- add error boundary to the app and articles
- share design between Code and Diagram
- convert 2017 articles
- videos require + eslint disable
- typography
- line-height of paragraphs is too small
- font-size of paragraphs is too small
- code examples have different font-size -> unify
- rewrite twitter threads into separate articles?
- domain driven design article
- responsive layout for mobile
- maybe allow mobile autozoomout of website?
- inspiration
- nicer font
- sections
- projects, list of all projects of what i did
- opensource, list of all opensource of what i did
- apperances - talks, articles, etc
- convert remaining articles
- go through components and replace usage of raw components with cstom components
- colors
- make sure only colors from component library are used
- resolve todos in code
- http://www.vzhurudolu.cz/prirucka/checklist
- make favicon black and white
- tests in VSCode are evalueated as non strict mode for tests
- remove _legacy folders
- test
- article metadata match the article folder name
- article metadata date is not in the future
- article metadata data is in correct format
- convert all articles?
- seo.jsx convert
- https://github.com/evenchange4/svgr.macro ?
- Insecure link urls: http://hurtak.disqus.com
- click on all links and determine if they do not return 404
- frontend checklist
- add sitemap
- prev/next article links inside article
- terminal recording
- hover & active styles
- test whole web only with keyboard
- compile articles
- replace
with correct quotes you're
- replace
- headings should have links to the hashes
- add css lint?
- animated demos (videos) - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12789862
- General
- write README.md
- consider taking a look at some HTML elements and putting them in components article and using them
- dl (dt dd)
- date
- hr, something like medium?
- kbd
- q (quotes: none; or have our own quotes with ::after and ::before, if we would have our own quotes, add note into typography chapter of components article)
- abbr (http://www.w3schools.com/bootstrap/tryit.asp?filename=trybs_txt_abbr&stacked=h)
- small
- itemprop attribute
- link to github/twitter
- Articles
- in parseArticle function have functions which checks article for correctness
- check if paragraphs start with capital letter and end with dot
- check of headings start with capital letter
- check YAML header for correctness
- check that all relative url's start with
(or do not start with) - maybe refactor this into separate module?
- maybe when checking html, when we find error -> add console.log describing the error
- post all articles to hacker news, reddit, twitter
- provide links under article to hacker news and twitter discussion
- have these links saved in front matter
- have cron job which determines number of comments on giver articles
- display number of comments under
- add article footer with
- similar articles and next article
- in parseArticle function have functions which checks article for correctness
- make projects section
- work stuff?
- obrazky.cz
- videa.seznam.cz
- admin proxy?
- http://jecas.cz/toc
- jecas.cz/seo-rychle
- Prechod mezi strankama