diff --git a/Olf.FMX.Streams.pas b/Olf.FMX.Streams.pas
index d9cf31e..63bfbb7 100644
--- a/Olf.FMX.Streams.pas
+++ b/Olf.FMX.Streams.pas
@@ -1,72 +1,2 @@
-unit Olf.FMX.Streams;
- FMX.Graphics,
- System.SysUtils,
- System.Classes;
-procedure SaveBitmapToStream(ABitmap: TBitmap; AToStream: TStream);
-function LoadBitmapFromStream(AFromStream: TStream): TBitmap;
-procedure SaveBitmapToStream(ABitmap: TBitmap; AToStream: TStream);
- ms: TMemoryStream;
- size: int64;
- if not assigned(AToStream) then
- raise exception.create('Need an existing stream to save the bitmap !');
- if not assigned(ABitmap) then
- begin
- size := 0;
- AToStream.WriteData(size);
- end
- else
- begin
- ms := TMemoryStream.create;
- try
- ABitmap.SaveToStream(ms);
- size := ms.size;
- AToStream.WriteData(size);
- if (size > 0) then
- begin
- ms.Position := 0;
- AToStream.CopyFrom(ms, size);
- end;
- finally
- ms.free;
- end;
- end;
-function LoadBitmapFromStream(AFromStream: TStream): TBitmap;
- ms: TMemoryStream;
- size: int64;
- if not assigned(AFromStream) then
- raise exception.create('Need an existing stream to load the bitmap !');
- if (AFromStream.ReadData(size) <> sizeof(size)) then
- result := nil
- else if (size < 1) then
- result := nil
- else
- begin
- ms := TMemoryStream.create;
- try
- ms.CopyFrom(AFromStream, size);
- ms.Position := 0;
- result := TBitmap.create;
- result.LoadFromStream(ms);
- finally
- ms.free;
- end;
- end;
\ No newline at end of file
+{$I 'src\Olf.FMX.Streams.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\Olf.FMX.Streams.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Olf.FMX.TextImageFrame.pas b/Olf.FMX.TextImageFrame.pas
index 7b20061..4c2c60c 100644
--- a/Olf.FMX.TextImageFrame.pas
+++ b/Olf.FMX.TextImageFrame.pas
@@ -1,213 +1,2 @@
-unit Olf.FMX.TextImageFrame;
- System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes,
- System.Variants,
- FMX.Types, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Dialogs, FMX.StdCtrls,
- System.ImageList, FMX.ImgList;
- TOlfFMXTextImageFrame = class;
- TOlfFMXTIFOnGetImageIndexOfUnknowChar = function
- (Sender: TOlfFMXTextImageFrame; AChar: char): integer of object;
- TOlfFMXTextImageFrame = class(TFrame)
- private
- FText: string;
- FFont: TCustomImageList;
- FOnGetImageIndexOfUnknowChar: TOlfFMXTIFOnGetImageIndexOfUnknowChar;
- FLetterSpacing: single;
- FSpaceWidth, FRealSpaceWidth: single;
- procedure SetFont(const Value: TCustomImageList);
- procedure SetText(const Value: string);
- procedure SetOnGetImageIndexOfUnknowChar(const Value
- : TOlfFMXTIFOnGetImageIndexOfUnknowChar);
- procedure SetLetterSpacing(const Value: single);
- procedure SetSpaceWidth(const Value: single);
- protected
- function AjoutImageEtRetourneLargeur(AImages: TCustomImageList;
- AImageIndex: TImageIndex; AX: single): single;
- procedure RefreshTexte;
- public
- property Font: TCustomImageList read FFont write SetFont;
- property Text: string read FText write SetText;
- property SpaceWidth: single read FSpaceWidth write SetSpaceWidth;
- property LetterSpacing: single read FLetterSpacing write SetLetterSpacing;
- property OnGetImageIndexOfUnknowChar: TOlfFMXTIFOnGetImageIndexOfUnknowChar
- read FOnGetImageIndexOfUnknowChar write SetOnGetImageIndexOfUnknowChar;
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- function RetourneLargeur(AImages: TCustomImageList;
- AImageIndex: TImageIndex): single;
- function getImageIndexOfChar(AChar: string): integer;
- end;
-{$R *.fmx}
- CPosChiffres = 0;
- CPosMajuscules = CPosChiffres + 10;
- CPosMinuscules = CPosMajuscules;
- // Pas de minuscules dans les fontes prises sur ce jeu
- CPosPonctuation = CPosMajuscules + 26;
- // TODO : à modifier si nécessaire selon les fontes
- { TcadAffichageTexteGraphique }
-function TOlfFMXTextImageFrame.AjoutImageEtRetourneLargeur
- (AImages: TCustomImageList; AImageIndex: TImageIndex; AX: single): single;
- g: tglyph;
- wi, hi: single;
- if (not assigned(AImages)) or (AImageIndex < 0) or
- (AImageIndex >= AImages.Count) then
- result := 0
- else
- begin
- g := tglyph.Create(self);
- g.Parent := self;
- wi := AImages.Destination[AImageIndex].Layers[0].MultiResBitmap[0].Width;
- hi := AImages.Destination[AImageIndex].Layers[0].MultiResBitmap[0].height;
- g.height := height;
- g.Width := g.height * wi / hi;
- g.Images := AImages;
- g.ImageIndex := AImageIndex;
- g.Position.x := AX;
- g.Position.y := 0;
- result := g.Width;
- end;
-constructor TOlfFMXTextImageFrame.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- inherited;
- name := '';
- FFont := nil;
- FText := '';
- FLetterSpacing := 0;
- FSpaceWidth := 0;
- FRealSpaceWidth := 0;
- FOnGetImageIndexOfUnknowChar := nil;
-function TOlfFMXTextImageFrame.getImageIndexOfChar(AChar: string): integer;
- result := 0;
- while (result < FFont.Count) and
- (FFont.Destination[result].Layers[0].Name <> AChar) do
- inc(result);
- if (result >= FFont.Count) then
- result := -1;
-procedure TOlfFMXTextImageFrame.RefreshTexte;
- i: integer;
- x: single;
- idx: integer;
- for i := childrencount - 1 downto 0 do
- if (children[i] is tglyph) then
- children[i].Free;
- x := 0;
- if assigned(FFont) and (FText.Length > 0) then
- for i := 0 to FText.Length - 1 do
- begin
- idx := getImageIndexOfChar(FText.Chars[i]);
- if (idx < 0) and assigned(FOnGetImageIndexOfUnknowChar) then
- idx := FOnGetImageIndexOfUnknowChar(self, FText.Chars[i]);
- if (idx >= 0) then
- x := x + AjoutImageEtRetourneLargeur(FFont, idx, x) + FLetterSpacing
- else if (FText.Chars[i] = ' ') then
- begin
- if (FRealSpaceWidth < 1) then
- begin
- idx := getImageIndexOfChar('.');
- if (idx < 0) and assigned(FOnGetImageIndexOfUnknowChar) then
- idx := FOnGetImageIndexOfUnknowChar(self, '.');
- if (idx >= 0) then
- FRealSpaceWidth := RetourneLargeur(FFont, idx);
- idx := getImageIndexOfChar('i');
- if (idx < 0) and assigned(FOnGetImageIndexOfUnknowChar) then
- idx := FOnGetImageIndexOfUnknowChar(self, 'i');
- if (idx >= 0) then
- FRealSpaceWidth := RetourneLargeur(FFont, idx);
- idx := getImageIndexOfChar('I');
- if (idx < 0) and assigned(FOnGetImageIndexOfUnknowChar) then
- idx := FOnGetImageIndexOfUnknowChar(self, 'I');
- if (idx >= 0) then
- FRealSpaceWidth := RetourneLargeur(FFont, idx);
- idx := getImageIndexOfChar('1');
- if (idx < 0) and assigned(FOnGetImageIndexOfUnknowChar) then
- idx := FOnGetImageIndexOfUnknowChar(self, '1');
- if (idx >= 0) then
- FRealSpaceWidth := RetourneLargeur(FFont, idx);
- end;
- x := x + FRealSpaceWidth;
- end;
- end;
- Width := x;
-function TOlfFMXTextImageFrame.RetourneLargeur(AImages: TCustomImageList;
- AImageIndex: TImageIndex): single;
- wi, hi: single;
- if (not assigned(AImages)) or (AImageIndex < 0) or
- (AImageIndex >= AImages.Count) then
- result := 0
- else
- begin
- wi := AImages.Destination[AImageIndex].Layers[0].MultiResBitmap[0].Width;
- hi := AImages.Destination[AImageIndex].Layers[0].MultiResBitmap[0].height;
- result := height * wi / hi;
- end;
-procedure TOlfFMXTextImageFrame.SetFont(const Value: TCustomImageList);
- FFont := Value;
- FRealSpaceWidth := FSpaceWidth;
- if (FText.Length > 0) then
- RefreshTexte;
-procedure TOlfFMXTextImageFrame.SetLetterSpacing(const Value: single);
- FLetterSpacing := Value;
-procedure TOlfFMXTextImageFrame.SetOnGetImageIndexOfUnknowChar
- (const Value: TOlfFMXTIFOnGetImageIndexOfUnknowChar);
- FOnGetImageIndexOfUnknowChar := Value;
-procedure TOlfFMXTextImageFrame.SetSpaceWidth(const Value: single);
- FSpaceWidth := Value;
- FRealSpaceWidth := FSpaceWidth;
-procedure TOlfFMXTextImageFrame.SetText(const Value: string);
- FText := Value;
- if not assigned(FFont) then
- exit;
- RefreshTexte;
-// TODO : gérer changement de taille des chiffres en cas de resize de la zone
+{$I 'src\Olf.FMX.TextImageFrame.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\Olf.FMX.TextImageFrame.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Olf.RTL.DateAndTime.pas b/Olf.RTL.DateAndTime.pas
index bfa5ba4..eb109a1 100644
--- a/Olf.RTL.DateAndTime.pas
+++ b/Olf.RTL.DateAndTime.pas
@@ -1,248 +1,2 @@
-unit Olf.RTL.DateAndTime;
-/// Ressort la date du jour en AAAAMMJJ
-function DateToString8: string; overload;
-/// Ressort la date passée en AAAAMMJJ
-function DateToString8(Const ADate: TDateTime): string; overload;
-/// Get the TDate value of a YYYYMMDD string
-function Date8ToDate(Const Date8: string): tdate;
-/// Transforme une date AAAAMMJJ dans son format d'affichage JJ/MM/AAAA
-function Date8ToString(Const Date8AAfficher: string): string;
-/// Transforme une date AAAAMMJJ dans son format d'affichage AAAA-MM-JJ
-function Date8ToStringISO(Const Date8AAfficher: string): string;
-/// Transforme une date AAAAMMJJ dans son format d'affichage RFC822
-function Date8ToStringRFC822(Const Date8AAfficher: string): string;
-/// Ressort l'heure en cours en HHMMSS
-function TimeToString6: string; overload;
-/// Ressort l'heure passée en HHMMSS
-function TimeToString6(Const ATime: TDateTime): string; overload;
-/// Transforme une heure HHMMSS dans son format d'affichage HH:MM:SS
-function Time6ToString(Const Time6AAfficher: string): string;
-/// Transforme la date et heure du moment en AAAAMMJJHHMMSS
-/// Ce format est utilisé dans le stockage d'infos de création et de modification dans la base de données et permettre des tris chronologiques sur l'ordre alphabétique.
-function DateTimeToString14: string; overload;
-/// Transforme la date et heure passée en AAAAMMJJHHMMSS
-/// Ce format est utilisé dans le stockage d'infos de création et de modification dans la base de données et permettre des tris chronologiques sur l'ordre alphabétique.
-function DateTimeToString14(Const ADateTime: TDateTime): string; overload;
-/// Converti une valeur en secondes vers son équivalent en HMS
-function SecToHMS(Const Valeur_En_secondes: Integer): String; overload;
-procedure SecToHMS(Const Valeur_En_secondes: Integer;
- var HH, MM, SS: Integer); overload;
-/// Converti une valeur HMS (xxH xxM xxS) en son équivalent en secondes
-function HMSToSec(Const Valeur_En_HMS: String): Integer; overload;
-function HMSToSec(Const HH, MM, SS: Integer): Integer; overload;
- System.SysUtils,
- System.StrUtils,
- System.Character;
-function DateToString8: string;
- Result := DateToString8(Now);
-function DateToString8(Const ADate: TDateTime): string;
- Result := FormatDateTime('yyyymmdd', ADate);
-function Date8ToDate(Const Date8: string): tdate;
- Result := EncodeDate(Date8.Substring(0, 4).tointeger,
- Date8.Substring(4, 2).tointeger, Date8.Substring(6, 2).tointeger);
-function Date8ToString(Const Date8AAfficher: string): string;
- MM, jj: string;
- // TODO : gérer les formats de date non européens de l'ouest
- MM := Date8AAfficher.Substring(4, 2);
- jj := Date8AAfficher.Substring(6, 2);
- if MM = '00' then
- Result := Date8AAfficher.Substring(0, 4)
- else if jj = '00' then
- Result := MM + FormatSettings.DateSeparator + Date8AAfficher.Substring(0, 4)
- else
- Result := jj + FormatSettings.DateSeparator + MM +
- FormatSettings.DateSeparator + Date8AAfficher.Substring(0, 4);
-function Date8ToStringISO(Const Date8AAfficher: string): string;
- MM, jj: string;
- // TODO : gérer les formats de date non européens de l'ouest
- MM := Date8AAfficher.Substring(4, 2);
- jj := Date8AAfficher.Substring(6, 2);
- if MM = '00' then
- Result := Date8AAfficher.Substring(0, 4) + '-00-00'
- else if jj = '00' then
- Result := Date8AAfficher.Substring(0, 4) + '-' + MM + '-00'
- else
- Result := Date8AAfficher.Substring(0, 4) + '-' + MM + '-' + jj;
-function Date8ToStringRFC822(Const Date8AAfficher: string): string;
- x: Integer;
- if Date8AAfficher.IsEmpty then
- raise Exception.Create
- ('Date non renseignée. Impossible à convertir dans Date8ToStringRFC822.');
- x := Date8AAfficher.Substring(6, 2).tointeger;
- if x < 1 then
- x := 1;
- Result := x.ToString + ' ';
- case Date8AAfficher.Substring(4, 2).tointeger of
- 0, 1:
- Result := Result + 'Jan';
- 2:
- Result := Result + 'Feb';
- 3:
- Result := Result + 'Mar';
- 4:
- Result := Result + 'Apr';
- 5:
- Result := Result + 'May';
- 6:
- Result := Result + 'Jun';
- 7:
- Result := Result + 'Jul';
- 8:
- Result := Result + 'Aug';
- 9:
- Result := Result + 'Sep';
- 10:
- Result := Result + 'Oct';
- 11:
- Result := Result + 'Nov';
- 12:
- Result := Result + 'Dec';
- end;
- Result := Result + ' ' + Date8AAfficher.Substring(0, 4) + ' 00:00:00 GMT';
-function TimeToString6: string;
- Result := TimeToString6(Now);
-function TimeToString6(Const ATime: TDateTime): string;
- Result := FormatDateTime('hhnnss', ATime);
-function Time6ToString(Const Time6AAfficher: string): string;
- Result := Time6AAfficher.Substring(0, 2) + FormatSettings.TimeSeparator +
- Time6AAfficher.Substring(2, 2) + FormatSettings.TimeSeparator +
- Time6AAfficher.Substring(4, 2);
-function DateTimeToString14: string;
- Result := DateTimeToString14(Now);
-function DateTimeToString14(Const ADateTime: TDateTime): string;
- Result := DateToString8(ADateTime) + TimeToString6(ADateTime);
-function SecToHMS(Const Valeur_En_secondes: Integer): String;
- h, m, s: Integer;
- SecToHMS(Valeur_En_secondes, h, m, s);
- Result := '';
- if (h > 0) then
- Result := Result + h.ToString + 'H ';
- if (m > 0) then
- Result := Result + m.ToString + 'M ';
- if (s > 0) or (Valeur_En_secondes = 0) then
- Result := Result + s.ToString + 'S ';
-procedure SecToHMS(Const Valeur_En_secondes: Integer; var HH, MM, SS: Integer);
- SS := Valeur_En_secondes;
- HH := SS div SecsPerHour;
- SS := SS - HH * SecsPerHour;
- MM := SS div SecsPerMin;
- SS := SS - MM * SecsPerMin;
-function HMSToSec(Const Valeur_En_HMS: String): Integer;
- ch: string;
- i: Integer;
- Result := 0;
- ch := Valeur_En_HMS.Trim.Replace(' ', '').ToUpper;
- i := ch.IndexOf('H');
- if (i > 0) then
- begin
- Result := Result + ch.Substring(0, i).tointeger * SecsPerHour;
- ch := ch.Substring(i + 1);
- end;
- i := ch.IndexOf('M');
- if (i > 0) then
- begin
- Result := Result + ch.Substring(0, i).tointeger * SecsPerMin;
- ch := ch.Substring(i + 1);
- end;
- i := ch.IndexOf('S');
- if (i > 0) then
- Result := Result + ch.Substring(0, i).tointeger;
-function HMSToSec(Const HH, MM, SS: Integer): Integer;
- Result := HH * SecsPerHour + MM * SecsPerMin + SS;
+{$I 'src\Olf.RTL.DateAndTime.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\Olf.RTL.DateAndTime.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Olf.RTL.Language.pas b/Olf.RTL.Language.pas
index 6adcfa1..fdcc135 100644
--- a/Olf.RTL.Language.pas
+++ b/Olf.RTL.Language.pas
@@ -1,88 +1,2 @@
-unit Olf.RTL.Language;
-// (c) Patrick Prémartin 02/2023
-// This file is distributed under AGPL license.
-// Get the latest version at
-// https://github.com/DeveloppeurPascal/librairies
-/// Get current language code (like "fr-fr" or "en-gb")
-/// The result is lower cased.
-function GetCurrentLanguageCode: String;
-/// Get current language ISO code (like "fr" or "en")
-/// This function returns first 2 letters of GetcurrentLanguageCode.
-/// The result is lower cased.
-function GetCurrentLanguageISOCode: String;
-// Created from this forum posts :
-// https://forums.embarcadero.com/thread.jspa?threadID=108333
-// http://www.synaptica.info/en/2015/12/21/delphi-10seattle-get-current-device-language/
-// http://codeverge.com/embarcadero.delphi.firemonkey/detect-current-language-on-andr/2001235#sthash.zjLIi2KY.dpuf
-{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)}
-uses Winapi.Windows, System.SysUtils;
-{$ELSEIF Defined(IOS)}
-uses MacAPI.ObjectiveC, iOSapi.Foundation, System.SysUtils;
-{$ELSEIF Defined(MACOS)}
-uses MacAPI.ObjectiveC, MacAPI.Foundation, System.SysUtils;
-// Android + Linux
-uses FMX.Platform, System.SysUtils;
-function GetCurrentLanguageCode: String;
-{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)}
- buffer: PWideChar;
- BufLen: Integer;
- // defaults
- UserLCID := GetUserDefaultLCID;
- BufLen := GetLocaleInfo(UserLCID, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME, nil, 0);
- buffer := StrAlloc(BufLen);
- if GetLocaleInfo(UserLCID, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME, buffer, BufLen) <> 0 then
- Result := lowercase(buffer)
- else
- Result := 'en';
- StrDispose(buffer);
-{$ELSEIF Defined(MACOS) or Defined(IOS)}
- Languages: NSArray;
- Languages := TNSLocale.OCClass.preferredLanguages;
- Result := lowercase(TNSString.Wrap(Languages.objectAtIndex(0)).UTF8String);
- LocServ: IFMXLocaleService;
- if TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService(IFMXLocaleService,
- IInterface(LocServ)) then
- Result := LocServ.GetCurrentLangID;
-function GetCurrentLanguageISOCode: String;
- Result := GetCurrentLanguageCode.Substring(0, 2);
+{$I 'src\Olf.RTL.Language.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\Olf.RTL.Language.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Olf.RTL.Params.pas b/Olf.RTL.Params.pas
index 3d7504b..647f6d8 100644
--- a/Olf.RTL.Params.pas
+++ b/Olf.RTL.Params.pas
@@ -1,811 +1,2 @@
-unit Olf.RTL.Params;
- Gestion automatisée d'un fichier de stockage sous forme de dictionnaire de
- données (clé / valeur) pour les logiciels développés sous Delphi.
- Logiciel open source distribué sous licence MIT.
- Open source software distributed under the MIT license
- Copyright Patrick Prémartin / Olf Software
- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
- copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- Find the original source code on
- https://github.com/DeveloppeurPascal/librairies
- Find explanations on
- https://developpeur-pascal.fr/plutot-ini-ou-json-pour-stocker-vos-parametres.html
- Liste des mises à jour :
- => 11/05/2020, Patrick Prémartin :
- * ajout de la notice de copyright et licence d'utilisation
- * gestion de données de types Syngle et TDataTime
- * correction d'une perte de mémoire au niveau du remplacement d'une valeur sur un paramètre existant
- => 22/04/2022, Patrick PRémartin :
- * ajout de la procédure setFolderName() pour permettre la modification du dossier de stockage du fichier de paramètres
- => 19/05/2022, Patrick Prémartin :
- * creation de Olf.RTL.Params à partir de uParam
- * ajout de la fonction ToJSON permettant d'obtenir la représentation du fichier de stockage sous forme de chaîne JSON
- * ajout de la fonction AsJSONObject pour obtenir la représentation sous forme de TJSONObject des paramètres
- * ajout de la fonction getFilePath pour obtenir le nom du fichier de stockage avec son chemin d'accès (attention : ne le modifiez pas en direct si vous utilisez aussi la classe TParams dans votre projet)
- * ajout de la procédure setFilePath() pour définir le chemin et le nom du fichier de stockage des paramètres
- * ajout de valeurs par défaut pour la valeur par défaut dans les fonctions getValue()
- * ajout des commentaires XMLDoc
- * ajout de la classe TParamsFile pour rendre possible la manipulation de plusieurs fichiers de paramètres si on en a besoin
- * ajout de MoveToFilePath() pour déplacer le fichier de paramètres actuel
- * ajout de setValue et getValue pour des TJSONValue et ses descendants
- => 31/12/2023, Patrick Prémartin :
- * ajout d'une variante "cardinal" du getValue() et SetValue()
- System.JSON;
- TParamsFile = class(TObject)
- private
- FParamChanged: boolean;
- FParamList: TJSONObject;
- FFolderName: string;
- FFileName: string;
- protected
- function getParamsFileName(ACreateFolder: boolean = False): string;
- function getParamValue(key: string): TJSONValue;
- procedure setParamValue(key: string; value: TJSONValue);
- public
- ///
- /// Class constructor wich just initialize private fields.
- ///
- constructor Create; overload;
- ///
- /// Class constructor wich loads the parameter file specified as parameter.
- ///
- ///
- /// Absolute file path to the parameter file (drive+folder+file name+extension)
- ///
- constructor Create(AFilePath: string); overload;
- ///
- /// Instance destructor
- ///
- destructor Destroy; override;
- ///
- /// Save current parameters to actual parameter file
- ///
- procedure Save;
- ///
- /// Load parameters from actual parameter file
- ///
- procedure Load;
- ///
- /// Cancel current changes and reload previous saved values
- ///
- procedure Cancel;
- ///
- /// Get the string value for key parameter with an empty string as default value
- ///
- function getValue(key: string; default: string = ''): string; overload;
- ///
- /// Get the boolean value for key parameter with False as default value
- ///
- function getValue(key: string; default: boolean = False): boolean; overload;
- ///
- /// Get the cardinal value for key parameter with zero as default value
- ///
- function getValue(key: string; default: cardinal = 0): cardinal; overload;
- ///
- /// Get the integer value for key parameter with zero as default value
- ///
- function getValue(key: string; default: integer = 0): integer; overload;
- ///
- /// Get the single value for key parameter with zero as default value
- ///
- function getValue(key: string; default: single = 0): single; overload;
- ///
- /// Get the TDateTime value for key parameter with December 30th 1899 at 12:00 as default value
- ///
- function getValue(key: string; default: TDateTime = 0): TDateTime; overload;
- ///
- /// Get the JSON value for key parameter with nil as default value
- ///
- function getValue(key: string; default: TJSONValue = nil)
- : TJSONValue; overload;
- ///
- /// Set the value for key parameter as string
- ///
- procedure setValue(key, value: string); overload;
- ///
- /// Set the value for key parameter as boolean
- ///
- procedure setValue(key: string; value: boolean); overload;
- ///
- /// Set the value for key parameter as cardinal
- ///
- procedure setValue(key: string; value: cardinal); overload;
- ///
- /// Set the value for key parameter as integer
- ///
- procedure setValue(key: string; value: integer); overload;
- ///
- /// Set the value for key parameter as single
- ///
- procedure setValue(key: string; value: single); overload;
- ///
- /// Set the value for key parameter as TDateTime
- ///
- procedure setValue(key: string; value: TDateTime); overload;
- ///
- /// Set the value for key parameter as TJSONValue
- ///
- procedure setValue(key: string; value: TJSONValue); overload;
- ///
- /// Change the folder where is the parameter file.
