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Copyright (c) 1991-2024 by the GMT Team. See LICENSE.TXT file for copying and redistribution conditions.

CMake User Guide

Build and runtime prerequisites

You need CMake (>=2.8.5) and an installation of GMT (>=5.2.0).

Information for building GMT 5 with CMake

Quick start:

Checkout the GMT extension template from its subversion repository; here we call the directory "custom":

$ [email protected]:GenericMappingTools/custom-supplements.git custom
$ cd custom
$ cp cmake/ConfigUserTemplate.cmake cmake/ConfigUser.cmake

Edit cmake/ConfigUser.cmake [see comments in the file]. Then:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ make -jx_

where x is the number of threads you want to use and depends on the number of cores in your CPU and if hyperthreading is available or not. cmake will build out-of-source in the the directory build. 'CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE' can be one of: empty, Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo or MinSizeRel

$ make -jx_ install

installs a basic custom in build/custom.

All cmake command line options such as -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX can be configured in cmake/ConfigUser.cmake.

In more detail:

For CMake related questions refer to the CMake manual which is available online:

To avoid CMake’s lengthy command line options you can create your custom ConfigUser.cmake file in the cmake directory. Simply duplicate the cmake/ConfigUserTemplate.cmake to cmake/ConfigUser.cmake and then make changes in cmake/ConfigUser.cmake. See additional comments in that file.

There are two configuration files:

  1. "ConfigDefault.cmake" — is version controlled and used to add new default variables and set defaults for everyone. You should not edit this file.

  2. "ConfigUser.cmake" — is not version controlled (currently listed in svn:ignore property) and used to override defaults on a per-user basis. There is a template file, ConfigUserTemplate.cmake, that you should copy to ConfigUser.cmake and make your changes therein.

If you want to change CMake behaviour for your build then only modify the "ConfigUser.cmake" file (not "ConfigDefault.cmake").

Invoking CMake:

CMake supports out-of-source builds and puts generated files in a completely separate directory, so that the source tree is unchanged. Trying to run CMake in the source tree will result in an error. CMake will first check for the minimal required version and then search for required and optional libraries (netCDF, PCRE, GDAL) in the default locations. The configuration step will fail if dependencies are not met. You have to ensure that CMake can find the required resources by configuring cmake/ConfigUser.cmake.

Finding GMT:

GMT is searched in FindGMT.cmake. If CMake cannot find GMT then you have to configure GMT_ROOT in cmake/ConfigUser.cmake.


$ make -jx_ install

will compile and install the shared library.

You have the choice between a monolithic installation (-DGMT_INSTALL_MONOLITHIC=ON) where everything goes into a common subdirectory or a distribution-like installation (PREFIX/bin/custom-VERSION, PREFIX/lib/custom-VERSION/).

CUSTOM is shipped as a single shared library. By default we also set "classic mode" by installing convenience links for all CUSTOM modules. New GMT users should set INSTALL_MODULE_LINKS to FALSE in cmake/ConfigUser.cmake to avoid these links.


Assuming you did not delete the build directory and that your current working directory is the build directory this is just as simple as

$ cd ..
$ svn up
$ cd -
$ make -jx_ install

CMake will detect any changes to the source files and will automatically reconfigure. If you deleted all files inside the build directory you have to run cmake again manually.


Currently, packaging with CPack works on MacOSX (Bundle, TGZ, TBZ2), Windows (ZIP, NSIS), and UNIX (TGZ, TBZ2). On Windows you need to install NSIS ( After building GMT run either one of these:

$ make package
$ cpack -G <TGZ|TBZ2|Bundle|ZIP|NSIS>

You probably also want to run cmake with -DGMT_INSTALL_MONOLITHIC=ON before creating packages.

Creating a source package:

Set CUSTOM_RELEASE_PREFIX in cmake/ConfigUser.cmake and run cmake. Then do

$ make custom_release     # export the source tree and install doc