- Game Port Default: 26000 UDP
As written in the FAQ, the default Configuration files are located in:
System | Location |
Linux | $HOME/.xonotic/data/ |
Windows | %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\xonotic\ |
MacOS | $HOME/Library/Application Support/xonotic/ |
You can start Xonotic with the startparameter '-userdir'. With this parameter, Xonotic expects in that folder a subfolder data
with the server.cfg
. For example for choosing ./xonotic-linux64-dedicated -userdir /home/xonotic/server1
your server.cfg location should be /home/xonotic/server1/data/server.cfg
A list is currently located in Xonotic Gitlab. with the following server parameters
Gametype | Servervalue | Description |
Deathmatch | dm | Classic Free for All Gamemode where the player with the most frags wins |
Team Deathmatch | tdm | Teambased Gamemode where the team with the most frags win |
Capture the Flag | ctf | Teambased Gamemode where the enemy flag has to be captured and brought back to their own base |
Clan Arena | ca | Team and Round-based Mode where the surviving team gets a point. Pickup Items are absent |
Freeze Tag | ft | Like Teamdeathmatch, where killed players are frozen and can be revived by team members. Ammo Pickups are absent |
Key Hunt | kh | Multiteam- and Roundbased Mode Mode where one player of each team gets a key and the team goal is to get all keys |
Assault | as | Team- and Round-based Mode where one Team is attacking and the other defending. Attackers try to destroy objects as fast as possible |
Domination | dom | Multiteambased Gamemode where the teams capture and control points on the map |
Last Man Standing | lms | Free for All Gamemode where you only respawn a certain amount of time |
Keepaway | ka | Free for All Gamemode where you take a ball and with that equipped frag people |
Invasion | inv | Roundbased PvE Gamemode where players fight against monsters |
Onslaught | ons | Team and Roundbased Mode where the Team tries to destroy the enemy generator |
Race | rc | Free for all Gamemode where players try to run over a track as fast as possible |
Complete the Stage | cts | Like Race Gamemode with additional Checkpoints to pass |
Nextball | nb | Team and Round-based Mode where teams try to shoot a ball to the enemy goal |
Xonotic has Custom Maps support in fileformat pk3
. Maps should be located in the data folder like server.cfg
on your dedicated Server.
Xonotic doesn't provide a Filedownloader inside the gameserver, have need to host your custommaps on HTTP Webspace and set the correct values in server.cfg
- Userdir:
-userdir /home/xonotic/server1
: addfoo.pk3
: Addsv_curl_defaulturl="http://xonotic.foo.bar"
- Put
in the HTTP Root Folder to make it accessable viahttp://xonotic.foo.bar/foo.pk3
Look at Xonotic Wiki for more infos about Custom Map Hosting
Every Server cvar can be overwritten in an starting argument, but it's recommended to setup as much as possible in server.cfg