- ///
- ///
- /// Absolute folder path where you want to save the parameter file.
- ///
- ///
- /// If set to True (by default), call the Load procedure after changing the folder.
- ///
- ///
- /// To change the file name, use setFilePath() instead of setFolderName().
- ///
- procedure setFolderName(AFolderName: string; AReload: boolean = true);
- ///
- /// Change the folder where is the parameter file.
- ///
- ///
- /// Absolute file path (drive+folder+file name+extension) to the parameter file you want to use.
- ///
- ///
- /// If set to True (by default), call Load procedure after changing the file path.
- ///
- ///
- /// If you only want to change the path to the parameter file, use setFolderName procedure instead of this one.
- ///
- procedure setFilePath(AFilePath: string; AReload: boolean = true);
- ///
- /// Move actual parameter file to the new file.
- ///
- ///
- /// Absolute file path (drive+folder+file name+extension) to the parameter file you want to use.
- ///
- ///
- /// If set to True, save actual values to the parameter file.
- /// If set to false, just move the parameter file to it's new folder/filename.
- ///
- ///
- /// If set to True, create the folder of file parameter if it doesn't exists.
- ///
- procedure MoveToFilePath(ANewFilePath: string; ASave: boolean = true;
- ACreateFolder: boolean = False);
- ///
- /// Return the absolute path to the parameter file (drive+folder+file name+extension)
- ///
- function getFilePath: string;
- ///
- /// Return the current parameters as a serialized JSON object.
- ///
- function ToJSON: string;
- ///
- /// Return the current parameters as a JSON object
- ///
- ///
- /// If set to True (by default), the result is a clone of actual object. Free it when you have finished to work with it or you'll have memory leaks in your projects.
- /// If set to False, the result is a reference to the internal JSON object. All changes are made to it. Don't destroy it or you'll have Access Violation exception.
- ///
- function AsJSONObject(AClone: boolean = true): TJSONObject;
- end;
- TParams = class(TObject)
- public
- ///
- /// Save current parameters to actual parameter file
- ///
- class procedure Save;
- ///
- /// Load parameters from actual parameter file
- ///
- class procedure Load;
- ///
- /// Get the string value for key parameter with an empty string as default value
- ///
- class function getValue(key: string; default: string = ''): string;
- overload;
- ///
- /// Get the boolean value for key parameter with False as default value
- ///
- class function getValue(key: string; default: boolean = False)
- : boolean; overload;
- ///
- /// Get the integer value for key parameter with zero as default value
- ///
- class function getValue(key: string; default: integer = 0)
- : integer; overload;
- ///
- /// Get the cardinal value for key parameter with zero as default value
- ///
- class function getValue(key: string; default: cardinal = 0)
- : integer; overload;
- ///
- /// Get the single value for key parameter with zero as default value
- ///
- class function getValue(key: string; default: single = 0): single; overload;
- ///
- /// Get the TDateTime value for key parameter with December 30th 1899 at 12:00 as default value
- ///
- class function getValue(key: string; default: TDateTime = 0)
- : TDateTime; overload;
- ///
- /// Get the JSON value for key parameter with nil as default value
- ///
- class function getValue(key: string; default: TJSONValue = nil)
- : TJSONValue; overload;
- ///
- /// Set the value for key parameter as string
- ///
- class procedure setValue(key, value: string); overload;
- ///
- /// Set the value for key parameter as boolean
- ///
- class procedure setValue(key: string; value: boolean); overload;
- ///
- /// Set the value for key parameter as integer
- ///
- class procedure setValue(key: string; value: integer); overload;
- ///
- /// Set the value for key parameter as cardinal
- ///
- class procedure setValue(key: string; value: cardinal); overload;
- ///
- /// Set the value for key parameter as single
- ///
- class procedure setValue(key: string; value: single); overload;
- ///
- /// Set the value for key parameter as TDateTime
- ///
- class procedure setValue(key: string; value: TDateTime); overload;
- ///
- /// Set the value for key parameter as TJSONValue
- ///
- class procedure setValue(key: string; value: TJSONValue); overload;
- ///
- /// Change the folder where is the parameter file.
- ///
- ///
- /// Absolute folder path where you want to save the parameter file.
- ///
- ///
- /// If set to True (by default), call the Load procedure after changing the folder.
- ///
- ///
- /// To change the file name, use setFilePath() instead of setFolderName().
- ///
- class procedure setFolderName(AFolderName: string; AReload: boolean = true);
- ///
- /// Change the folder where is the parameter file.
- ///
- ///
- /// Absolute file path (drive+folder+file name+extension) to the parameter file you want to use.
- ///
- ///
- /// If set to True (by default), call Load procedure after changing the file path.
- ///
- ///
- /// If you only want to change the path to the parameter file, use setFolderName procedure instead of this one.
- ///
- class procedure setFilePath(AFilePath: string; AReload: boolean = true);
- ///
- /// Move actual parameter file to the new file.
- ///
- ///
- /// Absolute file path (drive+folder+file name+extension) to the parameter file you want to use.
- ///
- ///
- /// If set to True, save actual values to the parameter file.
- /// If set to false, just move the parameter file to it's new folder/filename.
- ///
- ///
- /// If set to True, create the folder of file parameter if it doesn't exists.
- ///
- class procedure MoveToFilePath(ANewFilePath: string; ASave: boolean = true;
- ACreateFolder: boolean = False);
- ///
- /// Return the absolute path to the parameter file (drive+folder+file name+extension)
- ///
- class function getFilePath: string;
- ///
- /// Return the current parameters as a serialized JSON object.
- ///
- class function ToJSON: string;
- ///
- /// Return the current parameters as a JSON object
- ///
- class function AsJSONObject: TJSONObject;
- end;
- System.Generics.collections, System.IOUtils, System.SysUtils, System.Classes;
-{ TParamsFile }
-function TParamsFile.getParamsFileName(ACreateFolder: boolean = False): string;
- folder: string;
- filename: string;
- app_name: string;
- app_name := TPath.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(paramstr(0));
- // get filename
- if FFileName.IsEmpty then
- begin
-{$IF Defined(DEBUG)}
- filename := app_name + '-debug.par';
-{$ELSE if Defined(RELEASE)}
- filename := app_name + '.par';
-{$MESSAGE FATAL 'setup problem'}
-{$ENDIF} end
- else
- filename := FFileName;
- // get folder name
- if FFolderName.IsEmpty then
- folder := TPath.Combine(TPath.GetDocumentsPath, app_name)
- else
- folder := FFolderName;
- if ACreateFolder and (not tdirectory.Exists(folder)) then
- tdirectory.CreateDirectory(folder);
- // get file path
- result := TPath.Combine(folder, filename);
-function TParamsFile.getParamValue(key: string): TJSONValue;
- result := nil;
- if assigned(FParamList) then
- if (FParamList.Count > 0) then
- result := FParamList.getValue(key);
-procedure TParamsFile.setParamValue(key: string; value: TJSONValue);
- if not assigned(FParamList) then
- FParamList := TJSONObject.Create
- else if (FParamList.Count > 0) and (nil <> FParamList.getValue(key)) then
- FParamList.RemovePair(key).Free;
- FParamList.AddPair(key, value);
- FParamChanged := true;
-procedure TParamsFile.setValue(key: string; value: cardinal);
- jsonvalue: TJSONNumber;
- jsonvalue := TJSONNumber.Create(value);
- try
- setParamValue(key, jsonvalue);
- except
- jsonvalue.Free;
- end;
-function TParamsFile.getValue(key: string; default: boolean): boolean;
- jsonvalue: TJSONValue;
- jsonvalue := getParamValue(key);
- if assigned(jsonvalue) then
- result := jsonvalue.value.ToBoolean
- else
- result := default;
-function TParamsFile.getValue(key: string; default: string): string;
- jsonvalue: TJSONValue;
- jsonvalue := getParamValue(key);
- if assigned(jsonvalue) then
- result := jsonvalue.value
- else
- result := default;
-function TParamsFile.getValue(key: string; default: integer): integer;
- jsonvalue: TJSONValue;
- jsonvalue := getParamValue(key);
- if assigned(jsonvalue) then
- result := jsonvalue.value.ToInteger
- else
- result := default;
-function TParamsFile.getValue(key: string; default: single): single;
- jsonvalue: TJSONValue;
- jsonvalue := getParamValue(key);
- if assigned(jsonvalue) then
- result := jsonvalue.value.ToSingle
- else
- result := default;
-function TParamsFile.AsJSONObject(AClone: boolean): TJSONObject;
- if not assigned(FParamList) then
- result := nil
- else if AClone then
- result := FParamList.Clone as TJSONObject
- else
- result := FParamList;
-constructor TParamsFile.Create;
- FFolderName := '';
- FParamChanged := False;
- FParamList := TJSONObject.Create;
-procedure TParamsFile.Cancel;
- Load;
-constructor TParamsFile.Create(AFilePath: string);
- Create;
- setFilePath(AFilePath, true);
-destructor TParamsFile.Destroy;
- Save;
- if assigned(FParamList) then
- FreeAndNil(FParamList);
- inherited;
-function TParamsFile.getFilePath: string;
- result := getParamsFileName;
-function TParamsFile.getValue(key: string; default: TDateTime): TDateTime;
- jsonvalue: TJSONValue;
- jsonvalue := getParamValue(key);
- if assigned(jsonvalue) then
- result := strToDateTime(jsonvalue.value)
- else
- result := default;
-procedure TParamsFile.Load;
- filename: string;
- buffer: tStringStream;
- filename := getParamsFileName;
- if tfile.Exists(filename) then
- begin
- if assigned(FParamList) then
- FreeAndNil(FParamList);
- buffer := tStringStream.Create(tfile.ReadAllText(filename, TEncoding.UTF8),
- TEncoding.UTF8);
- try
- FParamList := TJSONObject.Create;
- FParamList.Parse(buffer.Bytes, 0);
- finally
- buffer.Free;
- end;
- end;
-procedure TParamsFile.MoveToFilePath(ANewFilePath: string; ASave: boolean;
- ACreateFolder: boolean);
- oldFilePath: string;
- NewPath: string;
- oldFilePath := getFilePath;
- if (oldFilePath <> ANewFilePath) then
- begin
- NewPath := TPath.GetDirectoryName(ANewFilePath);
- if not tdirectory.Exists(NewPath) then
- if ACreateFolder then
- tdirectory.CreateDirectory(NewPath)
- else
- raise Exception.Create('Folder "' + NewPath + '" doesn''t exist.');
- tfile.Move(oldFilePath, ANewFilePath);
- setFilePath(ANewFilePath, False);
- if ASave then
- Save;
- end;
-procedure TParamsFile.Save;
- filename: string;
- if (FParamChanged) then
- begin
- filename := getParamsFileName(true);
- if assigned(FParamList) and (FParamList.Count > 0) then
- tfile.WriteAllText(filename, FParamList.ToJSON, TEncoding.UTF8)
- else if tfile.Exists(filename) then
- tfile.Delete(filename);
- FParamChanged := False;
- end;
-procedure TParamsFile.setValue(key: string; value: single);
- jsonvalue: TJSONNumber;
- jsonvalue := TJSONNumber.Create(value);
- try
- setParamValue(key, jsonvalue);
- except
- jsonvalue.Free;
- end;
-procedure TParamsFile.setValue(key: string; value: TDateTime);
- jsonvalue: TJSONString;
- jsonvalue := TJSONString.Create(DateTimeToStr(value));
- try
- setParamValue(key, jsonvalue);
- except
- jsonvalue.Free;
- end;
-function TParamsFile.ToJSON: string;
- if assigned(FParamList) then
- result := FParamList.ToJSON
- else
- result := '';
-procedure TParamsFile.setValue(key, value: string);
- jsonvalue: TJSONString;
- jsonvalue := TJSONString.Create(value);
- try
- setParamValue(key, jsonvalue);
- except
- jsonvalue.Free;
- end;
-procedure TParamsFile.setValue(key: string; value: boolean);
- jsonvalue: TJSONBool;
- jsonvalue := TJSONBool.Create(value);
- try
- setParamValue(key, jsonvalue);
- except
- jsonvalue.Free;
- end;
-procedure TParamsFile.setValue(key: string; value: integer);
- jsonvalue: TJSONNumber;
- jsonvalue := TJSONNumber.Create(value);
- try
- setParamValue(key, jsonvalue);
- except
- jsonvalue.Free;
- end;
-procedure TParamsFile.setFilePath(AFilePath: string; AReload: boolean);
- if AFilePath.IsEmpty then
- begin
- FFolderName := '';
- FFileName := '';
- end
- else
- begin
- FFolderName := TPath.GetDirectoryName(AFilePath);
- if not tdirectory.Exists(FFolderName) then
- raise Exception.Create('Folder "' + FFolderName + '" doesn''t exist.');
- FFileName := TPath.GetFileName(AFilePath);
- end;
- if AReload then
- Load;
-procedure TParamsFile.setFolderName(AFolderName: string; AReload: boolean);
- FFolderName := AFolderName;
- if AReload then
- Load;
-function TParamsFile.getValue(key: string; default: TJSONValue): TJSONValue;
- result := getParamValue(key);
- if not assigned(result) then
- result := default;
-function TParamsFile.getValue(key: string; default: cardinal): cardinal;
- jsonvalue: TJSONValue;
- jsonvalue := getParamValue(key);
- if assigned(jsonvalue) then
- result := jsonvalue.value.ToInt64
- else
- result := default;
-procedure TParamsFile.setValue(key: string; value: TJSONValue);
- setParamValue(key, value);
-{ TParams }
- DefaultParamsFile: TParamsFile;
-class function TParams.AsJSONObject: TJSONObject;
- result := DefaultParamsFile.AsJSONObject(true);
-class function TParams.getFilePath: string;
- result := DefaultParamsFile.getFilePath;
-class function TParams.getValue(key: string; default: integer): integer;
- result := DefaultParamsFile.getValue(key, default);
-class function TParams.getValue(key: string; default: boolean): boolean;
- result := DefaultParamsFile.getValue(key, default);
-class function TParams.getValue(key, default: string): string;
- result := DefaultParamsFile.getValue(key, default);
-class function TParams.getValue(key: string; default: single): single;
- result := DefaultParamsFile.getValue(key, default);
-class function TParams.getValue(key: string; default: TDateTime): TDateTime;
- result := DefaultParamsFile.getValue(key, default);
-class procedure TParams.Load;
- DefaultParamsFile.Load;
-class procedure TParams.MoveToFilePath(ANewFilePath: string; ASave: boolean;
- ACreateFolder: boolean);
- DefaultParamsFile.MoveToFilePath(ANewFilePath, ASave, ACreateFolder);
-class procedure TParams.Save;
- DefaultParamsFile.Save;
-class procedure TParams.setFilePath(AFilePath: string; AReload: boolean);
- DefaultParamsFile.setFilePath(AFilePath, AReload);
-class procedure TParams.setFolderName(AFolderName: string; AReload: boolean);
- DefaultParamsFile.setFolderName(AFolderName, AReload);
-class procedure TParams.setValue(key: string; value: boolean);
- DefaultParamsFile.setValue(key, value);
-class procedure TParams.setValue(key, value: string);
- DefaultParamsFile.setValue(key, value);
-class procedure TParams.setValue(key: string; value: TDateTime);
- DefaultParamsFile.setValue(key, value);
-class procedure TParams.setValue(key: string; value: single);
- DefaultParamsFile.setValue(key, value);
-class procedure TParams.setValue(key: string; value: integer);
- DefaultParamsFile.setValue(key, value);
-class function TParams.ToJSON: string;
- result := DefaultParamsFile.ToJSON;
-class function TParams.getValue(key: string; default: TJSONValue): TJSONValue;
- result := DefaultParamsFile.getValue(key, default);
-class function TParams.getValue(key: string; default: cardinal): integer;
- result := DefaultParamsFile.getValue(key, default);
-class procedure TParams.setValue(key: string; value: TJSONValue);
- DefaultParamsFile.setValue(key, value);
-class procedure TParams.setValue(key: string; value: cardinal);
- DefaultParamsFile.setValue(key, value);
-DefaultParamsFile := TParamsFile.Create;
-if assigned(DefaultParamsFile) then
- FreeAndNil(DefaultParamsFile);
+{$I 'src\Olf.RTL.Params.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\Olf.RTL.Params.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Olf.RTL.Streams.pas b/Olf.RTL.Streams.pas
index 16009cb..d8ecf07 100644
--- a/Olf.RTL.Streams.pas
+++ b/Olf.RTL.Streams.pas
@@ -1,106 +1,2 @@
-unit Olf.RTL.Streams;
- System.SysUtils,
- System.Classes;
-procedure SaveStringToStream(AString: string; AStream: TStream); overload;
-procedure SaveStringToStream(AString: string; AStream: TStream;
- AEncoding: TEncoding); overload;
-function LoadStringFromStream(AStream: TStream): string; overload;
-function LoadStringFromStream(AStream: TStream; AEncoding: TEncoding)
- : string; overload;
-function LoadSubStreamFromStream(const AFromStream, AToSubStream
- : TStream): boolean;
-procedure SaveSubStreamToStream(const AFromSubStream, AToStream: TStream);
-procedure SaveStringToStream(AString: string; AStream: TStream);
- SaveStringToStream(AString, AStream, TEncoding.UTF8);
-procedure SaveStringToStream(AString: string; AStream: TStream;
- AEncoding: TEncoding);
- StrLen: int64; // typeof(System.Classes.TStream.size)
- StrStream: TStringStream;
- StrStream := TStringStream.Create(AString, AEncoding);
- try
- StrLen := StrStream.Size;
- AStream.write(StrLen, sizeof(StrLen));
- if (StrLen > 0) then
- begin
- StrStream.Position := 0;
- AStream.CopyFrom(StrStream);
- end;
- finally
- StrStream.Free;
- end;
-function LoadStringFromStream(AStream: TStream): string;
- Result := LoadStringFromStream(AStream, TEncoding.UTF8);
-function LoadStringFromStream(AStream: TStream; AEncoding: TEncoding): string;
- StrLen: int64; // typeof(System.Classes.TStream.size)
- StrStream: TStringStream;
- AStream.Read(StrLen, sizeof(StrLen));
- if (StrLen > 0) then
- begin
- StrStream := TStringStream.Create('', AEncoding);
- try
- StrStream.CopyFrom(AStream, StrLen);
- Result := StrStream.DataString;
- finally
- StrStream.Free;
- end;
- end
- else
- Result := '';
-function LoadSubStreamFromStream(const AFromStream, AToSubStream
- : TStream): boolean;
- Size: int64;
- if not assigned(AFromStream) then
- raise exception.Create('Need a FromStream instance !');
- if not assigned(AToSubStream) then
- raise exception.Create('Need a ToStream instance !');
- Result := (AFromStream.ReadData(Size) = sizeof(Size));
- if Result then
- AToSubStream.CopyFrom(AFromStream, Size);
-procedure SaveSubStreamToStream(const AFromSubStream, AToStream: TStream);
- Size: int64;
- if not assigned(AFromSubStream) then
- raise exception.Create('Need a FromStream instance !');
- if not assigned(AToStream) then
- raise exception.Create('Need a ToStream instance !');
- Size := AFromSubStream.Size;
- AToStream.WriteData(Size);
- if (Size > 0) then
- begin
- AFromSubStream.Position := 0;
- AToStream.CopyFrom(AFromSubStream, Size);
- end;
+{$I 'src\Olf.RTL.Streams.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\Olf.RTL.Streams.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Olf.RTL.SystemAppearance.pas b/Olf.RTL.SystemAppearance.pas
index d10c58c..c4d64dd 100644
--- a/Olf.RTL.SystemAppearance.pas
+++ b/Olf.RTL.SystemAppearance.pas
@@ -1,102 +1,2 @@
-unit Olf.RTL.SystemAppearance;
-function isSystemThemeInLightMode: boolean;
-function isSystemThemeInDarkMode: boolean;
- FMX.Platform;
-// TODO : intercepter le changement de couleur du système et le signaler sous forme de message à l'application en cours
- winapi.Windows,
- System.Win.Registry;
- CRegKey = 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize';
- CRegValueApps = 'AppsUseLightTheme';
- CRegValueSystem = 'SystemUsesLightTheme';
-function isSystemThemeInLightMode: boolean;
- InfoScreen: IFMXSystemAppearanceService;
- reg: TRegistry;
- if TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService
- (IFMXSystemAppearanceService, InfoScreen) then
- result := (InfoScreen.ThemeKind = TSystemThemeKind.Light)
- else
- result := true;
- // inspired by unit WindowsDarkMode.pas from Ian Barker at https://github.com/checkdigits/delphidarkmode
- reg := TRegistry.Create(KEY_READ);
- try
- reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
- if reg.KeyExists(CRegKey) and reg.OpenKey(CRegKey, False) then
- try
- if reg.ValueExists(CRegValueApps) then
- result := reg.ReadInteger(CRegValueApps) = 1
- else if reg.ValueExists(CRegValueSystem) then
- result := reg.ReadInteger(CRegValueApps) = 1
- else
- result := true;
- finally
- reg.CloseKey;
- end
- else
- result := true;
- finally
- reg.Free;
- end;
-function isSystemThemeInDarkMode: boolean;
- InfoScreen: IFMXSystemAppearanceService;
- reg: TRegistry;
- result := TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService
- (IFMXSystemAppearanceService, InfoScreen) and
- (InfoScreen.ThemeKind = TSystemThemeKind.Dark);
- reg := TRegistry.Create(KEY_READ);
- try
- reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
- if reg.KeyExists(CRegKey) and reg.OpenKey(CRegKey, False) then
- try
- if reg.ValueExists(CRegValueApps) then
- result := reg.ReadInteger(CRegValueApps) = 0
- else if reg.ValueExists(CRegValueSystem) then
- result := reg.ReadInteger(CRegValueApps) = 0
- else
- result := False;
- finally
- reg.CloseKey;
- end
- else
- result := False;
- finally
- reg.Free;
- end;
+{$I 'src\Olf.RTL.SystemAppearance.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\Olf.RTL.SystemAppearance.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Olf.VCL.Streams.pas b/Olf.VCL.Streams.pas
index 7897aa3..960d4de 100644
--- a/Olf.VCL.Streams.pas
+++ b/Olf.VCL.Streams.pas
@@ -1,72 +1,2 @@
-unit Olf.VCL.Streams;
- VCL.Graphics,
- System.SysUtils,
- System.Classes;
-procedure SaveBitmapToStream(ABitmap: TBitmap; AToStream: TStream);
-function LoadBitmapFromStream(AFromStream: TStream): TBitmap;
-procedure SaveBitmapToStream(ABitmap: TBitmap; AToStream: TStream);
- ms: TMemoryStream;
- size: int64;
- if not assigned(AToStream) then
- raise exception.create('Need an existing stream to save the bitmap !');
- if not assigned(ABitmap) then
- begin
- size := 0;
- AToStream.WriteData(size);
- end
- else
- begin
- ms := TMemoryStream.create;
- try
- ABitmap.SaveToStream(ms);
- size := ms.size;
- AToStream.WriteData(size);
- if (size > 0) then
- begin
- ms.Position := 0;
- AToStream.CopyFrom(ms, size);
- end;
- finally
- ms.free;
- end;
- end;
-function LoadBitmapFromStream(AFromStream: TStream): TBitmap;
- ms: TMemoryStream;
- size: int64;
- if not assigned(AFromStream) then
- raise exception.create('Need an existing stream to load the bitmap !');
- if (AFromStream.ReadData(size) <> sizeof(size)) then
- result := nil
- else if (size < 1) then
- result := nil
- else
- begin
- ms := TMemoryStream.create;
- try
- ms.CopyFrom(AFromStream, size);
- ms.Position := 0;
- result := TBitmap.create;
- result.LoadFromStream(ms);
- finally
- ms.free;
- end;
- end;
\ No newline at end of file
+{$I 'src\Olf.VCL.Streams.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\Olf.VCL.Streams.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OlfSoftware_XML.dpk b/OlfSoftware_XML.dpk
index c60f14b..aed2292 100644
--- a/OlfSoftware_XML.dpk
+++ b/OlfSoftware_XML.dpk
@@ -1,35 +1,2 @@
-package OlfSoftware_XML;
-{$R *.res}
-{$ALIGN 8}
-{$IMAGEBASE $400000}
-{$DESCRIPTION 'XML Components from Olf Software'}
- vcl,
- microsoft_xml;
- XML_as_List in 'XML_as_List.pas';
+{$I 'src\OlfSoftware_XML.dpk'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\OlfSoftware_XML.dpk" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/XML_as_List.pas b/XML_as_List.pas
index dc9645d..34e53d3 100644
--- a/XML_as_List.pas
+++ b/XML_as_List.pas
@@ -1,166 +1,2 @@
-unit XML_as_List;
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, MSXML_TLB;
- TXML_as_List = class(TComponent)
- private
- { Déclarations privées }
- fActive: Boolean;
- fFileName: WideString;
- fDocument: TDOMDocument;
- fNoeud_Actuel : IXMLDOMNode;
- procedure Set_Active(const Value: Boolean);
- procedure Set_FileName(const Value: WideString);
- protected
- { Déclarations protégées }
- public
- { Déclarations publiques }
- function Bof: boolean;
- procedure Close;
- constructor Create (AOwner: TComponent); override;
- function Eof: boolean;
- function FieldByName_AsString (FieldName: WideString): WideString;
- function FieldByName_AsInteger (FieldName: WideString): Int64;
- function FieldByName_AsFloat (FieldName: WideString): Extended;
- procedure First;
- procedure Last;
- procedure Next;
- function Open (FileName: WideString): boolean;
- procedure Previous;
- published
- { Déclarations publiées }
- property Active : Boolean read fActive write Set_Active default false;
- property FileName : WideString read fFileName write Set_FileName;
- end;
-procedure Register;
-procedure Register;
- RegisterComponents('OlfSoftware', [TXML_as_List]);
-{ TXML_as_List }
-function TXML_as_List.Bof: boolean;
- Result := (fNoeud_Actuel = nil);
-procedure TXML_as_List.Close;
- Active := False;
-constructor TXML_as_List.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- inherited;
- fDocument := TDOMDocument.Create (Self);
- fNoeud_Actuel := nil;
-function TXML_as_List.Eof: boolean;
- Result := (fNoeud_Actuel = nil);
-function TXML_as_List.FieldByName_AsFloat(FieldName: WideString): Extended;
- try
- Result := StrToFloat (FieldByName_AsString (FieldName));
- except
- Result := 0;
- end;
-function TXML_as_List.FieldByName_AsInteger(
- FieldName: WideString): Int64;
- try
- Result := StrToInt64 (FieldByName_AsString (FieldName));
- except
- Result := 0;
- end;
-function TXML_as_List.FieldByName_AsString(
- FieldName: WideString): WideString;
- noeud: IXMLDOMNode;
- if (fNoeud_Actuel <> nil) then begin
- noeud := fNoeud_Actuel.firstChild;
- while ((noeud <> nil) and (LowerCase (noeud.baseName) <> LowerCase (FieldName))) do
- noeud := noeud.nextSibling;
- {endwhile}
- if (noeud <> nil) then
- Result := noeud.text
- else
- Result := '';
- {endif}
- end else
- Result := '';
- {endif}
-procedure TXML_as_List.First;
- if (fActive) then
- fNoeud_Actuel := fDocument.documentElement.firstChild;
- {endif}
-procedure TXML_as_List.Last;
- if (fActive) then
- fNoeud_Actuel := fDocument.documentElement.lastChild;
- {endif}
-procedure TXML_as_List.Next;
- fNoeud_Actuel := fNoeud_Actuel.nextSibling;
-function TXML_as_List.Open(FileName: WideString): boolean;
- if fActive then
- fActive := False;
- {endif}
- if (fDocument.load (FileName)) then begin
- fFileName := FileName;
- fActive := True;
- First;
- end;
- Result := fActive;
-procedure TXML_as_List.Previous;
- fNoeud_Actuel := fNoeud_Actuel.previousSibling;
-procedure TXML_as_List.Set_Active(const Value: Boolean);
- if (Value <> fActive) then begin
- fActive := Value;
- if (Value) then
- Open (fFileName)
- else
- fNoeud_Actuel := nil;
- {endif}
- end;
-procedure TXML_as_List.Set_FileName(const Value: WideString);
- fFileName := Value;
+{$I 'src\XML_as_List.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\XML_as_List.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/f_operation_en_cours.pas b/f_operation_en_cours.pas
index f928e9e..b254dd7 100644
--- a/f_operation_en_cours.pas
+++ b/f_operation_en_cours.pas
@@ -1,91 +1,2 @@
-unit f_operation_en_cours;
-uses System.Classes, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.ComCtrls;
-Procedure oec_Ouverture(nb_operation: cardinal);
-Procedure oec_Operation_Suivante;
-Procedure oec_Fermeture;
-{$R *.DFM}
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Graphics, Forms, Dialogs;
- Tfrm = class(TForm)
- ProgressBar1: TProgressBar;
- private
- { Déclarations privées }
- public
- { Déclarations publiques }
- end;
- frm: Tfrm;
-Procedure oec_Ouverture(nb_operation: cardinal);
- if (frm = nil) then
- frm := Tfrm.Create(Nil);
- try
- frm.ProgressBar1.Min := 0;
- frm.ProgressBar1.Max := nb_operation;
- frm.ProgressBar1.Position := 0;
- frm.Show;
- except
- try
- frm.Free;
- finally
- frm := nil;
- end;
- end;
-Procedure oec_Operation_Suivante;
- if (frm = nil) then
- oec_Ouverture(0);
- try
- frm.ProgressBar1.StepIt;
- except
- try
- frm.Free;
- finally
- frm := nil;
- end;
- end;
-Procedure oec_Fermeture;
- if (frm = nil) then
- oec_Ouverture(0);
- try
- frm.Hide;
- except
- try
- frm.Free;
- finally
- frm := nil;
- end;
- end;
-frm := nil;
-if (frm <> nil) then
- frm.Free;
- frm := nil;
-{ endif }
+{$I 'src\f_operation_en_cours.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\f_operation_en_cours.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/imports/AgentObjects_TLB.pas b/imports/AgentObjects_TLB.pas
index 0f7ffb9..7b1d92c 100644
--- a/imports/AgentObjects_TLB.pas
+++ b/imports/AgentObjects_TLB.pas
@@ -1,1227 +1,2 @@
-unit AgentObjects_TLB;
-// ************************************************************************ //
-// -------
-// Les types déclarés dans ce fichier ont été générés à partir de données lues
-// depuis la bibliothèque de types. Si cette dernière (via une autre bibliothèque de types
-// s'y référant) est explicitement ou indirectement ré-importée, ou la commande "Rafraîchir"
-// de l'éditeur de bibliothèque de types est activée lors de la modification de la bibliothèque
-// de types, le contenu de ce fichier sera régénéré et toutes les modifications
-// manuellement apportées seront perdues.
