Slides and Videos 2012 Pat Morgan: Theory of Leaf-Level Gas Exchange Measurements 2012 Carl Bernachhi: Chloroplast and Leaf-Level Flux Modeling Paul Stoy: Penman-Monteith Leaves to Canopies Russ Monson: Infamous stick lecture Larry Jacobsen: Eddy Covariance Instrumentation George Burba: Eddy Flux Instrumentation - Gas Analyzers Marcy Litvak: Fluxes Across Ecological Gradients 2012 Dan Yakir: Stable Isotopes and Other Tracers to Complement Flux Measurements Dave Bowling: Stable Carbon Isotopes of Carbon Dioxide in Ecosystem Science Dennis Baldocchi: Integrating Information on 'Biosphere Breathing' from Chloroplast to the Globe Dave Moore: Combining Models with Data: Models, Validation and Data Assimilation Tristan Quaife: Remote Sensing for Carbon Cycle Science 2012 John Zobitz: A Hitchhiker's Guide to Data Assimilation in the Ecological Sciences Dave Moore: Data Assimilation Using Ecosystem Models Mike Dietz & Ankur Desai: The PEcAn Project: Feedbacks Between Models and Data Dave Schimel: Chalk Talk 2012 - The Global Carbon Cycle Deborah Huntzinger: Regional Estimates of Land-Atmosphere Carbon Exchange Rosie Fisher: The Representation of Space and Stochasticity in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models Andy Fox: Informing Land Surface Models with Data - Scaling from Sites to the Continent 2013 Diane Pataki: What's the Big Deal About Isotopes Anyway? Ray Leuning: Introduction To Measuring Fluxes Over Land Using Eddy Covariance Dario Papale: When Collaboration Makes the Difference: Examples From FLUXNET Ray Leuning: Communicating Science with the Public Russ Monson: Eddy Flux Measurements in Complex Terrain: the Ogre in the Closet 2015 Andrew Leakey: Measurement, analysis and interpretation of leaf photosynthetic gas exchange James Kathilankal: Gas Analyzers, Theory and Maintenance, and Site Intercomparisons Kim Novick: Energy Balance and Evapotanspiration Russ Monson: C4 Photosynthesis: A Historical Perspective and Associated General Lessons in Science Pat Morgan: Theory of Leaf-Level Gas Exchange Measurements 2015 Ankur Desai: You have NEE: Now what? Marcy Litvak: Fluxes Across Ecological Gradients 2015 Ed Swiatek: Eddy Covariance Instrumentation Tristan Quaife: Remote Sensing for Carbon Cycle Science 2015 Russ Monson: The Eddy Flux