| 1 | +//** Created by Guyon Joris, INSERM u1029, |
| 2 | +// Bordeaux University, Pessac, Gironde, September 22, 2021 |
| 3 | +// |
| 4 | +// This macro was created to faciliate the segmentation of an object from different acquisitions in Fiji. |
| 5 | + |
| 6 | + |
| 7 | +/* |
| 8 | +version 1.0, September 22, 2021 |
| 9 | +*/ |
| 10 | + |
| 11 | +// ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
| 12 | +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 13 | +// Variable declaration |
| 14 | +// ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
| 15 | +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 16 | + |
| 17 | +var unsharp_radius = 1; |
| 18 | +var unsharp_weight = 0.6; |
| 19 | +var med_filter_radius = 0; |
| 20 | +var sift_weight = 25; |
| 21 | +var minimum_radius = 5; |
| 22 | +var maximum_radius = 5; |
| 23 | +var med_filter_radius2 = 20; |
| 24 | +var sift_weight2 = 5000; |
| 25 | +var invert_selection = false; |
| 26 | +var name; |
| 27 | +var setup_radius1 = 20; |
| 28 | +var setup_radius2 = 500; |
| 29 | +var setup_space = 20; |
| 30 | +var scale; |
| 31 | +var Add_QImage = "No"; |
| 32 | +var Method_Choice0 = "Classic "; |
| 33 | +var Method_Choice = "1 "; |
| 34 | + |
| 35 | +var URL = "https://github.com/Guyon-J/Cancer_Feature_Analysis/wiki/Welcome-to-the-Cancer-Feature-Analysis-wiki!"; |
| 36 | +var URL_Witcher = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Guyon-J/Image_segmentation/main/Images/Tool_icons/Witcher.png"; |
| 37 | +var URL_Core = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/74/Cercle_dessin_indus.png"; |
| 38 | +var URL_Sk = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Guyon-J/Image_segmentation/main/Images/Tool_icons/Sk.png"; |
| 39 | + |
| 40 | + |
| 41 | + |
| 42 | +// ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
| 43 | +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 44 | +// Action Tools and options |
| 45 | +// ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
| 46 | +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 47 | + |
| 48 | +// ----------------------------------------------------- |
| 49 | +// HELP button Tool |
| 50 | +// ----------------------------------------------------- |
| 51 | + |
| 52 | +macro "HELP Action Tool - 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"{ |
| 53 | + showMessage("1/3", "<html>" |
| 54 | + +"<h1><font color=red>Image segmentation</h1><br>" |
| 55 | + +"<font size=-2><font color=black> <br>" |
| 56 | + +"<img src="+URL_Witcher+" height="+64+" width="+64+"><br>" |
| 57 | + +"<font size=-2><font color=black> <br>" |
| 58 | + +"<font color=red>Left click:<font color=black> Apply the choosen segmentation algorithm to delineate contourn <br>" |
| 59 | + +"<font color=red>Right click:<font color=black> Open a dialog box to change parameters <br>" |
| 60 | + ); |
| 61 | + |
| 62 | + showMessage("2/3", "<html>" |
| 63 | + +"<h1><font color=red>Core segmentation</h1><br>" |
