The text below describes the INBO norms for data publication and use and is based on the Canadensys norms for data use and publication document ( . These norms are not a legal document, but by adopting them, you help to build a vibrant community around the data and support future efforts to unlock biodiversity data.
As is common practice in scientific research, cite the data you are using. Scientists, volunteers and personnel have invested a lot of time and effort in creating and publishing the biodiversity information you are using, and they deserve credit for their work. For more information on how to cite datasets you can find more information following this link: [] (
Use the data responsibly! The data are published to allow anyone to better study and understand the world around us, so do not use the data in any way that is unlawful, harmful or misleading. Understand that the data are subject to change, errors and sampling bias and that reading the metadata will help you to understand the data and how it was obtained.
The data is published for you to use. But don't hesitate to ask more information about the dataset by contacting the Insitute or the contact person which you can find in the metadata. There might be opportunities in there. Also for comments, errors, etc you can conact us by clicking on the GIThub link in the metatdata section of every dataset.
We have created a repository for every dataset in Github. In Github you can create issues about every dataset.
Let us know if you have used the data. It helps our participants to showcase their efforts and it helps you reach a wider audience. You can contact us.
Inform the data publisher(s) if you have comments about the data, notice errors, or want more information.
Understand and respect the data licence or waiver under which the data are published. It is indicated in the rights field of every record and in the dataset metadata. To help you make greater use of the data we try to publish all the data in the public domain (CC0). Please, do not remove the public domain mark or provide misleading information about the copyright status.
We care about data and we just want to make sure you do too. In order to publish your data through the Research Institute for Nature and Forest, you should meet the following criteria:
- You are publishing a specimen or observation dataset, a taxonomic checklist, or metadata about one of these (i.e., one of the 3 types of datasets supported by the IPT).
- You hold the rights to publish the data.
- You are willing to maintain the dataset and improve its quality where possible.
- You are willing to provide sufficient metadata, so users can learn what the dataset is about.
- You are publishing the data under an open license, so others can really use them. We strongly recommend publishing under CC0 (here is why).
These are the preferred formats for citing data published through INBO. If other citation practices apply, feel free to use them. We do request however to always include a link.
Acadia University, Université de Montréal Biodiversity Centre,
University of Toronto Mississauga, University of British Columbia.
(accessed on 2012-03-21)
[list of data publishers].
(accessed on [date])
Green Plant Herbarium (TRT)
from Royal Ontario Museum.
(accessed on 2012-03-21)
[dataset name]
from [data publisher].[DOI of dataset]
(accessed on [date])
University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Vascular Plant Collection
from University of British Columbia.
(accessed on 2012-03-21)
[dataset name]
from [data publisher].
[link to dataset]
(accessed on [date])
Marie-Victorin Herbarium (MT)
from Université de Montréal Biodiversity Centre.
(accessed on 2012-03-21)
[record id],
[dataset name]
from [data publisher].
[link to dataset]
(accessed on [date])
All the elements can be found in the Darwin Core fields for each record you download:
[data publisher]: in institutionCode (and rightsHolder). This is also the institution that has registered the dataset with GBIF.
[dataset name]: in datasetName. This is also the title of the dataset in its metadata and on its repository page.
[link to dataset]: in datasetID. This link redirects to the human readable repository page of the dataset.
[record id]: in catalogNumber. If no catalogNumber is available, use occurrenceID.
These norms may be subject to minor revisions without notice; major revisions will be announced. The norms are based on those of the Europeana Foundation and Open Data Commons.