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Substack Post Feed Component

A small and simple responsive Substack post feed component for your website.

Note: This is in Alpha phase and not fully production ready, please watch the FAQs as some parts could change without notice.

Version: 0.0.1-Alpha

Implementation Details

This is a short explanation on how the substack rss feed component renderer can work and how it functions.

Feed Preview

An example of how the feed can render is displayed below:

Substack RSS Feed Preview


A breakdown of how the component can work and function:

Component Usage

How to use the component

The substack-posts-feed is a custom HTML element that fetches and displays an RSS feed from a specified Substack page. It's a powerful tool that allows you to integrate Substack content directly into your website.

To use this component, you need to include it in your HTML file. Here's how you can do it:

This component can be customized with several attributes:

  1. substack-page-name: This attribute is used to specify the name of the Substack page from which the RSS feed will be fetched. This is a required attribute for the component to function.
  2. show-feed-description: This attribute is a boolean that determines whether the description of the feed should be displayed. By default, it is set to false and it doesn’t need to be provided for default functionality. If you want to show the feed description, set it to true
  3. feed-error-message: This is optional and can be used to provide a custom error message when the feed fails to load
  4. feed-no-results-message: This is optional and can be used to provide a custom message when there are no results returned from the feed but the request has returned successfully
  5. feed-amount-displayed: This attribute is used to specify the number of feed items to display. By default, it is set to 6. You can adjust this number to your liking
  6. custom-css-feed: This attribute is used to provide custom CSS for the feed. Instead of a URL, you can provide inline CSS
  7. custom-css-loader: This attribute is used to provide custom CSS for the loader. You can also provide inline CSS
  8. custom-css-url: You can provide the url of a .css file and this will load that css stylesheet

Example of Full Component:

    custom-css-feed=".rss-feed { background-color: green; }"
    custom-css-loader=".rss-feed__loader { color: #ff0000; }"
    feed-error-message="There was an error loading the feed"
    feed-no-results-message="No results were found"

Replace "your-substack-page-name" with the name of your Substack page, and adjust the feed-amount-displayed attribute to the number of feed items you want to display.

You can also replace the CSS in custom-css-feed and custom-css-loader with your own CSS to customize the look of the feed and the loader.

Please note that the substack-posts-feed component must be imported into your HTML file before you can use it.

You can do this by adding a script tag pointing to the substack-carousel.js file in your HTML file:

<script src=""></script>

NOTE: The domain that you are using needs to be added to the API access or there will be errors and it will not be able to load. Please notify the admin of to be able to have your domain added to the list for access on your site.

CSS Classes

You can customize the CSS classes to target them directly, or override them in the CSS attributes of the component.

The classes that are available are below:

  • rss-feed:

    • This class is used for the main container of the feed.
      • Default: Sets the padding and color for the feed.
  • rss-feed__loader:

    • This class is used for the loading state of the feed.
      • Default: Centers the text and sets the margin.
  • rss-feed__error:

    • This class is used for the error state of the feed.
      • Default: Centers the text and sets the margin.
  • rss-feed__section-break:

    • This class is used for the section break in the feed.
      • Default: Sets the width, height, background, and margin.
  • rss-feed__default-placeholder:

    • This class is used for the default placeholder in the feed.
      • Default: Centers the text and sets the margin.
  • rss-feed__grid:

    • This class is used for the grid layout of the feed items.
      • Default: Sets the display to grid, sets the margin, and defines the grid template columns.
  • rss-feed__button:

    • This class is used for the button in the feed.
      • Default: Centers the text, sets the display to block, and sets the margin and max-width.
  • rss-feed__item-container:

    • This class is used for the container of each feed item.
      • Default: Sets the color, background, margin, text decoration, display, flex direction, align items, justify content, text align, height, border radius, padding, box shadow, and transition.
  • rss-feed__item-image-container:

    • This class is used for the image container of each feed item.
      • Default: Sets the width, height, and margin-bottom.
  • rss-feed__item-image:

    • This class is used for the image of each feed item.
      • Default: Sets the max-width, max-height, and border radius.
  • rss-feed__item-title:

    • This class is used for the title of each feed item.
      • Default: Sets the font weight and margin-bottom.
  • rss-feed__item-description:

    • This class is used for the description of each feed item.
      • Default: Sets the font size.
  • rss-feed__item-published:

    • This class is used for the published date of each feed item.
      • Default: Sets the font size, margin-bottom, and font weight.
  • no-results-message:

    • This class is used for the message displayed when there are no results.
      • Default: Centers the text and sets the font weight.
  • feed-description:

    • This class is used for the description of the feed.
      • Default: Used to control the display property of the feed description.

Coming Soon

More updates and changes are coming soon so keep posted! 😁


  • 0.0.1-Alpha: Initial testing version