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function BR=xbr(Rp,Zp,Rc,Zc,Sc)%% Compute radial field%% function BR=xbr(Rp,Zp,Rc,Zc,Sc);% compute BR(T) at the points (Rp,Zp) due to unit currents (A) in (Rc,Zc) with area Sc% BR(length(Rp),length(Rc)): each row refers to a point, each column to a coil% RR = Rp*ones(size(Rc')); ZZ = Zp*ones(size(Zc')); rr = ones(size(Rp))*Rc';zz = ones(size(Rp))*Zc';ss = ones(size(Rp))*Sc';RA = RR+rr; % RAij= Ri+rjDR = RR-rr; % DRij= Ri-rjDZ = ZZ-zz; % DZij= Zi-zjD2 = DR.*DR+DZ.*DZ+eps;R2Z = RR.*RR+DZ.*DZ;K2 = 4*(Rp*Rc')./(RA.*RA+DZ.*DZ);KI = sqrt(RA.*RA+DZ.*DZ);[K,E]= ellipke(K2);BR =-0.2e-6*(DZ./RR).*(K-(R2Z+rr.*rr)./D2.*E)./KI;BR(RR==0) = 0;inear = find(D2<ss/pi & D2 ~= eps);if isempty(inear)==0; disp('some points near to coils!'); BR(inear) = 2e-7*pi*DZ(inear)./ss(inear);endising = find(D2 == eps);if isempty(ising)==0; disp('+++ WARNING: some point overlaps with coil centre +++'); BR(ising) = 0;end%%return