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137 lines (110 loc) · 5.07 KB

File metadata and controls

137 lines (110 loc) · 5.07 KB


Build Status Android Arsenal

Need a resource but don't remember where to get it from: ContextCompat, ResourcesCompat, AnimationUtils, Context.resources?
Fear no more, this lib puts them all in one place! 🤩🥳


ResourcesProvider-ktx is distributed through Maven Central and Jitpack.

implementation 'com.github.guilhe:resources-provider-ktx:${LATEST_VERSION}'

Maven Central


Resources types

text(@StringRes resId: Int): CharSequence
textArray(@ArrayRes resId: Int): Array<CharSequence>
quantityText(@PluralsRes resId: Int, quantity: Int): CharSequence
string(@StringRes resId: Int): String
string(@StringRes resId: Int, vararg formatArgs: Any): String
stringArray(@ArrayRes resId: Int): Array<String>
quantityString(@PluralsRes resId: Int, quantity: Int): String
quantityString(@PluralsRes resId: Int, quantity: Int, vararg formatArgs: Any): String
integer(@IntegerRes resId: Int): Int
intArray(@ArrayRes resId: Int): IntArray
boolean(@BoolRes resId: Int): Boolean
dimension(@DimenRes resId: Int): Float
dimensionPixelSize(@DimenRes resId: Int): Int
dimensionPixelOffset(@DimenRes resId: Int): Int
drawable(@DrawableRes resId: Int): Drawable?
drawable(@DrawableRes id: Int, @StyleRes themeResId: Int): Drawable?
drawableFromAttr(@AttrRes attrResId: Int, @StyleRes themeResId: Int): Drawable?
drawableForDensity(@DrawableRes id: Int, @StyleRes themeResId: Int, density: Int): Drawable?
color(@ColorRes resId: Int): Int
color(@AttrRes attrResId: Int, @StyleRes themeResId: Int): Int
colorRes(@AttrRes attrResId: Int, @StyleRes themeResId: Int): Int
colorStateList(@ColorRes resId: Int): ColorStateList?
colorStateList(@ColorRes id: Int, @StyleRes themeResId: Int): ColorStateList?
colorStateListFromAttr(@AttrRes attrResId: Int, @StyleRes themeResId: Int): ColorStateList
font(@FontRes id: Int): Typeface?
loadAnimation(@AnimRes id: Int): Animation
resolveAttribute(@AttrRes id: Int, outValue: TypedValue, resolveRefs: Boolean): Boolean
resolveAttribute(@AttrRes id: Int, @StyleRes themeResId: Int, outValue: TypedValue, resolveRefs: Boolean): Boolean
value(@DimenRes id: Int, resolveRefs: Boolean): TypedValue
identifier(name: String, defType: String, defPackage: String): Int


You can also easily change themed attributes as the following examples:

by @ColorRes:


by @ColorInt:


by ColorStateList:

.backgroundTintList = resourcesProvider.colorStateListFromAttr(R.attr.colorPrimary,
.backgroundTintList = resourcesProvider.colorStateList(R.color.color_selector,

by drawableFromAttr:

.foreground = resourcesProvider.drawableFromAttr(android.R.attr.selectableItemBackground,


By Kotlin Extensions (View, Activity, Fragment):

class Activity : AppCompatActivity(){
    fun work() {

By Dependency Injection (ex: Dagger):
Add to your dependencies graph:

fun provideResourcesProvider(context: YourApp): ResourcesProvider{
    return ResourcesProvider(context)

Use it:

//by constructor injection
class MyClass @Inject constructor(resourcesProvider: ResourcesProvider)

//by field injection
protected lateinit var resourcesProvider: ResourcesProvider

fun work(){

Done! 😎


Bugs and Feedback

For bugs, questions and discussions please use the Github Issues.


Copyright (c) 2019-present GuilhE

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.