-// ************************************************************************ //
-// PASTLWTR : $Revision: $
-// Fichier généré le 24/07/2001 16:45:24 depuis la bibliothèque de types ci-dessous.
-// ************************************************************************ //
-// Bibl.Types : C:\WINDOWS\msagent\agentctl.dll (1)
-// IID\LCID : {F5BE8BC2-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}\0
-// Fichier d'aide :
-// DepndLst :
-// (1) v2.0 stdole, (C:\WINDOWS\System32\stdole2.tlb)
-// (2) v4.0 StdVCL, (C:\WINDOWS\system32\stdvcl40.dll)
-// Erreurs :
-// Remarque : paramètre 'On' dans IAgentCtlCharacterEx.AutoPopupMenu changé en 'On_'
-// Remarque : paramètre 'On' dans IAgentCtlCharacterEx.AutoPopupMenu changé en 'On_'
-// Remarque : paramètre 'On' dans IAgentCtlCharacterEx.HelpModeOn changé en 'On_'
-// Remarque : paramètre 'On' dans IAgentCtlCharacterEx.HelpModeOn changé en 'On_'
-// Remarque : paramètre 'File' dans IAgentCtlCharacterEx.HelpFile changé en 'File_'
-// Remarque : paramètre 'File' dans IAgentCtlCharacterEx.HelpFile changé en 'File_'
-// Remarque : paramètre 'On' dans IAgentCtlCharacter.IdleOn changé en 'On_'
-// Remarque : paramètre 'On' dans IAgentCtlCharacter.IdleOn changé en 'On_'
-// Remarque : paramètre 'Type' dans IAgentCtlCharacter.Get changé en 'Type_'
-// Remarque : paramètre 'On' dans IAgentCtlCharacter.SoundEffectsOn changé en 'On_'
-// Remarque : paramètre 'On' dans IAgentCtlCharacter.SoundEffectsOn changé en 'On_'
-// ************************************************************************ //
-{$TYPEDADDRESS OFF} // L'unité doit être compilée sans vérification de type des pointeurs.
-uses Windows, ActiveX, Classes, Graphics, OleServer, OleCtrls, StdVCL;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// GUIDS déclarés dans la bibliothèque de types. Préfixes utilisés :
-// Bibliothèques de types : LIBID_xxxx
-// CoClasses : CLASS_xxxx
-// DISPInterfaces : DIID_xxxx
-// Non-DISP interfaces : IID_xxxx
-// *********************************************************************//
- // Version majeure et mineure de la bibliothèque de types
- AgentObjectsMajorVersion = 2;
- AgentObjectsMinorVersion = 0;
- LIBID_AgentObjects: TGUID = '{F5BE8BC2-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}';
- IID_IAgentCtlCharacters: TGUID = '{F5BE8BE8-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}';
- IID_IAgentCtlCharacter: TGUID = '{F5BE8BD9-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}';
- IID_IAgentCtlCharacterEx: TGUID = '{DE8EF600-2F82-11D1-ACAC-00C04FD97575}';
- IID_IAgentCtlBalloon: TGUID = '{F5BE8BD3-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}';
- IID_IAgentCtlBalloonEx: TGUID = '{822DB1C0-8879-11D1-9EC6-00C04FD7081F}';
- IID_IAgentCtlCommands: TGUID = '{F5BE8BE1-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}';
- IID_IAgentCtlCommandsEx: TGUID = '{6BA90C01-3910-11D1-ACB3-00C04FD97575}';
- IID_IAgentCtlCommand: TGUID = '{F5BE8BE3-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}';
- IID_IAgentCtlCommandEx: TGUID = '{B0913410-3B44-11D1-ACBA-00C04FD97575}';
- IID_IAgentCtlRequest: TGUID = '{1DAB85C3-803A-11D0-AC63-00C04FD97575}';
- IID_IAgentCtlAnimationNames: TGUID = '{8B77181C-D3EF-11D1-8500-00C04FA34A14}';
- IID_IAgentCtlAudioObject: TGUID = '{F5BE8BDB-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}';
- IID_IAgentCtlAudioObjectEx: TGUID = '{F5BE8BF0-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}';
- IID_IAgentCtlSpeechInput: TGUID = '{F5BE8BDD-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}';
- IID_IAgentCtlPropertySheet: TGUID = '{F5BE8BDF-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}';
- IID_IAgentCtlUserInput: TGUID = '{C4ABF875-8100-11D0-AC63-00C04FD97575}';
- IID_IAgentCtlCommandsWindow: TGUID = '{6D0ECB27-9968-11D0-AC6E-00C04FD97575}';
- IID_IAgentCtl: TGUID = '{F5BE8BD1-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}';
- IID_IAgentCtlEx: TGUID = '{8563FF20-8ECC-11D1-B9B4-00C04FD97575}';
- DIID__AgentEvents: TGUID = '{F5BE8BD4-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}';
- CLASS_Agent: TGUID = '{D45FD31B-5C6E-11D1-9EC1-00C04FD7081F}';
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Déclaration Forward des types définis dans la bibliothèque de types
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlCharacters = interface;
- IAgentCtlCharactersDisp = dispinterface;
- IAgentCtlCharacter = interface;
- IAgentCtlCharacterDisp = dispinterface;
- IAgentCtlCharacterEx = interface;
- IAgentCtlCharacterExDisp = dispinterface;
- IAgentCtlBalloon = interface;
- IAgentCtlBalloonDisp = dispinterface;
- IAgentCtlBalloonEx = interface;
- IAgentCtlBalloonExDisp = dispinterface;
- IAgentCtlCommands = interface;
- IAgentCtlCommandsDisp = dispinterface;
- IAgentCtlCommandsEx = interface;
- IAgentCtlCommandsExDisp = dispinterface;
- IAgentCtlCommand = interface;
- IAgentCtlCommandDisp = dispinterface;
- IAgentCtlCommandEx = interface;
- IAgentCtlCommandExDisp = dispinterface;
- IAgentCtlRequest = interface;
- IAgentCtlRequestDisp = dispinterface;
- IAgentCtlAnimationNames = interface;
- IAgentCtlAnimationNamesDisp = dispinterface;
- IAgentCtlAudioObject = interface;
- IAgentCtlAudioObjectDisp = dispinterface;
- IAgentCtlAudioObjectEx = interface;
- IAgentCtlAudioObjectExDisp = dispinterface;
- IAgentCtlSpeechInput = interface;
- IAgentCtlSpeechInputDisp = dispinterface;
- IAgentCtlPropertySheet = interface;
- IAgentCtlPropertySheetDisp = dispinterface;
- IAgentCtlUserInput = interface;
- IAgentCtlUserInputDisp = dispinterface;
- IAgentCtlCommandsWindow = interface;
- IAgentCtlCommandsWindowDisp = dispinterface;
- IAgentCtl = interface;
- IAgentCtlDisp = dispinterface;
- IAgentCtlEx = interface;
- IAgentCtlExDisp = dispinterface;
- _AgentEvents = dispinterface;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Déclaration de CoClasses définies dans la bibliothèque de types
-// (REMARQUE: On affecte chaque CoClass à son Interface par défaut)
-// *********************************************************************//
- Agent = IAgentCtlEx;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IAgentCtlCharacters
-// Indicateurs : (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {F5BE8BE8-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlCharacters = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{F5BE8BE8-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}']
- function Get_Item(const CharacterID: WideString): IAgentCtlCharacterEx; safecall;
- function Character(const CharacterID: WideString): IAgentCtlCharacterEx; safecall;
- function Get_Enum: IUnknown; safecall;
- procedure Unload(const CharacterID: WideString); safecall;
- function Load(const CharacterID: WideString; LoadKey: OleVariant): IAgentCtlRequest; safecall;
- property Item[const CharacterID: WideString]: IAgentCtlCharacterEx read Get_Item; default;
- property Enum: IUnknown read Get_Enum;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IAgentCtlCharactersDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {F5BE8BE8-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlCharactersDisp = dispinterface
- ['{F5BE8BE8-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}']
- property Item[const CharacterID: WideString]: IAgentCtlCharacterEx readonly dispid 0; default;
- function Character(const CharacterID: WideString): IAgentCtlCharacterEx; dispid 3;
- property Enum: IUnknown readonly dispid -4;
- procedure Unload(const CharacterID: WideString); dispid 2;
- function Load(const CharacterID: WideString; LoadKey: OleVariant): IAgentCtlRequest; dispid 1;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IAgentCtlCharacter
-// Indicateurs : (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {F5BE8BD9-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlCharacter = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{F5BE8BD9-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}']
- function Get_Balloon: IAgentCtlBalloonEx; safecall;
- function Get_Commands: IAgentCtlCommandsEx; safecall;
- function Get_Name: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_Description: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_Visible: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_Left(Left: Smallint); safecall;
- function Get_Left: Smallint; safecall;
- procedure Set_Top(Top: Smallint); safecall;
- function Get_Top: Smallint; safecall;
- procedure Set_Height(Height: Smallint); safecall;
- function Get_Height: Smallint; safecall;
- procedure Set_Width(Width: Smallint); safecall;
- function Get_Width: Smallint; safecall;
- function Get_Speed: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_Pitch: Integer; safecall;
- procedure Set_IdleOn(On_: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_IdleOn: WordBool; safecall;
- function Activate(State: OleVariant): WordBool; safecall;
- function Play(const Animation: WideString): IAgentCtlRequest; safecall;
- function Get(const Type_: WideString; const Name: WideString; Queue: OleVariant): IAgentCtlRequest; safecall;
- procedure Stop(Request: OleVariant); safecall;
- function Wait(const WaitForRequest: IDispatch): IAgentCtlRequest; safecall;
- function Interrupt(const InterruptRequest: IDispatch): IAgentCtlRequest; safecall;
- function Speak(Text: OleVariant; Url: OleVariant): IAgentCtlRequest; safecall;
- function GestureAt(x: Smallint; y: Smallint): IAgentCtlRequest; safecall;
- function MoveTo(x: Smallint; y: Smallint; Speed: OleVariant): IAgentCtlRequest; safecall;
- function Hide(Fast: OleVariant): IAgentCtlRequest; safecall;
- function Show(Fast: OleVariant): IAgentCtlRequest; safecall;
- procedure StopAll(Types: OleVariant); safecall;
- function Get_MoveCause: Smallint; safecall;
- function Get_VisibilityCause: Smallint; safecall;
- function Get_HasOtherClients: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_SoundEffectsOn(On_: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_SoundEffectsOn: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_Name(const Name: WideString); safecall;
- procedure Set_Description(const Description: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_ExtraData: WideString; safecall;
- property Balloon: IAgentCtlBalloonEx read Get_Balloon;
- property Commands: IAgentCtlCommandsEx read Get_Commands;
- property Name: WideString read Get_Name write Set_Name;
- property Description: WideString read Get_Description write Set_Description;
- property Visible: WordBool read Get_Visible;
- property Left: Smallint read Get_Left write Set_Left;
- property Top: Smallint read Get_Top write Set_Top;
- property Height: Smallint read Get_Height write Set_Height;
- property Width: Smallint read Get_Width write Set_Width;
- property Speed: Integer read Get_Speed;
- property Pitch: Integer read Get_Pitch;
- property IdleOn: WordBool read Get_IdleOn write Set_IdleOn;
- property MoveCause: Smallint read Get_MoveCause;
- property VisibilityCause: Smallint read Get_VisibilityCause;
- property HasOtherClients: WordBool read Get_HasOtherClients;
- property SoundEffectsOn: WordBool read Get_SoundEffectsOn write Set_SoundEffectsOn;
- property ExtraData: WideString read Get_ExtraData;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IAgentCtlCharacterDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {F5BE8BD9-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlCharacterDisp = dispinterface
- ['{F5BE8BD9-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}']
- property Balloon: IAgentCtlBalloonEx readonly dispid 23;
- property Commands: IAgentCtlCommandsEx readonly dispid 25;
- property Name: WideString dispid 24;
- property Description: WideString dispid 28;
- property Visible: WordBool readonly dispid 2;
- property Left: Smallint dispid 3;
- property Top: Smallint dispid 4;
- property Height: Smallint dispid 5;
- property Width: Smallint dispid 6;
- property Speed: Integer readonly dispid 10;
- property Pitch: Integer readonly dispid 11;
- property IdleOn: WordBool dispid 29;
- function Activate(State: OleVariant): WordBool; dispid 26;
- function Play(const Animation: WideString): IAgentCtlRequest; dispid 13;
- function Get(const Type_: WideString; const Name: WideString; Queue: OleVariant): IAgentCtlRequest; dispid 27;
- procedure Stop(Request: OleVariant); dispid 14;
- function Wait(const WaitForRequest: IDispatch): IAgentCtlRequest; dispid 22;
- function Interrupt(const InterruptRequest: IDispatch): IAgentCtlRequest; dispid 21;
- function Speak(Text: OleVariant; Url: OleVariant): IAgentCtlRequest; dispid 15;
- function GestureAt(x: Smallint; y: Smallint): IAgentCtlRequest; dispid 17;
- function MoveTo(x: Smallint; y: Smallint; Speed: OleVariant): IAgentCtlRequest; dispid 18;
- function Hide(Fast: OleVariant): IAgentCtlRequest; dispid 19;
- function Show(Fast: OleVariant): IAgentCtlRequest; dispid 20;
- procedure StopAll(Types: OleVariant); dispid 31;
- property MoveCause: Smallint readonly dispid 32;
- property VisibilityCause: Smallint readonly dispid 33;
- property HasOtherClients: WordBool readonly dispid 34;
- property SoundEffectsOn: WordBool dispid 35;
- property ExtraData: WideString readonly dispid 36;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IAgentCtlCharacterEx
-// Indicateurs : (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {DE8EF600-2F82-11D1-ACAC-00C04FD97575}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlCharacterEx = interface(IAgentCtlCharacter)
- ['{DE8EF600-2F82-11D1-ACAC-00C04FD97575}']
- function ShowPopupMenu(x: Smallint; y: Smallint): WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_AutoPopupMenu(On_: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_AutoPopupMenu: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_HelpModeOn(On_: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_HelpModeOn: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_HelpContextID(ID: Integer); safecall;
- function Get_HelpContextID: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_Active: Smallint; safecall;
- function Listen(Listen: WordBool): WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_LanguageID(LanguageID: Integer); safecall;
- function Get_LanguageID: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_SRModeID: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_SRModeID(const EngineModeId: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_TTSModeID: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_TTSModeID(const EngineModeId: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_HelpFile: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_HelpFile(const File_: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_GUID: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_OriginalHeight: Smallint; safecall;
- function Get_OriginalWidth: Smallint; safecall;
- function Think(const Text: WideString): IAgentCtlRequest; safecall;
- function Get_Version: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_AnimationNames: IAgentCtlAnimationNames; safecall;
- function Get_SRStatus: Integer; safecall;
- property AutoPopupMenu: WordBool read Get_AutoPopupMenu write Set_AutoPopupMenu;
- property HelpModeOn: WordBool read Get_HelpModeOn write Set_HelpModeOn;
- property HelpContextID: Integer read Get_HelpContextID write Set_HelpContextID;
- property Active: Smallint read Get_Active;
- property LanguageID: Integer read Get_LanguageID write Set_LanguageID;
- property SRModeID: WideString read Get_SRModeID write Set_SRModeID;
- property TTSModeID: WideString read Get_TTSModeID write Set_TTSModeID;
- property HelpFile: WideString read Get_HelpFile write Set_HelpFile;
- property GUID: WideString read Get_GUID;
- property OriginalHeight: Smallint read Get_OriginalHeight;
- property OriginalWidth: Smallint read Get_OriginalWidth;
- property Version: WideString read Get_Version;
- property AnimationNames: IAgentCtlAnimationNames read Get_AnimationNames;
- property SRStatus: Integer read Get_SRStatus;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IAgentCtlCharacterExDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {DE8EF600-2F82-11D1-ACAC-00C04FD97575}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlCharacterExDisp = dispinterface
- ['{DE8EF600-2F82-11D1-ACAC-00C04FD97575}']
- function ShowPopupMenu(x: Smallint; y: Smallint): WordBool; dispid 37;
- property AutoPopupMenu: WordBool dispid 38;
- property HelpModeOn: WordBool dispid 39;
- property HelpContextID: Integer dispid 40;
- property Active: Smallint readonly dispid 41;
- function Listen(Listen: WordBool): WordBool; dispid 42;
- property LanguageID: Integer dispid 43;
- property SRModeID: WideString dispid 46;
- property TTSModeID: WideString dispid 47;
- property HelpFile: WideString dispid 48;
- property GUID: WideString readonly dispid 49;
- property OriginalHeight: Smallint readonly dispid 50;
- property OriginalWidth: Smallint readonly dispid 51;
- function Think(const Text: WideString): IAgentCtlRequest; dispid 52;
- property Version: WideString readonly dispid 53;
- property AnimationNames: IAgentCtlAnimationNames readonly dispid 54;
- property SRStatus: Integer readonly dispid 55;
- property Balloon: IAgentCtlBalloonEx readonly dispid 23;
- property Commands: IAgentCtlCommandsEx readonly dispid 25;
- property Name: WideString dispid 24;
- property Description: WideString dispid 28;
- property Visible: WordBool readonly dispid 2;
- property Left: Smallint dispid 3;
- property Top: Smallint dispid 4;
- property Height: Smallint dispid 5;
- property Width: Smallint dispid 6;
- property Speed: Integer readonly dispid 10;
- property Pitch: Integer readonly dispid 11;
- property IdleOn: WordBool dispid 29;
- function Activate(State: OleVariant): WordBool; dispid 26;
- function Play(const Animation: WideString): IAgentCtlRequest; dispid 13;
- function Get(const Type_: WideString; const Name: WideString; Queue: OleVariant): IAgentCtlRequest; dispid 27;
- procedure Stop(Request: OleVariant); dispid 14;
- function Wait(const WaitForRequest: IDispatch): IAgentCtlRequest; dispid 22;
- function Interrupt(const InterruptRequest: IDispatch): IAgentCtlRequest; dispid 21;
- function Speak(Text: OleVariant; Url: OleVariant): IAgentCtlRequest; dispid 15;
- function GestureAt(x: Smallint; y: Smallint): IAgentCtlRequest; dispid 17;
- function MoveTo(x: Smallint; y: Smallint; Speed: OleVariant): IAgentCtlRequest; dispid 18;
- function Hide(Fast: OleVariant): IAgentCtlRequest; dispid 19;
- function Show(Fast: OleVariant): IAgentCtlRequest; dispid 20;
- procedure StopAll(Types: OleVariant); dispid 31;
- property MoveCause: Smallint readonly dispid 32;
- property VisibilityCause: Smallint readonly dispid 33;
- property HasOtherClients: WordBool readonly dispid 34;
- property SoundEffectsOn: WordBool dispid 35;
- property ExtraData: WideString readonly dispid 36;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IAgentCtlBalloon
-// Indicateurs : (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {F5BE8BD3-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlBalloon = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{F5BE8BD3-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}']
- function Get_Enabled: WordBool; safecall;
- function Get_NumberOfLines: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_CharsPerLine: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_FontName: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_FontSize: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_FontBold: WordBool; safecall;
- function Get_FontItalic: WordBool; safecall;
- function Get_FontStrikethru: WordBool; safecall;
- function Get_FontUnderline: WordBool; safecall;
- function Get_ForeColor: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_BackColor: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_BorderColor: Integer; safecall;
- procedure Set_Visible(Visible: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_Visible: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_FontName(const FontName: WideString); safecall;
- procedure Set_FontSize(FontSize: Integer); safecall;
- procedure Set_FontCharSet(FontCharSet: Smallint); safecall;
- function Get_FontCharSet: Smallint; safecall;
- property Enabled: WordBool read Get_Enabled;
- property NumberOfLines: Integer read Get_NumberOfLines;
- property CharsPerLine: Integer read Get_CharsPerLine;
- property FontName: WideString read Get_FontName write Set_FontName;
- property FontSize: Integer read Get_FontSize write Set_FontSize;
- property FontBold: WordBool read Get_FontBold;
- property FontItalic: WordBool read Get_FontItalic;
- property FontStrikethru: WordBool read Get_FontStrikethru;
- property FontUnderline: WordBool read Get_FontUnderline;
- property ForeColor: Integer read Get_ForeColor;
- property BackColor: Integer read Get_BackColor;
- property BorderColor: Integer read Get_BorderColor;
- property Visible: WordBool read Get_Visible write Set_Visible;
- property FontCharSet: Smallint read Get_FontCharSet write Set_FontCharSet;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IAgentCtlBalloonDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {F5BE8BD3-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlBalloonDisp = dispinterface
- ['{F5BE8BD3-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}']
- property Enabled: WordBool readonly dispid 1;
- property NumberOfLines: Integer readonly dispid 2;
- property CharsPerLine: Integer readonly dispid 3;
- property FontName: WideString dispid 4;
- property FontSize: Integer dispid 5;
- property FontBold: WordBool readonly dispid 10;
- property FontItalic: WordBool readonly dispid 11;
- property FontStrikethru: WordBool readonly dispid 12;
- property FontUnderline: WordBool readonly dispid 13;
- property ForeColor: Integer readonly dispid 7;
- property BackColor: Integer readonly dispid 8;
- property BorderColor: Integer readonly dispid 9;
- property Visible: WordBool dispid 14;
- property FontCharSet: Smallint dispid 15;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IAgentCtlBalloonEx
-// Indicateurs : (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {822DB1C0-8879-11D1-9EC6-00C04FD7081F}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlBalloonEx = interface(IAgentCtlBalloon)
- ['{822DB1C0-8879-11D1-9EC6-00C04FD7081F}']
- procedure Set_Style(Style: Integer); safecall;
- function Get_Style: Integer; safecall;
- property Style: Integer read Get_Style write Set_Style;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IAgentCtlBalloonExDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {822DB1C0-8879-11D1-9EC6-00C04FD7081F}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlBalloonExDisp = dispinterface
- ['{822DB1C0-8879-11D1-9EC6-00C04FD7081F}']
- property Style: Integer dispid 16;
- property Enabled: WordBool readonly dispid 1;
- property NumberOfLines: Integer readonly dispid 2;
- property CharsPerLine: Integer readonly dispid 3;
- property FontName: WideString dispid 4;
- property FontSize: Integer dispid 5;
