- Alistair Sellar
- Axel Lauer
- Saskia Loosveldt-Tomas
- Ranjini Swaminathan
- Bouwe Andela
- Birgit Hassler
- Standing items:
- Actions from previous meetings
- Update on funding proposals
- Updates from (ESMValTool and wider) community discussions
- Next workshop
- Consortium agreement
- Enacting our policy on inactive GitHub developers (no activity for more than one year): remove inactive people from all core/lead teams on GitHub (Axel to introduce)
- Governance checklist: (Bouwe to introduce)
- Axel: Strategy of reclassifying tier 3 datasets to tier 2 for which we have permission from the data providers to do so
- Discuss practicalities for the 1 FTE commitment, recognizing that funding is unpredictable and variable in time
Managing connections and dealing with knowledge gaps when personnel move: a. Sub-teams need to discuss and plan towards this. We also need to build capacity.
Tech-lead team: This has been discussed in the tech lead team, but DLR and BSC were not present so we will have further discussions at the next meeting. User-engagement team: Ranjini feels that tasks are shared across most members of the UET so the knowledge gaps are managed that way. Science lead team: Axel feels this is less of an issue for the science lead team as there are no dedicated tasks for individual people that impact the whole community.
b. Bouwe to invite partners from ACCESS-NRI to Tech Team meetings.
They joined the tech lead team.
ESMValTool Strategy document: everyone to provide input to the documents as well.
Alistair: Strategy has been shared with ESA. Ranjini: Collaboration with obs4MIPs for sharing CMORized data is taking shape. Leave the action open for the next meeting because everyone is busy writing other proposal(s).
Obs data versioning: Technical team to discuss GitHub issue #3452
Bouwe: left feedback on the issue an pull request. Axel: more technical questions, Alistair suggests having a meeting to discuss this. Axel and Bouwe will have a meeting.
Birgit to propose to Forrest that Ag and Carston are invited to the next fixes meeting with Carlo, et al.
Postponed to next meeting
Birgit to ask Klaus about SMHI representative on steering group
Postponed to next meeting
Alistair to contact BSC again to suggest that they propose an interim attendee at proto-Steering group meetings.
Saskia is back
(New standing action) Note-taker to share hackmd page with group for checking and then publish to (via a PR)
Alistair to publish notes from previous proto-Steering group meetings
Alistair will do this soon
Proposal on collabotion with African researchers in preparation.
Ranjini: AI4PEX project is starting in April (DLR, UREAD, SMHI)
Meeting notes are available from the community repository.
Alistair notes that it is important to consider maintainance of infrastructure (such as testing, tutorial, releases, etc) as part of proposals. Bouwe recommends writing releases as deliverables to ensure that they happen. Ranjini suggests writing guidance for writing proposals. This guidance should include any form of technical support (which almost always is necessary) even if ESMValTool personnel are primarily involved in the science diagnostic development. This guidance should include estimated PMs for task categories. Alistair, Ranjini, and Bouwe will prepare a draft.
Tech lead team has trouble finding release managers, release manager for an April release, but no release planned after that.
Axel: preparations for the spring workshop at DLR/hybrid are progressing nicely. It's time to start drafting the agenda. Input appreciated.
Alistair: Met Office offers to organize the next workshop in Autumn. This will be a fully remote workshop. Everyone agrees.
Alistair: finding a legal wording that all insitututes can agree with is taking time.
Axel proposes to start enacting our no-activity policy and email people who did not contribute to ESMValTool within the last two years informing them that they will lose their tech/science/user-engagement team membership if there are no signs of life e.g. until the next release.
Bouwe suggests to remove the core team, only keep the science/tech/user-engagement teams, as these are the teams set out in our governance. Science and tech lead teams should have merge rights on ESMValCore and ESMValTool.
Bouwe suggests removing the names and email addresses from the 'esmvaltool' startup message and just replace those by the 'ESMValTool development team' and the user-engagement team email address.
Alistair suggests discussing this on GitHub. Axel will open a discussion item on GitHub to gather feedback from the community.
- Alistair to invite ACCESS-NRI to the proto-steering group
- Everyone: ESMValTool Strategy document: everyone to provide input to the document.
- Birgit to propose to Forrest that Ag and Carsten are invited to the next fixes meeting with Carlo, et al.
- Birgit to ask Klaus about SMHI representative on steering group
- Alistair to schedule a meeting to write proposal guidance. (Please see discussion notes above when working on this action item).
- Axel: gather input to prepare agenda for spring workshop
- Axel: move no-longer active members discussion forward
- Alistair to publish notes from previous proto-Steering group meetings