- Understood and implemented the Pokémon repository from simeydotme
- implementation of sass
- [ ]
- [ ]
- [ ]
- Looking to install a Pokémon holo effect instead of the normal glare but need more experience.
- Too static—needs more effects and ambiance.
- Extrem Laggy portfolio -> Perfomance Update needed!!
- Organize img files -> Reduce Size
- chrome grid not working -> reason = Dark-mode / Custom cursor script // SOLVED
0.0.16 - Latest Updates
- Started working on the portfolio again :)
- Cleaning up some CSS and grouping using #regio and #endregio (learned from C#).
- Renamed the filter to "design," "coding," and "marketing."
- Added slider transitions and navigation dots.
- Disabled the previous visibility of Holo Effects.
- Deleted the html acard2 ID.
- Made the progress bar clickable, and the timer functionality has been updated.
0.0.15 - Previous Updates
- Updated portfolio holographic effect
- Added filter with various options
- JavaScript code refactored into smaller segments for better readability
- Cleaned up unnecessary CSS code
- Enhanced custom cursor and dark-mode script performance
- Improved performance of hamburger menu (JS/CSS)
- Added filter bar to the portfolio page
- Added footer
- Overall code improvements
0.0.14 - Previous Updates
- Improved project file management for cleaner organization
- Split style.css into multiple parts
- Implemented SASS (learned something new #Newbie)
0.0.13 - Previous Updates
- Updated cursor functionality: clicking, following, and circle effect
- Added dark-mode JSON Lottie file with switching functionality
- Working on updating holographic cards (coming soon)
- Implemented transparent header with smooth transition
0.0.12 - Previous Updates
- Improved CSS documentation
- New landing page slider with dark mode, responsive design, and dot navigation
- Implemented custom cursor with hide feature
- Added new GIFs to the landing page
0.0.11 - Previous Updates
- Integrated Quicksand font locally.
- Added Skills page.
- Included Bootstrap/FontAwesome icons.
- Fixed dark mode on the single card information on the Portfolio page.
- Updated menu text.
- CSS ascending ordering.
- Code organization improvements.
- Custom cursor implementation.
0.0.10 - Previous Updates
- New footer design.
- Simple "About Me" page added.
- Loading animation (gsap.min.js with SVG code).
- Single card new gallery.
- Improved header icons position.
- Various bug fixes.
- Layout fixes for single card.
- Local integration of JS scripts.
- Simple lightbox for gallery (single card).
0.0.9 - New Single Portfolio Page
- Clicking on cards opens /Pages/Cards/Card1.html for detailed information.
0.0.8 - Header Enhancements
- Improved header design and functionality.
- Refined icon positioning.
- New logo.
- Fixed spacing/margin/padding issues.
- Responsive toggle for menu bar.
- Animated menu.
- Logo click navigates to home.
- Scale animation added.
- Added favicon.
- Sticky header implementation.
0.0.7 - Header Structure / Menu Organization
- Established header structure.
- Organized the menu for intuitive navigation.
0.0.6 - Portfolio Card Design Refinement
- Enhanced the design of portfolio cards for aesthetics and usability.
0.0.5 - Local Font Integration
- Integrated fonts locally for improved performance and design consistency.
0.0.4 - Vanilla JavaScript / Pop-Up and Glare Effect
- Incorporated Vanilla JavaScript for functionality.
- Added pop-up feature and glare effect for enhanced user experience.
0.0.3 - Responsive Card Design
- Implemented responsive design for cards:
- Mobile: 2 rows
- Tablet: 3 rows
- PC: 4 rows
0.0.2 - GitHub Integration
- Installed GitHub and connected repository.
0.0.1 - Portfolio and Personal Website
- Began the development of the Portfolio/Home section.
- Established the foundational structure of the website and navigated through initial challenges.
- Defined Readme.md as Updates & Logs.