Here useful snippets of information are provided regarding the use of the GMAP program. This document is work in progress and will be converted into another form at some point once it includes enough information.
A dataset specification is given as a dictionary. The fields in the dictionary can be divided into three groups:
- Experimental meta-information
- Measured quantity
- Uncertainty quantification
Regarding (1) experimental meta-information, we have the following fields:
- type (string): must be "legacy-experiment-dataset" at present
- NS (integer): a unique 4-digit identfication number of the dataset
- YEAR (integer): the year when the measurement has been performed
- TAG (integer): an integer to indicate some classification (not used by GMAP)
- CLABL (string): names of the authors
- BREF (string): reference to the publication
Regarding (2) measured quantity, we have the fields:
- MT (integer): An integer indicating the measured quantity, see the section on measurement types.
- NT (list of integer): a list with the identification numbers of the corresponding cross sections in the prior. For instance, for a ratio of cross sections (MT=2), two ids are expected.
- E (list of floats): the incident energies of the measurements
- CSS (list of floats): the measured quantities, e.g., cross sections
The group of fields regarding (3) uncertainty quantification can be split up into specifications that make reference to the points (a) within the dataset and (b) to other datasets.
For (3a), uncertainty quantification within the dataset, the following fields are relevant: EPAF, CO, ENFF, NNCOX. The number of datapoints in the dataset is denoted by N.
- CO (N x 11 array with floats): each datapoint is associated with 11 available slots to store relative uncertainty components in percent, e.g., a value of 2.5 in a slot would mean 2.5% uncertainty. Importantly, the first two slots are ignored, i.e., not used to calculate uncertainties of or correlations between datapoints.
- ENFF (list with 10 floats): 10 slots to store relative uncertainty components that apply to all datapoints in the dataset. For instance, a value of 2.5 in a slot would mean 2.5% uncertainty. Importantly, even though the same uncertainty is added to each datapoint, no correlations are introduced between datapoints. In other words, the underlying errors are assumed to have the same uncertainty but are assumed to be independent from each other. The uncertainties in ENFF are ignored for shape measurements.
- NENF (list with 10 integers): This field stores a list with integers that can serve as tags to label the uncertainty components. Apart from being read into a data structure, it is not used by GMAP.
- NNCOX (integer): If not zero, all uncertainties in CO will be multiplied by a factor of 1/10, hence largely decreasing the uncertainties effectively used in the GMAP fit.
- EPAF (3 x 11 array with floats): Used to determine the energy-dependent covariance of distinct measurements in the dataset. Each column contains three numbers for each of the 11 slots in CO. These numbers are the values of parameters in a formula that determines the decline of the covariance as a function of energy difference for each slot. The formula is explained below.
- NETG (list with 11 integers): If a value is 0 or 9, the uncertainty in the respective component in CO is ignored, i.e., both uncertainties and correlations.
The values in the arrays CO and EPAF are used to determine the covariance between pairs of datapoints for each uncertainty component in CO. For the uncertainty component in slot i and and two measurements with index j and k in the dataset and associated incident energies E[j] and E[k] with E[j] < E[k], the covariance is calculated as follows:
FKS = EPAF[0,i] + EPAF[1,i]
XYY = EPAF[1,i] - (E[k] - E[j]) / (EPAF[2,i]*E[j])
XYY_cut = max(XYY, 0)
FKT = EPAF[0, i] + XYY
COV[i,j,k] = CO[j,i]*CO[k,i]*FKS*FKT
The result COV[i,j,k]
represents the relative covariance between the j-th
and k-th datapoint for the i-th uncertainty component.
The total relative covariance for datapoints is obtained by summing over all
partial covariances above, i.e, COV[j,k] = sum_i COV[i,j,k]
The total relative covariance matrix is afterwards converted to a correlation
matrix using the uncertainties as specified by CO and ENFF.
The details can be found in the code
Finally, regarding (3b) correlations between datasets, the fields presented below are relevant (M is the number of datasets correlated to the current one.
- NCSST (a list of size M with integers): A list with the dataset identification numbers (NS above) that are correlated with this dataset.
- NEC (2 x 10 x M array of integers): Determines which uncertainty component
of this dataset is correlated with which component of the other datasets.
There are ten slots to establish mappings between the uncertainty
components of the datasets. For instance,
NEC[0,0,4] = 7
andNEC[1,0,4] = 2
signals that the uncertainty component in slot 7 in ENFF of the current dataset is correlated with the uncertainty component in slot 2 in ENFF of the other dataset with identification number given inNCSST[4]
. If a specification like this would have been already made, hence slot 0 already occupied, we would have to move the specification in the example to slot 1, i.e.,NEC[0,1,4] = 7
andNEC[1,1,4] = 2
. An integer larger 10 indicates that the covariances between the two components involved are energy dependent. For instance,NEC[0,0,4] = 17
andNEC[1,0,4] = 12
would indicate energy-dependent covariances between the uncertainty component in slot 7 in CO of the current dataset and the uncertainty component in slot 2 in CO of the other dataset with identification numberNCSST[4]
. The formulas are provided below. - FCFC (10 x M array of floats): A mutliplication factor to damp the
covariances between datasets. For instance, the specification
indicates that the covariance between the current dataset and the dataset with identification numberNCSST[4]
for the uncertainty componentNEC[0,5,4]
of the current dataset and the componentNEC[1,5,4]
of the other dataset should be halved.
Now we elaborate on the formulas to determine the covariance between
the uncertainty components of two distinct datasets in the same datablock.
As an example, let us assume that we deal with the following specification
and NEC[1,1,4]=3
, which indicates correlation between
the uncertainty component ENFF[7] of the current dataset and the
uncertainty component ENFF[3] of the other dataset with id NCSST[4]
The formula to calculate the covariance between these two uncertainty
components is given by:
COV = FCFC[1,4] * ENFF[7] * ENFF[3]
For the other case, where NEC[.,.,.] > 10
please consult the formulas
in the Python source code.
The MT number (integer) defines the measurement quantity. Sometimes we abbreviate cross section by xs in the following list. Possible choices of the MT number are:
- MT 1: cross section
- MT 2: shape of cross section
- MT 3: ratio of cross sections
- MT 4: shape of ratio of cross sections
- MT 5: sum of cross sections
- MT 6: spectrum averaged cross section
- MT 7: xs1 / (xs2 + xs3)
- MT 8: shape of sum of cross sections
- MT 9: shape of xs1 / (xs2+xs3)
The addition shape of ... means that the normalization factor of the measured quantity is assumed to be unknown and needs to be estimated during fitting. Hence, there is the following correspondence between normalized and unnormalized quantities:
- MT 2 - MT 1
- MT 4 - MT 3
- MT 8 - MT 5
- MT 9 - MT 7