- fix: auto-zoombox accidentally extended user defined bbox geometry
- feat: add automatic zoom to features for bbox, circle and free polygon selections like for boundaries (#61)
- build: add deployment scripts for TEST and PROD deployment (#54)
- feat: (oqapi, attribute-completeness): Allow definition of custom attributes (#50)
- upgrade to Semantic-UI 2.5.0
- compatible with api.quality.ohsome.org (OQAPI) >= v1.8.0
- feat: (oqapi, attribute-completeness): Allow selection of multiple attributes (#47)
- updated to angular v18
- compatible with api.quality.ohsome.org (OQAPI) >= v1.7.0
- fix: accidentially deleted too much code during cleanup at commit b755d545
- support parameterization of the attribute completeness indicator via simple (topic-dependent) dropdown box
- Choose query start date automatically based on end date and period (PR #33)
- Display message panel for announcements in a more prominent color (PR #41)
- fix: backend-errors-not-displayed #37
- test: exclude mock data files from code duplication analysis on sonarcloud
- fix: show-banner-on-dashboard-startup-when-ohsome-api-is-down #12
- test: exclude *.spec.ts files from sonarcloud coverage reports
- updated to angular v17
- fix: building comparison data coverage shows too much area as covered (e.g. Bremen) #29
- fix: indicator result not showing results on completion 3809ead
- fix: requesting to many aois shifts page #16
- fix: share link of the result is changed when selecting new properties in query form PR #24
- feat(oqapi): prepare possibility to show coverage polygon for topic-indicator combination PR #21
- fix(dependencies): update angular to v16.2.5
- change quality analysis domain
- feat: add dynamic announcement banner with content from statuspage #10
- feat: display user info in case oqt service is unavailable !8
- fix: accept empty parameters from permalink hash #3
- feat: add link to github repo #1
- chore: upgrade to angular 16 and other dependency upgrades
- release: license adjustment from AGPL to GPL 46e3ff3
- feat: a lot of little css and layout changes
- release: add LICENCE file for AGPL-3.0
- feat: make blue admin labels clickable to deselct features
- feat: make permalinks work with admin boundaries
- refactor: major restucturing of classes and modules
- feat: improve responsiveness for small mobile devices
- feat: display new boundary layer with more admin levels (2-8)
- feat: add prism.js syntax highlighting rules for
ohsome filter
language - feat: integration of OQT (the ohsome quality analyst) in a new query panel and special oqt indicator results
- refactor: pull out ohsome-API Form into seperate sub-component
- refactor: remove outdated ShareResult from code
- chore: upgraded angular from v7 to v15 and all related project libraries
- refactor: integrate ohsome-dashboard-ng library to reduce dependencies
- build: switch from
package manager - build: remove outdated external dependency ng2-scroll-to-el and replace with angular-native solution
- build: upgraded to angular@7
- Implement share links for query results, except for admin boundaries
- Display "empty result" message if (groupBy/tag) result is empty
- Don't show
in result when using an empty filter
- remove deprecated ohsome API params
from simple filter dialog
- fix naming in time interval component
- improve responive design for small devices for charts and results table esp. for groupBy results
- Resolved: result tables not displayed correct when list of group by values is long
- integrate OSHDB filter functionality
- remove-external-fonts-to-avoid-data-protection-issues
- fix failing download of results
- change contact information
- remove survey note
- add survey note
- update header and footer data
- tidy up code
- first release of dashboard with an ohsome API 0.9.7 compatible version