting problems, closes #5
Rewritten config file structures
Added config option for customizing teleportation coordinates, closes #4
Added config option for enabling cakes to be pre-fueled upon placed, closes #6
Made safe-proof obsidian platform spawning less sensitive and only spawns in the nether, closes #8
[1.12] Enforced optional JEI dependency to version 4.12.0 or later, migrated from using a deprecated API method for ingredient infos
Dimensional Edibles 1.1.1 (for 1.12.2)
Hotfix update
- Fixed creative tab item leaks
Dimensional Edibles 1.1 (for 1.12.2)
This update took way longer than it should have to be released as I've been way too busy with real life and my new job, but here we are!
Rewritten and refactored the whole mod
Added jar signing
Migrated to Forge's annotation config system (Resetting the config file is not required but recommended)
Changed teleportation Y coordinates to be player-based rather than world sea level-based, closes #2
Added a 3x3 obsidian platform below player when they're air blocks, closes #3
Dimensional Edibles 1.1 (for 1.11.2)
This update took way longer than it should have to be released as I've been way too busy with real life and my new job, but here we are!
Rewritten and refactored the whole mod
Added jar signing
Migrated to Forge's annotation config system (Resetting the config file is not required but recommended)
Changed teleportation Y coordinates to be player-based rather than world sea level-based, closes #2
Added a 3x3 obsidian platform below player when they're air blocks, closes #3
Dimensional Edibles 1.1 (for 1.10.2)
This update took way longer than it should have to be released as I've been way too busy with real life and my new job, but here we are!
Rewritten and refactored the whole mod
Added jar signing
Migrated to Forge's annotation config system (Resetting the config file is not required but recommended)
Changed teleportation Y coordinates to be player-based rather than world sea level-based, closes #2
Added a 3x3 obsidian platform below player when they're air blocks, closes #3
Dimensional Edibles 1.0 (for 1.11.2)
Initial release.
Dimensional Edibles 1.0 (for 1.10.2)
Initial release.
Dimensional Edibles 1.0 (for 1.12.x)
Initial release.