| 64 | + +"<font size=-2><br>" |
| 65 | + +"<img src="+URL_Core+" height="+64+" width="+64+"><br>" |
| 66 | + +"<font size=-2><font color=black> <br>" |
| 67 | + +"<font color=red>Left click:<font color=black> Apply the segmentation algorithm to delineate core contourn<br>" |
| 68 | + +"<font color=red>Right click:<font color=black> Open a dialog box to choose one algorithm and change parameters <br>" |
| 69 | + +"</b>" |
| 70 | + +"<h2><font color=red>In Progress...</h2><br>" |
| 71 | + ); |
| 72 | + |
| 73 | + showMessage("3/3", "<html>" |
| 74 | + +"<h1><font color=red>Vortex</h1><br>" |
| 75 | + +"<font size=-2><font color=black> <br>" |
| 76 | + +"<img src="+URL_Sk+" height="+64+" width="+64+"><br>" |
| 77 | + +"<font size=-2><font color=black> <br>" |
| 78 | + +"<font color=red>Left click:<font color=black> Skeletonize from a binary ROI (Requires having the ROI of the total area in the last position in the ROI manager)<br>" |
| 79 | + +"<font color=red>Right click:<font color=black> Direct image processing via <b>Alternative Algorithm</b> <br>" |
| 80 | + +"<font size=-2><br>" |
| 81 | + +"<font color=black> Reduce binary total area to 1 pixel wide representations <br>" |
| 82 | + +"It preserves the extent and connectivity of the original object<br>" |
| 83 | + +"Useful for feature extraction and representing object's topology<br>" |
| 84 | + +"You can dilate the skeleton with <b>Process > Binary > Dilate</b> for a better visualtion<br>" |
| 85 | + +"</b>" |
| 86 | + +"<h2><font color=red>In Progress...</h2><br>" |
| 87 | + ); |
| 88 | + |
| 89 | +} |
| 90 | + |
| 91 | +macro "HELP Action Tool Options" { |
| 92 | + run('URL...', 'url='+URL); |
| 93 | +} |
| 94 | + |
| 95 | +// ----------------------------------------------------- |
| 96 | +// Main segmentation tool |
| 97 | +// ----------------------------------------------------- |
| 98 | + |
| 99 | +macro "Image segmentation Action Tool - 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"{ |
| 100 | + Deselect_ROI(); |
| 101 | + name = getTitle(); |
| 102 | + run("Set Measurements...", "area perimeter shape redirect=None decimal=3"); |
| 103 | + |
| 104 | + if (Method_Choice0 == "Classic ") { |
| 105 | + Thresholding(); |
| 106 | + Create_selection(); |
| 107 | + } |
| 108 | + |
| 109 | + if (Method_Choice0 == "Alternative ") { |
| 110 | + Image_calculator(); |
| 111 | + Preprocessing(); |
| 112 | + Binarisation(); |
| 113 | + Postprocessing(); |
| 114 | + Create_selection(); |
| 115 | + } |
| 116 | + |
| 117 | + nROI_1 = roiManager("count")-1; |
| 118 | + roiManager("Select", nROI_1); |
| 119 | + roiManager("rename", name+"_Total_Area"); |
| 120 | + close(); |
| 121 | + setTool("freehand"); |
| 122 | + roiManager("Select", nROI_1); |
| 123 | +} |
| 124 | + |
| 125 | +macro "Image segmentation Action Tool Options" { |
| 126 | + _choix = newArray("Classic ","Alternative "); |
| 127 | + Dialog.create("Image segmentation Options"); |
