Hi and welcome to the github repository of the LEGO Bricks Classifier project. In this README file, the codes and repositories used for this project are shortly denoted.
- Cristian Cutitei @GrasSoft
The original LEGO Dataset (single bricks): https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/ronanpickell/b200c-lego-classification-dataset
The original LEGO Dataset (piles of bricks): https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/ronanpickell/b100-lego-detection-dataset
- this script will create a separate folder containing images from the dataset, it will randomly choose between the aforementioned functions (occlude and changeBrightness) and add it along with the original image to a separate folder.
- running this jupyter notebook file will give model results when training on the original dataset like confusion matrices, accuracy, precision and f1 score.
- running this jupyter notebook file gives results when training on the modified dataset model results like confusion matrices, accuracy, precision and f1 score.
and resnet34_occlusion_bigdataset.zip
- the zip files containing the results of resnet34 on the big dataset.
- in this script the torch classes of custom resnet18, resnet34 and resnet50 can be seen.