@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class @IDE
# demo mode
demoLines = []; demoIndex = -1
demoLoad = ->
- $('
').appendTo('body').trigger('click').change ->
+ $('
').appendTo('body').trigger('click').change ->
if @value then D.readFile @value, 'utf8', (err, s) ->
if err then console?.error? err; $.alert 'Cannot load demo file'
else demoLines = s.replace(/^[\ufeff\ufffe]/, '').split /\r?\n/; demoIndex = -1
@@ -271,9 +271,9 @@ class @IDE
openWindow: (ee) -> # "ee" for EditableEntity
@layout.open dir = if ee.debugger then 'south' else 'east'
w = ee.token
- $("
").appendTo(".ui-layout-#{dir} ul")
+ $("
").appendTo(".ui-layout-#{dir} ul")
.find('a').text(ee.name).click (e) => e.which == 2 && @wins[w].EP(); return # middle click
- $tabContent = $("
").appendTo ".ui-layout-#{dir}"
+ $tabContent = $("
").appendTo ".ui-layout-#{dir}"
@wins[w] = new Editor $tabContent,
id: w, name: ee.name, debugger: ee.debugger, emit: @emit.bind(@)
weakInterrupt: @WI.bind(@), openInExternalEditor: D.openInExternalEditor
diff --git a/client/init.coffee b/client/init.coffee
index 6f8d027d..5f12be79 100644
--- a/client/init.coffee
+++ b/client/init.coffee
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ $ ->
[_, k, v] = /^([^=]*)=?(.*)$/.exec kv; urlParams[unescape(k or '')] = unescape(v or '')
if D.floating && (win = urlParams.win)?
wins = D.wins = opener.D.wins
- $('body').addClass('floating-window').html('
+ $('body').addClass('floating-window').html('
defaults: enableCursorHotkey: 0
center: onresize: -> ed?.updateSize(); return
fxName: ''
diff --git a/client/prefs-ui-keyboard.coffee b/client/prefs-ui-keyboard.coffee
index 0ec9f7ab..4fd9369d 100644
--- a/client/prefs-ui-keyboard.coffee
+++ b/client/prefs-ui-keyboard.coffee
@@ -54,26 +54,26 @@ layouts = # indexed by scancode; see http://www.abreojosensamblador.net/Producto
@init = ($e) ->
specialKeys = 15: '⟵', 16: '↹', 30: 'Caps', 43: '↲', 44: '⇧', 57: '⇧'
$e.html """
- ⇧x | ` ⇧x |
- x | ` x |
+ ⇧x | ` ⇧x |
+ x | ` x |
for i in [1...NK]
if s = specialKeys[i]
- "#{esc s}"
+ "#{esc s}"
.on 'focus', '.key input', -> setTimeout (=> $(@).select(); return), 1; return
.on 'blur', '.key input', -> $(@).val(v = $(@).val()[-1..] || ' ').prop 'title', "U+#{hex ord(v), 4}"; return
diff --git a/client/prefs-ui-title.coffee b/client/prefs-ui-title.coffee
index 95a0bdfc..2480d2da 100644
--- a/client/prefs-ui-title.coffee
+++ b/client/prefs-ui-title.coffee
@@ -4,22 +4,21 @@ $wt = null
@name = 'Title'
@init = ($e) ->
$e.html """
- Window title:
+ Window title:
- {WSID} workspace name
- {HOST}:{PORT} interpreter's TCP endpoint
- {PID} PID of the interpreter process
- {CHARS} Unicode or Classic
- {BITS} 64 or 32
- {VER} interpreter version
- {VER_A} major
- {VER_B} minor
- {VER_C} svn revision
- {RIDE_VER} RIDE version
- {RIDE_VER_A} major
- {RIDE_VER_B} minor
- {RIDE_VER_C} git commit number
+ {WSID} workspace name
+ {HOST}:{PORT} interpreter's TCP endpoint
+ {PID} PID of the interpreter process
+ {CHARS} Unicode or Classic
+ {BITS} 64 or 32
+ {VER} interpreter version
+ {VER_A} major
+ {VER_B} minor
+ {VER_C} svn revision
+ {RIDE_VER} RIDE version
+ {RIDE_VER_A} major
+ {RIDE_VER_B} minor
+ {RIDE_VER_C} git commit number
$e.on 'click', 'pre a', (e) -> $wt.insert $(e.target).text(); return
diff --git a/client/prefs-ui.coffee b/client/prefs-ui.coffee
index c7f5e330..c993dee4 100644
--- a/client/prefs-ui.coffee
+++ b/client/prefs-ui.coffee
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ ok = ->
module.exports = (tabName) ->
if !$d # the dialogue, lazily initialized
$d = $ """