| 128 | + Dialog.addRadioButtonGroup("Algorythm choice", _choix, 1, 2, Method_Choice0); |
| 129 | + Dialog.addMessage("Unsharp Mask parameters"); |
| 130 | + Dialog.addNumber("Radius", unsharp_radius); |
| 131 | + Dialog.addNumber("Weight", unsharp_weight); |
| 132 | + Dialog.addMessage("Median filter"); |
| 133 | + Dialog.addNumber("Radius", med_filter_radius); |
| 134 | + Dialog.addMessage("Particle Sift"); |
| 135 | + Dialog.addNumber("Min weight (px)", sift_weight); |
| 136 | + Dialog.addCheckbox("Invert Selection", invert_selection); |
| 137 | + Dialog.show(); |
| 138 | + Method_Choice0 = Dialog.getRadioButton(); |
| 139 | + unsharp_radius = Dialog.getNumber(); |
| 140 | + unsharp_weight = Dialog.getNumber(); |
| 141 | + med_filter_radius = Dialog.getNumber(); |
| 142 | + sift_weight = Dialog.getNumber(); |
| 143 | + invert_selection = Dialog.getCheckbox(); |
| 144 | +} |
| 145 | + |
| 146 | + |
| 147 | +// ----------------------------------------------------- |
| 148 | +// Core segmentation tool |
| 149 | +// ----------------------------------------------------- |
| 150 | + |
| 151 | +macro "Core Area Action Tool - C000D16D17D18D25D29D35D39D56D57D58D65D69D76D77D78D96D97D98D99Da5Da7Da8Db6Db7Db9Dd5Dd6Dd7Dd8Dd9De5De7De9CfffD03D04D05D06D07D08D09D0aD0bD13D14D15D19D1aD1bD23D24D26D27D28D2aD2bD33D34D36D37D38D3aD3bD43D44D45D46D47D48D49D4aD4bD53D54D55D59D5aD5bD63D64D66D67D68D6aD6bD73D74D75D79D7aD7bD83D84D85D86D87D88D89D8aD8bD93D94D95D9aD9bDa3Da4Da6Da9DaaDabDb3Db4Db5Db8DbaDbbDc3Dc4Dc5Dc6Dc7Dc8Dc9DcaDcbDd3Dd4DdaDdbDe3De4De6De8DeaDebDf3Df4Df5Df6Df7Df8Df9DfaDfbC0aeD00D0eD11D1fD20D22D2dD3dD7eD82D8fD9eDaeDc0Dc2DcdDeeDf2DfdCeebD01D0cD0fD12D1cD1eD21D2cD30D3cD3eD41D42D4cD4eD4fD51D52D5cD5dD5eD60D61D6cD6eD72D7cD7dD7fD80D81D8cD90D92D9cD9dDa1Da2DacDafDb0Db2DbcDbeDccDd1DdcDddDdeDe1De2DecDfcDffCcccDf0Cbe1D02D10D1dD2eD31D4dD50D6dD6fD71D8eD91DadDbfDc1DdfDe0DedDf1C2b4D0dD2fD32D3fD40D5fD62D70D8dD9fDa0Db1DbdDceDcfDd0Dd2DefDfe"{ |
| 152 | + Deselect_ROI(); |
| 153 | + name = getTitle(); |
| 154 | + run("Duplicate...", "title=Process"); |
| 155 | + run("16-bit"); |
| 156 | + if (Method_Choice == "1 ") { |
| 157 | + Image_calculator(); |
| 158 | + Preprocessing(); |
| 159 | + Core_Method1(); |
| 160 | + } |
| 161 | + if (Method_Choice == "2 ") { |
| 162 | + Core_Method2(); |
| 163 | + } |
| 164 | + if (Method_Choice == "3 ") { |
| 165 | + Core_Method3(); |
| 166 | + } |
| 167 | +} |
| 168 | +radio |
| 169 | + |
| 170 | +macro "Core Area Action Tool Options" { |
| 171 | + _choix = newArray("1 ","2 ","3 "); |
| 172 | + Dialog.create("Core Area parameters"); |
| 173 | + Dialog.addRadioButtonGroup("Algorythm choice", _choix, 1, 2, Method_Choice); |
| 174 | + Dialog.addMessage("--------------------------------------"); |
| 175 | + Dialog.addMessage("Radius set up: "); |
| 176 | + Dialog.addNumber("Minimum:", minimum_radius); |
| 177 | + Dialog.addNumber("Maximum:", maximum_radius); |
| 178 | + Dialog.addNumber("Median:", med_filter_radius2); |
