Auxiliary Qt project to design and test the UI of the RTHybrid Plot Tool
> Read RTHybrid principal project to use and cite this work
For more information about RTHybrid please check out:
Note: Stable code of this repository is included in RTHybrid and is the one to use
- Qt Creator is use to design rth_plot/mainwindow.ui
- With the .ui file plot_lib/ is created:
pyuic5 rth_plot/mainwindow.ui -o plot_lib/
- plot_main.pyw manage the interface and call plot_lib/ (the final program)
- plot_lib/ contains also the rest of the code use for plots
Instructions for devs, Plot Tool is included by default in full RTHybrid program.
Just copy these files in RTHybrid root folder:
- plot_main.pyw
- /plot_lib folder
- Qt5
- Python libraries (matplotlib, pandas, numpy...). All included in Anaconda