- property FontBold: WordBool readonly dispid 10;
- property FontItalic: WordBool readonly dispid 11;
- property FontStrikethru: WordBool readonly dispid 12;
- property FontUnderline: WordBool readonly dispid 13;
- property ForeColor: Integer readonly dispid 7;
- property BackColor: Integer readonly dispid 8;
- property BorderColor: Integer readonly dispid 9;
- property Visible: WordBool dispid 14;
- property FontCharSet: Smallint dispid 15;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IAgentCtlCommands
-// Indicateurs : (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {F5BE8BE1-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlCommands = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{F5BE8BE1-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}']
- function Get_Item(const Name: WideString): IAgentCtlCommandEx; safecall;
- function Command(const Name: WideString): IAgentCtlCommandEx; safecall;
- function Get_Count: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_Caption: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_Caption(const Caption: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_Voice: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_Voice(const Voice: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_Visible: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_Visible(Visible: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_Enum: IUnknown; safecall;
- function Add(const Name: WideString; Caption: OleVariant; Voice: OleVariant;
- Enabled: OleVariant; Visible: OleVariant): IAgentCtlCommand; safecall;
- function Insert(const Name: WideString; const RefName: WideString; Before: OleVariant;
- Caption: OleVariant; Voice: OleVariant; Enabled: OleVariant;
- Visible: OleVariant): IAgentCtlCommand; safecall;
- procedure Remove(const Name: WideString); safecall;
- procedure RemoveAll; safecall;
- property Item[const Name: WideString]: IAgentCtlCommandEx read Get_Item; default;
- property Count: Integer read Get_Count;
- property Caption: WideString read Get_Caption write Set_Caption;
- property Voice: WideString read Get_Voice write Set_Voice;
- property Visible: WordBool read Get_Visible write Set_Visible;
- property Enum: IUnknown read Get_Enum;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IAgentCtlCommandsDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {F5BE8BE1-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlCommandsDisp = dispinterface
- ['{F5BE8BE1-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}']
- property Item[const Name: WideString]: IAgentCtlCommandEx readonly dispid 0; default;
- function Command(const Name: WideString): IAgentCtlCommandEx; dispid 15;
- property Count: Integer readonly dispid 2;
- property Caption: WideString dispid 3;
- property Voice: WideString dispid 4;
- property Visible: WordBool dispid 5;
- property Enum: IUnknown readonly dispid -4;
- function Add(const Name: WideString; Caption: OleVariant; Voice: OleVariant;
- Enabled: OleVariant; Visible: OleVariant): IAgentCtlCommand; dispid 10;
- function Insert(const Name: WideString; const RefName: WideString; Before: OleVariant;
- Caption: OleVariant; Voice: OleVariant; Enabled: OleVariant;
- Visible: OleVariant): IAgentCtlCommand; dispid 11;
- procedure Remove(const Name: WideString); dispid 13;
- procedure RemoveAll; dispid 14;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IAgentCtlCommandsEx
-// Indicateurs : (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {6BA90C01-3910-11D1-ACB3-00C04FD97575}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlCommandsEx = interface(IAgentCtlCommands)
- ['{6BA90C01-3910-11D1-ACB3-00C04FD97575}']
- procedure Set_DefaultCommand(const Name: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_DefaultCommand: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_HelpContextID(ID: Integer); safecall;
- function Get_HelpContextID: Integer; safecall;
- procedure Set_FontName(const FontName: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_FontName: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_FontSize: Integer; safecall;
- procedure Set_FontSize(FontSize: Integer); safecall;
- procedure Set_VoiceCaption(const VoiceCaption: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_VoiceCaption: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_GlobalVoiceCommandsEnabled(Enable: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_GlobalVoiceCommandsEnabled: WordBool; safecall;
- property DefaultCommand: WideString read Get_DefaultCommand write Set_DefaultCommand;
- property HelpContextID: Integer read Get_HelpContextID write Set_HelpContextID;
- property FontName: WideString read Get_FontName write Set_FontName;
- property FontSize: Integer read Get_FontSize write Set_FontSize;
- property VoiceCaption: WideString read Get_VoiceCaption write Set_VoiceCaption;
- property GlobalVoiceCommandsEnabled: WordBool read Get_GlobalVoiceCommandsEnabled write Set_GlobalVoiceCommandsEnabled;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IAgentCtlCommandsExDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {6BA90C01-3910-11D1-ACB3-00C04FD97575}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlCommandsExDisp = dispinterface
- ['{6BA90C01-3910-11D1-ACB3-00C04FD97575}']
- property DefaultCommand: WideString dispid 16;
- property HelpContextID: Integer dispid 17;
- property FontName: WideString dispid 21;
- property FontSize: Integer dispid 23;
- property VoiceCaption: WideString dispid 22;
- property GlobalVoiceCommandsEnabled: WordBool dispid 24;
- property Item[const Name: WideString]: IAgentCtlCommandEx readonly dispid 0; default;
- function Command(const Name: WideString): IAgentCtlCommandEx; dispid 15;
- property Count: Integer readonly dispid 2;
- property Caption: WideString dispid 3;
- property Voice: WideString dispid 4;
- property Visible: WordBool dispid 5;
- property Enum: IUnknown readonly dispid -4;
- function Add(const Name: WideString; Caption: OleVariant; Voice: OleVariant;
- Enabled: OleVariant; Visible: OleVariant): IAgentCtlCommand; dispid 10;
- function Insert(const Name: WideString; const RefName: WideString; Before: OleVariant;
- Caption: OleVariant; Voice: OleVariant; Enabled: OleVariant;
- Visible: OleVariant): IAgentCtlCommand; dispid 11;
- procedure Remove(const Name: WideString); dispid 13;
- procedure RemoveAll; dispid 14;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IAgentCtlCommand
-// Indicateurs : (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {F5BE8BE3-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlCommand = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{F5BE8BE3-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}']
- function Get_Voice: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_Voice(const Voice: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_Caption: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_Caption(const Caption: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_Enabled: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_Enabled(Enabled: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_Visible: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_Visible(Visible: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_Confidence: Integer; safecall;
- procedure Set_Confidence(Confidence: Integer); safecall;
- function Get_ConfidenceText: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_ConfidenceText(const Text: WideString); safecall;
- property Voice: WideString read Get_Voice write Set_Voice;
- property Caption: WideString read Get_Caption write Set_Caption;
- property Enabled: WordBool read Get_Enabled write Set_Enabled;
- property Visible: WordBool read Get_Visible write Set_Visible;
- property Confidence: Integer read Get_Confidence write Set_Confidence;
- property ConfidenceText: WideString read Get_ConfidenceText write Set_ConfidenceText;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IAgentCtlCommandDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {F5BE8BE3-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlCommandDisp = dispinterface
- ['{F5BE8BE3-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}']
- property Voice: WideString dispid 1;
- property Caption: WideString dispid 2;
- property Enabled: WordBool dispid 5;
- property Visible: WordBool dispid 6;
- property Confidence: Integer dispid 3;
- property ConfidenceText: WideString dispid 4;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IAgentCtlCommandEx
-// Indicateurs : (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {B0913410-3B44-11D1-ACBA-00C04FD97575}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlCommandEx = interface(IAgentCtlCommand)
- ['{B0913410-3B44-11D1-ACBA-00C04FD97575}']
- procedure Set_HelpContextID(ID: Integer); safecall;
- function Get_HelpContextID: Integer; safecall;
- procedure Set_VoiceCaption(const VoiceCaption: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_VoiceCaption: WideString; safecall;
- property HelpContextID: Integer read Get_HelpContextID write Set_HelpContextID;
- property VoiceCaption: WideString read Get_VoiceCaption write Set_VoiceCaption;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IAgentCtlCommandExDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {B0913410-3B44-11D1-ACBA-00C04FD97575}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlCommandExDisp = dispinterface
- ['{B0913410-3B44-11D1-ACBA-00C04FD97575}']
- property HelpContextID: Integer dispid 7;
- property VoiceCaption: WideString dispid 8;
- property Voice: WideString dispid 1;
- property Caption: WideString dispid 2;
- property Enabled: WordBool dispid 5;
- property Visible: WordBool dispid 6;
- property Confidence: Integer dispid 3;
- property ConfidenceText: WideString dispid 4;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IAgentCtlRequest
-// Indicateurs : (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {1DAB85C3-803A-11D0-AC63-00C04FD97575}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlRequest = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{1DAB85C3-803A-11D0-AC63-00C04FD97575}']
- function Get_ID: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_Status: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_Description: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_Number: Integer; safecall;
- property ID: Integer read Get_ID;
- property Status: Integer read Get_Status;
- property Description: WideString read Get_Description;
- property Number: Integer read Get_Number;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IAgentCtlRequestDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {1DAB85C3-803A-11D0-AC63-00C04FD97575}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlRequestDisp = dispinterface
- ['{1DAB85C3-803A-11D0-AC63-00C04FD97575}']
- property ID: Integer readonly dispid 0;
- property Status: Integer readonly dispid 1;
- property Description: WideString readonly dispid 2;
- property Number: Integer readonly dispid 3;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IAgentCtlAnimationNames
-// Indicateurs : (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {8B77181C-D3EF-11D1-8500-00C04FA34A14}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlAnimationNames = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{8B77181C-D3EF-11D1-8500-00C04FA34A14}']
- function Get_Enum: IUnknown; safecall;
- property Enum: IUnknown read Get_Enum;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IAgentCtlAnimationNamesDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {8B77181C-D3EF-11D1-8500-00C04FA34A14}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlAnimationNamesDisp = dispinterface
- ['{8B77181C-D3EF-11D1-8500-00C04FA34A14}']
- property Enum: IUnknown readonly dispid -4;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IAgentCtlAudioObject
-// Indicateurs : (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {F5BE8BDB-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlAudioObject = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{F5BE8BDB-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}']
- function Get_Enabled: WordBool; safecall;
- function Get_SoundEffects: WordBool; safecall;
- property Enabled: WordBool read Get_Enabled;
- property SoundEffects: WordBool read Get_SoundEffects;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IAgentCtlAudioObjectDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {F5BE8BDB-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlAudioObjectDisp = dispinterface
- ['{F5BE8BDB-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}']
- property Enabled: WordBool readonly dispid 1;
- property SoundEffects: WordBool readonly dispid 2;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IAgentCtlAudioObjectEx
-// Indicateurs : (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {F5BE8BF0-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlAudioObjectEx = interface(IAgentCtlAudioObject)
- ['{F5BE8BF0-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}']
- function Get_Status: Smallint; safecall;
- property Status: Smallint read Get_Status;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IAgentCtlAudioObjectExDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {F5BE8BF0-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlAudioObjectExDisp = dispinterface
- ['{F5BE8BF0-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}']
- property Status: Smallint readonly dispid 3;
- property Enabled: WordBool readonly dispid 1;
- property SoundEffects: WordBool readonly dispid 2;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IAgentCtlSpeechInput
-// Indicateurs : (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {F5BE8BDD-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlSpeechInput = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{F5BE8BDD-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}']
- function Get_Enabled: WordBool; safecall;
- function Get_Language: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_HotKey: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_Installed: WordBool; safecall;
- function Get_Engine: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_Engine(const Engine: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_ListeningTip: WordBool; safecall;
- property Enabled: WordBool read Get_Enabled;
- property Language: WideString read Get_Language;
- property HotKey: WideString read Get_HotKey;
- property Installed: WordBool read Get_Installed;
- property Engine: WideString read Get_Engine write Set_Engine;
- property ListeningTip: WordBool read Get_ListeningTip;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IAgentCtlSpeechInputDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {F5BE8BDD-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlSpeechInputDisp = dispinterface
- ['{F5BE8BDD-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}']
- property Enabled: WordBool readonly dispid 1;
- property Language: WideString readonly dispid 2;
- property HotKey: WideString readonly dispid 3;
- property Installed: WordBool readonly dispid 4;
- property Engine: WideString dispid 5;
- property ListeningTip: WordBool readonly dispid 6;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IAgentCtlPropertySheet
-// Indicateurs : (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {F5BE8BDF-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlPropertySheet = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{F5BE8BDF-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}']
- function Get_Left: Smallint; safecall;
- function Get_Top: Smallint; safecall;
- function Get_Height: Smallint; safecall;
- function Get_Width: Smallint; safecall;
- procedure Set_Visible(Visible: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_Visible: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_Page(const Page: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_Page: WideString; safecall;
- property Left: Smallint read Get_Left;
- property Top: Smallint read Get_Top;
- property Height: Smallint read Get_Height;
- property Width: Smallint read Get_Width;
- property Visible: WordBool read Get_Visible write Set_Visible;
- property Page: WideString read Get_Page write Set_Page;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IAgentCtlPropertySheetDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {F5BE8BDF-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlPropertySheetDisp = dispinterface
- ['{F5BE8BDF-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}']
- property Left: Smallint readonly dispid 1;
- property Top: Smallint readonly dispid 2;
- property Height: Smallint readonly dispid 3;
- property Width: Smallint readonly dispid 4;
- property Visible: WordBool dispid 6;
- property Page: WideString dispid 5;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IAgentCtlUserInput
-// Indicateurs : (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {C4ABF875-8100-11D0-AC63-00C04FD97575}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlUserInput = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{C4ABF875-8100-11D0-AC63-00C04FD97575}']
- function Get_Count: Smallint; safecall;
- function Get_Name: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_CharacterID: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_Confidence: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_Voice: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_Alt1Name: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_Alt1Confidence: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_Alt1Voice: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_Alt2Name: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_Alt2Confidence: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_Alt2Voice: WideString; safecall;
- property Count: Smallint read Get_Count;
- property Name: WideString read Get_Name;
- property CharacterID: WideString read Get_CharacterID;
- property Confidence: Integer read Get_Confidence;
- property Voice: WideString read Get_Voice;
- property Alt1Name: WideString read Get_Alt1Name;
- property Alt1Confidence: Integer read Get_Alt1Confidence;
- property Alt1Voice: WideString read Get_Alt1Voice;
- property Alt2Name: WideString read Get_Alt2Name;
- property Alt2Confidence: Integer read Get_Alt2Confidence;
- property Alt2Voice: WideString read Get_Alt2Voice;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IAgentCtlUserInputDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {C4ABF875-8100-11D0-AC63-00C04FD97575}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlUserInputDisp = dispinterface
- ['{C4ABF875-8100-11D0-AC63-00C04FD97575}']
- property Count: Smallint readonly dispid 1610743808;
- property Name: WideString readonly dispid 1610743809;
- property CharacterID: WideString readonly dispid 1610743810;
- property Confidence: Integer readonly dispid 1610743811;
- property Voice: WideString readonly dispid 1610743812;
- property Alt1Name: WideString readonly dispid 1610743813;
- property Alt1Confidence: Integer readonly dispid 1610743814;
- property Alt1Voice: WideString readonly dispid 1610743815;
- property Alt2Name: WideString readonly dispid 1610743816;
- property Alt2Confidence: Integer readonly dispid 1610743817;
- property Alt2Voice: WideString readonly dispid 1610743818;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IAgentCtlCommandsWindow
-// Indicateurs : (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {6D0ECB27-9968-11D0-AC6E-00C04FD97575}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlCommandsWindow = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{6D0ECB27-9968-11D0-AC6E-00C04FD97575}']
- function Get_Visible: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_Visible(Visible: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_Left: Smallint; safecall;
- function Get_Top: Smallint; safecall;
- function Get_Height: Smallint; safecall;
- function Get_Width: Smallint; safecall;
- property Visible: WordBool read Get_Visible write Set_Visible;
- property Left: Smallint read Get_Left;
- property Top: Smallint read Get_Top;
- property Height: Smallint read Get_Height;
- property Width: Smallint read Get_Width;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IAgentCtlCommandsWindowDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {6D0ECB27-9968-11D0-AC6E-00C04FD97575}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlCommandsWindowDisp = dispinterface
- ['{6D0ECB27-9968-11D0-AC6E-00C04FD97575}']
- property Visible: WordBool dispid 5;
- property Left: Smallint readonly dispid 6;
- property Top: Smallint readonly dispid 7;
- property Height: Smallint readonly dispid 8;
- property Width: Smallint readonly dispid 9;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IAgentCtl
-// Indicateurs : (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {F5BE8BD1-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtl = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{F5BE8BD1-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}']
- function Get_Characters: IAgentCtlCharacters; safecall;
- function Get_AudioOutput: IAgentCtlAudioObjectEx; safecall;
- function Get_SpeechInput: IAgentCtlSpeechInput; safecall;
- function Get_PropertySheet: IAgentCtlPropertySheet; safecall;
- function Get_CommandsWindow: IAgentCtlCommandsWindow; safecall;
- function Get_Connected: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_Connected(Connected: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_Suspended: WordBool; safecall;
- property Characters: IAgentCtlCharacters read Get_Characters;
- property AudioOutput: IAgentCtlAudioObjectEx read Get_AudioOutput;
- property SpeechInput: IAgentCtlSpeechInput read Get_SpeechInput;
- property PropertySheet: IAgentCtlPropertySheet read Get_PropertySheet;
- property CommandsWindow: IAgentCtlCommandsWindow read Get_CommandsWindow;
- property Connected: WordBool read Get_Connected write Set_Connected;
- property Suspended: WordBool read Get_Suspended;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IAgentCtlDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {F5BE8BD1-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlDisp = dispinterface
- ['{F5BE8BD1-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}']
- property Characters: IAgentCtlCharacters readonly dispid 3;
- property AudioOutput: IAgentCtlAudioObjectEx readonly dispid 4;
- property SpeechInput: IAgentCtlSpeechInput readonly dispid 5;
- property PropertySheet: IAgentCtlPropertySheet readonly dispid 8;
- property CommandsWindow: IAgentCtlCommandsWindow readonly dispid 12;
- property Connected: WordBool dispid 9;
- property Suspended: WordBool readonly dispid 14;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IAgentCtlEx
-// Indicateurs : (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {8563FF20-8ECC-11D1-B9B4-00C04FD97575}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlEx = interface(IAgentCtl)
- ['{8563FF20-8ECC-11D1-B9B4-00C04FD97575}']
