Winter includes several command-line interface (CLI) commands and utilities that allow to install Winter, update it, as well as speed up the development process. The console commands are based on Laravel's Artisan tool. You may develop your own console commands or speed up development with the provided scaffolding commands.
Console installation can be performed using the native system or with Composer to manage dependencies. Either approach will download the Winter application files and can be used right away. If you plan on using a database, be sure to run the install command after installation.
Run this in your terminal to get the latest copy of Winter:
curl -s | php
Or if you don't have curl:
php -r "eval('?>'.file_get_contents(''));"
Download the application source code by using create-project
in your terminal. The following command will install to a directory called /mywinter.
composer create-project wintercms/winter mywinter
Once this task has finished, open the file config/cms.php and enable the disableCoreUpdates
setting. This will disable core updates from being delivered by the Winter gateway.
'disableCoreUpdates' => true,
When updating Winter, use the composer update command as normal before performing a database migration.
composer update
Composer is configured to look inside plugin directories for composer dependencies and these will be included in updates.
Note: To use composer with a Winter instance that has been installed using the Wizard installation, simply copy the
directory andcomposer.json
file from GitHub into your Winter instance and then runcomposer install
The winter:install
command will guide you through the process of setting up Winter CMS for the first time. It will ask for the database configuration, application URL, encryption key and administrator details.
php artisan winter:install
You also may wish to inspect config/app.php and config/cms.php to change any additional configuration.
Note: You cannot run
after runningwinter:env
takes the existing configuration values and puts them in the.env
file while replacing the original values with calls toenv()
within the configuration files.winter:install
cannot now replace those calls toenv()
within the configuration files as that would be overly complex to manage.
The winter:update
command will request updates from the Winter gateway. It will update the core application and plugin files, then perform a database migration.
php artisan winter:update
IMPORTANT: If you are using using composer do NOT run this command without first making sure that
is set to true. Doing so will cause conflicts between the marketplace version of Winter and the version available through composer. In order to update the core Winter installation when using composer runcomposer update
The winter:up
command will perform a database migration, creating database tables and executing seed scripts, provided by the system and plugin version history. The migration command can be run multiple times, it will only execute a migration or seed script once, which means only new changes are applied.
php artisan winter:up
The inverse command winter:down
will reverse all migrations, dropping database tables and deleting data. Care should be taken when using this command. The plugin refresh command is a useful alternative for debugging a single plugin.
php artisan winter:down
The winter:passwd
command will allow the password of a Backend user or administrator to be changed via the command-line. This is useful if someone gets locked out of their Winter CMS install, or for changing the password for the default administrator account.
php artisan winter:passwd username password
You may provide the username/email and password as both the first and second argument, or you may leave the arguments blank, in which case the command will be run interactively.
Winter includes a number of commands for managing plugins.
- downloads and installs the plugin by its name. The next example will install a plugin called AuthorName.PluginName. Note that your installation should be bound to a project in order to use this command. You can create projects on Winter website, in the Account / Projects section.
php artisan plugin:install AuthorName.PluginName
- destroys the plugin's database tables and recreates them. This command is useful for development.
php artisan plugin:refresh AuthorName.PluginName
- Rollback the specified plugin's migrations. The second parameter is optional, if specified the rollback process will stop at the specified version.
php artisan plugin:rollback AuthorName.PluginName 1.2.3
- Displays a list of installed plugins.
php artisan plugin:list
- Disable an existing plugin.
php artisan plugin:disable AuthorName.PluginName
- Enable a disabled plugin.
php artisan plugin:enable AuthorName.PluginName
- destroys the plugin's database tables and deletes the plugin files from the filesystem.
php artisan plugin:remove AuthorName.PluginName
Winter includes a number of commands for managing themes.
- download and install a theme from the Marketplace. The following example will install the theme in /themes/authorname-themename
php artisan theme:install AuthorName.ThemeName
If you wish to install the theme in a custom directory, simply provide the second argument. The following example will download AuthorName.ThemeName
and install it in /themes/my-theme
php artisan theme:install AuthorName.ThemeName my-theme
- list installed themes. Use the -m option to include popular themes in the Marketplace.
php artisan theme:list
- switch the active theme. The following example will switch to the theme in /themes/winter-vanilla
php artisan theme:use winter-vanilla
- delete a theme. The following example will delete the directory /themes/winter-vanilla
php artisan theme:remove winter-vanilla
- Sync a theme's content between the filesystem and database when cms.databaseTemplates
is enabled.
php artisan theme:sync
By default the theme that will be synced is the currently active one. You can specify any theme to sync by passing the desired theme's code:
php artisan theme:sync my-custom-theme
By default the sync direction will be from the database to the filesytem (i.e. you're syncing changes on a remote host to the filesystem for tracking in a version control system). However, you can change the direction of the sync by specifying --target=database
. This is useful if you have changed the underlying files that make up the theme and you want to force the site to pick up your changes even if they have made changes of their own that are stored in the database.
php artisan theme:sync --target=database
By default the command requires user interaction to confirm that they want to complete the sync (including information about the amount of paths affected, the theme targeted, and the target & source of the sync). To override the need for user interaction (i.e. if running this command in a deploy / build script of some sort) just pass the --force
php artisan theme:sync --force
Unless otherwise specified, the command will sync all the valid paths (determined by the Halcyon model instances returned to the system.console.theme.sync.getAvailableModelClasses
event) available in the theme. To manually specify specific paths to be synced pass a comma separated list of paths to the --paths
php artisan theme:sync --paths=partials/header.htm,content/
Winter includes a number of utility commands.
- clears the application, twig and combiner cache directories. Example:
php artisan cache:clear
- removes the demo theme and plugin that ships with Winter.
php artisan winter:fresh
- creates a mirrored copy of the public files needed to serve the application, using symbolic linking. This command is used when setting up a public folder.
php artisan winter:mirror public
Note: By default the symlinks created will be absolute symlinks, to create them as relative symlinks instead include the
php artisan winter:mirror public --relative
- changes common configuration values to DotEnv syntax.
php artisan winter:env
- a generic command to perform general utility tasks, such as cleaning up files or combining files. The arguments passed to this command will determine the task used.
Outputs combined system files for JavaScript (js), StyleSheets (less), client side language (lang), or everything (assets).
php artisan winter:util compile assets
php artisan winter:util compile lang
php artisan winter:util compile js
php artisan winter:util compile less
To combine without minification, pass the --debug
php artisan winter:util compile js --debug
This will execute the command git pull
on all theme and plugin directories.
php artisan winter:util git pull
Deletes all generated thumbnails in the uploads directory.
php artisan winter:util purge thumbs
Deletes files in the uploads directory that do not exist in the "system_files" table.
php artisan winter:util purge uploads
Deletes records in "system_files" table that do not belong to any other model.
php artisan winter:util purge orphans
To also delete records that have no associated file in the local storage, pass the --missing-files
php artisan winter:util purge orphans --missing-files