Meeting 02.05.2024
- Extent: Bounding box of the official EEA grid at 10 km for EU27.
- Metric:
- Cumulative number of all invasive species per pixel.
- Date of first and last record per pixel per species.
- Date of most recent record per pixel per species.
- Temporal resolution: Only one time step per metric.
- The unique time step will contain the cumulative values of the previous records.
- The time span is from the first available record until June 2024.
- Spatial resolution:
- Official EEA grid at 10 km for EU27. Create mask for terrestrial and marine species. (i.e., two different cubes)
- Coordinate reference system EPSG: 3035
- Exclude pixels with range uncertainty greater than the pixel size.
- Taxonomic match: Use the latest list available from the ETC BE and then search for the corresponding accepted names according to the GBIF backbone taxonomy.