- procedure ShowDefaultCharacterProperties(x: OleVariant; y: OleVariant); safecall;
- function Get_RaiseRequestErrors: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_RaiseRequestErrors(RaiseErrors: WordBool); safecall;
- property RaiseRequestErrors: WordBool read Get_RaiseRequestErrors write Set_RaiseRequestErrors;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IAgentCtlExDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {8563FF20-8ECC-11D1-B9B4-00C04FD97575}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IAgentCtlExDisp = dispinterface
- ['{8563FF20-8ECC-11D1-B9B4-00C04FD97575}']
- procedure ShowDefaultCharacterProperties(x: OleVariant; y: OleVariant); dispid 20;
- property RaiseRequestErrors: WordBool dispid 21;
- property Characters: IAgentCtlCharacters readonly dispid 3;
- property AudioOutput: IAgentCtlAudioObjectEx readonly dispid 4;
- property SpeechInput: IAgentCtlSpeechInput readonly dispid 5;
- property PropertySheet: IAgentCtlPropertySheet readonly dispid 8;
- property CommandsWindow: IAgentCtlCommandsWindow readonly dispid 12;
- property Connected: WordBool dispid 9;
- property Suspended: WordBool readonly dispid 14;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: _AgentEvents
-// Flags: (4096) Dispatchable
-// GUID: {F5BE8BD4-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
-// *********************************************************************//
- _AgentEvents = dispinterface
- ['{F5BE8BD4-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}']
- procedure ActivateInput(const CharacterID: WideString); dispid 1;
- procedure DeactivateInput(const CharacterID: WideString); dispid 3;
- procedure Click(const CharacterID: WideString; Button: Smallint; Shift: Smallint; x: Smallint;
- y: Smallint); dispid 2;
- procedure DblClick(const CharacterID: WideString; Button: Smallint; Shift: Smallint;
- x: Smallint; y: Smallint); dispid 4;
- procedure DragStart(const CharacterID: WideString; Button: Smallint; Shift: Smallint;
- x: Smallint; y: Smallint); dispid 5;
- procedure DragComplete(const CharacterID: WideString; Button: Smallint; Shift: Smallint;
- x: Smallint; y: Smallint); dispid 6;
- procedure Show(const CharacterID: WideString; Cause: Smallint); dispid 15;
- procedure Hide(const CharacterID: WideString; Cause: Smallint); dispid 7;
- procedure RequestStart(const Request: IDispatch); dispid 9;
- procedure RequestComplete(const Request: IDispatch); dispid 11;
- procedure Restart; dispid 21;
- procedure Shutdown; dispid 12;
- procedure Bookmark(BookmarkID: Integer); dispid 16;
- procedure Command(const UserInput: IDispatch); dispid 17;
- procedure IdleStart(const CharacterID: WideString); dispid 19;
- procedure IdleComplete(const CharacterID: WideString); dispid 20;
- procedure Move(const CharacterID: WideString; x: Smallint; y: Smallint; Cause: Smallint); dispid 22;
- procedure Size(const CharacterID: WideString; Width: Smallint; Height: Smallint); dispid 23;
- procedure BalloonShow(const CharacterID: WideString); dispid 24;
- procedure BalloonHide(const CharacterID: WideString); dispid 25;
- procedure HelpComplete(const CharacterID: WideString; const Name: WideString; Cause: Smallint); dispid 26;
- procedure ListenStart(const CharacterID: WideString); dispid 27;
- procedure ListenComplete(const CharacterID: WideString; Cause: Smallint); dispid 28;
- procedure DefaultCharacterChange(const GUID: WideString); dispid 30;
- procedure AgentPropertyChange; dispid 31;
- procedure ActiveClientChange(const CharacterID: WideString; Active: WordBool); dispid 32;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Déclaration de classe proxy de contrôle OLE
-// Nom du contrôle : TAgent
-// Chaîne d'aide : Microsoft Agent Control 2.0
-// Interface par défaut : IAgentCtlEx
-// DISP Int. Déf. ? : No
-// Interface événements : _AgentEvents
-// TypeFlags : (2) CanCreate
-// *********************************************************************//
- TAgentActivateInput = procedure(Sender: TObject; const CharacterID: WideString) of object;
- TAgentDeactivateInput = procedure(Sender: TObject; const CharacterID: WideString) of object;
- TAgentClick = procedure(Sender: TObject; const CharacterID: WideString; Button: Smallint;
- Shift: Smallint; x: Smallint; y: Smallint) of object;
- TAgentDblClick = procedure(Sender: TObject; const CharacterID: WideString; Button: Smallint;
- Shift: Smallint; x: Smallint; y: Smallint) of object;
- TAgentDragStart = procedure(Sender: TObject; const CharacterID: WideString; Button: Smallint;
- Shift: Smallint; x: Smallint; y: Smallint) of object;
- TAgentDragComplete = procedure(Sender: TObject; const CharacterID: WideString; Button: Smallint;
- Shift: Smallint; x: Smallint; y: Smallint) of object;
- TAgentShow = procedure(Sender: TObject; const CharacterID: WideString; Cause: Smallint) of object;
- TAgentHide = procedure(Sender: TObject; const CharacterID: WideString; Cause: Smallint) of object;
- TAgentRequestStart = procedure(Sender: TObject; const Request: IDispatch) of object;
- TAgentRequestComplete = procedure(Sender: TObject; const Request: IDispatch) of object;
- TAgentBookmark = procedure(Sender: TObject; BookmarkID: Integer) of object;
- TAgentCommand = procedure(Sender: TObject; const UserInput: IDispatch) of object;
- TAgentIdleStart = procedure(Sender: TObject; const CharacterID: WideString) of object;
- TAgentIdleComplete = procedure(Sender: TObject; const CharacterID: WideString) of object;
- TAgentMove = procedure(Sender: TObject; const CharacterID: WideString; x: Smallint; y: Smallint;
- Cause: Smallint) of object;
- TAgentSize = procedure(Sender: TObject; const CharacterID: WideString; Width: Smallint;
- Height: Smallint) of object;
- TAgentBalloonShow = procedure(Sender: TObject; const CharacterID: WideString) of object;
- TAgentBalloonHide = procedure(Sender: TObject; const CharacterID: WideString) of object;
- TAgentHelpComplete = procedure(Sender: TObject; const CharacterID: WideString;
- const Name: WideString; Cause: Smallint) of object;
- TAgentListenStart = procedure(Sender: TObject; const CharacterID: WideString) of object;
- TAgentListenComplete = procedure(Sender: TObject; const CharacterID: WideString; Cause: Smallint) of object;
- TAgentDefaultCharacterChange = procedure(Sender: TObject; const GUID: WideString) of object;
- TAgentActiveClientChange = procedure(Sender: TObject; const CharacterID: WideString;
- Active: WordBool) of object;
- TAgent = class(TOleControl)
- private
- FOnActivateInput: TAgentActivateInput;
- FOnDeactivateInput: TAgentDeactivateInput;
- FOnClick: TAgentClick;
- FOnDblClick: TAgentDblClick;
- FOnDragStart: TAgentDragStart;
- FOnDragComplete: TAgentDragComplete;
- FOnShow: TAgentShow;
- FOnHide: TAgentHide;
- FOnRequestStart: TAgentRequestStart;
- FOnRequestComplete: TAgentRequestComplete;
- FOnRestart: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnShutdown: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnBookmark: TAgentBookmark;
- FOnCommand: TAgentCommand;
- FOnIdleStart: TAgentIdleStart;
- FOnIdleComplete: TAgentIdleComplete;
- FOnMove: TAgentMove;
- FOnSize: TAgentSize;
- FOnBalloonShow: TAgentBalloonShow;
- FOnBalloonHide: TAgentBalloonHide;
- FOnHelpComplete: TAgentHelpComplete;
- FOnListenStart: TAgentListenStart;
- FOnListenComplete: TAgentListenComplete;
- FOnDefaultCharacterChange: TAgentDefaultCharacterChange;
- FOnAgentPropertyChange: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnActiveClientChange: TAgentActiveClientChange;
- FIntf: IAgentCtlEx;
- function GetControlInterface: IAgentCtlEx;
- protected
- procedure CreateControl;
- procedure InitControlData; override;
- function Get_Characters: IAgentCtlCharacters;
- function Get_AudioOutput: IAgentCtlAudioObjectEx;
- function Get_SpeechInput: IAgentCtlSpeechInput;
- function Get_PropertySheet: IAgentCtlPropertySheet;
- function Get_CommandsWindow: IAgentCtlCommandsWindow;
- public
- procedure ShowDefaultCharacterProperties; overload;
- procedure ShowDefaultCharacterProperties(x: OleVariant); overload;
- procedure ShowDefaultCharacterProperties(x: OleVariant; y: OleVariant); overload;
- property ControlInterface: IAgentCtlEx read GetControlInterface;
- property DefaultInterface: IAgentCtlEx read GetControlInterface;
- property Characters: IAgentCtlCharacters read Get_Characters;
- property AudioOutput: IAgentCtlAudioObjectEx read Get_AudioOutput;
- property SpeechInput: IAgentCtlSpeechInput read Get_SpeechInput;
- property PropertySheet: IAgentCtlPropertySheet read Get_PropertySheet;
- property CommandsWindow: IAgentCtlCommandsWindow read Get_CommandsWindow;
- property Suspended: WordBool index 14 read GetWordBoolProp;
- published
- property Connected: WordBool index 9 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
- property RaiseRequestErrors: WordBool index 21 read GetWordBoolProp write SetWordBoolProp stored False;
- property OnActivateInput: TAgentActivateInput read FOnActivateInput write FOnActivateInput;
- property OnDeactivateInput: TAgentDeactivateInput read FOnDeactivateInput write FOnDeactivateInput;
- property OnClick: TAgentClick read FOnClick write FOnClick;
- property OnDblClick: TAgentDblClick read FOnDblClick write FOnDblClick;
- property OnDragStart: TAgentDragStart read FOnDragStart write FOnDragStart;
- property OnDragComplete: TAgentDragComplete read FOnDragComplete write FOnDragComplete;
- property OnShow: TAgentShow read FOnShow write FOnShow;
- property OnHide: TAgentHide read FOnHide write FOnHide;
- property OnRequestStart: TAgentRequestStart read FOnRequestStart write FOnRequestStart;
- property OnRequestComplete: TAgentRequestComplete read FOnRequestComplete write FOnRequestComplete;
- property OnRestart: TNotifyEvent read FOnRestart write FOnRestart;
- property OnShutdown: TNotifyEvent read FOnShutdown write FOnShutdown;
- property OnBookmark: TAgentBookmark read FOnBookmark write FOnBookmark;
- property OnCommand: TAgentCommand read FOnCommand write FOnCommand;
- property OnIdleStart: TAgentIdleStart read FOnIdleStart write FOnIdleStart;
- property OnIdleComplete: TAgentIdleComplete read FOnIdleComplete write FOnIdleComplete;
- property OnMove: TAgentMove read FOnMove write FOnMove;
- property OnSize: TAgentSize read FOnSize write FOnSize;
- property OnBalloonShow: TAgentBalloonShow read FOnBalloonShow write FOnBalloonShow;
- property OnBalloonHide: TAgentBalloonHide read FOnBalloonHide write FOnBalloonHide;
- property OnHelpComplete: TAgentHelpComplete read FOnHelpComplete write FOnHelpComplete;
- property OnListenStart: TAgentListenStart read FOnListenStart write FOnListenStart;
- property OnListenComplete: TAgentListenComplete read FOnListenComplete write FOnListenComplete;
- property OnDefaultCharacterChange: TAgentDefaultCharacterChange read FOnDefaultCharacterChange write FOnDefaultCharacterChange;
- property OnAgentPropertyChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnAgentPropertyChange write FOnAgentPropertyChange;
- property OnActiveClientChange: TAgentActiveClientChange read FOnActiveClientChange write FOnActiveClientChange;
- end;
-procedure Register;
-uses ComObj;
-procedure TAgent.InitControlData;
- CEventDispIDs: array [0..25] of DWORD = (
- $00000001, $00000003, $00000002, $00000004, $00000005, $00000006,
- $0000000F, $00000007, $00000009, $0000000B, $00000015, $0000000C,
- $00000010, $00000011, $00000013, $00000014, $00000016, $00000017,
- $00000018, $00000019, $0000001A, $0000001B, $0000001C, $0000001E,
- $0000001F, $00000020);
- CControlData: TControlData2 = (
- ClassID: '{D45FD31B-5C6E-11D1-9EC1-00C04FD7081F}';
- EventIID: '{F5BE8BD4-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}';
- EventCount: 26;
- EventDispIDs: @CEventDispIDs;
- LicenseKey: nil (*HR:$80004002*);
- Flags: $00000000;
- Version: 401);
- ControlData := @CControlData;
- TControlData2(CControlData).FirstEventOfs := Cardinal(@@FOnActivateInput) - Cardinal(Self);
-procedure TAgent.CreateControl;
- procedure DoCreate;
- begin
- FIntf := IUnknown(OleObject) as IAgentCtlEx;
- end;
- if FIntf = nil then DoCreate;
-function TAgent.GetControlInterface: IAgentCtlEx;
- CreateControl;
- Result := FIntf;
-function TAgent.Get_Characters: IAgentCtlCharacters;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_Characters;
-function TAgent.Get_AudioOutput: IAgentCtlAudioObjectEx;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_AudioOutput;
-function TAgent.Get_SpeechInput: IAgentCtlSpeechInput;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_SpeechInput;
-function TAgent.Get_PropertySheet: IAgentCtlPropertySheet;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_PropertySheet;
-function TAgent.Get_CommandsWindow: IAgentCtlCommandsWindow;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_CommandsWindow;
-procedure TAgent.ShowDefaultCharacterProperties;
- DefaultInterface.ShowDefaultCharacterProperties(EmptyParam, EmptyParam);
-procedure TAgent.ShowDefaultCharacterProperties(x: OleVariant);
- DefaultInterface.ShowDefaultCharacterProperties(x, EmptyParam);
-procedure TAgent.ShowDefaultCharacterProperties(x: OleVariant; y: OleVariant);
- DefaultInterface.ShowDefaultCharacterProperties(x, y);
-procedure Register;
- RegisterComponents('ActiveX',[TAgent]);
+{$I '..\src\imports\AgentObjects_TLB.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated, use "..\src\imports\AgentObjects_TLB.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/imports/MSXML_TLB.pas b/imports/MSXML_TLB.pas
index d943a89..eb477eb 100644
--- a/imports/MSXML_TLB.pas
+++ b/imports/MSXML_TLB.pas
@@ -1,3541 +1,2 @@
-unit MSXML_TLB;
-// ************************************************************************ //
-// -------
-// Les types déclarés dans ce fichier ont été générés à partir de données lues
-// depuis la bibliothèque de types. Si cette dernière (via une autre bibliothèque de types
-// s'y référant) est explicitement ou indirectement ré-importée, ou la commande "Rafraîchir"
-// de l'éditeur de bibliothèque de types est activée lors de la modification de la bibliothèque
-// de types, le contenu de ce fichier sera régénéré et toutes les modifications
-// manuellement apportées seront perdues.
-// ************************************************************************ //
-// PASTLWTR : $Revision: $
-// Fichier généré le 18/07/2001 16:01:13 depuis la bibliothèque de types ci-dessous.
-// *************************************************************************//
-// Les éléments gardés par $IFDEF_LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME sont utilisés par
-// des propriétés qui renvoient des objets pouvant nécessiter d'être créés par
-// un appel de fonction avant tout accès via la propriété. Ces éléments ont été
-// désactivés pour prévenir une utilisation accidentelle depuis l'Inspecteur
-// d'objets. Vous pouvez les activer en définissant LIVE_SERVER_AT_DESIGN_TIME
-// ou en les retirant sélectivement des blocs $IFDEF. Cependant, ces éléments
-// doivent toujours être créés par programmation via une méthode da la CoClass
-// appropriée avant d'être utilisés.
-// ************************************************************************ //
-// Bibl.Types : C:\WINDOWS\System32\msxml.dll (1)
-// IID\LCID : {D63E0CE2-A0A2-11D0-9C02-00C04FC99C8E}\0
-// Fichier d'aide :
-// DepndLst :
-// (1) v2.0 stdole, (C:\WINDOWS\System32\stdole2.tlb)
-// (2) v4.0 StdVCL, (C:\WINDOWS\system32\stdvcl40.dll)
-// Erreurs :
-// Remarque : paramètre 'type' dans IXMLDOMNode.nodeType changé en 'type_'
-// Conseil : Membre 'implementation' de 'IXMLDOMDocument' modifié en 'implementation_'
-// Remarque : paramètre 'type' dans IXMLDOMDocument.createNode changé en 'type_'
-// Conseil : Membre 'type' de 'IXMLElement' modifié en 'type_'
-// Conseil : Membre 'type' de 'IXMLElement2' modifié en 'type_'
-// ************************************************************************ //
-{$TYPEDADDRESS OFF} // L'unité doit être compilée sans vérification de type des pointeurs.
-uses Windows, ActiveX, Classes, Graphics, OleServer, OleCtrls, StdVCL;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// GUIDS déclarés dans la bibliothèque de types. Préfixes utilisés :
-// Bibliothèques de types : LIBID_xxxx
-// CoClasses : CLASS_xxxx
-// DISPInterfaces : DIID_xxxx
-// Non-DISP interfaces : IID_xxxx
-// *********************************************************************//
- // Version majeure et mineure de la bibliothèque de types
- MSXMLMajorVersion = 2;
- MSXMLMinorVersion = 0;
- LIBID_MSXML: TGUID = '{D63E0CE2-A0A2-11D0-9C02-00C04FC99C8E}';
- IID_IXMLDOMImplementation: TGUID = '{2933BF8F-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}';
- IID_IXMLDOMNode: TGUID = '{2933BF80-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}';
- IID_IXMLDOMNodeList: TGUID = '{2933BF82-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}';
- IID_IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap: TGUID = '{2933BF83-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}';
- IID_IXMLDOMDocument: TGUID = '{2933BF81-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}';
- IID_IXMLDOMDocumentType: TGUID = '{2933BF8B-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}';
- IID_IXMLDOMElement: TGUID = '{2933BF86-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}';
- IID_IXMLDOMAttribute: TGUID = '{2933BF85-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}';
- IID_IXMLDOMDocumentFragment: TGUID = '{3EFAA413-272F-11D2-836F-0000F87A7782}';
- IID_IXMLDOMCharacterData: TGUID = '{2933BF84-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}';
- IID_IXMLDOMText: TGUID = '{2933BF87-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}';
- IID_IXMLDOMComment: TGUID = '{2933BF88-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}';
- IID_IXMLDOMCDATASection: TGUID = '{2933BF8A-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}';
- IID_IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction: TGUID = '{2933BF89-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}';
- IID_IXMLDOMEntityReference: TGUID = '{2933BF8E-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}';
- IID_IXMLDOMParseError: TGUID = '{3EFAA426-272F-11D2-836F-0000F87A7782}';
- IID_IXMLDOMNotation: TGUID = '{2933BF8C-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}';
- IID_IXMLDOMEntity: TGUID = '{2933BF8D-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}';
- IID_IXTLRuntime: TGUID = '{3EFAA425-272F-11D2-836F-0000F87A7782}';
- DIID_XMLDOMDocumentEvents: TGUID = '{3EFAA427-272F-11D2-836F-0000F87A7782}';
- CLASS_DOMDocument: TGUID = '{2933BF90-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}';
- CLASS_DOMFreeThreadedDocument: TGUID = '{2933BF91-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}';
- IID_IXMLHttpRequest: TGUID = '{ED8C108D-4349-11D2-91A4-00C04F7969E8}';
- CLASS_XMLHTTPRequest: TGUID = '{ED8C108E-4349-11D2-91A4-00C04F7969E8}';
- IID_IXMLDSOControl: TGUID = '{310AFA62-0575-11D2-9CA9-0060B0EC3D39}';
- CLASS_XMLDSOControl: TGUID = '{550DDA30-0541-11D2-9CA9-0060B0EC3D39}';
- IID_IXMLElementCollection: TGUID = '{65725580-9B5D-11D0-9BFE-00C04FC99C8E}';
- IID_IXMLDocument: TGUID = '{F52E2B61-18A1-11D1-B105-00805F49916B}';
- IID_IXMLElement: TGUID = '{3F7F31AC-E15F-11D0-9C25-00C04FC99C8E}';
- IID_IXMLDocument2: TGUID = '{2B8DE2FE-8D2D-11D1-B2FC-00C04FD915A9}';
- IID_IXMLElement2: TGUID = '{2B8DE2FF-8D2D-11D1-B2FC-00C04FD915A9}';
- IID_IXMLAttribute: TGUID = '{D4D4A0FC-3B73-11D1-B2B4-00C04FB92596}';
- IID_IXMLError: TGUID = '{948C5AD3-C58D-11D0-9C0B-00C04FC99C8E}';
- CLASS_XMLDocument: TGUID = '{CFC399AF-D876-11D0-9C10-00C04FC99C8E}';
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Déclaration d'énumérations définies dans la bibliothèque de types
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Constantes pour enum tagDOMNodeType
- tagDOMNodeType = TOleEnum;
- NODE_INVALID = $00000000;
- NODE_ELEMENT = $00000001;
- NODE_ATTRIBUTE = $00000002;
- NODE_TEXT = $00000003;
- NODE_CDATA_SECTION = $00000004;
- NODE_ENTITY = $00000006;
- NODE_COMMENT = $00000008;
- NODE_DOCUMENT = $00000009;
- NODE_NOTATION = $0000000C;
-// Constantes pour enum tagXMLEMEM_TYPE
- tagXMLEMEM_TYPE = TOleEnum;
- XMLELEMTYPE_TEXT = $00000001;
- XMLELEMTYPE_DTD = $00000004;
- XMLELEMTYPE_PI = $00000005;
- XMLELEMTYPE_OTHER = $00000006;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Déclaration Forward des types définis dans la bibliothèque de types
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMImplementation = interface;
- IXMLDOMImplementationDisp = dispinterface;
- IXMLDOMNode = interface;
- IXMLDOMNodeDisp = dispinterface;
- IXMLDOMNodeList = interface;
- IXMLDOMNodeListDisp = dispinterface;
- IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap = interface;
- IXMLDOMNamedNodeMapDisp = dispinterface;
- IXMLDOMDocument = interface;
- IXMLDOMDocumentDisp = dispinterface;
- IXMLDOMDocumentType = interface;
- IXMLDOMDocumentTypeDisp = dispinterface;
- IXMLDOMElement = interface;
- IXMLDOMElementDisp = dispinterface;
- IXMLDOMAttribute = interface;
- IXMLDOMAttributeDisp = dispinterface;
- IXMLDOMDocumentFragment = interface;
- IXMLDOMDocumentFragmentDisp = dispinterface;
- IXMLDOMCharacterData = interface;
- IXMLDOMCharacterDataDisp = dispinterface;
- IXMLDOMText = interface;
- IXMLDOMTextDisp = dispinterface;
- IXMLDOMComment = interface;
- IXMLDOMCommentDisp = dispinterface;
- IXMLDOMCDATASection = interface;
- IXMLDOMCDATASectionDisp = dispinterface;
- IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction = interface;
- IXMLDOMProcessingInstructionDisp = dispinterface;
- IXMLDOMEntityReference = interface;
- IXMLDOMEntityReferenceDisp = dispinterface;
- IXMLDOMParseError = interface;
- IXMLDOMParseErrorDisp = dispinterface;
- IXMLDOMNotation = interface;
- IXMLDOMNotationDisp = dispinterface;
- IXMLDOMEntity = interface;
- IXMLDOMEntityDisp = dispinterface;
- IXTLRuntime = interface;
- IXTLRuntimeDisp = dispinterface;
- XMLDOMDocumentEvents = dispinterface;
- IXMLHttpRequest = interface;
- IXMLHttpRequestDisp = dispinterface;
- IXMLDSOControl = interface;
- IXMLDSOControlDisp = dispinterface;
- IXMLElementCollection = interface;
- IXMLElementCollectionDisp = dispinterface;
- IXMLDocument = interface;
- IXMLDocumentDisp = dispinterface;
- IXMLElement = interface;
- IXMLElementDisp = dispinterface;
- IXMLDocument2 = interface;
- IXMLElement2 = interface;
- IXMLElement2Disp = dispinterface;
- IXMLAttribute = interface;
- IXMLAttributeDisp = dispinterface;
- IXMLError = interface;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Déclaration de CoClasses définies dans la bibliothèque de types
-// (REMARQUE: On affecte chaque CoClass à son Interface par défaut)
-// *********************************************************************//
- DOMDocument = IXMLDOMDocument;
- DOMFreeThreadedDocument = IXMLDOMDocument;
- XMLHTTPRequest = IXMLHttpRequest;
- XMLDSOControl = IXMLDSOControl;
- XMLDocument = IXMLDocument2;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Déclaration de structures, d'unions et alias.
