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Releases: GibbonEdu/core

Tai Mo Shan (Update)

24 Jan 12:11
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v13.0.01 is a minor update which includes compatibility with Softaculous and two minor fixes. Read below for general v13.0.00 release information.

Gibbon v13.0.00 (Tai Mo Shan) features improved student application workflow for siblings, Messenger read receipts, automated Scope & Sequence and Concept Explorer for curriculum documentation, attendance by class, translatability of additional modules, new notification tray, installation requirements checking and more than 150 other fixes, tweaks and improvements.

** IMPORTANT UPDATE NOTES: 1) Direct updates from v11.0.00 and below do not work: please upgrade to v12.0.00 first, and then to v13.0.00. 2) See Changes With Important Notices in CHANGELOG.txt for other notes before upgrading. 3) Always backup your files and database before upgrading **

A huge thank you to our Senior Developer Sandra Kuipers for the huge amount of work she put into this release, and to and to our Developer Ray Clark who helped tackle some thorny issues along the way.

If you would like to volunteer to translate Gibbon to your language, please email [email protected]. A huge thank you to the ongoing efforts of our 50+ volunteer translators in preparing this new version to run in their own language.

“Tai Mo Shan (Chinese: 大帽山) is the highest peak in Hong Kong, with an elevation of 957 m. It is also the tallest coastal peak in Southern China and second tallest coastal peak in China after Mount Lao, and located at approximately the geographical centre of the New Territories. The Tai Mo Shan Country Park covers an area of 14.40 km² around Tai Mo Shan. It is located to the north of Tai Lam Country Park. It is noted to have the 35-metre high Long Falls, the highest waterfall in Hong Kong” –

Tai Mo Shan

18 Jan 12:14
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Gibbon v13.0.00 (Tai Mo Shan) features improved student application workflow for siblings, Messenger read receipts, automated Scope & Sequence and Concept Explorer for curriculum documentation, attendance by class, translatability of additional modules, new notification tray, installation requirements checking and more than 150 other fixes, tweaks and improvements.

** IMPORTANT UPDATE NOTES: 1) Direct updates from v11.0.00 and below do not work: please upgrade to v12.0.00 first, and then to v13.0.00. 2) See Changes With Important Notices in CHANGELOG.txt for other notes before upgrading. 3) Always backup your files and database before upgrading **

A huge thank you to our Senior Developer Sandra Kuipers for the huge amount of work she put into this release, and to and to our Developer Ray Clark who helped tackle some thorny issues along the way.

If you would like to volunteer to translate Gibbon to your language, please email [email protected]. A huge thank you to the ongoing efforts of our 50+ volunteer translators in preparing this new version to run in their own language.

“Tai Mo Shan (Chinese: 大帽山) is the highest peak in Hong Kong, with an elevation of 957 m. It is also the tallest coastal peak in Southern China and second tallest coastal peak in China after Mount Lao, and located at approximately the geographical centre of the New Territories. The Tai Mo Shan Country Park covers an area of 14.40 km² around Tai Mo Shan. It is located to the north of Tai Lam Country Park. It is noted to have the 35-metre high Long Falls, the highest waterfall in Hong Kong” –

Ma On Shan

20 Jun 01:07
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Gibbon v12.0.00 (Ma On Shan) features staff and student dashboards, custom string substitution, an improved markbook, PHP 7 compatibility, staff application forms, Dutch language support and more than 100 other fixes, tweaks and improvements.

** IMPORTANT UPDATE NOTE: updates via System Admin will not work for this version. Please update using the /update.php script instead. **

If you would like to volunteer to translate Gibbon to your language, please email [email protected]. A huge thank you to the some very committed, semi-anonymous translators for their Dutch translation. Dank je! Thanks also to our wider crew of translators who work hard to get each new version running in their own language.

Thanks also to our newest contributors (in particular Sandra Kuipers and Craig Rayner), and to those who attended the Gibbon Hackathon 2016.

Ma On Shan: “Ma On Shan (Chinese: 馬鞍山) is a saddle-shaped peak in east of Tolo Harbour in the New Territories of Hong Kong. With a height of 702 metres (2,303 ft), it stands among the ten highest mountains in Hong Kong. The mountain borders Sha Tin and Tai Po districts. Beneath the west face of the mountain along Tolo Harbour, the Ma On Shan new town extension, administratively part of Sha Tin, is named after the hill.” –

Tap Mun Chau

19 Jan 23:10
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Gibbon v11.0.00 (Tap Mun Chau) features longitudinal academic tracking, better formal assessment, custom user fields, more parent interfaces, improved class pages, Romanian language support and more than 100 other fixes, tweaks and improvements.

If you would like to volunteer to translate Gibbon to your language, please email [email protected]. A huge thank you to the very helpful and committed Iulian Ghetau for his Romanian translation. Mulţumesc! Thanks also to our wider crew of translators who work hard to get each new version running in their own language.

