- Alistair Sellar
- Ranjini Swaminathan
- Birgit Hassler
- Axel Lauer
- Bouwe Andela
- Niels Drost
- Klaus Zimmerman
- Saskia Loosveldt Tomas
1. All: bring information / questions etc. from community and wider-community meetings to the SG meeting
2. Birgit+Alistair: contact BSC about additional representative attending proto-steering group meetings
3. Birgit+Alistair: go through list of suggested ESMValTool developments (google docs) and condense input into possible tasks / work packages
4. Alistair: setup doodle for a meeting of "writing team" for contributions to potential ENES HE-RI proposal
5. Birgit: choose date for next hybrid workshop
- Standing item: actions from previous meetings
- Knowledge transfer and representation on groups (proposed by Alistair), plus announcement from Niels
- Update on funding proposals
- Observation dataset versioning
- Next workshop
- Consortium agreement
- Enacting our policy on inactive GitHub developers (no activity for more than one year): remove inactive people from all core/lead teams on GitHub (Axel to introduce)
- Governance checklist: (Bouwe to introduce)
- Axel: Discussing strategy of reclassifying tier 3 datasets to tier 2 for which we have permission from the data providers to do so
- Discuss practicalities for the 1 FTE commitment, recognizing that funding is unpredictable and variable in time
- Steering group observers: ENES-RI, CMIP IPO, ...
- Helping ourselves and wider community to include achievable ESMValTool goals in their proposals
- Development of ESMValTool roadmap / long-term strategy - strategy for science.
Actions and updates from previous meetings:
- Monthly meetings in two time zones from the new year.
- Release manager - Bouwe to take over for current release which will be this week.
- No update yet from BSC about additional representatives attending meetings - decision made to reach out in the new year perhaps through the non-proto steering group but to close this as an action item otherwise.
- Action item regarding ESMValTool developments into working document completed.
- Action item regarding meeting for ENES-RI proposal completed.
- Date for next workshop - poll will be closed and dates will be announced shortly for workshop in DLR.
Knowledge transfer and representation on groups:
- Ensuring participation from institutes where personnel move - we develop ways to avoid single points of expertise. Identifying knowledge gaps and connections held by personnel in individual sub-teams to enable continuity. Some support is available through current structure via GitHub issues/PRs etc. Broadening participation through expanding the consortium is an option. Keeping in mind the release of CMIP7 and IPCC reports, we should build capacity. DLR looking to solicit funding to add capacity for modeling groups to use ESMValTool in this context.
- Continued participation in ENSE-RI proposal - need to connect with Bryan/Fanny to find an alternative representative to the Data Task Force. To start with, we should have someone attend these meetings. Potential replacement e-Science Centre (Bouwe) and contact (Jeremy Walton to connect with for any updates).
- E-science institute designates Bouwe as ESMValTool representative.
Updates on Funding Proposals:
- ESA CLIMATE-SPACE (follow-on from CCI programme) - Axel, Alistair and Amy Doherty met with project officer. Draft of strategy document to be shared by early January. Currently redrafting the strategy document.
- Horizon RI for Africa - starting work on writing and forming groups.
- ENES-RI - discussion regarding finding a representative and action items detailed above.
Versioning of obs datasets - supporting different versions of dataset (technical details). Slightly different from tier2/3 strategy as defined above:
- We want this feature from the scientific point of view but need to develop a technical framework for this. See issue for discussion GitHub issue #3452
New contact for NASA reanalysis data to be Birgit.
Managing connections and dealing with knowledge gaps when personnel move:
- Sub-teams need to discuss and plan towards this. We also need to build capacity.
- Bouwe to invite partners from ACCESS-NRI to Tech Team meetings.
- Alistair to email Bryan and Fanny about adding Bouwe to the ENSE-RI Data Task force as a replacement for Klaus.
- Ranjini to email Jeremy for updates and to be kept in the loop on Data task force activities (either Europe/ENES or UK based).
ESMValTool Strategy document
- Alistair to set up two doodle polls for scheduling a writing session for the two strategy documents - one for ESA in the short term and one for the longer term strategy document.
- Everyone to provide input to the documents as well.
Obs data versioning
- Technical team to discuss GitHub issue #3452
Next workshop
- Birgit to announce dates for a hybrid workshop hosted by DLR.