| 179 | + Dialog.addMessage("--------------------------------------"); |
| 180 | + Dialog.addNumber("Min weight (px):", sift_weight2); |
| 181 | + Dialog.show(); |
| 182 | + Method_Choice = Dialog.getRadioButton(); |
| 183 | + minimum_radius = Dialog.getNumber(); |
| 184 | + maximum_radius = Dialog.getNumber(); |
| 185 | + med_filter_radius2 = Dialog.getNumber(); |
| 186 | + sift_weight2 = Dialog.getNumber(); |
| 187 | +} |
| 188 | + |
| 189 | + |
| 190 | +// ----------------------------------------------------- |
| 191 | +// Skeleton tools |
| 192 | +// ----------------------------------------------------- |
| 193 | + |
| 194 | +macro "Skeletonize Action Tool - C000D13D15D18D1aD1cD23D25D28D2aD2cD33D35D38D3aD3cD43D45D48D4aD4cD53D55D58D59D5aD5bD5cD63D64D65D68D75D76D77D78D87D96D97D98D99Da4Da5Da6Da9Db4Db6Db9DbaDbbDc4Dc6Dc9DcbDd4Dd6Dd9DdbDe4De6De9DebC000C111C222C333C444C555C666C777C888C999CaaaCbbbCcccCdddCeeeCfffD00D01D02D03D04D05D06D07D08D09D0aD0bD0cD0dD0eD0fD10D11D12D14D16D17D19D1bD1dD1eD1fD20D21D22D24D26D27D29D2bD2dD2eD2fD30D31D32D34D36D37D39D3bD3dD3eD3fD40D41D42D44D46D47D49D4bD4dD4eD4fD50D51D52D54D56D57D5dD5eD5fD60D61D62D66D67D69D6aD6bD6cD6dD6eD6fD70D71D72D73D74D79D7aD7bD7cD7dD7eD7fD80D81D82D83D84D85D86D88D89D8aD8bD8cD8dD8eD8fD90D91D92D93D94D95D9aD9bD9cD9dD9eD9fDa0Da1Da2Da3Da7Da8DaaDabDacDadDaeDafDb0Db1Db2Db3Db5Db7Db8DbcDbdDbeDbfDc0Dc1Dc2Dc3Dc5Dc7Dc8DcaDccDcdDceDcfDd0Dd1Dd2Dd3Dd5Dd7Dd8DdaDdcDddDdeDdfDe0De1De2De3De5De7De8DeaDecDedDeeDefDf0Df1Df2Df3Df4Df5Df6Df7Df8Df9DfaDfbDfcDfdDfeDff"{ |
| 195 | + run("Set Measurements...", "area perimeter shape redirect=None decimal=3"); |
| 196 | + getDimensions(width, height, channels, slices, frames); |
| 197 | + newImage("Skeleton_of_"+name, "8-bit white", width, height, 1); |
| 198 | + Skeletonization(); |
| 199 | + |
| 200 | +} |
| 201 | + |
| 202 | +macro "Skeletonize Action Tool Options"{ |
| 203 | + Deselect_ROI(); |
| 204 | + name = getTitle(); |
| 205 | + run("Set Measurements...", "area perimeter shape redirect=None decimal=3"); |
| 206 | + Image_calculator(); |
| 207 | + Preprocessing(); |
| 208 | + Binarisation(); |
| 209 | + Postprocessing(); |
| 210 | + run("Skeletonize"); |
| 211 | + Create_selection(); |
| 212 | + nROI_2 = roiManager("count")-1; |
| 213 | + roiManager("Select", nROI_2); |
| 214 | + roiManager("rename", name+"_Skeleton"); |
| 215 | + rename("Skeleton_of_"+name); |
| 216 | +} |
| 217 | + |
| 218 | + |
| 219 | +// ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
| 220 | +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 221 | +// Functions |
| 222 | +// ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
| 223 | +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 224 | + |
| 225 | +function Deselect_ROI(){ |
| 226 | + roiManager("deselect"); |
| 227 | + roiManager("Show All"); |
| 228 | + roiManager("Show None"); |
| 229 | +} |
| 230 | + |
| 231 | + |
| 232 | +function Image_calculator(){ |
| 233 | + // Duplicate |
| 234 | + run("Duplicate...", "title=ORI"); |
