核心是通过 DL 来学习到一个 steganographic(速记式加密) algorithm
如何知道decode 出来的消息,是否是正确的?使用了 BCH 编码,里面有56bit的消息,40 比特的错误纠正位。
在物理分类的 CNN 上,图片对抗攻击的目的是以最小代价扰动图片,来让分类结果出错。
Synthesizing robust adversarial examples.(ICML 2018)
Robust physical adversarial attack on faster r-cnn object detector
Robust physical-world attacks on deep learning visual classification
Connecting the digital and physical world: Improving the robustness of adversarial attacks.
Adversarial examples in the physical world.
[9] Digital image steganography: Survey and analysis of current methods.
[11] Digital watermarking and steganography