Binaries can be built using HSAILAsm or CLOC.
To build a debuggable binary with HSAILasm, you need to supply the -g -include-source
CLOC can produce binaries with debug information for debugging HSAIL or OpenCL C. For debugging HSAIL, execute the following command before building the application:
export LIBHSAIL_OPTIONS_APPEND="-g -include-source"
For debugging OpenCL C, call with the following flag:
-clopts "-g"
OpenCL C debugging was tested with CLOC v0.9 and is rather unstable compared to HSAIL debugging.
LLDB should be launched using the provided hsail-lldb script. Ensure that the folders containing, libAMDHSADebugAgent-x64 and the runtime libraries will be searched by the dynamic loader. You may need to add the paths to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
If the debugger does not work, ensure that you are using the version of HSADebugAgent supplied with HSA LLDB, not the one from the external HSA-Debugger-Source-AMD repository.
To launch an executable which uses the HSA runtime, just use the standard LLDB commands:
file MatrixMul
If everything is okay, you should see the kernel launching and completing.
HSAIL kernel breakpoints are set using the following command:
language hsa breakpoint set -k<kernel name> [-l<line-number>]
You can use abbreviations, like any other LLDB command
lang hsa break set -k&__OpenCL_matrixMul_kernel
la h b s -k&__OpenCL_matrixMul_kernel -l72
Kernel breakpoints can be set automatically without knowing the name of the kernel in advance. This is toggled with the following command:
language hsa breakpoint all enable
language hsa breakpoint all disable
Currently, the kernel name breakpoints can be set before the application has even been launched, but the toggle must be set post-launch. This will be fixed in the future, but for now you can just set a breakpoint on main
, toggle kernel breakpoints and continue:
break set -n main
lang hsa break all enable
Once a breakpoint has been hit, you can continue execution using the standard LLDB command
HSAIL kernel breakpoints can be disabled, enabled and removed like any other LLDB breakpoint:
break list
1: HSA kernel breakpoint for '&__OpenCL_matrixMul_kernel', locations = 1, resolved = 1, hit count = 39
1.1: address = 0x00000000000002a0, resolved, hit count = 39
break disable 1
break enable 1
break delete 1
You can execute a source-level step-over while stopped in an HSAIL kernel.
thread step-over
Step-in and step-out are not currently supported.
Currently, each thread which is displayed by LLDB is a single wavefront. Soon there will be a better way of selecting the active wavefront by supplying the relevant identifiers.
Registers, kernel arguments and OpenCL C variables can be read using the following command:
language hsa variable read -v <name> [-x<work-item x> -y<work-item y> -z<work-item z>]