| 235 | + selectWindow("ORI"); |
| 236 | + // Convolved image |
| 237 | + run("Duplicate...", "title=CONV"); |
| 238 | + run("Convolve...", "text1=[1 1 1\n1 1 1 \n1 1 1\n] normalize"); |
| 239 | + // Sharped image |
| 240 | + selectWindow("ORI"); |
| 241 | + run("Duplicate...", "title=SHARP"); |
| 242 | + run("Unsharp Mask...", "radius="+unsharp_radius+" mask="+unsharp_weight+""); |
| 243 | + // Image calculator: CONV = CONV - SHARP |
| 244 | + imageCalculator("Subtract create 32-bit", "CONV","SHARP"); |
| 245 | + selectWindow("CONV"); |
| 246 | + close(); |
| 247 | + selectWindow("SHARP"); |
| 248 | + close(); |
| 249 | + selectWindow("ORI"); |
| 250 | + close(); |
| 251 | + selectWindow("Result of CONV"); |
| 252 | + rename("CONV-SHARP"); |
| 253 | +} |
| 254 | + |
| 255 | + |
| 256 | +function Preprocessing(){ |
| 257 | + selectWindow("CONV-SHARP"); |
| 258 | + // Lissage - reduction du bruit de fond (simple convolution en général) |
| 259 | + // Différenciation - calcul des dérivées pour mettre en évidence le contour |
| 260 | + run("Find Edges"); |
| 261 | + run("Invert"); |
| 262 | +} |
| 263 | + |
| 264 | + |
| 265 | +function Binarisation(){ |
| 266 | + selectWindow("CONV-SHARP"); |
| 267 | + setAutoThreshold("Triangle"); |
| 268 | + run("Convert to Mask"); |
| 269 | + run("Close-"); |
| 270 | + run("Fill Holes"); |
| 271 | + run("Dilate"); |
| 272 | + run("Median...", "radius="+med_filter_radius+""); |
| 273 | + run("Erode"); |
| 274 | +} |
| 275 | + |
| 276 | + |
| 277 | +function Postprocessing(){ |
| 278 | + // Elimination of small particles and on edge |
| 279 | + run("Analyze Particles...", "size="+sift_weight+"-Infinity pixel show=Masks exclude in_situ"); |
| 280 | +} |
| 281 | + |
| 282 | + |
| 283 | +function Create_selection(){ |
| 284 | + // Add to ROI manager |
| 285 | + run("Create Selection"); |
| 286 | + if (invert_selection == true) run("Make Inverse"); |
| 287 | + roiManager("Add"); |
| 288 | +} |
| 289 | + |
| 290 | + |
| 291 | +function Skeletonization(){ |
| 292 | + nROI_1 = roiManager("count")-1; |
| 293 | + roiManager("Select", nROI_1); |
| 294 | + roiManager("Fill"); |
| 295 | + run("Convert to Mask"); |
| 296 | + // Line formation |
| 297 | + run("Skeletonize"); |
| 298 | + Create_selection(); |
| 299 | + nROI_2 = roiManager("count")-1; |
| 300 | + roiManager("Select", nROI_2); |
| 301 | + roiManager("rename", name+"_Skeleton"); |
| 302 | +} |
| 303 | + |
| 304 | + |
| 305 | +function Core_Method1(){ |
| 306 | + run("Invert"); |
| 307 | + run("Median...", "radius=5"); |
| 308 | + setAutoThreshold("Minimum dark no-reset"); |
| 309 | + run("Convert to Mask"); |
| 310 | + run("Close-"); |
| 311 | + run("Invert"); |
| 312 | + |
| 313 | + run("Analyze Particles...", "size=50000-1000000 pixel show=Masks in_situ"); |
| 314 | + run("Median...", "radius="+med_filter_radius2); |
| 315 | + run("Create Selection"); |
| 316 | + run("Fit Ellipse"); |
| 317 | + roiManager("Add"); |
