From 5b9609b47768dc6c2137dd7381a119e3e976bdf2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rudy Ges <>
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2024 17:48:46 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [macro] reification: do not apply @:pos to type path

 src/syntax/ | 22 +++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/syntax/ b/src/syntax/
index 83c7946f3c4..93802a7a408 100644
--- a/src/syntax/
+++ b/src/syntax/
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ let reify in_macro =
 					("name", (efield(ei,"name"),p));
 					("sub", (efield(ei,"sub"),p));
 					("params", ea);
-					("pos", to_pos p);
-					("posPath", to_pos ptp.pos_path);
+					("pos", to_pos_obj p);
+					("posPath", to_pos_obj ptp.pos_path);
 				] in
 				to_obj fields p
 		end else begin
@@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ let reify in_macro =
 				("pack", to_array to_string t.tpackage p);
 				("name", to_string t.tname p);
 				("params", to_array to_tparam t.tparams p);
-				("pos", to_pos p);
-				("posPath", to_pos ptp.pos_path);
+				("pos", to_pos_obj p);
+				("posPath", to_pos_obj ptp.pos_path);
 			] in
 			let fields = match t.tsub with None -> fields | Some s -> fields @ ["sub",to_string s p] in
 			to_obj fields p
@@ -226,11 +226,7 @@ let reify in_macro =
 			] in
 			to_obj fields p
 		) m p
-	and to_pos p =
-		match !cur_pos with
-		| Some p ->
-			p
-		| None ->
+	and to_pos_obj p =
 		let file = (EConst (String(p.pfile,SDoubleQuotes)),p) in
 		let pmin = (EConst (Int ((string_of_int p.pmin), None)),p) in
 		let pmax = (EConst (Int ((string_of_int p.pmax), None)),p) in
@@ -238,11 +234,15 @@ let reify in_macro =
 			(EUntyped (ECall ((EConst (Ident "$__mk_pos__"),p),[file;pmin;pmax]),p),p)
 			to_obj [("file",file);("min",pmin);("max",pmax)] p
+	and to_pos p =
+		match !cur_pos with
+		| Some p -> p
+		| None -> to_pos_obj p
 	and to_enc_pos p =
 		match !cur_pos with
 		| Some p -> p
-		| None when in_macro -> to_pos p
-		| None -> (ECall ((efield ((efield ((efield ((EConst (Ident "haxe"),p),"macro"),p),"Context"),p),"makePosition"),p),[to_pos p]),p)
+		| None when in_macro -> to_pos_obj p
+		| None -> (ECall ((efield ((efield ((efield ((EConst (Ident "haxe"),p),"macro"),p),"Context"),p),"makePosition"),p),[to_pos_obj p]),p)
 	and to_expr_array a p = match a with
 		| [EMeta ((Meta.Dollar "a",[],_),e1),_] -> (match fst e1 with EArrayDecl el -> to_expr_array el p | _ -> e1)
 		| _ -> to_array to_expr a p