Everything can be directly included with
using Hardstuck.GuildWars2.BuildCodes.V2;
// From existing build textual codes:
var code1 = TextLoader.LoadBuildCode("CoI___~______A~M~__A_");
// From existing build binary codes:
ReadonlySpan<byte> bytes = SomeArbitrarySource();
var code2 = BinaryLoader.LoadBuildCode(bytes);
// From existing textual in-game chatlinks:
var code3 = TextLoader.LoadOfficialBuildCode(inGameLink);
// From existing binary in-game chatlink data:
var rawInGameBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(inGameLink[2..^1]);
var code4 = BinaryLoader.LoadOfficialBuildCode(rawInGameBytes);
// From an existing player via the official api:
var apiKey = "AD041D99-AEEF...";
var characterName = "Don Joe Was Taken";
var code5 = await APILoader.LoadBuildCode(apiKey, characterName, Kind.PvE);
// From the character currently ingame on the same machine:
var code6 = await APILoader.LoadBuildCodeFromCurrentCharacter(apiKey);
// To a textual version of the Hardstuck BuildCode
string hsCode = TextLoader.WriteBuildCode(code);
// To a compressed binary version of the Hardstuck BuildCode
var buffer1 = new byte[500];
int bytesWritten1 = BinaryLoader.WriteBuildCode(code, buffer1);
// Directly to a full in-game chat link
string chatLink = TextLoader.WriteOfficialBuildCode(code);
// To the raw data of an in-game chat link
var buffer2 = new byte[500];
int bytesWritten2 = BinaryLoader.WriteOfficialBuildCode(code, buffer2);
There are multiple overloads available for most of those operations.
boolean Static.IsTwoHanded(WeaponType weapon);
Tristate Static.IsAquatic(WeaponType weapon);
WeaponSet Static.ResolveEffectiveWeapons(BuildCode code, WeaponSetNumber set);
ItemId Static.ResolveDummyItemForWeaponType(WeaponType weaponType, StatId statId);
ItemId Static.ResolveDummyItemForEquipment(int equipmentIndex, WeightClass weightClass, StatId statId);
WeightClass Static.ResolveWeightClass(Profession profession);
Task<WeaponType> APICache.ResolveWeaponType(int itemId);
Task<StatId> APICache.ResolveStatId(int itemId);
ValueTask<TraitLineChoice> APICache.ResolvePosition(int? traitId);
ValueTask<SkillId> APICache.ResolveWeaponSkill(BuildCode code, WeaponSet effectiveWeapons, int skillIndex);
Task<TraitId> APICache.ResolveTrait(Specialization spec, TraitSlot traitSlot);