| 318 | + nROI = roiManager("count")-1; |
| 319 | + roiManager("Select", nROI); |
| 320 | + roiManager("Rename", name+"_Core"); |
| 321 | + close(); |
| 322 | + close(); |
| 323 | + roiManager("Select", nROI); |
| 324 | +} |
| 325 | + |
| 326 | +function Core_Method2(){ |
| 327 | + run("Maximum...", "radius="+maximum_radius); |
| 328 | + run("Minimum...", "radius="+minimum_radius); |
| 329 | + run("Median...", "radius="+med_filter_radius2); |
| 330 | + run("Subtract Background...", "rolling=25 light create"); |
| 331 | + run("Median...", "radius="+med_filter_radius2); |
| 332 | + run("Convert to Mask"); |
| 333 | + run("Analyze Particles...", "size="+sift_weight2+"-Infinity pixel circularity=0.4-1.00 show=Masks exclude in_situ"); |
| 334 | + run("Fill Holes"); |
| 335 | + run("Create Selection"); |
| 336 | + roiManager("Add"); |
| 337 | + nROI = roiManager("count")-1; |
| 338 | + roiManager("Select", nROI); |
| 339 | + roiManager("Rename", name+"_Core"); |
| 340 | + close(); |
| 341 | + roiManager("Select", nROI); |
| 342 | +} |
| 343 | + |
| 344 | +function Core_Method3(){ |
| 345 | + run("Convolve...", "text1=[1 1 1\n1 1 1\n1 1 1\n] normalize"); |
| 346 | + run("Median...", "radius="+med_filter_radius2); |
| 347 | + run("Subtract Background...", "rolling=25 light create"); |
| 348 | + run("Maximum...", "radius="+maximum_radius); |
| 349 | + setAutoThreshold("MinError no-reset"); //Otsu |
| 350 | + setOption("BlackBackground", true); |
| 351 | + run("Convert to Mask"); |
| 352 | + run("Median...", "radius="+med_filter_radius2); |
| 353 | + run("Analyze Particles...", "size="+sift_weight2+"-Infinity pixel circularity=0.40-1.00 show=Masks exclude in_situ"); |
| 354 | + run("Fill Holes"); |
| 355 | + run("Create Selection"); |
| 356 | + roiManager("Add"); |
| 357 | + nROI = roiManager("count")-1; |
| 358 | + roiManager("Select", nROI); |
| 359 | + roiManager("Rename", name+"_Core"); |
| 360 | + close(); |
| 361 | + roiManager("Select", nROI); |
| 362 | +} |
| 363 | + |
| 364 | +function TableFormat(){ |
| 365 | + Table.deleteRows(0, 1); |
| 366 | + Plot.create("Plot of Results", "x", "Mean"); |
| 367 | + Plot.add("Connected Circles", Table.getColumn("Mean", "Results")); |
| 368 | + Plot.setStyle(0, "blue,#a0a0ff,2.0,Connected Circles"); |
| 369 | + Plot.setLimits(0.0,50.0,0,60000); |
| 370 | +} |
| 371 | + |
| 372 | +function Thresholding(){ |
| 373 | + run("Duplicate...", " "); |
| 374 | + run("8-bit"); |
| 375 | + run("Subtract Background...", "rolling=20"); |
| 376 | + run("Find Edges"); |
| 377 | + setAutoThreshold("Otsu dark"); |
| 378 | + setOption("BlackBackground", true); |
| 379 | + run("Convert to Mask"); |
| 380 | + run("Close-"); |
| 381 | + run("Fill Holes"); |
| 382 | + run("Median...", "radius="+med_filter_radius); |
| 383 | + run("Analyze Particles...", "size="+sift_weight+"-Infinity pixel show=Masks exclude in_situ"); |
| 384 | +} |
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