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2024-01-16 Proto-steering group meeting


  • Birgit Hassler
  • Alistair Sellar
  • Axel Lauer
  • Ranjini Swaminathan
  • Bouwe Andela
  • Klaus Zimmerman

Apologies: Saskia Loosveldt Tomas


  1. Standing item: actions from previous meetings
  2. Update on funding proposals
  3. Next workshop
  4. Consortium agreement

Action Items from Last Meeting

  1. Managing connections and dealing with knowledge gaps when personnel move:

    1. Sub-teams need to discuss and plan towards this. We also need to build capacity.
      • No updates since last meeting due to holidays
    2. Bouwe to invite partners from ACCESS-NRI to Tech Team meetings.
      • Pending next tech team meeting
    3. Alistair to email Bryan and Fanny to suggest that Bouwe to replaces Klaus on the ENSE-RI Data Task Force.
      • Complete. Proposal relayed to recent meeting of the team. It was positively recieved by those present, and will proceed through the formal process of membership nomination.
      • The DTF have decided that ENES-related proposal to Horizon Europe Research Infrastructures call will not go ahead.
    4. Ranjini to email Jeremy for updates and to be kept in the loop on Data task force activities (either Europe/ENES or UK based).
      • Complete
  2. ESMValTool Strategy document

    1. Alistair to set up two doodle polls for scheduling a writing session for the two strategy documents - one for ESA in the short term and one for the longer term strategy document.
      • Complete
    2. Everyone to provide input to the documents as well.
  3. Obs data versioning

    1. Technical team to discuss GitHub issue #3452
      • Pending Tech team meeting
  4. Next workshop

    1. Birgit to announce dates for a hybrid workshop hosted by DLR.
      • Complete. Workshop will be 27-29 May.

Community meetings

Birgit & Bouwe met with Forrest Hoffman (ORNL) & Carlo Buentempo (Copernicus Climate Change Service) and others about the proposal for a shared fixes package. Carlo is keen to engage with this effort and there is potential for some funding.

Related discussion on reducing errors in the first place. Potential for ESGF developments to help modelling centres publish fewer metadata errors, by improving checks performed in the publication process. We should aim to tackle both ends, reduce errors but accept that there will always be some errors that need fixing.

Another meeting with this group is scheduled for February. ACTION: Birgit to propose to Forrest that Ag and Carsten are invited to the next fixes meeting with Carlo, et al.

Update on funding proposals

A WP development meeting is taking place tomorrow on the HE RI Africa proposal. Discussion highlightedthe need for flexibility is use of ESMValTool/Core within the project: even use of the preprocessors for further analysis would add value.

ESA CLIMATE-SPACE ITT theme 3 (combining models and observations) planned for release in Q2 2024.

NLeSC is now the sole contributer to the ESiWACE3 service project on Dask & ESMValTool.

Next workshop

Dates are fixed. Planning is underway for logistics and agenda. For the agenda, we discussed the balance of training & science implementation vs technical discussions, and the balance of doing vs discussing. Perhaps push the team meetings to the mornings.

In general, aim to announce the date for workshop N+1 during or immediately after workshop N. Therefore should try and agree the N+1 host in advance of workshop N.

Consortium agreement

ACTION: Birgit to ask Klaus about SMHI representative on steering group

Some discussion about the transparency of process around partners nominating new representatives for the Steering Group.

Actions log resulting from this meeting

  1. Managing connections and dealing with knowledge gaps when personnel move: a. Sub-teams need to discuss and plan towards this. We also need to build capacity. b. Bouwe to invite partners from ACCESS-NRI to Tech Team meetings.

  2. ESMValTool Strategy document b. Everyone to provide input to the documents as well.

  3. Obs data versioning: Technical team to discuss GitHub issue #3452

  4. Birgit to propose to Forrest that Ag and Carsten are invited to the next fixes meeting with Carlo, et al.

  5. Birgit to ask Klaus about SMHI representative on steering group

  6. Alistair to contact BCS again to suggest that they propose an interim attendee at proto-Steering group meetings.

  7. (New standing action) Note-taker to share hackmd page with group for checking and then publish to (via a PR)

  8. Alistair to publish notes from previous proto-Steering group meetings

Remaining backlog of agenda items

  1. Standing item: actions from previous meetings
  2. Enacting our policy on inactive GitHub developers (no activity for more than one year): remove inactive people from all core/lead teams on GitHub (Axel to introduce)
  3. Governance checklist: (Bouwe to introduce)
  4. Axel: Discussing strategy of reclassifying tier 3 datasets to tier 2 for which we have permission from the data providers to do so
  5. Discuss practicalities for the 1 FTE commitment, recognizing that funding is unpredictable and variable in time