-// *********************************************************************//
- PUserType1 = ^_xml_error; {*}
- DOMNodeType = tagDOMNodeType;
- _xml_error = packed record
- _nLine: SYSUINT;
- _pchBuf: WideString;
- _cchBuf: SYSUINT;
- _ich: SYSUINT;
- _pszFound: WideString;
- _pszExpected: WideString;
- _reserved1: LongWord;
- _reserved2: LongWord;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLDOMImplementation
-// Indicateurs : (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {2933BF8F-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMImplementation = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{2933BF8F-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- function hasFeature(const feature: WideString; const version: WideString): WordBool; safecall;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLDOMImplementationDisp
-// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {2933BF8F-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMImplementationDisp = dispinterface
- ['{2933BF8F-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- function hasFeature(const feature: WideString; const version: WideString): WordBool; dispid 145;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLDOMNode
-// Indicateurs : (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {2933BF80-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMNode = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{2933BF80-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- function Get_nodeName: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_nodeValue: OleVariant; safecall;
- procedure Set_nodeValue(value: OleVariant); safecall;
- function Get_nodeType: DOMNodeType; safecall;
- function Get_parentNode: IXMLDOMNode; safecall;
- function Get_childNodes: IXMLDOMNodeList; safecall;
- function Get_firstChild: IXMLDOMNode; safecall;
- function Get_lastChild: IXMLDOMNode; safecall;
- function Get_previousSibling: IXMLDOMNode; safecall;
- function Get_nextSibling: IXMLDOMNode; safecall;
- function Get_attributes: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap; safecall;
- function insertBefore(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; refChild: OleVariant): IXMLDOMNode; safecall;
- function replaceChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; const oldChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; safecall;
- function removeChild(const childNode: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; safecall;
- function appendChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; safecall;
- function hasChildNodes: WordBool; safecall;
- function Get_ownerDocument: IXMLDOMDocument; safecall;
- function cloneNode(deep: WordBool): IXMLDOMNode; safecall;
- function Get_nodeTypeString: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_text: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_text(const text: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_specified: WordBool; safecall;
- function Get_definition: IXMLDOMNode; safecall;
- function Get_nodeTypedValue: OleVariant; safecall;
- procedure Set_nodeTypedValue(typedValue: OleVariant); safecall;
- function Get_dataType: OleVariant; safecall;
- procedure Set_dataType(const dataTypeName: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_xml: WideString; safecall;
- function transformNode(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode): WideString; safecall;
- function selectNodes(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList; safecall;
- function selectSingleNode(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; safecall;
- function Get_parsed: WordBool; safecall;
- function Get_namespaceURI: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_prefix: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_baseName: WideString; safecall;
- procedure transformNodeToObject(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode; outputObject: OleVariant); safecall;
- property nodeName: WideString read Get_nodeName;
- property nodeValue: OleVariant read Get_nodeValue write Set_nodeValue;
- property nodeType: DOMNodeType read Get_nodeType;
- property parentNode: IXMLDOMNode read Get_parentNode;
- property childNodes: IXMLDOMNodeList read Get_childNodes;
- property firstChild: IXMLDOMNode read Get_firstChild;
- property lastChild: IXMLDOMNode read Get_lastChild;
- property previousSibling: IXMLDOMNode read Get_previousSibling;
- property nextSibling: IXMLDOMNode read Get_nextSibling;
- property attributes: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap read Get_attributes;
- property ownerDocument: IXMLDOMDocument read Get_ownerDocument;
- property nodeTypeString: WideString read Get_nodeTypeString;
- property text: WideString read Get_text write Set_text;
- property specified: WordBool read Get_specified;
- property definition: IXMLDOMNode read Get_definition;
- property nodeTypedValue: OleVariant read Get_nodeTypedValue write Set_nodeTypedValue;
- property xml: WideString read Get_xml;
- property parsed: WordBool read Get_parsed;
- property namespaceURI: WideString read Get_namespaceURI;
- property prefix: WideString read Get_prefix;
- property baseName: WideString read Get_baseName;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLDOMNodeDisp
-// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {2933BF80-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMNodeDisp = dispinterface
- ['{2933BF80-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- property nodeName: WideString readonly dispid 2;
- property nodeValue: OleVariant dispid 3;
- property nodeType: DOMNodeType readonly dispid 4;
- property parentNode: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 6;
- property childNodes: IXMLDOMNodeList readonly dispid 7;
- property firstChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 8;
- property lastChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 9;
- property previousSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 10;
- property nextSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 11;
- property attributes: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap readonly dispid 12;
- function insertBefore(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; refChild: OleVariant): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 13;
- function replaceChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; const oldChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 14;
- function removeChild(const childNode: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 15;
- function appendChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 16;
- function hasChildNodes: WordBool; dispid 17;
- property ownerDocument: IXMLDOMDocument readonly dispid 18;
- function cloneNode(deep: WordBool): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 19;
- property nodeTypeString: WideString readonly dispid 21;
- property text: WideString dispid 24;
- property specified: WordBool readonly dispid 22;
- property definition: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 23;
- property nodeTypedValue: OleVariant dispid 25;
- function dataType: OleVariant; dispid 26;
- property xml: WideString readonly dispid 27;
- function transformNode(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode): WideString; dispid 28;
- function selectNodes(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList; dispid 29;
- function selectSingleNode(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 30;
- property parsed: WordBool readonly dispid 31;
- property namespaceURI: WideString readonly dispid 32;
- property prefix: WideString readonly dispid 33;
- property baseName: WideString readonly dispid 34;
- procedure transformNodeToObject(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode; outputObject: OleVariant); dispid 35;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLDOMNodeList
-// Indicateurs : (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {2933BF82-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMNodeList = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{2933BF82-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- function Get_item(index: Integer): IXMLDOMNode; safecall;
- function Get_length: Integer; safecall;
- function nextNode: IXMLDOMNode; safecall;
- procedure reset; safecall;
- function Get__newEnum: IUnknown; safecall;
- property item[index: Integer]: IXMLDOMNode read Get_item; default;
- property length: Integer read Get_length;
- property _newEnum: IUnknown read Get__newEnum;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLDOMNodeListDisp
-// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {2933BF82-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMNodeListDisp = dispinterface
- ['{2933BF82-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- property item[index: Integer]: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 0; default;
- property length: Integer readonly dispid 74;
- function nextNode: IXMLDOMNode; dispid 76;
- procedure reset; dispid 77;
- property _newEnum: IUnknown readonly dispid -4;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap
-// Indicateurs : (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {2933BF83-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{2933BF83-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- function getNamedItem(const name: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; safecall;
- function setNamedItem(const newItem: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; safecall;
- function removeNamedItem(const name: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; safecall;
- function Get_item(index: Integer): IXMLDOMNode; safecall;
- function Get_length: Integer; safecall;
- function getQualifiedItem(const baseName: WideString; const namespaceURI: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; safecall;
- function removeQualifiedItem(const baseName: WideString; const namespaceURI: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; safecall;
- function nextNode: IXMLDOMNode; safecall;
- procedure reset; safecall;
- function Get__newEnum: IUnknown; safecall;
- property item[index: Integer]: IXMLDOMNode read Get_item; default;
- property length: Integer read Get_length;
- property _newEnum: IUnknown read Get__newEnum;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMapDisp
-// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {2933BF83-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMNamedNodeMapDisp = dispinterface
- ['{2933BF83-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- function getNamedItem(const name: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 83;
- function setNamedItem(const newItem: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 84;
- function removeNamedItem(const name: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 85;
- property item[index: Integer]: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 0; default;
- property length: Integer readonly dispid 74;
- function getQualifiedItem(const baseName: WideString; const namespaceURI: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 87;
- function removeQualifiedItem(const baseName: WideString; const namespaceURI: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 88;
- function nextNode: IXMLDOMNode; dispid 89;
- procedure reset; dispid 90;
- property _newEnum: IUnknown readonly dispid -4;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLDOMDocument
-// Indicateurs : (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {2933BF81-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMDocument = interface(IXMLDOMNode)
- ['{2933BF81-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- function Get_doctype: IXMLDOMDocumentType; safecall;
- function Get_implementation_: IXMLDOMImplementation; safecall;
- function Get_documentElement: IXMLDOMElement; safecall;
- procedure Set_documentElement(const DOMElement: IXMLDOMElement); safecall;
- function createElement(const tagName: WideString): IXMLDOMElement; safecall;
- function createDocumentFragment: IXMLDOMDocumentFragment; safecall;
- function createTextNode(const data: WideString): IXMLDOMText; safecall;
- function createComment(const data: WideString): IXMLDOMComment; safecall;
- function createCDATASection(const data: WideString): IXMLDOMCDATASection; safecall;
- function createProcessingInstruction(const target: WideString; const data: WideString): IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction; safecall;
- function createAttribute(const name: WideString): IXMLDOMAttribute; safecall;
- function createEntityReference(const name: WideString): IXMLDOMEntityReference; safecall;
- function getElementsByTagName(const tagName: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList; safecall;
- function createNode(type_: OleVariant; const name: WideString; const namespaceURI: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; safecall;
- function nodeFromID(const idString: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; safecall;
- function load(xmlSource: OleVariant): WordBool; safecall;
- function Get_readyState: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_parseError: IXMLDOMParseError; safecall;
- function Get_url: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_async: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_async(isAsync: WordBool); safecall;
- procedure abort; safecall;
- function loadXML(const bstrXML: WideString): WordBool; safecall;
- procedure save(destination: OleVariant); safecall;
- function Get_validateOnParse: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_validateOnParse(isValidating: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_resolveExternals: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_resolveExternals(isResolving: WordBool); safecall;
- function Get_preserveWhiteSpace: WordBool; safecall;
- procedure Set_preserveWhiteSpace(isPreserving: WordBool); safecall;
- procedure Set_onreadystatechange(Param1: OleVariant); safecall;
- procedure Set_ondataavailable(Param1: OleVariant); safecall;
- procedure Set_ontransformnode(Param1: OleVariant); safecall;
- property doctype: IXMLDOMDocumentType read Get_doctype;
- property implementation_: IXMLDOMImplementation read Get_implementation_;
- property documentElement: IXMLDOMElement read Get_documentElement write Set_documentElement;
- property readyState: Integer read Get_readyState;
- property parseError: IXMLDOMParseError read Get_parseError;
- property url: WideString read Get_url;
- property async: WordBool read Get_async write Set_async;
- property validateOnParse: WordBool read Get_validateOnParse write Set_validateOnParse;
- property resolveExternals: WordBool read Get_resolveExternals write Set_resolveExternals;
- property preserveWhiteSpace: WordBool read Get_preserveWhiteSpace write Set_preserveWhiteSpace;
- property onreadystatechange: OleVariant write Set_onreadystatechange;
- property ondataavailable: OleVariant write Set_ondataavailable;
- property ontransformnode: OleVariant write Set_ontransformnode;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLDOMDocumentDisp
-// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {2933BF81-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMDocumentDisp = dispinterface
- ['{2933BF81-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- property doctype: IXMLDOMDocumentType readonly dispid 38;
- property implementation_: IXMLDOMImplementation readonly dispid 39;
- property documentElement: IXMLDOMElement dispid 40;
- function createElement(const tagName: WideString): IXMLDOMElement; dispid 41;
- function createDocumentFragment: IXMLDOMDocumentFragment; dispid 42;
- function createTextNode(const data: WideString): IXMLDOMText; dispid 43;
- function createComment(const data: WideString): IXMLDOMComment; dispid 44;
- function createCDATASection(const data: WideString): IXMLDOMCDATASection; dispid 45;
- function createProcessingInstruction(const target: WideString; const data: WideString): IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction; dispid 46;
- function createAttribute(const name: WideString): IXMLDOMAttribute; dispid 47;
- function createEntityReference(const name: WideString): IXMLDOMEntityReference; dispid 49;
- function getElementsByTagName(const tagName: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList; dispid 50;
- function createNode(type_: OleVariant; const name: WideString; const namespaceURI: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 54;
- function nodeFromID(const idString: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 56;
- function load(xmlSource: OleVariant): WordBool; dispid 58;
- property readyState: Integer readonly dispid -525;
- property parseError: IXMLDOMParseError readonly dispid 59;
- property url: WideString readonly dispid 60;
- property async: WordBool dispid 61;
- procedure abort; dispid 62;
- function loadXML(const bstrXML: WideString): WordBool; dispid 63;
- procedure save(destination: OleVariant); dispid 64;
- property validateOnParse: WordBool dispid 65;
- property resolveExternals: WordBool dispid 66;
- property preserveWhiteSpace: WordBool dispid 67;
- property onreadystatechange: OleVariant writeonly dispid 68;
- property ondataavailable: OleVariant writeonly dispid 69;
- property ontransformnode: OleVariant writeonly dispid 70;
- property nodeName: WideString readonly dispid 2;
- property nodeValue: OleVariant dispid 3;
- property nodeType: DOMNodeType readonly dispid 4;
- property parentNode: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 6;
- property childNodes: IXMLDOMNodeList readonly dispid 7;
- property firstChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 8;
- property lastChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 9;
- property previousSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 10;
- property nextSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 11;
- property attributes: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap readonly dispid 12;
- function insertBefore(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; refChild: OleVariant): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 13;
- function replaceChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; const oldChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 14;
- function removeChild(const childNode: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 15;
- function appendChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 16;
- function hasChildNodes: WordBool; dispid 17;
- property ownerDocument: IXMLDOMDocument readonly dispid 18;
- function cloneNode(deep: WordBool): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 19;
- property nodeTypeString: WideString readonly dispid 21;
- property text: WideString dispid 24;
- property specified: WordBool readonly dispid 22;
- property definition: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 23;
- property nodeTypedValue: OleVariant dispid 25;
- function dataType: OleVariant; dispid 26;
- property xml: WideString readonly dispid 27;
- function transformNode(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode): WideString; dispid 28;
- function selectNodes(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList; dispid 29;
- function selectSingleNode(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 30;
- property parsed: WordBool readonly dispid 31;
- property namespaceURI: WideString readonly dispid 32;
- property prefix: WideString readonly dispid 33;
- property baseName: WideString readonly dispid 34;
- procedure transformNodeToObject(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode; outputObject: OleVariant); dispid 35;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLDOMDocumentType
-// Indicateurs : (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {2933BF8B-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMDocumentType = interface(IXMLDOMNode)
- ['{2933BF8B-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- function Get_name: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_entities: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap; safecall;
- function Get_notations: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap; safecall;
- property name: WideString read Get_name;
- property entities: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap read Get_entities;
- property notations: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap read Get_notations;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLDOMDocumentTypeDisp
-// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {2933BF8B-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMDocumentTypeDisp = dispinterface
- ['{2933BF8B-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- property name: WideString readonly dispid 131;
- property entities: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap readonly dispid 132;
- property notations: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap readonly dispid 133;
- property nodeName: WideString readonly dispid 2;
- property nodeValue: OleVariant dispid 3;
- property nodeType: DOMNodeType readonly dispid 4;
- property parentNode: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 6;
- property childNodes: IXMLDOMNodeList readonly dispid 7;
- property firstChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 8;
- property lastChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 9;
- property previousSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 10;
- property nextSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 11;
- property attributes: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap readonly dispid 12;
- function insertBefore(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; refChild: OleVariant): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 13;
- function replaceChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; const oldChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 14;
- function removeChild(const childNode: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 15;
- function appendChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 16;
- function hasChildNodes: WordBool; dispid 17;
- property ownerDocument: IXMLDOMDocument readonly dispid 18;
- function cloneNode(deep: WordBool): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 19;
- property nodeTypeString: WideString readonly dispid 21;
- property text: WideString dispid 24;
- property specified: WordBool readonly dispid 22;
- property definition: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 23;
- property nodeTypedValue: OleVariant dispid 25;
- function dataType: OleVariant; dispid 26;
- property xml: WideString readonly dispid 27;
- function transformNode(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode): WideString; dispid 28;
- function selectNodes(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList; dispid 29;
- function selectSingleNode(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 30;
- property parsed: WordBool readonly dispid 31;
- property namespaceURI: WideString readonly dispid 32;
- property prefix: WideString readonly dispid 33;
- property baseName: WideString readonly dispid 34;
- procedure transformNodeToObject(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode; outputObject: OleVariant); dispid 35;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLDOMElement
-// Indicateurs : (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {2933BF86-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMElement = interface(IXMLDOMNode)
- ['{2933BF86-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- function Get_tagName: WideString; safecall;
- function getAttribute(const name: WideString): OleVariant; safecall;
- procedure setAttribute(const name: WideString; value: OleVariant); safecall;
- procedure removeAttribute(const name: WideString); safecall;
- function getAttributeNode(const name: WideString): IXMLDOMAttribute; safecall;
- function setAttributeNode(const DOMAttribute: IXMLDOMAttribute): IXMLDOMAttribute; safecall;
- function removeAttributeNode(const DOMAttribute: IXMLDOMAttribute): IXMLDOMAttribute; safecall;
- function getElementsByTagName(const tagName: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList; safecall;
- procedure normalize; safecall;
- property tagName: WideString read Get_tagName;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLDOMElementDisp
-// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {2933BF86-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMElementDisp = dispinterface
- ['{2933BF86-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- property tagName: WideString readonly dispid 97;
- function getAttribute(const name: WideString): OleVariant; dispid 99;
- procedure setAttribute(const name: WideString; value: OleVariant); dispid 100;
- procedure removeAttribute(const name: WideString); dispid 101;
- function getAttributeNode(const name: WideString): IXMLDOMAttribute; dispid 102;
- function setAttributeNode(const DOMAttribute: IXMLDOMAttribute): IXMLDOMAttribute; dispid 103;
- function removeAttributeNode(const DOMAttribute: IXMLDOMAttribute): IXMLDOMAttribute; dispid 104;
- function getElementsByTagName(const tagName: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList; dispid 105;
- procedure normalize; dispid 106;
- property nodeName: WideString readonly dispid 2;
- property nodeValue: OleVariant dispid 3;
- property nodeType: DOMNodeType readonly dispid 4;
- property parentNode: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 6;
- property childNodes: IXMLDOMNodeList readonly dispid 7;
- property firstChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 8;
- property lastChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 9;
- property previousSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 10;
- property nextSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 11;
- property attributes: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap readonly dispid 12;
- function insertBefore(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; refChild: OleVariant): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 13;
- function replaceChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; const oldChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 14;
- function removeChild(const childNode: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 15;
- function appendChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 16;
- function hasChildNodes: WordBool; dispid 17;
- property ownerDocument: IXMLDOMDocument readonly dispid 18;
- function cloneNode(deep: WordBool): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 19;
- property nodeTypeString: WideString readonly dispid 21;
- property text: WideString dispid 24;
- property specified: WordBool readonly dispid 22;
- property definition: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 23;
- property nodeTypedValue: OleVariant dispid 25;
- function dataType: OleVariant; dispid 26;
- property xml: WideString readonly dispid 27;
- function transformNode(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode): WideString; dispid 28;
- function selectNodes(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList; dispid 29;
- function selectSingleNode(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 30;
- property parsed: WordBool readonly dispid 31;
- property namespaceURI: WideString readonly dispid 32;
- property prefix: WideString readonly dispid 33;
- property baseName: WideString readonly dispid 34;
- procedure transformNodeToObject(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode; outputObject: OleVariant); dispid 35;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLDOMAttribute
-// Indicateurs : (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {2933BF85-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMAttribute = interface(IXMLDOMNode)
- ['{2933BF85-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- function Get_name: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_value: OleVariant; safecall;
- procedure Set_value(attributeValue: OleVariant); safecall;
- property name: WideString read Get_name;
- property value: OleVariant read Get_value write Set_value;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLDOMAttributeDisp
-// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {2933BF85-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMAttributeDisp = dispinterface
- ['{2933BF85-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- property name: WideString readonly dispid 118;
- property value: OleVariant dispid 120;
- property nodeName: WideString readonly dispid 2;
- property nodeValue: OleVariant dispid 3;
- property nodeType: DOMNodeType readonly dispid 4;
- property parentNode: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 6;
- property childNodes: IXMLDOMNodeList readonly dispid 7;
- property firstChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 8;
- property lastChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 9;
- property previousSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 10;
- property nextSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 11;
- property attributes: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap readonly dispid 12;
- function insertBefore(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; refChild: OleVariant): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 13;
- function replaceChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; const oldChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 14;
- function removeChild(const childNode: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 15;
- function appendChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 16;
- function hasChildNodes: WordBool; dispid 17;
- property ownerDocument: IXMLDOMDocument readonly dispid 18;
- function cloneNode(deep: WordBool): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 19;
- property nodeTypeString: WideString readonly dispid 21;
- property text: WideString dispid 24;
- property specified: WordBool readonly dispid 22;
- property definition: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 23;
- property nodeTypedValue: OleVariant dispid 25;
- function dataType: OleVariant; dispid 26;
- property xml: WideString readonly dispid 27;
- function transformNode(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode): WideString; dispid 28;
- function selectNodes(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList; dispid 29;
- function selectSingleNode(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 30;
- property parsed: WordBool readonly dispid 31;
- property namespaceURI: WideString readonly dispid 32;
- property prefix: WideString readonly dispid 33;
- property baseName: WideString readonly dispid 34;
- procedure transformNodeToObject(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode; outputObject: OleVariant); dispid 35;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLDOMDocumentFragment
-// Indicateurs : (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {3EFAA413-272F-11D2-836F-0000F87A7782}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMDocumentFragment = interface(IXMLDOMNode)
- ['{3EFAA413-272F-11D2-836F-0000F87A7782}']
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLDOMDocumentFragmentDisp
-// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {3EFAA413-272F-11D2-836F-0000F87A7782}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMDocumentFragmentDisp = dispinterface
- ['{3EFAA413-272F-11D2-836F-0000F87A7782}']
- property nodeName: WideString readonly dispid 2;
- property nodeValue: OleVariant dispid 3;
- property nodeType: DOMNodeType readonly dispid 4;
- property parentNode: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 6;
- property childNodes: IXMLDOMNodeList readonly dispid 7;
- property firstChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 8;
- property lastChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 9;
- property previousSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 10;
- property nextSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 11;
- property attributes: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap readonly dispid 12;
- function insertBefore(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; refChild: OleVariant): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 13;
- function replaceChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; const oldChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 14;
- function removeChild(const childNode: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 15;
- function appendChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 16;
- function hasChildNodes: WordBool; dispid 17;
- property ownerDocument: IXMLDOMDocument readonly dispid 18;
- function cloneNode(deep: WordBool): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 19;
- property nodeTypeString: WideString readonly dispid 21;
- property text: WideString dispid 24;
- property specified: WordBool readonly dispid 22;
- property definition: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 23;
- property nodeTypedValue: OleVariant dispid 25;
- function dataType: OleVariant; dispid 26;
- property xml: WideString readonly dispid 27;
- function transformNode(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode): WideString; dispid 28;
- function selectNodes(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList; dispid 29;
- function selectSingleNode(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 30;
- property parsed: WordBool readonly dispid 31;
- property namespaceURI: WideString readonly dispid 32;
- property prefix: WideString readonly dispid 33;
- property baseName: WideString readonly dispid 34;
- procedure transformNodeToObject(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode; outputObject: OleVariant); dispid 35;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLDOMCharacterData
-// Indicateurs : (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {2933BF84-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMCharacterData = interface(IXMLDOMNode)
- ['{2933BF84-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- function Get_data: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_data(const data: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_length: Integer; safecall;
- function substringData(offset: Integer; count: Integer): WideString; safecall;
- procedure appendData(const data: WideString); safecall;
- procedure insertData(offset: Integer; const data: WideString); safecall;
- procedure deleteData(offset: Integer; count: Integer); safecall;
- procedure replaceData(offset: Integer; count: Integer; const data: WideString); safecall;
- property data: WideString read Get_data write Set_data;
- property length: Integer read Get_length;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLDOMCharacterDataDisp
-// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {2933BF84-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMCharacterDataDisp = dispinterface
- ['{2933BF84-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- property data: WideString dispid 109;
- property length: Integer readonly dispid 110;
- function substringData(offset: Integer; count: Integer): WideString; dispid 111;
- procedure appendData(const data: WideString); dispid 112;
- procedure insertData(offset: Integer; const data: WideString); dispid 113;
- procedure deleteData(offset: Integer; count: Integer); dispid 114;
- procedure replaceData(offset: Integer; count: Integer; const data: WideString); dispid 115;
- property nodeName: WideString readonly dispid 2;
- property nodeValue: OleVariant dispid 3;
- property nodeType: DOMNodeType readonly dispid 4;
- property parentNode: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 6;
- property childNodes: IXMLDOMNodeList readonly dispid 7;
- property firstChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 8;
- property lastChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 9;
- property previousSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 10;
- property nextSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 11;
- property attributes: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap readonly dispid 12;
- function insertBefore(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; refChild: OleVariant): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 13;
- function replaceChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; const oldChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 14;
- function removeChild(const childNode: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 15;
- function appendChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 16;
- function hasChildNodes: WordBool; dispid 17;
- property ownerDocument: IXMLDOMDocument readonly dispid 18;
- function cloneNode(deep: WordBool): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 19;
- property nodeTypeString: WideString readonly dispid 21;
- property text: WideString dispid 24;
- property specified: WordBool readonly dispid 22;
- property definition: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 23;
- property nodeTypedValue: OleVariant dispid 25;
- function dataType: OleVariant; dispid 26;
- property xml: WideString readonly dispid 27;
- function transformNode(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode): WideString; dispid 28;
- function selectNodes(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList; dispid 29;
- function selectSingleNode(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 30;
- property parsed: WordBool readonly dispid 31;
- property namespaceURI: WideString readonly dispid 32;
- property prefix: WideString readonly dispid 33;
- property baseName: WideString readonly dispid 34;
- procedure transformNodeToObject(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode; outputObject: OleVariant); dispid 35;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLDOMText
-// Indicateurs : (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {2933BF87-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMText = interface(IXMLDOMCharacterData)
- ['{2933BF87-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- function splitText(offset: Integer): IXMLDOMText; safecall;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLDOMTextDisp
-// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {2933BF87-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMTextDisp = dispinterface
- ['{2933BF87-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- function splitText(offset: Integer): IXMLDOMText; dispid 123;
- property data: WideString dispid 109;
- property length: Integer readonly dispid 110;
- function substringData(offset: Integer; count: Integer): WideString; dispid 111;
- procedure appendData(const data: WideString); dispid 112;
- procedure insertData(offset: Integer; const data: WideString); dispid 113;
- procedure deleteData(offset: Integer; count: Integer); dispid 114;
- procedure replaceData(offset: Integer; count: Integer; const data: WideString); dispid 115;
- property nodeName: WideString readonly dispid 2;
- property nodeValue: OleVariant dispid 3;
- property nodeType: DOMNodeType readonly dispid 4;
- property parentNode: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 6;
- property childNodes: IXMLDOMNodeList readonly dispid 7;
- property firstChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 8;
- property lastChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 9;
- property previousSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 10;
- property nextSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 11;
- property attributes: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap readonly dispid 12;
- function insertBefore(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; refChild: OleVariant): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 13;
- function replaceChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; const oldChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 14;
- function removeChild(const childNode: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 15;
- function appendChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 16;
- function hasChildNodes: WordBool; dispid 17;
- property ownerDocument: IXMLDOMDocument readonly dispid 18;
- function cloneNode(deep: WordBool): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 19;
- property nodeTypeString: WideString readonly dispid 21;
- property text: WideString dispid 24;
- property specified: WordBool readonly dispid 22;
- property definition: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 23;
- property nodeTypedValue: OleVariant dispid 25;
- function dataType: OleVariant; dispid 26;
- property xml: WideString readonly dispid 27;
- function transformNode(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode): WideString; dispid 28;
- function selectNodes(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList; dispid 29;
- function selectSingleNode(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 30;
- property parsed: WordBool readonly dispid 31;
- property namespaceURI: WideString readonly dispid 32;
- property prefix: WideString readonly dispid 33;
- property baseName: WideString readonly dispid 34;
- procedure transformNodeToObject(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode; outputObject: OleVariant); dispid 35;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLDOMComment
-// Indicateurs : (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {2933BF88-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMComment = interface(IXMLDOMCharacterData)
- ['{2933BF88-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLDOMCommentDisp
-// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {2933BF88-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMCommentDisp = dispinterface
- ['{2933BF88-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- property data: WideString dispid 109;
