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This repository was archived by the owner on Jan 5, 2022. It is now read-only.

Releases: IzzySoft/Adebar


21 Jan 20:50
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  • update to the sensor-parsing adjustments in v1.9.1 (output of dumpsys sensorservice changed formatting somewhere between Android 6 (SDK23) and Android 7.1 (SDK25), causing the list getting messed up. v1.9.1 fixed that for SDK25+ – if you're on 7.0 and the list looks messy, please file an issue with output of the command for me to check).
  • introducing WIKI_BASE variable for where to point wiki links to
  • adding wiki links to DeviceInfo (and AppDetails) for quick lookup of explanations
  • DeviceInfo: move from product info to OS details (ROM build, not device built)


20 Jan 07:07
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  • improve formatting of app lists
  • add storage used by app/data/cache to app details
  • output format of dumpsys sensorservice changed somewhere between Android 6.0 and 7.1; fix parsing for 7.1+ while sticking to "old style" for older versions


16 Jan 19:01
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  • generated backup scripts: do not attempt to backup apps having ALLOW_BACKUP:FALSE (which would only result in 0 or 41 byte files anyway); instead, add a comment to make the user aware of it
  • Device documentation: added anchors (and create header snippets) to easily jump to sections. See the uf_postrun() example in doc/config.sample on how to glue the pieces together if you want them.
  • include security patch level and some SafetyNet details with device info
  • new script in tools: ssnap (Screenshot Snapper for taking a (series of) screenshots with demo mode enabled (to hide notifications plus have a special time in clock))
  • app details: fix Secondary CPU ABI to show up correctly, add more info like privateFlags, versionCode and APK signing scheme version
  • adding a „help“ link at the top of app details lists, pointing to the (newly created) corresponding wiki page, so users can look up the meaning of details
  • several minor adjustments


08 Jun 21:50
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  • added script to extract all|user|system|specific APKs
  • fixing errors thrown for unavailable/inaccessible details. If e.g. partition details cannot be accessed, you might now see them with a size of 0.
  • adding F-Droid Privileged to preconfigured install sources and adjusting F-Droid links to "new" format
  • several adjustments for Android 8 (Oreo)


13 Oct 18:31
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  • new option AUTO_BACKUP_SHARED to automatically backup shared storage without extra user input (1). Defaults to 0 (ask whether to backup) – thanks to @Flashwalker!
  • new option RETRY_FAILED_BACKUPS to prompt to retry "failed backups" or, alternatively, remove the broken backup files (backup files of 41 byte or less); 1 to enable, default 0 – thanks to @Flashwalker!
  • new options SKIP_EXISTING_USERBACKUP and SKIP_EXISTING_SYSBACKUP to skip backing up apps where backup files are already present (1), e.g. due to a prior aborted run. Defaults to 0 (don't skip, as it was before) – thanks to @Flashwalker!
  • some adjustments and corrections for Nougat (found with the BQ Aquaris X5 Plus)
  • no longer trying to pull usage-history.xml on devices running Lollipop (Android 5) or newer as the file simply no longer exists there
  • new helper script (tools/abrestore) to work around the adb restore issue some devices running Android 7 and up experience (restore seems not to work, or rather only if the app was already installed)
  • adjustments to make Adebar work properly with Android 7 (Nougat) and 8 (Oreo; thanks @Catfriend1 for helping out on this!)
  • AutoConfirm keycodes are now configurable (with some working examples mentioned in the docs – again, thanks to @Catfriend1 for providing combinations working on Xiaomi devices)
  • Adebar now also works fine on Windows using Git Bash (thanks to @Catfriend1 once more)
  • some more minor changes, fixes and improvements


07 May 16:13
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  • support for MobaXterm/Cygwin (thanks, @JimboJoe !)
  • Giving a meaningful explanation if the Bash-version is too low, as e.g. on OSX (thanks, @n0tnull !)
  • switching from stty to exec-out for partition backup (see #25 – thanks for the pointer, @cweiske !)
  • some other minor changes and adjustments (see commit history 😸 )

Feature enhancements and minor corrections

26 Oct 06:40
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  • adaptions for OSX: auto-detect the location of the bash binary
    (OSX ships with an old Bash, version 3.x, while Adebar requires 4+. So with this adaption, you can e.g. install a Bashv4 to /opt/bin, and prepend that location to your $PATH variable (export PATH=/opt/bin:$PATH) and Adebar will find it)
    Thanks to d5ve for this contribution!
  • new feature: "special transfer dir" (see directory settings in the Wiki's Configuration page for details)
  • now collecting disabled components together with disabled apps (if MK_*APPS is disabled). This generation of is faster in the original place (as package data is already loaded there), so we prefer it over there.
  • original generation of was broken for some devices (which used different indention). Fixed using regex.
  • depending on device's Android version, use pm hide (Android 5.0+) or pm disable (Android < 5.0) to disable apps. pm hide is said to not require root, while pm disable sometimes does.
  • fix for adb pull progress bar (ADB v1.0.36 / r24 / Android 7 introduced a progress bar which is nice for interactive use but confused our screen logging)

Marshmallow, more caches and some more details

02 Aug 18:09
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  • including kernel release with OS details
  • listing UID and GID with apps (useful e.g. for debugging with adb logcat)
  • some fixup to make app detail info working correctly with Marshmallow (e.g. Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge had hickups which are cured now)
  • enable additional (read-only) cache directories with app names. See e.g. Adebar-Appcache to fetch your initial fill


11 Jul 21:39
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  • Battery Stats: skipping entries without values
  • fix: autoConfirmedRestore specified package name instead of file name (and thus didn't work)
  • Improvements for Xprivacy export:
    • sometimes pulled incomplete file (fixed)
    • smoother "progress output"
  • new feature: creating a pm enable script for all apps (in case one locks oneself out by disabling one too much). Creation of this script is enabled by default.
  • new config variable ROOT_PMDISABLE to have the disable/enable scripts using su

More DeviceInfo details (especially for DualSIM)

21 May 20:03
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  • more details in the generated device-info documentation
  • better support for DualSIM devices
  • option to link apps from unknown-sources to a market
  • bunch of smaller fixes and improvements