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- Introduction📝
- Solutions💡
- Day 1: Swap and Maximize🔄⬇️📉
- Day 2: Kth distance🚗🛤️🧭
- Day 3: Is Linked List Length Even?🔗🔢❌
- Day 4: Find All Triplets with Zero Sum🔍➕👥
- Day 5: Rotate by 90 degree🌀📐💠
- Day 6: Root to leaf paths sum🌳🍃💰
- Day 7: Split array in three equal sum subarrays💡📊🎯
- Day 8: Minimum repeat to make substring🔁✨🔍
- Day 9: Minimum sum💡➕💰
- Day 10: Union of Two Sorted Arrays with Distinct Elements🔗🤝🌐
- Day 11: Make array elements unique🔢✨📈
- Day 12: Meeting Rooms📅🏢⏰
- Day 13: Intersection Point in Y Shaped Linked Lists🔗➡️💡
- Day 14: Nearly sorted📑➡️✔️
- Day 15: Second Largest🔥🥈📈
- Day 16: Move All Zeroes to End🔥➡️⚡
- Day 17: Reverse an Array🌀🔁💻
- Day 18: Rotate Array🔄📚🧑💻
- Day 19: Next Permutation🔢➡️🔀
- Day 20: Majority Element II🗳️🔢🎯
- Day 21: Stock Buy and Sell – Multiple Transaction Allowed💹💼💸
- Day 22: Stock Buy and Sell – Max one Transaction Allowed📈💰🛒
- Day 23: Minimize the Heights I📉🏰🔧
- Day 24: Kadane's Algorithm💻📊🔢
- Day 25: Maximum Product Subarray🔢➗🎯
- Day 26: Max Circular Subarray Sum🔄🎯🌀
- Day 27: Smallest Positive Missing Number🔢❓🔍
- Day 28: Implement Atoi⚙️🔑🧑🔬
- Day 29: Add Binary Strings🔢➕💻
- Day 30: Anagram🔠💡🤔
This repository contains solutions to daily problems from GeeksforGeeks. Each day, a new problem is provided along with its solution.
Day 1(01 NOV) : Swap and Maximize
Day 2(02 NOV) : Kth distance
Day 3(03 NOV) : Is Linked List Length Even?
Day 4(04 NOV) : Find All Triplets with Zero Sum
Day 5(05 NOV) : Rotate by 90 degree
Day 6(06 NOV) : Root to leaf paths sum
Day 7(07 NOV) : Split array in three equal sum subarrays
Day 8(08 NOV) : Minimum repeat to make substring
Day 9(09 NOV) : Minimum sum
Day 10(10 NOV) : Union of Two Sorted Arrays with Distinct Elements
Day 11(11 NOV) : Make array elements unique
Day 12(12 NOV) : Meeting Rooms
Day 13(13 NOV) : Intersection Point in Y Shaped Linked Lists
Day 14(14 NOV) : Nearly sorted
Day 15(15 NOV) : Second Largest
Day 16(16 NOV) : Move All Zeroes to End
Day 17(17 NOV) : Reverse an Array
Day 18(18 NOV) : Rotate Array
Day 19(19 NOV) : Next Permutation
Day 20(20 NOV) : Majority Element II
Day 21(21 NOV) : Stock Buy and Sell – Multiple Transaction Allowed
Day 22(22 NOV) : Stock Buy and Sell – Max one Transaction Allowed
Day 23(23 NOV) : Minimize the Heights I
Day 24(24 NOV) : Kadane's Algorithm
Day 25(25 NOV) : Maximum Product Subarray
Day 26(26 NOV) : Max Circular Subarray Sum
Day 27(27 NOV) : Smallest Positive Missing Number
Day 28(28 NOV) : Implement Atoi
Day 29(29 NOV) : Add Binary Strings
Day 30(30 NOV) : Anagram