The Interaction Calculus is a minimal term rewriting system inspired by the Lambda Calculus (λC), but with some key differences:
- Vars are affine: they can only occur up to one time.
- Vars are global: they can occur anywhere in the program.
- There is a new core primitive: the superposition.
An Interaction Calculus term is defined by the following grammar:
Term ::=
| VAR: Name
| ERA: "*"
| LAM: "λ" Name "." Term
| APP: "(" Term " " Term ")"
| SUP: "&" Label "{" Term "," Term "}"
| DUP: "!" "&" Label "{" Name "," Name "}" "=" Term ";" Term
- VAR represents a variable.
- ERA represents an erasure.
- LAM represents a lambda.
- APP represents a application.
- SUP represents a superposition.
- DUP represents a duplication.
Lambdas are curried, and work like their λC counterpart, except with a relaxed scope, and with affine usage. Applications eliminate lambdas, like in λC, through the beta-reduce (APP-LAM) interaction.
Superpositions work like pairs. Duplications eliminate superpositions through the DUP-SUP interaction, which works exactly like a pair projection.
What makes SUPs and DUPs unique is how they interact with LAMs and APPs. When a SUP is applied to an argument, it reduces through the APP-SUP interaction, and when a LAM is projected, it reduces through the DUP-LAM interaction. This gives a computational behavior for every possible interaction: there are no runtime errors on the core Interaction Calculus.
The 'Label' is a numeric value that affects some interactions, like DUP-SUP, causing terms to commute, instead of annihilate. Read Lafont's Interaction Combinators paper to learn more.
The core interaction rules are listed below:
(* a)
----- APP-ERA
(λx.f a)
-------- APP-LAM
x <- a
(&L{a,b} c)
----------------- APP-SUP
! &L{c0,c1} = c;
&L{(a c0),(b c1)}
! &L{r,s} = *;
-------------- DUP-ERA
r <- *
s <- *
! &L{r,s} = λx.f;
----------------- DUP-LAM
r <- λx0.f0
s <- λx1.f1
x <- &L{x0,x1}
! &L{f0,f1} = f;
! &L{x,y} = &L{a,b};
-------------------- DUP-SUP (if equal labels)
x <- a
y <- b
! &L{x,y} = &R{a,b};
-------------------- DUP-SUP (if different labels)
x <- &R{a0,b0}
y <- &R{a1,b1}
! &L{a0,a1} = a;
! &L{b0,b1} = b;
Where x <- t
stands for a global substitution of x
by t
Since variables are affine, substitutions can be implemented efficiently by just
inserting an entry in a global substitution map (sub[var] = value
). There is
no need to traverse the target term, or to handle name capture, as long as fresh
variable names are globally unique. Thread-safe substitutions can be performed
with a single atomic-swap.
Below is a pseudocode implementation of these interaction rules:
def app_lam(app, lam):
sub[lam.nam] = app.arg
return lam.bod
def app_sup(app, sup):
x0 = fresh()
x1 = fresh()
a0 = App(sup.lft, Var(x0))
a1 = App(sup.rgt, Var(x1))
return Dup(sup.lab, x0, x1, app.arg, Sup(a0, a1))
def dup_lam(dup, lam):
x0 = fresh()
x1 = fresh()
f0 = fresh()
f1 = fresh()
sub[dup.lft] = Lam(x0, Var(f0))
sub[dup.rgt] = Lam(x1, Var(f1))
sub[lam.nam] = Sup(dup.lab, Var(x0), Var(x1))
return Dup(dup.lab, f0, f1, lam.bod, dup.bod)
def dup_sup(dup, sup):
if dup.lab == sup.lab:
sub[dup.lft] = sup.lft
sub[dup.rgt] = sup.rgt
return dup.bod
Terms can be reduced to weak head normal form, which means reducing until the outermost constructor is a value (LAM, SUP, etc.), or until no more reductions are possible. Example:
def whnf(term):
while True:
match term:
case Var(nam):
if nam in sub:
term = sub[nam]
return term
case App(fun, arg):
fun = whnf(fun)
match fun.tag:
case LAM: term = app_lam(term, fun)
case SUP: term = app_sup(term, fun)
case _ : return App(fun, arg)
case Dup(lft, rgt, val, bod):
val = whnf(val)
match val.tag:
case LAM: term = dup_lam(term, val)
case SUP: term = dup_sup(term, val)
case _ : return Dup(lft, rgt, val, bod)
case _:
return term
Terms can be reduced to full normal form by recursively taking the whnf:
def normal(term):
term = whnf(term)
match term:
case Lam(nam, bod):
bod_nf = normal(bod)
return Lam(nam, bod_nf)
case App(fun, arg):
fun_nf = normal(fun)
arg_nf = normal(arg)
return App(fun_nf, arg_nf)
case _:
return term
Below are some normalization examples.
Example 0: (simple λ-term)
(λx.λt.(t x) λy.y)
------------------ APP-LAM
λt.(t λy.y)
Example 1: (larger λ-term)
(λb.λt.λf.((b f) t) λT.λF.T)
---------------------------- APP-LAM
λt.λf.((λT.λF.T f) t)
----------------------- APP-LAM
λt.λf.(λF.t f)
-------------- APP-LAM
Example 2: (global scopes)
{x,(λx.λy.y λk.k)}
------------------ APP-LAM
Example 3: (superposition)
!{a,b} = {λx.x,λy.y}; (a b)
--------------------------- DUP-SUP
(λx.x λy.y)
----------- APP-LAM
Example 4: (overlap)
({λx.x,λy.y} λz.z)
------------------ APP-SUP
! {x0,x1} = λz.z; {(λx.x x0),(λy.y x1)}
--------------------------------------- DUP-LAM
! {f0,f1} = {r,s}; {(λx.x λr.f0),(λy.y λs.f1)}
---------------------------------------------- DUP-SUP
{(λx.x λr.r),(λy.y λs.s)}
------------------------- APP-LAM
{λr.r,(λy.y λs.s)}
------------------ APP-LAM
Example 5: (default test term)
The following term can be used to test all interactions:
((λf.λx.!{f0,f1}=f;(f0 (f1 x)) λB.λT.λF.((B F) T)) λa.λb.a)
----------------------------------------------------------- 16 interactions
An Interaction Calculus term can be collapsed to a superposed tree of pure Lambda Calculus terms without SUPs and DUPs, by extending the evaluator with the following collapse interactions:
------ ERA-LAM
x <- *
(f *)
----- ERA-APP
----------------- SUP-LAM
x <- &L{x0,x1}
(f &L{x0,x1})
------------------- SUP-APP
!&L{f0,f1} = f;
&L{(f0 x0),(f1 x1)}
----------------------- SUP-SUP-X (if R>L)
!&R{y0,y1} = y;
----------------------- SUP-SUP-Y (if R>L)
!&R{x0,x1} = x;
!&L{x0,x1} = x; K
----------------- DUP-VAR
x0 <- x
x1 <- x
!&L{a0,a1} = (f x); K
--------------------- DUP-APP
a0 <- (f0 x0)
a1 <- (f1 x1)
!&L{f0,f1} = f;
!&L{x0,x1} = x;