@ehogan @LisaBock @rswamina @remi-kazeroni @SarahAlidoost @hb326
- Discuss @ledm's Idea about introducing esmvaltool to general public (will be discussed in the next meeting)
- Action/Discussion Items from the ESMValTool Workshop (June 2020):
a. Ensure that the ReadtheDocs page is consistent with the tutorial to clearly show the basic installation vs more advanced installation methods.
b. Prepare and send out a first survey to the user base to get feedback on ESMValTool and the tutorial.
c. Add a lesson on guidelines to deliver different kinds of tutorials and format suggestions:
i. Include how post-it notes can be used at in-person tutorials for anonymous feedback at the end of each session and how Mentimeter can be used the same way for online tutorials.
ii. Provide any recordings available - for new users as well as for those delivering tutorials.
iii. Have a page for tutorial instructors - once we decide on the different types of tutorials etc. offer some guidelines so there is consistency across delivery.
d. Logistics of tutorial delivery - As the number of attendees/tutorial increase, it is becoming challenging to create user accounts for tutorials.
e. Consider incorporating Monitoring recipes in the tutorial as examples. - Feedback from the ESMValTool workshop for IS-ENES3 (Rémi)
- Use esmvaltool.org subdomain for the tutorial (like tutorial.esmval.tool.org) - see #150
- Add a "quick start guide" episode (Emma) - see #245
- How we could get more insights on who’s using the tool and what for…
- Potentially move this document to the Github page?
- Required updates of episodes: “Installation guide” (@rswamina will open new issue), “Debugging” and “Writing your own diagnostic” (@SarahAlidoost opened issues: #255, #254)
- For each release we will assign 1-2 members of the UET to check whether and which updates of the tutorial are required.
- Survey to the user base: colleague of @SarahAlidoost will create survey which we could use as template and we will discuss/iterate that when available
- Provide additional support for tutorial instructors.
a. Add link to Instructor Notes on the first page of the tutorial.
b. Add guidelines to deliver different kinds of tutorials to the Instructor Notes and link to a survey (Google form) (see issue #256, @remi-kazeroni)
c. Collect introduction slides (pdf file) on GitHub - Community repository (ppt and tex files could be provided upon request)
- @hb326 raised the idea that a general (short) presentation of the ESMValTool would be nice (could be placed on the ESMValTool website)
- Instructions for using the ESMValTool on a personal computer (machine-independent) are missing. This could help if tutorial participants do not have accounts on DKRZ/Jasmin/…And this is a common point at tutorial feedback. → discussion with other ESMValTool teams should follow
- Add monitoring lesson to tutorial (open issue, not yet assigned)
- Feedback from the ESMValTool workshop for IS-ENES3 (@remi-kazeroni): 25 participants from all over the world, worked very well, feedback from 9 participants (@remi-kazeroni sent feedback summary to the UET team)
- We agreed on “Tutorial.esmval.tool.org” as subdomain (see #150) "quick start guide" episode (@ehogan): see PR #252, additional comments are welcome
- We decided to move the minutes of the UET meetings to the community repository (@rswamina)
- @ehogan will start a discussion about adding a lesson to the tutorial for users about how to react when updating the ESMValTool to a new version (backward compatibility)