trainer = Trainer(profiler='simple')
需要用 AdvancedProfiler,它基于 Python 的 cProfiler:
trainer = Trainer(profiler='advanced')
一但 .fit()
Profiler Report
Profile stats for: get_train_batch
4869394 function calls (4863767 primitive calls) in 18.893 seconds
Ordered by: cumulative time
List reduced from 76 to 10 due to restriction <10>
ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
3752/1876 0.011 0.000 18.887 0.010 {built-in method builtins.next}
1876 0.008 0.000 18.877 0.010 dataloader.py:344(__next__)
1876 0.074 0.000 18.869 0.010 dataloader.py:383(_next_data)
1875 0.012 0.000 18.721 0.010 fetch.py:42(fetch)
1875 0.084 0.000 18.290 0.010 fetch.py:44(<listcomp>)
60000 1.759 0.000 18.206 0.000 mnist.py:80(__getitem__)
60000 0.267 0.000 13.022 0.000 transforms.py:68(__call__)
60000 0.182 0.000 7.020 0.000 transforms.py:93(__call__)
60000 1.651 0.000 6.839 0.000 functional.py:42(to_tensor)
60000 0.260 0.000 5.734 0.000 transforms.py:167(__call__)
from lightning.pytorch.profilers import AdvancedProfiler
profiler = AdvancedProfiler(dirpath='.', filename='perf_logs')
trainer = Trainer(profiler=profiler)
from lightning.pytorch.profilers import Profiler
class ActionCountProfiler(Profiler):
def __init__(self, dirpath=None):
def start(self, action_name):
def stop(self, action_name):
def summary(self):
def teardown(self):
trainer = Trainer(profiler=ActionCountProfiler()) # 传入一个实例
需要再 LightningModule 里引用一个 profiler:
from lightning.pytorch.profilers import SimpleProfiler, PassThroughProfiler
class MyModel(LightningModule):
def __init__(self, profiler=None):
self.profiler = profiler or PassThroughprofiler()
def custom_processing_step(self, data):
with self.profiler.profile("my_custom_action"): # 用来标识一段开始
return data
profiler = SimpleProfiler()
model = MyModel(profiler) # 为什么 model 和 trainer 里都需要塞进去
trainer = Trainer(profiler=profiler, max_epochs=1)
如果是为了 profile 你的任意代码,需要使用 self.profiler.profile()。如上
为了理解每个 PyTorch 算子的代价,需要使用 PyTorchProfiler
from lightning.pytorch.profilers import PyTorchProfiler
lighting profiler 和 PyTorchProfile 有何区别和联系?