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Studioz App Frontend

This repository contains the client-side code for the Studioz application, built using React, TypeScript, Tanstack Query, Vite, Auth0, Cloudinary API, and various other libraries for state management, routing, forms and more.

Getting Started

To get the frontend of the Studioz app up and running, follow these steps.


Ensure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Node.js (v16.x or higher)
  • Vite (Vite is used for building and serving the app)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd studioz-app-frontend
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install

Set up Environment Variables

The app requires several environment variables for configuration. You can find an example in the .env.example file. To get started, create a .env file in the root of your project by copying .env.example:

cp .env.example .env

Fill in the values for the environment variables in your .env file. Here's an explanation of each:

VITE_NODE_ENV: The environment in which the app is running (development, production).

VITE_AUTH0_DOMAIN: The domain for your Auth0 application.

VITE_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID: The client ID for your Auth0 application.

VITE_CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME: Your Cloudinary cloud name for managing image uploads.

VITE_CLOUDINARY_UPLOAD_PRESET: Cloudinary preset used for media uploads.

VITE_CLOUDINARY_API_KEY: API key for your Cloudinary account.

VITE_CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET: API secret for your Cloudinary account.

VITE_CLOUDINARY_CLOUDINARY_URL: The full Cloudinary URL for media management.


Here are the available scripts you can use from the package.json file:

Start the Development Server: Runs the app locally in development mode.

npm start

Build the App: Builds the project for production. This compiles the TypeScript and bundles the app using Vite.

npm run build

Preview the Build: After running the build command, you can preview the production build.

npm run preview

Running the Application: Start the development server, By default, the Vite dev server will start on http://localhost:5173.

npm start

Build and run the production version:

npm run build

Folder Structure

src/: Contains the source code for the frontend.

public/: Static assets like images, icons, and the index.html file.

dist/: Contains built assets, redirects, and an index.html


Developed by Darnell Green.