- property length: Integer readonly dispid 110;
- function substringData(offset: Integer; count: Integer): WideString; dispid 111;
- procedure appendData(const data: WideString); dispid 112;
- procedure insertData(offset: Integer; const data: WideString); dispid 113;
- procedure deleteData(offset: Integer; count: Integer); dispid 114;
- procedure replaceData(offset: Integer; count: Integer; const data: WideString); dispid 115;
- property nodeName: WideString readonly dispid 2;
- property nodeValue: OleVariant dispid 3;
- property nodeType: DOMNodeType readonly dispid 4;
- property parentNode: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 6;
- property childNodes: IXMLDOMNodeList readonly dispid 7;
- property firstChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 8;
- property lastChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 9;
- property previousSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 10;
- property nextSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 11;
- property attributes: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap readonly dispid 12;
- function insertBefore(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; refChild: OleVariant): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 13;
- function replaceChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; const oldChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 14;
- function removeChild(const childNode: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 15;
- function appendChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 16;
- function hasChildNodes: WordBool; dispid 17;
- property ownerDocument: IXMLDOMDocument readonly dispid 18;
- function cloneNode(deep: WordBool): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 19;
- property nodeTypeString: WideString readonly dispid 21;
- property text: WideString dispid 24;
- property specified: WordBool readonly dispid 22;
- property definition: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 23;
- property nodeTypedValue: OleVariant dispid 25;
- function dataType: OleVariant; dispid 26;
- property xml: WideString readonly dispid 27;
- function transformNode(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode): WideString; dispid 28;
- function selectNodes(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList; dispid 29;
- function selectSingleNode(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 30;
- property parsed: WordBool readonly dispid 31;
- property namespaceURI: WideString readonly dispid 32;
- property prefix: WideString readonly dispid 33;
- property baseName: WideString readonly dispid 34;
- procedure transformNodeToObject(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode; outputObject: OleVariant); dispid 35;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLDOMCDATASection
-// Indicateurs : (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {2933BF8A-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMCDATASection = interface(IXMLDOMText)
- ['{2933BF8A-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLDOMCDATASectionDisp
-// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {2933BF8A-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMCDATASectionDisp = dispinterface
- ['{2933BF8A-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- function splitText(offset: Integer): IXMLDOMText; dispid 123;
- property data: WideString dispid 109;
- property length: Integer readonly dispid 110;
- function substringData(offset: Integer; count: Integer): WideString; dispid 111;
- procedure appendData(const data: WideString); dispid 112;
- procedure insertData(offset: Integer; const data: WideString); dispid 113;
- procedure deleteData(offset: Integer; count: Integer); dispid 114;
- procedure replaceData(offset: Integer; count: Integer; const data: WideString); dispid 115;
- property nodeName: WideString readonly dispid 2;
- property nodeValue: OleVariant dispid 3;
- property nodeType: DOMNodeType readonly dispid 4;
- property parentNode: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 6;
- property childNodes: IXMLDOMNodeList readonly dispid 7;
- property firstChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 8;
- property lastChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 9;
- property previousSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 10;
- property nextSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 11;
- property attributes: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap readonly dispid 12;
- function insertBefore(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; refChild: OleVariant): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 13;
- function replaceChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; const oldChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 14;
- function removeChild(const childNode: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 15;
- function appendChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 16;
- function hasChildNodes: WordBool; dispid 17;
- property ownerDocument: IXMLDOMDocument readonly dispid 18;
- function cloneNode(deep: WordBool): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 19;
- property nodeTypeString: WideString readonly dispid 21;
- property text: WideString dispid 24;
- property specified: WordBool readonly dispid 22;
- property definition: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 23;
- property nodeTypedValue: OleVariant dispid 25;
- function dataType: OleVariant; dispid 26;
- property xml: WideString readonly dispid 27;
- function transformNode(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode): WideString; dispid 28;
- function selectNodes(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList; dispid 29;
- function selectSingleNode(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 30;
- property parsed: WordBool readonly dispid 31;
- property namespaceURI: WideString readonly dispid 32;
- property prefix: WideString readonly dispid 33;
- property baseName: WideString readonly dispid 34;
- procedure transformNodeToObject(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode; outputObject: OleVariant); dispid 35;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction
-// Indicateurs : (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {2933BF89-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction = interface(IXMLDOMNode)
- ['{2933BF89-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- function Get_target: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_data: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_data(const value: WideString); safecall;
- property target: WideString read Get_target;
- property data: WideString read Get_data write Set_data;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLDOMProcessingInstructionDisp
-// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {2933BF89-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMProcessingInstructionDisp = dispinterface
- ['{2933BF89-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- property target: WideString readonly dispid 127;
- property data: WideString dispid 128;
- property nodeName: WideString readonly dispid 2;
- property nodeValue: OleVariant dispid 3;
- property nodeType: DOMNodeType readonly dispid 4;
- property parentNode: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 6;
- property childNodes: IXMLDOMNodeList readonly dispid 7;
- property firstChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 8;
- property lastChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 9;
- property previousSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 10;
- property nextSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 11;
- property attributes: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap readonly dispid 12;
- function insertBefore(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; refChild: OleVariant): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 13;
- function replaceChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; const oldChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 14;
- function removeChild(const childNode: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 15;
- function appendChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 16;
- function hasChildNodes: WordBool; dispid 17;
- property ownerDocument: IXMLDOMDocument readonly dispid 18;
- function cloneNode(deep: WordBool): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 19;
- property nodeTypeString: WideString readonly dispid 21;
- property text: WideString dispid 24;
- property specified: WordBool readonly dispid 22;
- property definition: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 23;
- property nodeTypedValue: OleVariant dispid 25;
- function dataType: OleVariant; dispid 26;
- property xml: WideString readonly dispid 27;
- function transformNode(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode): WideString; dispid 28;
- function selectNodes(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList; dispid 29;
- function selectSingleNode(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 30;
- property parsed: WordBool readonly dispid 31;
- property namespaceURI: WideString readonly dispid 32;
- property prefix: WideString readonly dispid 33;
- property baseName: WideString readonly dispid 34;
- procedure transformNodeToObject(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode; outputObject: OleVariant); dispid 35;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLDOMEntityReference
-// Indicateurs : (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {2933BF8E-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMEntityReference = interface(IXMLDOMNode)
- ['{2933BF8E-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLDOMEntityReferenceDisp
-// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {2933BF8E-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMEntityReferenceDisp = dispinterface
- ['{2933BF8E-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- property nodeName: WideString readonly dispid 2;
- property nodeValue: OleVariant dispid 3;
- property nodeType: DOMNodeType readonly dispid 4;
- property parentNode: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 6;
- property childNodes: IXMLDOMNodeList readonly dispid 7;
- property firstChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 8;
- property lastChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 9;
- property previousSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 10;
- property nextSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 11;
- property attributes: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap readonly dispid 12;
- function insertBefore(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; refChild: OleVariant): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 13;
- function replaceChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; const oldChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 14;
- function removeChild(const childNode: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 15;
- function appendChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 16;
- function hasChildNodes: WordBool; dispid 17;
- property ownerDocument: IXMLDOMDocument readonly dispid 18;
- function cloneNode(deep: WordBool): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 19;
- property nodeTypeString: WideString readonly dispid 21;
- property text: WideString dispid 24;
- property specified: WordBool readonly dispid 22;
- property definition: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 23;
- property nodeTypedValue: OleVariant dispid 25;
- function dataType: OleVariant; dispid 26;
- property xml: WideString readonly dispid 27;
- function transformNode(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode): WideString; dispid 28;
- function selectNodes(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList; dispid 29;
- function selectSingleNode(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 30;
- property parsed: WordBool readonly dispid 31;
- property namespaceURI: WideString readonly dispid 32;
- property prefix: WideString readonly dispid 33;
- property baseName: WideString readonly dispid 34;
- procedure transformNodeToObject(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode; outputObject: OleVariant); dispid 35;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLDOMParseError
-// Indicateurs : (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {3EFAA426-272F-11D2-836F-0000F87A7782}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMParseError = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{3EFAA426-272F-11D2-836F-0000F87A7782}']
- function Get_errorCode: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_url: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_reason: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_srcText: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_line: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_linepos: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_filepos: Integer; safecall;
- property errorCode: Integer read Get_errorCode;
- property url: WideString read Get_url;
- property reason: WideString read Get_reason;
- property srcText: WideString read Get_srcText;
- property line: Integer read Get_line;
- property linepos: Integer read Get_linepos;
- property filepos: Integer read Get_filepos;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLDOMParseErrorDisp
-// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {3EFAA426-272F-11D2-836F-0000F87A7782}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMParseErrorDisp = dispinterface
- ['{3EFAA426-272F-11D2-836F-0000F87A7782}']
- property errorCode: Integer readonly dispid 0;
- property url: WideString readonly dispid 179;
- property reason: WideString readonly dispid 180;
- property srcText: WideString readonly dispid 181;
- property line: Integer readonly dispid 182;
- property linepos: Integer readonly dispid 183;
- property filepos: Integer readonly dispid 184;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLDOMNotation
-// Indicateurs : (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {2933BF8C-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMNotation = interface(IXMLDOMNode)
- ['{2933BF8C-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- function Get_publicId: OleVariant; safecall;
- function Get_systemId: OleVariant; safecall;
- property publicId: OleVariant read Get_publicId;
- property systemId: OleVariant read Get_systemId;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLDOMNotationDisp
-// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {2933BF8C-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMNotationDisp = dispinterface
- ['{2933BF8C-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- property publicId: OleVariant readonly dispid 136;
- property systemId: OleVariant readonly dispid 137;
- property nodeName: WideString readonly dispid 2;
- property nodeValue: OleVariant dispid 3;
- property nodeType: DOMNodeType readonly dispid 4;
- property parentNode: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 6;
- property childNodes: IXMLDOMNodeList readonly dispid 7;
- property firstChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 8;
- property lastChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 9;
- property previousSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 10;
- property nextSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 11;
- property attributes: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap readonly dispid 12;
- function insertBefore(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; refChild: OleVariant): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 13;
- function replaceChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; const oldChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 14;
- function removeChild(const childNode: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 15;
- function appendChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 16;
- function hasChildNodes: WordBool; dispid 17;
- property ownerDocument: IXMLDOMDocument readonly dispid 18;
- function cloneNode(deep: WordBool): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 19;
- property nodeTypeString: WideString readonly dispid 21;
- property text: WideString dispid 24;
- property specified: WordBool readonly dispid 22;
- property definition: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 23;
- property nodeTypedValue: OleVariant dispid 25;
- function dataType: OleVariant; dispid 26;
- property xml: WideString readonly dispid 27;
- function transformNode(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode): WideString; dispid 28;
- function selectNodes(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList; dispid 29;
- function selectSingleNode(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 30;
- property parsed: WordBool readonly dispid 31;
- property namespaceURI: WideString readonly dispid 32;
- property prefix: WideString readonly dispid 33;
- property baseName: WideString readonly dispid 34;
- procedure transformNodeToObject(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode; outputObject: OleVariant); dispid 35;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLDOMEntity
-// Indicateurs : (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {2933BF8D-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMEntity = interface(IXMLDOMNode)
- ['{2933BF8D-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- function Get_publicId: OleVariant; safecall;
- function Get_systemId: OleVariant; safecall;
- function Get_notationName: WideString; safecall;
- property publicId: OleVariant read Get_publicId;
- property systemId: OleVariant read Get_systemId;
- property notationName: WideString read Get_notationName;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLDOMEntityDisp
-// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {2933BF8D-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDOMEntityDisp = dispinterface
- ['{2933BF8D-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}']
- property publicId: OleVariant readonly dispid 140;
- property systemId: OleVariant readonly dispid 141;
- property notationName: WideString readonly dispid 142;
- property nodeName: WideString readonly dispid 2;
- property nodeValue: OleVariant dispid 3;
- property nodeType: DOMNodeType readonly dispid 4;
- property parentNode: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 6;
- property childNodes: IXMLDOMNodeList readonly dispid 7;
- property firstChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 8;
- property lastChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 9;
- property previousSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 10;
- property nextSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 11;
- property attributes: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap readonly dispid 12;
- function insertBefore(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; refChild: OleVariant): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 13;
- function replaceChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; const oldChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 14;
- function removeChild(const childNode: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 15;
- function appendChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 16;
- function hasChildNodes: WordBool; dispid 17;
- property ownerDocument: IXMLDOMDocument readonly dispid 18;
- function cloneNode(deep: WordBool): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 19;
- property nodeTypeString: WideString readonly dispid 21;
- property text: WideString dispid 24;
- property specified: WordBool readonly dispid 22;
- property definition: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 23;
- property nodeTypedValue: OleVariant dispid 25;
- function dataType: OleVariant; dispid 26;
- property xml: WideString readonly dispid 27;
- function transformNode(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode): WideString; dispid 28;
- function selectNodes(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList; dispid 29;
- function selectSingleNode(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 30;
- property parsed: WordBool readonly dispid 31;
- property namespaceURI: WideString readonly dispid 32;
- property prefix: WideString readonly dispid 33;
- property baseName: WideString readonly dispid 34;
- procedure transformNodeToObject(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode; outputObject: OleVariant); dispid 35;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXTLRuntime
-// Indicateurs : (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {3EFAA425-272F-11D2-836F-0000F87A7782}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXTLRuntime = interface(IXMLDOMNode)
- ['{3EFAA425-272F-11D2-836F-0000F87A7782}']
- function uniqueID(const pNode: IXMLDOMNode): Integer; safecall;
- function depth(const pNode: IXMLDOMNode): Integer; safecall;
- function childNumber(const pNode: IXMLDOMNode): Integer; safecall;
- function ancestorChildNumber(const bstrNodeName: WideString; const pNode: IXMLDOMNode): Integer; safecall;
- function absoluteChildNumber(const pNode: IXMLDOMNode): Integer; safecall;
- function formatIndex(lIndex: Integer; const bstrFormat: WideString): WideString; safecall;
- function formatNumber(dblNumber: Double; const bstrFormat: WideString): WideString; safecall;
- function formatDate(varDate: OleVariant; const bstrFormat: WideString;
- varDestLocale: OleVariant): WideString; safecall;
- function formatTime(varTime: OleVariant; const bstrFormat: WideString;
- varDestLocale: OleVariant): WideString; safecall;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXTLRuntimeDisp
-// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {3EFAA425-272F-11D2-836F-0000F87A7782}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXTLRuntimeDisp = dispinterface
- ['{3EFAA425-272F-11D2-836F-0000F87A7782}']
- function uniqueID(const pNode: IXMLDOMNode): Integer; dispid 187;
- function depth(const pNode: IXMLDOMNode): Integer; dispid 188;
- function childNumber(const pNode: IXMLDOMNode): Integer; dispid 189;
- function ancestorChildNumber(const bstrNodeName: WideString; const pNode: IXMLDOMNode): Integer; dispid 190;
- function absoluteChildNumber(const pNode: IXMLDOMNode): Integer; dispid 191;
- function formatIndex(lIndex: Integer; const bstrFormat: WideString): WideString; dispid 192;
- function formatNumber(dblNumber: Double; const bstrFormat: WideString): WideString; dispid 193;
- function formatDate(varDate: OleVariant; const bstrFormat: WideString;
- varDestLocale: OleVariant): WideString; dispid 194;
- function formatTime(varTime: OleVariant; const bstrFormat: WideString;
- varDestLocale: OleVariant): WideString; dispid 195;
- property nodeName: WideString readonly dispid 2;
- property nodeValue: OleVariant dispid 3;
- property nodeType: DOMNodeType readonly dispid 4;
- property parentNode: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 6;
- property childNodes: IXMLDOMNodeList readonly dispid 7;
- property firstChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 8;
- property lastChild: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 9;
- property previousSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 10;
- property nextSibling: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 11;
- property attributes: IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap readonly dispid 12;
- function insertBefore(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; refChild: OleVariant): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 13;
- function replaceChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode; const oldChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 14;
- function removeChild(const childNode: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 15;
- function appendChild(const newChild: IXMLDOMNode): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 16;
- function hasChildNodes: WordBool; dispid 17;
- property ownerDocument: IXMLDOMDocument readonly dispid 18;
- function cloneNode(deep: WordBool): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 19;
- property nodeTypeString: WideString readonly dispid 21;
- property text: WideString dispid 24;
- property specified: WordBool readonly dispid 22;
- property definition: IXMLDOMNode readonly dispid 23;
- property nodeTypedValue: OleVariant dispid 25;
- function dataType: OleVariant; dispid 26;
- property xml: WideString readonly dispid 27;
- function transformNode(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode): WideString; dispid 28;
- function selectNodes(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList; dispid 29;
- function selectSingleNode(const queryString: WideString): IXMLDOMNode; dispid 30;
- property parsed: WordBool readonly dispid 31;
- property namespaceURI: WideString readonly dispid 32;
- property prefix: WideString readonly dispid 33;
- property baseName: WideString readonly dispid 34;
- procedure transformNodeToObject(const stylesheet: IXMLDOMNode; outputObject: OleVariant); dispid 35;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: XMLDOMDocumentEvents
-// Flags: (4112) Hidden Dispatchable
-// GUID: {3EFAA427-272F-11D2-836F-0000F87A7782}
-// *********************************************************************//
- XMLDOMDocumentEvents = dispinterface
- ['{3EFAA427-272F-11D2-836F-0000F87A7782}']
- procedure ondataavailable; dispid 198;
- procedure onreadystatechange; dispid -609;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLHttpRequest
-// Indicateurs : (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {ED8C108D-4349-11D2-91A4-00C04F7969E8}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLHttpRequest = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{ED8C108D-4349-11D2-91A4-00C04F7969E8}']
- procedure open(const bstrMethod: WideString; const bstrUrl: WideString; varAsync: OleVariant;
- bstrUser: OleVariant; bstrPassword: OleVariant); safecall;
- procedure setRequestHeader(const bstrHeader: WideString; const bstrValue: WideString); safecall;
- function getResponseHeader(const bstrHeader: WideString): WideString; safecall;
- function getAllResponseHeaders: WideString; safecall;
- procedure send(varBody: OleVariant); safecall;
- procedure abort; safecall;
- function Get_status: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_statusText: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_responseXML: IDispatch; safecall;
- function Get_responseText: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_responseBody: OleVariant; safecall;
- function Get_responseStream: OleVariant; safecall;
- function Get_readyState: Integer; safecall;
- procedure Set_onreadystatechange(const Param1: IDispatch); safecall;
- property status: Integer read Get_status;
- property statusText: WideString read Get_statusText;
- property responseXML: IDispatch read Get_responseXML;
- property responseText: WideString read Get_responseText;
- property responseBody: OleVariant read Get_responseBody;
- property responseStream: OleVariant read Get_responseStream;
- property readyState: Integer read Get_readyState;
- property onreadystatechange: IDispatch write Set_onreadystatechange;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLHttpRequestDisp
-// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {ED8C108D-4349-11D2-91A4-00C04F7969E8}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLHttpRequestDisp = dispinterface
- ['{ED8C108D-4349-11D2-91A4-00C04F7969E8}']
- procedure open(const bstrMethod: WideString; const bstrUrl: WideString; varAsync: OleVariant;
- bstrUser: OleVariant; bstrPassword: OleVariant); dispid 1;
- procedure setRequestHeader(const bstrHeader: WideString; const bstrValue: WideString); dispid 2;
- function getResponseHeader(const bstrHeader: WideString): WideString; dispid 3;
- function getAllResponseHeaders: WideString; dispid 4;
- procedure send(varBody: OleVariant); dispid 5;
- procedure abort; dispid 6;
- property status: Integer readonly dispid 7;
- property statusText: WideString readonly dispid 8;
- property responseXML: IDispatch readonly dispid 9;
- property responseText: WideString readonly dispid 10;
- property responseBody: OleVariant readonly dispid 11;
- property responseStream: OleVariant readonly dispid 12;
- property readyState: Integer readonly dispid 13;
- property onreadystatechange: IDispatch writeonly dispid 14;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLDSOControl
-// Indicateurs : (4560) Hidden Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {310AFA62-0575-11D2-9CA9-0060B0EC3D39}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDSOControl = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{310AFA62-0575-11D2-9CA9-0060B0EC3D39}']
- function Get_XMLDocument: IXMLDOMDocument; safecall;
- procedure Set_XMLDocument(const ppDoc: IXMLDOMDocument); safecall;
- function Get_JavaDSOCompatible: Integer; safecall;
- procedure Set_JavaDSOCompatible(fJavaDSOCompatible: Integer); safecall;
- function Get_readyState: Integer; safecall;
- property XMLDocument: IXMLDOMDocument read Get_XMLDocument write Set_XMLDocument;
- property JavaDSOCompatible: Integer read Get_JavaDSOCompatible write Set_JavaDSOCompatible;
- property readyState: Integer read Get_readyState;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLDSOControlDisp
-// Flags: (4560) Hidden Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {310AFA62-0575-11D2-9CA9-0060B0EC3D39}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDSOControlDisp = dispinterface
- ['{310AFA62-0575-11D2-9CA9-0060B0EC3D39}']
- property XMLDocument: IXMLDOMDocument dispid 65537;
- property JavaDSOCompatible: Integer dispid 65538;
- property readyState: Integer readonly dispid -525;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLElementCollection
-// Indicateurs : (4432) Hidden Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {65725580-9B5D-11D0-9BFE-00C04FC99C8E}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLElementCollection = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{65725580-9B5D-11D0-9BFE-00C04FC99C8E}']
- procedure Set_length(p: Integer); safecall;
- function Get_length: Integer; safecall;
- function Get__newEnum: IUnknown; safecall;
- function item(var1: OleVariant; var2: OleVariant): IDispatch; safecall;
- property length: Integer read Get_length write Set_length;
- property _newEnum: IUnknown read Get__newEnum;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLElementCollectionDisp
-// Flags: (4432) Hidden Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {65725580-9B5D-11D0-9BFE-00C04FC99C8E}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLElementCollectionDisp = dispinterface
- ['{65725580-9B5D-11D0-9BFE-00C04FC99C8E}']
- property length: Integer dispid 65537;
- property _newEnum: IUnknown readonly dispid -4;
- function item(var1: OleVariant; var2: OleVariant): IDispatch; dispid 65539;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLDocument
-// Indicateurs : (4432) Hidden Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {F52E2B61-18A1-11D1-B105-00805F49916B}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDocument = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{F52E2B61-18A1-11D1-B105-00805F49916B}']
- function Get_root: IXMLElement; safecall;
- function Get_fileSize: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_fileModifiedDate: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_fileUpdatedDate: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_url: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_url(const p: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_mimeType: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_readyState: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_charset: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_charset(const p: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_version: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_doctype: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_dtdURL: WideString; safecall;
- function createElement(vType: OleVariant; var1: OleVariant): IXMLElement; safecall;
- property root: IXMLElement read Get_root;
- property fileSize: WideString read Get_fileSize;
- property fileModifiedDate: WideString read Get_fileModifiedDate;
- property fileUpdatedDate: WideString read Get_fileUpdatedDate;
- property url: WideString read Get_url write Set_url;
- property mimeType: WideString read Get_mimeType;
- property readyState: Integer read Get_readyState;
- property charset: WideString read Get_charset write Set_charset;
- property version: WideString read Get_version;
- property doctype: WideString read Get_doctype;
- property dtdURL: WideString read Get_dtdURL;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLDocumentDisp
-// Flags: (4432) Hidden Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {F52E2B61-18A1-11D1-B105-00805F49916B}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDocumentDisp = dispinterface
- ['{F52E2B61-18A1-11D1-B105-00805F49916B}']
- property root: IXMLElement readonly dispid 65637;
- property fileSize: WideString readonly dispid 65638;
- property fileModifiedDate: WideString readonly dispid 65639;
- property fileUpdatedDate: WideString readonly dispid 65640;
- property url: WideString dispid 65641;
- property mimeType: WideString readonly dispid 65642;
- property readyState: Integer readonly dispid 65643;
- property charset: WideString dispid 65645;
- property version: WideString readonly dispid 65646;
- property doctype: WideString readonly dispid 65647;
- property dtdURL: WideString readonly dispid 65648;
- function createElement(vType: OleVariant; var1: OleVariant): IXMLElement; dispid 65644;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLElement
-// Indicateurs : (4432) Hidden Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {3F7F31AC-E15F-11D0-9C25-00C04FC99C8E}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLElement = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{3F7F31AC-E15F-11D0-9C25-00C04FC99C8E}']
- function Get_tagName: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_tagName(const p: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_parent: IXMLElement; safecall;
- procedure setAttribute(const strPropertyName: WideString; PropertyValue: OleVariant); safecall;
- function getAttribute(const strPropertyName: WideString): OleVariant; safecall;
- procedure removeAttribute(const strPropertyName: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_children: IXMLElementCollection; safecall;
- function Get_type_: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_text: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_text(const p: WideString); safecall;
- procedure addChild(const pChildElem: IXMLElement; lIndex: Integer; lReserved: Integer); safecall;
- procedure removeChild(const pChildElem: IXMLElement); safecall;
- property tagName: WideString read Get_tagName write Set_tagName;
- property parent: IXMLElement read Get_parent;
- property children: IXMLElementCollection read Get_children;
- property type_: Integer read Get_type_;
- property text: WideString read Get_text write Set_text;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLElementDisp
-// Flags: (4432) Hidden Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {3F7F31AC-E15F-11D0-9C25-00C04FC99C8E}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLElementDisp = dispinterface
- ['{3F7F31AC-E15F-11D0-9C25-00C04FC99C8E}']
- property tagName: WideString dispid 65737;
- property parent: IXMLElement readonly dispid 65738;
- procedure setAttribute(const strPropertyName: WideString; PropertyValue: OleVariant); dispid 65739;
- function getAttribute(const strPropertyName: WideString): OleVariant; dispid 65740;
- procedure removeAttribute(const strPropertyName: WideString); dispid 65741;
- property children: IXMLElementCollection readonly dispid 65742;
- property type_: Integer readonly dispid 65743;
- property text: WideString dispid 65744;
- procedure addChild(const pChildElem: IXMLElement; lIndex: Integer; lReserved: Integer); dispid 65745;
- procedure removeChild(const pChildElem: IXMLElement); dispid 65746;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLDocument2
-// Indicateurs : (4112) Hidden Dispatchable
-// GUID : {2B8DE2FE-8D2D-11D1-B2FC-00C04FD915A9}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLDocument2 = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{2B8DE2FE-8D2D-11D1-B2FC-00C04FD915A9}']
- function Get_root(out p: IXMLElement2): HResult; stdcall;
- function Get_fileSize(out p: WideString): HResult; stdcall;
- function Get_fileModifiedDate(out p: WideString): HResult; stdcall;
- function Get_fileUpdatedDate(out p: WideString): HResult; stdcall;
- function Get_url(out p: WideString): HResult; stdcall;
- function Set_url(const p: WideString): HResult; stdcall;
- function Get_mimeType(out p: WideString): HResult; stdcall;
- function Get_readyState(out pl: Integer): HResult; stdcall;
- function Get_charset(out p: WideString): HResult; stdcall;
- function Set_charset(const p: WideString): HResult; stdcall;
- function Get_version(out p: WideString): HResult; stdcall;
- function Get_doctype(out p: WideString): HResult; stdcall;
- function Get_dtdURL(out p: WideString): HResult; stdcall;
- function createElement(vType: OleVariant; var1: OleVariant; out ppElem: IXMLElement2): HResult; stdcall;
- function Get_async(out pf: WordBool): HResult; stdcall;
- function Set_async(pf: WordBool): HResult; stdcall;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLElement2
-// Indicateurs : (4432) Hidden Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {2B8DE2FF-8D2D-11D1-B2FC-00C04FD915A9}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLElement2 = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{2B8DE2FF-8D2D-11D1-B2FC-00C04FD915A9}']
- function Get_tagName: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_tagName(const p: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_parent: IXMLElement2; safecall;
- procedure setAttribute(const strPropertyName: WideString; PropertyValue: OleVariant); safecall;
- function getAttribute(const strPropertyName: WideString): OleVariant; safecall;
- procedure removeAttribute(const strPropertyName: WideString); safecall;
- function Get_children: IXMLElementCollection; safecall;
- function Get_type_: Integer; safecall;
- function Get_text: WideString; safecall;
- procedure Set_text(const p: WideString); safecall;
- procedure addChild(const pChildElem: IXMLElement2; lIndex: Integer; lReserved: Integer); safecall;
- procedure removeChild(const pChildElem: IXMLElement2); safecall;
- function Get_attributes: IXMLElementCollection; safecall;
- property tagName: WideString read Get_tagName write Set_tagName;
- property parent: IXMLElement2 read Get_parent;
- property children: IXMLElementCollection read Get_children;
- property type_: Integer read Get_type_;
- property text: WideString read Get_text write Set_text;
- property attributes: IXMLElementCollection read Get_attributes;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLElement2Disp
-// Flags: (4432) Hidden Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {2B8DE2FF-8D2D-11D1-B2FC-00C04FD915A9}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLElement2Disp = dispinterface
- ['{2B8DE2FF-8D2D-11D1-B2FC-00C04FD915A9}']
- property tagName: WideString dispid 65737;
- property parent: IXMLElement2 readonly dispid 65738;
- procedure setAttribute(const strPropertyName: WideString; PropertyValue: OleVariant); dispid 65739;
- function getAttribute(const strPropertyName: WideString): OleVariant; dispid 65740;
- procedure removeAttribute(const strPropertyName: WideString); dispid 65741;
- property children: IXMLElementCollection readonly dispid 65742;
- property type_: Integer readonly dispid 65743;
- property text: WideString dispid 65744;
- procedure addChild(const pChildElem: IXMLElement2; lIndex: Integer; lReserved: Integer); dispid 65745;
- procedure removeChild(const pChildElem: IXMLElement2); dispid 65746;
- property attributes: IXMLElementCollection readonly dispid 65747;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLAttribute
-// Indicateurs : (4432) Hidden Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID : {D4D4A0FC-3B73-11D1-B2B4-00C04FB92596}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLAttribute = interface(IDispatch)
- ['{D4D4A0FC-3B73-11D1-B2B4-00C04FB92596}']
- function Get_name: WideString; safecall;
- function Get_value: WideString; safecall;
- property name: WideString read Get_name;
- property value: WideString read Get_value;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// DispIntf: IXMLAttributeDisp
-// Flags: (4432) Hidden Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
-// GUID: {D4D4A0FC-3B73-11D1-B2B4-00C04FB92596}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLAttributeDisp = dispinterface
- ['{D4D4A0FC-3B73-11D1-B2B4-00C04FB92596}']
- property name: WideString readonly dispid 65937;
- property value: WideString readonly dispid 65938;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Interface : IXMLError
-// Indicateurs : (16) Hidden
-// GUID : {948C5AD3-C58D-11D0-9C0B-00C04FC99C8E}
-// *********************************************************************//
- IXMLError = interface(IUnknown)
- ['{948C5AD3-C58D-11D0-9C0B-00C04FC99C8E}']
- function GetErrorInfo(var pErrorReturn: _xml_error): HResult; stdcall;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// La classe CoDOMDocument fournit une méthode Create et CreateRemote pour
-// créer des instances de l'interface par défaut IXMLDOMDocument exposée
-// pas la CoClass DOMDocument. Les fonctions sont destinées à être utilisées par
-// les clients désirant automatiser les objets CoClass exposés par
-// le serveur de cette bibliothèque de types.
