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Releases: GTNewHorizons/TecTech
Releases · GTNewHorizons/TecTech
Full Changelog: 5.0.22...5.0.23-pre
What's Changed
- Typo by @Connor-Colenso in #70
- Use Hypogen wire for coil instead of fine wire by @miozune in #71
- Fix Samarium amount for UMV Motor by @miozune in #72
- Added recipe for parametrizer memory card by @minecraft7771 in #74
- Changed DEFC controller recipe and moved it to TecTech by @chochem in #77
- changing UIV/UMV energy hatch and dynamo to use their own SC, also nerfed stargate lol by @POPlol333 in #76
- Improved Energy Infuser by @minecraft7771 in #73
- Minor biomainframe and nano circuit computation buff by @chochem in #75
- Multiblock rotation improvement by @minecraft7771 in #78
- reduce visibility by @Glease in #80
- Partial autoplace integration by @llk89 in #79
New Contributors
- @POPlol333 made their first contribution in #76
- @llk89 made their first contribution in #79
Full Changelog: 5.0.16...5.0.22
Full Changelog: 5.0.20-pre...5.0.21-pre
Full Changelog: 5.0.19-pre...5.0.20-pre
What's Changed
- Multiblock rotation improvement by @minecraft7771 in #78
- reduce visibility by @Glease in #80
Full Changelog: 5.0.18-pre...5.0.19-pre
Full Changelog: 5.0.17-pre...5.0.18-pre
What's Changed
- Typo by @Connor-Colenso in #70
- Use Hypogen wire for coil instead of fine wire by @miozune in #71
- Fix Samarium amount for UMV Motor by @miozune in #72
- Added recipe for parametrizer memory card by @minecraft7771 in #74
- Changed DEFC controller recipe and moved it to TecTech by @chochem in #77
- changing UIV/UMV energy hatch and dynamo to use their own SC, also nerfed stargate lol by @POPlol333 in #76
- Improved Energy Infuser by @minecraft7771 in #73
- Minor biomainframe and nano circuit computation buff by @chochem in #75
New Contributors
- @POPlol333 made their first contribution in #76
Full Changelog: 5.0.16...5.0.17-pre
What's Changed
- Remove the loss from buck converters by @alexandre-tardif in #67
- Add recipes for wireless EU tech by @Connor-Colenso in #68
- Allow databanks to be daisy chained by @alexandre-tardif in #69
Full Changelog: 5.0.14...5.0.16
What's Changed
- Remove the loss from buck converters by @alexandre-tardif in #67
Full Changelog: 5.0.14...5.0.15-pre
What's Changed
- Add a recipe for the Front rotation tool by @alexandre-tardif in #63
- Allow xsmds for wetwaremainframe by @chochem in #66
- UMV part usage by @Connor-Colenso in #65
- Fix Ender fluid link cover saving data so it doesn't shift fluid when updating by @alexandre-tardif in #62
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 5.0.13...5.0.14