- Introduction
- Actions, views and routing
- Passing data to views
- Setting the navigation context
- Using AJAX handlers
- Controller middleware
Winter back-end implements the MVC pattern. Controllers manage back-end pages and implement various features like forms and lists. This article describes how to develop back-end controllers and how to configure controller behaviors.
Each controller is represented with a PHP script which resides in the the /controllers subdirectory of a Plugin directory. Controller views are .htm
files that reside in the controller view directory. The controller view directory name matches the controller class name written in lowercase. The view directory can also contain controller configuration files. An example of a controller directory structure:
users/ <=== Controller view directory
_partial.htm <=== Controller partial file
config_form.yaml <=== Controller config file
index.htm <=== Controller view file
Users.php <=== Controller class
Controller classes must extend the \Backend\Classes\Controller
class. As any other plugin class, controllers should belong to the plugin namespace. The most basic representation of a Controller used inside a Plugin looks like this:
namespace Acme\Blog\Controllers;
class Posts extends \Backend\Classes\Controller {
public function index() // <=== Action method
Usually each controller implements functionality for working with a single type of data - like blog posts or categories. All back-end behaviors described below assume this convention.
The back-end controller base class defines a number of properties that allow to configure the page appearance and manage the page security:
Property | Description |
$fatalError | allows to store a fatal exception generated in an action method in order to display it in the view. |
$user | contains a reference to the the back-end user object. |
$suppressView | allows to prevent the view display. Can be updated in the action method or in the controller constructor. |
$params | an array of the routed parameters. |
$action | a name of the action method being executed in the current request. |
$publicActions | defines an array of actions available without the back-end user authentication. Can be overridden in the class definition. |
$requiredPermissions | permissions required to view this page. Can be set in the class definition or in the controller constructor. See users & permissions for details. |
$pageTitle | sets the page title. Can be set in the action method. |
$bodyClass | body class property used for customizing the layout. Can be set in the controller constructor or action method. |
$guarded | controller specific methods which cannot be called as actions. Can be extended in the controller constructor. |
$layout | specify a custom layout for the controller views (see layouts below). |
Public controller methods, called actions are coupled to view files which represent the page corresponding the action. Back-end view files use PHP syntax. Example of the index.htm view file contents, corresponding to the index action method:
<h1>Hello World</h1>
URL of this page is made up of the author name, plugin name, controller name and action name.
backend/[author name]/[plugin name]/[controller name]/[action name]
The above Controller results in the following:
Use the controller's $vars
property to pass any data directly to your view:
$this->vars['myVariable'] = 'value';
The variables passed with the $vars
property can now be accessed directly in your view:
<p>The variable value is <?= $myVariable ?></p>
Plugins can register the back-end navigation menus and submenus in the plugin registration file. The navigation context determines what back-end menu and submenu are active for the current back-end page. You can set the navigation context with the BackendMenu
BackendMenu::setContext('Acme.Blog', 'blog', 'categories');
The first parameter specifies the author and plugin names. The second parameter sets the menu code. The optional third parameter specifies the submenu code. Usually you call the BackendMenu::setContext
in the controller constructor.
namespace Acme\Blog\Controllers;
class Categories extends \Backend\Classes\Controller {
public function __construct()
BackendMenu::setContext('Acme.Blog', 'blog', 'categories');
You can set the title of the back-end page with the $pageTitle
property of the controller class (note that the form and list behaviors can do it for you):
$this->pageTitle = 'Blog categories';
The back-end AJAX framework uses the same AJAX library as the front-end pages. The library is loaded automatically on the back-end pages.
The back-end AJAX handlers can be defined in the controller class or widgets. In the controller class the AJAX handlers are defined as public methods with the name starting with "on" string: onCreateTemplate, onGetTemplateList, etc.
Back-end AJAX handlers can return an array of data, throw an exception or redirect to another page (see AJAX event handlers). You can use $this->vars
to set variables and the controller's makePartial
method to render a partial and return its contents as a part of the response data.
public function onOpenTemplate()
if (Request::input('someVar') != 'someValue') {
throw new ApplicationException('Invalid value');
$this->vars['foo'] = 'bar';
return [
'partialContents' => $this->makePartial('some-partial')
The AJAX request can be triggered with the data attributes API or the JavaScript API. Please see the front-end AJAX library for details. The following example shows how to trigger a request with a back-end button.
class="btn btn-default">
Do something
Note: You can specifically target the AJAX handler of a widget using a prefix
. See the widget AJAX handler article for more details.
You can define middleware in your Backend controllers, providing you with a convenient mechanism for making changes to the response of a HTTP request. For example, you may wish to specify a HTTP header for certain actions in your controller, or redirect users if they don't meet certain criteria.
Controller middleware is executed after the request is processed by Winter CMS, but before the response is sent to the browser.
To define middleware for your controller, you may specify it in the __construct()
method of your Backend controller by calling the middleware()
public function __construct()
$this->middleware(function ($request, $response) {
// Middleware functionality
The middleware()
method requires a callback with two arguments, $request
providing the request information and $response
providing the response object. The callback should return the $response
object with your modifications.
As an example, to add a Test-Header
header to your response, you could do the following:
public function __construct()
$this->middleware(function ($request, $response) {
$response->headers->set('Test-Header', 'Test');
return $response;
You can also control which actions will use your middleware by using the only()
and except()
modifiers. For example, to restrict the middleware to only run on the index
action, you could do the following:
public function __construct()
$this->middleware(function ($request, $response) {
// Middleware functionality
Alternatively, to run the middleware on every action except the index
public function __construct()
$this->middleware(function ($request, $response) {
// Middleware functionality