Tap Mun Chau: “Grass Island (Chinese: 塔門) or Tap Mun is an island in Hong Kong, located in the northeastern part of the territory [Hong Kong]. Its area is 1.69 km². Administratively, it is part of the Tai Po District. There are about 100 people living on the island...At its peak, Grass Island had 2,000 residents. However, many moved to the city centre to live.” –,_Hong_Kong

Sham Shui Po

25 Jun 13:42
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Gibbon v10.0.00 (Sham Shui Po) features Arabic language support, a more flexible Markbook, expense management, general and lockdown alarms, simple public account registration (for online schools), individual needs archiving, homepage Message Wall widget, and more than 50 other fixes, tweaks and improvements.

If you would like to volunteer to translate Gibbon to your language, please email [email protected]. A huge thank you to the very helpful and committed Abdul Rahman Yousef for his Arabic translation. شكرا! Thanks also to our wider crew of translators who work hard to get each new version running in their own language.

Sham Shui Po: “Sham Shui Po, is an area of Sham Shui Po District, Hong Kong, situated in the northwestern part of the Kowloon Peninsula, north of Tai Kok Tsui (大角嘴), east of Cheung Sha Wan and south of Shek Kip Mei. Sham Shui Po is known for its street market for electronic devices.” –

Sai Wan

23 Mar 11:44
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Gibbon v9.1.00 (Sai Wan) features French language support, tweaked and improved planning tools, learning outcome imports, a better Messenger management interface, new Library fields for budgeting, improved update error feedback, login-less database updating and more than 15 other minor fixes, tweaks and improvements.

If you would like to volunteer to translate Gibbon to your language, please email [email protected]. A massive thank you to the very persistent and dedicated Jean-Baptiste Tamegnon for his French translation. Merci beaucoup!

Sai Wan: “Sai Wan (西灣; lit. "West Bay") is a beach in Sai Kung, Hong Kong. To distinguish it from other bays and beaches of the same name, it is commonly known as Tai Long Sai Wan, as it is one of the four beaches of Tai Long Wan. It came first in the Hong Kong Best 10 Scenic Sites Election in 2006. However, in 2010 the beach is said to be in jeopardy after a nearby plot of greenery was cleared to make way for development.” –,_Sai_Kung

Heung Gong

04 Feb 00:47
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Gibbon v9.0.00 (Heung Gong) features Traditional Chinese language support, a brand new default look and feel, better module and theme installation, public departments, improved, automatic Google Calendar integration, more graceful timeouts, optional email notifications, integrated demo data, improved security and more than 30 other minor fixes, tweaks and improvements.

If you would like to volunteer to translate Gibbon to your language, please email [email protected]. A massive thank you to the very dedicated and amazing Jasmine Chan and Charlie Chow for their Traditional Chinese Translation. 多謝妳!

Heung Gong: “Hong Kong, A city and administrative region of southeast China on the coast southeast of Guangzhou, including Hong Kong Island and adjacent areas. Hong Kong Island was occupied by the British during the Opium War (1839-1842) and ceded to them by the Treaty of Nanking (1842)...Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty in 1997. It is a major port and a center of international commerce and banking.” –


09 Nov 11:54
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Gibbon v8.3.00 (Hoolock) features credit card payment for invoices, VLE-style unit outlines, improved Parental Dashboard, Library import, Library support for Software, greater emphasis on Outcomes, improved Markbook comments and more than 30 other minor fixes, tweaks and improvements.

If you would like to volunteer to translate Gibbon to your language, please email [email protected]. A massive thank you to our latest volunteers, who are working on translations in Arabic (Abdul Rahman Yousef), French (Jean-Baptiste Tamegnon), Indonesian (Adrian Hodson) and Romanian (Daniel Moldovan).

“Hoolocks are the second-largest of the gibbons, after the siamang. They reach a size of 60 to 90 cm and weigh 6 to 9 kg. The sexes are about the same size, but they differ considerably in coloration: males are black-colored with remarkable white brows, while females have a grey-brown fur, which is darker at the chest and neck. White rings around their eyes and mouths give their faces a mask-like appearance.” –


27 Sep 00:39
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Gibbon v8.2.00 (Trilingual) adds support for Gibbon's second non-native language: Español. It also includes system-wide notifications, room bookings, all new icons, updated TinyMCE rich text editing, cronable user management, student agreement tracking, email teachers of a student, school customisable Markbook column names, external assessment imports, improved resource insertion and more than 20 other minor fixes, tweaks and improvements.

If you would like to volunteer to translate Gibbon to your language, please email [email protected]. A massive thank you to Guillermo Bautista Fuerte for his super fast effort in completing the Español version of Gibbon.

“Trilingual: using or able to use three languages, especially with equal or nearly equal fluency.” –


24 Aug 12:15
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Gibbon v8.1.00 (Bilingual) is the first version of Gibbon to natively support a non-English language: Italiano. It also includes student homework recording, weekly parental update email, and 20 or so other minor fixes, tweaks and improvements.

If you would like to volunteer to translate Gibbon to your language, please email [email protected]. A huge thank you to Carmine Sirignano for her amazing effort in completing the Italiano version of Gibbon. Grazie Carmine!

“Bilingual: using or able to use two languages, especially with equal or nearly equal fluency.” –