- Alistair Sellar
- Axel Lauer
- Birgit Hassler
- Bouwe Andela
- Klaus Zimmerman
- Ranjini Swaminathan
- Saskia Loosveldt Tomas
- All: Bring information / questions etc. from community and wider-community meetings to the SG meeting
- Birgit: ping Veronika to send the signed letter for NCAS about the CA to Alistair
- Alistair: send doodle to Ranjini to find a time slot to talk about funding opportunities with respect to capacity building in Africa
- All: think about things that we plan on developing for ESMValTool in the next few years to have good suggestions for a proposal; timeline for this roughly within the next two weeks
- Alistair: setting up a living document for developing an ESMValTool roadmap
- All: bring information / questions etc. from community and wider-community meetings to the SG meeting
- Birgit+Alistair: contact BSC about additional representative attending proto-steering group meetings
- Birgit+Alistair: go through list of suggested ESMValTool developments (google docs) and condense input into possible tasks / work packages
- Alistair: setup doodle for a meeting of "writing team"
- Birgit: propose dates for next in-person workshop in GitHub Discussions
- Standing items on actions from previous meetings
- Funding update
- Next workshop (if next proto-steering group is not soon enough)
- Planning with NASA on CMORization and hosting of reanalysis datasets (Axel to introduce) – continued a. And wider topic of a CMORization / fixes community
- Consortium agreement
- Enacting our policy on inactive GitHub developers (no activity for more than one year): remove inactive people from all core/lead teams on GitHub (Axel to introduce)
- Governance checklist: (Bouwe to introduce)
- Axel: Discussing strategy of reclassifying tier 3 datasets to tier 2 for which we have permission from the data providers to do so
- Discuss practicalities for the 1 FTE commitment, recognizing that funding is unpredictable and variable in time
- Steering group observers: ENES-RI, CMIP IPO, ...
- Helping ourselves and wider community to include achievable ESMValTool goals in their proposals
- ESA CMUG integration meeting: ESA Climate Space (CCI successor) offers possibility of funding for ESMValTool development (e.g. comparability of satellite and model data, getting ready for CMIP7)
- ESGF and obs4MIPs: possibility for funding
- User Engagement Team Meeting: now active partners from Australia, new topics for tutorial (e.g. Jupyter notebooks, focus on specific realms)
- Trouble finding release managers for upcoming releases; optimized recipe testing workflow would reduce effort needed for
ESA Climate Space: ESMValTool strategy as input for shaping this call needed (soon)
Two Horizon Europe calls of interest:
a. Providing / updating / improving infrastructure for African partners (User Engagement Team)
- Teach ESMValTool tutorials
- How to become a developer
- At least two African partners needed
- Met Office volunteered to lead proposal
- Interested partners: Met Office, NLeSC, DLR, SMHI, PML, U Reading (and others)
- Deadline is mid of March 2024
b. Infrastructure call
- ENES-RI members
- Current stage: collect task information / suggestions what to contribute
- Ideas for ESMValTool development strategy were collected in google docs document
- Input on possible task(s) (from strategy document) needed by early December (1/3 page + partners + initial PM estimate)
EOSC call: fair and open data sharing (Nordic countries)
- Decision on tentative dates needed soon
- Participation of people from Africa requires decision on possible workshop dates soon
- Organizing committee
- Location still open; possibilities include SMHI, Bremen/DLR, BSC and others
- Contact established (including new person at NASA), details to be discussed in upcoming meetings
- NASA might be able to store CMORized data
- Central task: setting up workflow / framework
- Question: what does it mean if an institution cannot / does want to not sign the consortium agreement (but yet provides 1 FTE) or the other way around for e.g. representation on steering group?
- Consortium agreement is easy to join later
- Possibility in case consortium agreement has not been signed (yet) would be to get observer status in steering group
Item moved to next meeting.
Item moved to next meeting.
Item moved to next meeting.
Item moved to next meeting.
Item moved to next meeting.
Item moved to next meeting.