My learning journey in Machine Learning with Python.
00Fundamental_en.ipynb Notebook with key essentials
00Fundamental_en.html HTML generated from notebook
01Numpy_en.ipynb Concepts and some practical examples with numpy
01Numpy_en.html HTML generated from notebook
02MatplotlibSeaborn_en.ipynb Concepts and practical examples with matplotlib and seaborn libraries
02MatplotlibSeaborn_en.html HTML generated from notebook
03Pandas_en.ipynb Concepts and practical examples with pandas library
03Pandas_en.html HTML generated from notebook
Pandas study suggestion (links): 10 minutes to pandas / Cookbook
04ScikitLearn_en.ipynb Concepts and practical examples with Scikit-Learn library
04ScikitLean_en.html HTML generated from notebook
04DataReport.html Example html generated via pandas profiling
05StatsModels(timeSeries)_en.ipynb Concepts and practical examples with Stats Models library in Time series
05StatsModels(timeSeries)_en.htmlHTML generated from notebook
Some csv files
Images used in repository