- docs: Remove unused configuration keyfrom README.md (#124) @ppawlowski
- Mqtt agent support for Docker (#121) @hardillb
- feat: Use docker volume as persistent storage backend for project instances (#123) @ppawlowski
- Log the correct Stack Name when pulling image (#116) @hardillb
- Add "unless-stopped" flag to Instance containers (#115) @hardillb
- both storage options required (enabled & path) (#111) @hardillb
- First pass files api for docker (#108) @hardillb
- Update README.md (#109) @hardillb
- Fix logPassthrough (#106) @knolleary
- Persistent storage - Docker (#103) @hardillb
- Fix LOG_PASSTHROUGH (#104) @hardillb
- Fix network selection if more than one network labeled 'flowforge' (#102) @hardillb
- Update release-publish.yml to use NodeJS v18 (#101) @hardillb
- Bump JS-DevTools/npm-publish from 2 to 3 (#96) @app/dependabot
- Bump actions/checkout from 1 to 4 (#98) @app/dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-node from 1 to 4 (#97) @app/dependabot
- Enable dependabot for github actions (#95) @ppawlowski
- Fix privateCA mount (#94) @hardillb
- Only pull stack container if missing (#89) @hardillb
- Fix loading private CA certs in Instances (#87) @hardillb
- Pull missing Stack containers on first use (#85) @hardillb
- Change default stack container (#84) @hardillb
- Add log passthrough support (#82) @hardillb
- #3174: Enable Multi-Core CPU Support for Node-RED Projects (#79) @elenaviter
- Update npm-publish action version to v2 (#78) @ppawlowski
- Update npm package scope (#77) @knolleary
- Add support for Private CA (#75) @hardillb
- Expose cpu/mem limits (#73) @hardillb
- Update ff references in package.json (#72) @knolleary
- Reusable workflow reference name change (#71) @ppawlowski
- Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.5 (#68) @app/dependabot
- Fix editor path (#66) @hardillb
- Chore: Set root flag in eslint (#63) @Pezmc
- Allow hosting domain to be changed (#60) @hardillb
- Add package-lock.json (#61) @Pezmc
- Fix Delete suspended projects (#57) @hardillb
- Add getDefaultStackProperies (#46) @hardillb
- Add flags to inhibit TCP/UDP inbound connections (#45) @Steve-Mcl
- Add guard for deleting suspended projects (#44) @hardillb
- Add LetsEncypt env var if https enabled
- Update eslint (#42) @knolleary
- Use project.safeName (#37) @hardillb
- Add licenseType to launcher env (#34) @knolleary
- add env var FORGE_TEAM_ID (#33) @Steve-Mcl
- Better start up exp 586 (#32) @hardillb
- Add FORGE_BROKER_* credentials to launcher env (#30) @knolleary
- Fix log call when revoking Node-RED sessions (#29) @knolleary
- Map FlowForge logout to nodered auth/revoke (#24) @Steve-Mcl
- Throw proper errors when actions performed on unknown project (#25) @knolleary
- Add FORGE_NR_SECRET env if project has credSecret set (#23) @knolleary
- Add Stack Properties descriptions (#21) @hardillb
- Update to use new container driver API (#17) @knolleary
- Fix validator regex for CPU % (#16) @hardillb
- Update project automation (#18) @knolleary
- Stop driver setting baseURL/forgeURL (#14) @knolleary
- Add Stack support (#13) @hardillb
- Automate npm publish on release (#12) @hardillb
- Update deps for security issues (#10) @hardillb
- Add shutdown hook (#9) @hardillb
- Make project URL schema match base_url (#8) @hardillb
- Add project workflow automation (#6) @knolleary