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Xun Gong edited this page Jul 8, 2019 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the ppca-dht-test wiki!

DHT (beta)


  • A DHT can be viewed as a dictionary service distributed over a network: it provides access to a common shared key->value data-store, distributed over participating nodes with great performance and scalability.
  • From a user perspective, a DHT essentially provides a map interface, with two main operations: put(key, value) and get(key). Get will retrieve values stored at a certain key while put (often called announce) will store a value on the network. Note that many values can be stored under the same key.
  • There are many algorithms to implement dht, where Kademlia DHT algorithm requires to contact only O(log(N)) nodes for a get operation, N being the number of nodes in the network. This property makes DHTs very scalable as demonstrated.

Mor info in Wiki:DHT


  • Use go-lang to implement a DHT with basic functions
  • Use this DHT to implement an easy application



  • Learn about Golang and at least one DHT protocol

    Project 1(Not constrained): get close to golang: implement a client-server protocol using golang. With naive tests. forward message and mutli-threads(2 with client and server)

  • Implement a DHT protocol in Go

    Project 2: implement DHT: using any one model is allowed. With naive and strong tests. E.g. chatroom, torrent, dht-filesystem.

  • Build a higher level application on top of your DHT

    Project 3*: implement an application. No test.

  • Bonus:

    **Project 4***implement DHT with another algorithm (as mentioned above in overview), or optimize your application.


  • Learn Go

A Tour of Go
Go package docs
Books about Go

  • DHT models


  • Related project framework




  • nodes in DHT network >= 50
  • <key, value> in DHT network >= 1500
  • Give some time for your network to resume stable.



(1) Implement this interface in interface.go

type dhtNode interface {
    Get(k string) (string, bool)
	Put(k string, v string) bool
	Del(k string) bool
	Run(wg *sync.WaitGroup)
	Join(addr string) bool
	Ping(addr string) bool

(2) Overwrite in userdef.go NewNode()


  • standard test

    get, put, del, join, quit, ping

  • standard test of additive functions

    append info in <k, v>
    del_append info in <k,v>

  • additive test

    get, put, del, join, quit, ping
    force quit
    load(max nodes and max data)
    unstable put and get
    mixed put, get, join, quit


  • 10% - learn go of navie protocol
  • 60% - DHT tests
  • 30% - Applications with stable network
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