- feat: Add possibility to customise service type created for project deployment (#207) @ppawlowski
- Bump jsonpath-plus from 10.2.0 to 10.3.0 (#206) @app/dependabot
- Only restart active MQTT Agents (#204) @hardillb
- Add node selector to mqtt-schema-agent (#202) @hardillb
- Fix await when polling mqtt-schema-agent status (#201) @hardillb
- Add test to see if 3rd party broker table is present (#200) @hardillb
- Add better logging for when running on OpenShift (#199) @hardillb
- Mqtt schema agent (#198) @hardillb
- feat: Add possibility to specify custom pod security context (#197) @ppawlowski
- Bump flowfuse/github-actions-workflows from 0.36.0 to 0.38.0 (#194)
- Bump cross-spawn from 7.0.3 to 7.0.6 (#193) @app/dependabot
- Bump jsonpath-plus and @kubernetes/client-node (#192) @app/dependabot
- Bump flowfuse/github-actions-workflows from 0.34.0 to 0.36.0 (#187)
- Bump flowfuse/github-actions-workflows from 0.30.0 to 0.34.0 (#185) @app/dependabot
- Bump flowfuse/github-actions-workflows from 0.29.0 to 0.30.0 (#181) @app/dependabot
- Bump flowfuse/github-actions-workflows from 0.28.0 to 0.29.0 (#180) @app/dependabot
- Bump flowfuse/github-actions-workflows from 0.1.0 to 0.28.0 (#179) @app/dependabot
- Remove extra console.log (#177) @hardillb
- First pass at file api for k8s (#175) @hardillb
- Ensure full count of EFS AccessPoints (#176) @hardillb
- Bump fast-xml-parser and @aws-sdk/client-efs (#174) @dependabot
- Bump tibdex/github-app-token from 1 to 2 (#155) @app/dependabot
- Bump ws from 8.13.0 to 8.18.0 (#168) @app/dependabot
- Update release-publish.yml to use NodeJS 18 (#170) @hardillb
- Bump JS-DevTools/npm-publish from 2 to 3 (#157) @app/dependabot
- Persistent storage (#163) @hardillb
- ci: Bump build_node_package workflow to 0.14.0 (#161) @ppawlowski
- Custom Hostname support (#151) @hardillb
- Bump actions/setup-node from 1 to 4 (#159) @app/dependabot
- Bump actions/checkout from 1 to 4 (#158) @app/dependabot
- Enable dependabot for github actions (#154) @ppawlowski
- Revert "Add support for user set health check interval" (#152) @Steve-Mcl
- Add support for user set health check interval (#150) @Steve-Mcl
- Fix memory addition (#148) @hardillb
- Allow pods to use 128m extra memory for npm (#145) @hardillb
- Bump tar from 6.1.15 to 6.2.1 (#147) @app/dependabot
- Remove legacy code that is not used anymore (#144) @hardillb
- Bump jose from 4.14.4 to 4.15.5 (#142) @app/dependabot
- Make NR pods run on OpenShift (#140) @hardillb
- Rename default stack container (#138) @hardillb
- Add log passthrough support (#136) @hardillb
- Fix containers resource requests missing last s (#135) @hardillb
- Typo, extra
in option name (#133) @hardillb
- Add support for using cert manager (#131) @hardillb
- #3174: Enable Multi-Core CPU Support for Node-RED Projects (#129) @elenaviter
- Update npm-publish action version to v2 (#127) @ppawlowski
- Update to flowfuse npm scope (#126) @knolleary
- Pin reusable workflows to v0.1.0 (#123) @ppawlowski
- Force Resource limits to Strings (#122) @hardillb
- Run promises in order (#115) @hardillb
- Expose mem/cpu limits (#119) @hardillb
- Update ff references in package.json (#117) @knolleary
- Change repo references in workflows after github org rename (#113) @ppawlowski
- Publish nightly package to npmjs (#112) @ppawlowski
- Pin reusable workflow to commit SHA (#111) @ppawlowski
- Disable scheduled package build (#110) @ppawlowski
- Add flowforge container build dispatch in the node package build pipeline (#108) @ppawlowski
- Bump kubernetes client (#107) @hardillb
- Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.5 (#105) @app/dependabot
- FIX: Publish package on schedule (#104) @ppawlowski
- FIX: Allow publish only when changes are pushed to
branch (#103) @ppawlowski
- Fix editor path (#101) @hardillb
- Introduce package publish pipeline (#99) @ppawlowski
- Move to CluserIP (#100) @hardillb
- Remove evreything on suspend (#98) @hardillb
- Added support for annotation substitutions (#95) @dfulgham
- Editors: allow optional service account linkage (#92) @elenaviter
- Chore: Set root flag in eslint (#93) @Pezmc
- Support for changing the base domain (#88) @hardillb
- Add package-lock.json (#89) @Pezmc
- HA: multiple instance replicas (#85) @hardillb
- Log failures if not restarting susspended project (#86) @hardillb
- Editor configuration from process environment (#80) @andreikop
- Add Support for Private Certificate Authorities (#78) @hardillb
- Fix deployment state (#72) @hardillb
- Remove ALB annotations (#74) @hardillb
- Pod to deployment gradual (#71) @hardillb
- Add getDefaultStackProperies (#63) @hardillb
- Env Var values must be strings (#64) @hardillb
- Add flags to inhibit TCP/UDP inbound connections (#60) @Steve-Mcl
- Only set the nodeSelector if in options (#62) @hardillb
- Improve project status & detail reporting to frontend (#58) @Steve-Mcl
- Update eslint rules (#57) @knolleary
- Force container to run as UID 1000 (#56) @hardillb
- Prefix service names if they start with a number (#53) @hardillb
- Make use of project.safename (#51) @hardillb
- Add licenseType to launcher env (#48) @knolleary
- Add FORGE_BROKER_* credentials to launcher env (#44) @knolleary
- add env var FORGE_TEAM_ID (#47) @Steve-Mcl
- Add startup check for status (#45) @hardillb
- Map FlowForge logout to nodered auth/revoke (#39) @Steve-Mcl
- Throw proper errors when actions performed on unknown project (#40) @knolleary
- Add FORGE_NR_SECRET env if project has credSecret set (#38) @knolleary
- Add description to stack properties (#36) @hardillb
- Ensure latest version of contianer is always pulled (#33) @hardillb
- Fix ingress annotations on AWS (#30) @hardillb
- Deal with project not in internal cache (#29) @hardillb
- Update to new driver api and lifecycle (#27) @knolleary
- Update project automation (#28) @knolleary
- Fix typo in pod limits (#25) @hardillb
- Fix CPU % Validator regex (#23) @hardillb
- Allow Node selectors to be set in flowforge.yml (#22) @hardillb
- Only add AWS Ingress annotation on AWS (#21) @hardillb
- Restart missing projects (#12) @hardillb
- Add stack support (#16) @hardillb
- Stop driver setting baseURL/forgeURL (#17) @knolleary
- Automate npm publish on release (#15) @hardillb
- Bump kube client version to pick up deps (#13) @hardillb
- add Shutdown hook (#11) @hardillb
- Add CPU/Memory limits to projects (#10) @hardillb
- Match url schema to base_url (#9) @hardillb
- Add project to ALB group (#8) @hardillb