-// *********************************************************************//
- CoDOMDocument = class
- class function Create: IXMLDOMDocument;
- class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IXMLDOMDocument;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Déclaration de classe proxy de serveur OLE
-// Objet serveur : TDOMDocument
-// Chaîne d'aide : W3C-DOM XML Document
-// Interface par défaut : IXMLDOMDocument
-// DISP Int. Déf. ? : No
-// Interface événements : XMLDOMDocumentEvents
-// TypeFlags : (2) CanCreate
-// *********************************************************************//
- TDOMDocumentProperties= class;
- TDOMDocument = class(TOleServer)
- private
- FOnondataavailable: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnonreadystatechange: TNotifyEvent;
- FIntf: IXMLDOMDocument;
- FProps: TDOMDocumentProperties;
- function GetServerProperties: TDOMDocumentProperties;
- function GetDefaultInterface: IXMLDOMDocument;
- protected
- procedure InitServerData; override;
- procedure InvokeEvent(DispID: TDispID; var Params: TVariantArray); override;
- function Get_doctype: IXMLDOMDocumentType;
- function Get_implementation_: IXMLDOMImplementation;
- function Get_documentElement: IXMLDOMElement;
- procedure Set_documentElement(const DOMElement: IXMLDOMElement);
- function Get_readyState: Integer;
- function Get_parseError: IXMLDOMParseError;
- function Get_url: WideString;
- function Get_async: WordBool;
- procedure Set_async(isAsync: WordBool);
- function Get_validateOnParse: WordBool;
- procedure Set_validateOnParse(isValidating: WordBool);
- function Get_resolveExternals: WordBool;
- procedure Set_resolveExternals(isResolving: WordBool);
- function Get_preserveWhiteSpace: WordBool;
- procedure Set_preserveWhiteSpace(isPreserving: WordBool);
- procedure Set_onreadystatechange(Param1: OleVariant);
- procedure Set_ondataavailable(Param1: OleVariant);
- procedure Set_ontransformnode(Param1: OleVariant);
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Connect; override;
- procedure ConnectTo(svrIntf: IXMLDOMDocument);
- procedure Disconnect; override;
- function createElement(const tagName: WideString): IXMLDOMElement;
- function createDocumentFragment: IXMLDOMDocumentFragment;
- function createTextNode(const data: WideString): IXMLDOMText;
- function createComment(const data: WideString): IXMLDOMComment;
- function createCDATASection(const data: WideString): IXMLDOMCDATASection;
- function createProcessingInstruction(const target: WideString; const data: WideString): IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction;
- function createAttribute(const name: WideString): IXMLDOMAttribute;
- function createEntityReference(const name: WideString): IXMLDOMEntityReference;
- function getElementsByTagName(const tagName: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList;
- function createNode(type_: OleVariant; const name: WideString; const namespaceURI: WideString): IXMLDOMNode;
- function nodeFromID(const idString: WideString): IXMLDOMNode;
- function load(xmlSource: OleVariant): WordBool;
- procedure abort;
- function loadXML(const bstrXML: WideString): WordBool;
- procedure save(destination: OleVariant);
- property DefaultInterface: IXMLDOMDocument read GetDefaultInterface;
- property doctype: IXMLDOMDocumentType read Get_doctype;
- property implementation_: IXMLDOMImplementation read Get_implementation_;
- property documentElement: IXMLDOMElement read Get_documentElement write Set_documentElement;
- property readyState: Integer read Get_readyState;
- property parseError: IXMLDOMParseError read Get_parseError;
- property url: WideString read Get_url;
- property onreadystatechange: OleVariant write Set_onreadystatechange;
- property ondataavailable: OleVariant write Set_ondataavailable;
- property ontransformnode: OleVariant write Set_ontransformnode;
- property async: WordBool read Get_async write Set_async;
- property validateOnParse: WordBool read Get_validateOnParse write Set_validateOnParse;
- property resolveExternals: WordBool read Get_resolveExternals write Set_resolveExternals;
- property preserveWhiteSpace: WordBool read Get_preserveWhiteSpace write Set_preserveWhiteSpace;
- published
- property Server: TDOMDocumentProperties read GetServerProperties;
- property Onondataavailable: TNotifyEvent read FOnondataavailable write FOnondataavailable;
- property Ononreadystatechange: TNotifyEvent read FOnonreadystatechange write FOnonreadystatechange;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Classe proxy Propriétés Serveur OLE
-// Objet serveur : TDOMDocument
-// (Cet objet est utilisé pas l'inspecteur de propriété de l'EDI pour la
-// modification des propriétés de ce serveur)
-// *********************************************************************//
- TDOMDocumentProperties = class(TPersistent)
- private
- FServer: TDOMDocument;
- function GetDefaultInterface: IXMLDOMDocument;
- constructor Create(AServer: TDOMDocument);
- protected
- function Get_doctype: IXMLDOMDocumentType;
- function Get_implementation_: IXMLDOMImplementation;
- function Get_documentElement: IXMLDOMElement;
- procedure Set_documentElement(const DOMElement: IXMLDOMElement);
- function Get_readyState: Integer;
- function Get_parseError: IXMLDOMParseError;
- function Get_url: WideString;
- function Get_async: WordBool;
- procedure Set_async(isAsync: WordBool);
- function Get_validateOnParse: WordBool;
- procedure Set_validateOnParse(isValidating: WordBool);
- function Get_resolveExternals: WordBool;
- procedure Set_resolveExternals(isResolving: WordBool);
- function Get_preserveWhiteSpace: WordBool;
- procedure Set_preserveWhiteSpace(isPreserving: WordBool);
- procedure Set_onreadystatechange(Param1: OleVariant);
- procedure Set_ondataavailable(Param1: OleVariant);
- procedure Set_ontransformnode(Param1: OleVariant);
- public
- property DefaultInterface: IXMLDOMDocument read GetDefaultInterface;
- published
- property async: WordBool read Get_async write Set_async;
- property validateOnParse: WordBool read Get_validateOnParse write Set_validateOnParse;
- property resolveExternals: WordBool read Get_resolveExternals write Set_resolveExternals;
- property preserveWhiteSpace: WordBool read Get_preserveWhiteSpace write Set_preserveWhiteSpace;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// La classe CoDOMFreeThreadedDocument fournit une méthode Create et CreateRemote pour
-// créer des instances de l'interface par défaut IXMLDOMDocument exposée
-// pas la CoClass DOMFreeThreadedDocument. Les fonctions sont destinées à être utilisées par
-// les clients désirant automatiser les objets CoClass exposés par
-// le serveur de cette bibliothèque de types.
-// *********************************************************************//
- CoDOMFreeThreadedDocument = class
- class function Create: IXMLDOMDocument;
- class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IXMLDOMDocument;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Déclaration de classe proxy de serveur OLE
-// Objet serveur : TDOMFreeThreadedDocument
-// Chaîne d'aide : W3C-DOM XML Document (Apartment)
-// Interface par défaut : IXMLDOMDocument
-// DISP Int. Déf. ? : No
-// Interface événements : XMLDOMDocumentEvents
-// TypeFlags : (2) CanCreate
-// *********************************************************************//
- TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties= class;
- TDOMFreeThreadedDocument = class(TOleServer)
- private
- FOnondataavailable: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnonreadystatechange: TNotifyEvent;
- FIntf: IXMLDOMDocument;
- FProps: TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties;
- function GetServerProperties: TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties;
- function GetDefaultInterface: IXMLDOMDocument;
- protected
- procedure InitServerData; override;
- procedure InvokeEvent(DispID: TDispID; var Params: TVariantArray); override;
- function Get_doctype: IXMLDOMDocumentType;
- function Get_implementation_: IXMLDOMImplementation;
- function Get_documentElement: IXMLDOMElement;
- procedure Set_documentElement(const DOMElement: IXMLDOMElement);
- function Get_readyState: Integer;
- function Get_parseError: IXMLDOMParseError;
- function Get_url: WideString;
- function Get_async: WordBool;
- procedure Set_async(isAsync: WordBool);
- function Get_validateOnParse: WordBool;
- procedure Set_validateOnParse(isValidating: WordBool);
- function Get_resolveExternals: WordBool;
- procedure Set_resolveExternals(isResolving: WordBool);
- function Get_preserveWhiteSpace: WordBool;
- procedure Set_preserveWhiteSpace(isPreserving: WordBool);
- procedure Set_onreadystatechange(Param1: OleVariant);
- procedure Set_ondataavailable(Param1: OleVariant);
- procedure Set_ontransformnode(Param1: OleVariant);
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Connect; override;
- procedure ConnectTo(svrIntf: IXMLDOMDocument);
- procedure Disconnect; override;
- function createElement(const tagName: WideString): IXMLDOMElement;
- function createDocumentFragment: IXMLDOMDocumentFragment;
- function createTextNode(const data: WideString): IXMLDOMText;
- function createComment(const data: WideString): IXMLDOMComment;
- function createCDATASection(const data: WideString): IXMLDOMCDATASection;
- function createProcessingInstruction(const target: WideString; const data: WideString): IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction;
- function createAttribute(const name: WideString): IXMLDOMAttribute;
- function createEntityReference(const name: WideString): IXMLDOMEntityReference;
- function getElementsByTagName(const tagName: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList;
- function createNode(type_: OleVariant; const name: WideString; const namespaceURI: WideString): IXMLDOMNode;
- function nodeFromID(const idString: WideString): IXMLDOMNode;
- function load(xmlSource: OleVariant): WordBool;
- procedure abort;
- function loadXML(const bstrXML: WideString): WordBool;
- procedure save(destination: OleVariant);
- property DefaultInterface: IXMLDOMDocument read GetDefaultInterface;
- property doctype: IXMLDOMDocumentType read Get_doctype;
- property implementation_: IXMLDOMImplementation read Get_implementation_;
- property documentElement: IXMLDOMElement read Get_documentElement write Set_documentElement;
- property readyState: Integer read Get_readyState;
- property parseError: IXMLDOMParseError read Get_parseError;
- property url: WideString read Get_url;
- property onreadystatechange: OleVariant write Set_onreadystatechange;
- property ondataavailable: OleVariant write Set_ondataavailable;
- property ontransformnode: OleVariant write Set_ontransformnode;
- property async: WordBool read Get_async write Set_async;
- property validateOnParse: WordBool read Get_validateOnParse write Set_validateOnParse;
- property resolveExternals: WordBool read Get_resolveExternals write Set_resolveExternals;
- property preserveWhiteSpace: WordBool read Get_preserveWhiteSpace write Set_preserveWhiteSpace;
- published
- property Server: TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties read GetServerProperties;
- property Onondataavailable: TNotifyEvent read FOnondataavailable write FOnondataavailable;
- property Ononreadystatechange: TNotifyEvent read FOnonreadystatechange write FOnonreadystatechange;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Classe proxy Propriétés Serveur OLE
-// Objet serveur : TDOMFreeThreadedDocument
-// (Cet objet est utilisé pas l'inspecteur de propriété de l'EDI pour la
-// modification des propriétés de ce serveur)
-// *********************************************************************//
- TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties = class(TPersistent)
- private
- FServer: TDOMFreeThreadedDocument;
- function GetDefaultInterface: IXMLDOMDocument;
- constructor Create(AServer: TDOMFreeThreadedDocument);
- protected
- function Get_doctype: IXMLDOMDocumentType;
- function Get_implementation_: IXMLDOMImplementation;
- function Get_documentElement: IXMLDOMElement;
- procedure Set_documentElement(const DOMElement: IXMLDOMElement);
- function Get_readyState: Integer;
- function Get_parseError: IXMLDOMParseError;
- function Get_url: WideString;
- function Get_async: WordBool;
- procedure Set_async(isAsync: WordBool);
- function Get_validateOnParse: WordBool;
- procedure Set_validateOnParse(isValidating: WordBool);
- function Get_resolveExternals: WordBool;
- procedure Set_resolveExternals(isResolving: WordBool);
- function Get_preserveWhiteSpace: WordBool;
- procedure Set_preserveWhiteSpace(isPreserving: WordBool);
- procedure Set_onreadystatechange(Param1: OleVariant);
- procedure Set_ondataavailable(Param1: OleVariant);
- procedure Set_ontransformnode(Param1: OleVariant);
- public
- property DefaultInterface: IXMLDOMDocument read GetDefaultInterface;
- published
- property async: WordBool read Get_async write Set_async;
- property validateOnParse: WordBool read Get_validateOnParse write Set_validateOnParse;
- property resolveExternals: WordBool read Get_resolveExternals write Set_resolveExternals;
- property preserveWhiteSpace: WordBool read Get_preserveWhiteSpace write Set_preserveWhiteSpace;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// La classe CoXMLHTTPRequest fournit une méthode Create et CreateRemote pour
-// créer des instances de l'interface par défaut IXMLHttpRequest exposée
-// pas la CoClass XMLHTTPRequest. Les fonctions sont destinées à être utilisées par
-// les clients désirant automatiser les objets CoClass exposés par
-// le serveur de cette bibliothèque de types.
-// *********************************************************************//
- CoXMLHTTPRequest = class
- class function Create: IXMLHttpRequest;
- class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IXMLHttpRequest;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Déclaration de classe proxy de serveur OLE
-// Objet serveur : TXMLHTTPRequest
-// Chaîne d'aide : XML HTTP Request class.
-// Interface par défaut : IXMLHttpRequest
-// DISP Int. Déf. ? : No
-// Interface événements :
-// TypeFlags : (2) CanCreate
-// *********************************************************************//
- TXMLHTTPRequestProperties= class;
- TXMLHTTPRequest = class(TOleServer)
- private
- FIntf: IXMLHttpRequest;
- FProps: TXMLHTTPRequestProperties;
- function GetServerProperties: TXMLHTTPRequestProperties;
- function GetDefaultInterface: IXMLHttpRequest;
- protected
- procedure InitServerData; override;
- function Get_status: Integer;
- function Get_statusText: WideString;
- function Get_responseXML: IDispatch;
- function Get_responseText: WideString;
- function Get_responseBody: OleVariant;
- function Get_responseStream: OleVariant;
- function Get_readyState: Integer;
- procedure Set_onreadystatechange(const Param1: IDispatch);
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Connect; override;
- procedure ConnectTo(svrIntf: IXMLHttpRequest);
- procedure Disconnect; override;
- procedure open(const bstrMethod: WideString; const bstrUrl: WideString); overload;
- procedure open(const bstrMethod: WideString; const bstrUrl: WideString; varAsync: OleVariant); overload;
- procedure open(const bstrMethod: WideString; const bstrUrl: WideString; varAsync: OleVariant;
- bstrUser: OleVariant); overload;
- procedure open(const bstrMethod: WideString; const bstrUrl: WideString; varAsync: OleVariant;
- bstrUser: OleVariant; bstrPassword: OleVariant); overload;
- procedure setRequestHeader(const bstrHeader: WideString; const bstrValue: WideString);
- function getResponseHeader(const bstrHeader: WideString): WideString;
- function getAllResponseHeaders: WideString;
- procedure send; overload;
- procedure send(varBody: OleVariant); overload;
- procedure abort;
- property DefaultInterface: IXMLHttpRequest read GetDefaultInterface;
- property status: Integer read Get_status;
- property statusText: WideString read Get_statusText;
- property responseXML: IDispatch read Get_responseXML;
- property responseText: WideString read Get_responseText;
- property responseBody: OleVariant read Get_responseBody;
- property responseStream: OleVariant read Get_responseStream;
- property readyState: Integer read Get_readyState;
- property onreadystatechange: IDispatch write Set_onreadystatechange;
- published
- property Server: TXMLHTTPRequestProperties read GetServerProperties;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Classe proxy Propriétés Serveur OLE
-// Objet serveur : TXMLHTTPRequest
-// (Cet objet est utilisé pas l'inspecteur de propriété de l'EDI pour la
-// modification des propriétés de ce serveur)
-// *********************************************************************//
- TXMLHTTPRequestProperties = class(TPersistent)
- private
- FServer: TXMLHTTPRequest;
- function GetDefaultInterface: IXMLHttpRequest;
- constructor Create(AServer: TXMLHTTPRequest);
- protected
- function Get_status: Integer;
- function Get_statusText: WideString;
- function Get_responseXML: IDispatch;
- function Get_responseText: WideString;
- function Get_responseBody: OleVariant;
- function Get_responseStream: OleVariant;
- function Get_readyState: Integer;
- procedure Set_onreadystatechange(const Param1: IDispatch);
- public
- property DefaultInterface: IXMLHttpRequest read GetDefaultInterface;
- published
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// La classe CoXMLDSOControl fournit une méthode Create et CreateRemote pour
-// créer des instances de l'interface par défaut IXMLDSOControl exposée
-// pas la CoClass XMLDSOControl. Les fonctions sont destinées à être utilisées par
-// les clients désirant automatiser les objets CoClass exposés par
-// le serveur de cette bibliothèque de types.
-// *********************************************************************//
- CoXMLDSOControl = class
- class function Create: IXMLDSOControl;
- class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IXMLDSOControl;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Déclaration de classe proxy de serveur OLE
-// Objet serveur : TXMLDSOControl
-// Chaîne d'aide : XML Data Source Object
-// Interface par défaut : IXMLDSOControl
-// DISP Int. Déf. ? : No
-// Interface événements :
-// TypeFlags : (2) CanCreate
-// *********************************************************************//
- TXMLDSOControlProperties= class;
- TXMLDSOControl = class(TOleServer)
- private
- FIntf: IXMLDSOControl;
- FProps: TXMLDSOControlProperties;
- function GetServerProperties: TXMLDSOControlProperties;
- function GetDefaultInterface: IXMLDSOControl;
- protected
- procedure InitServerData; override;
- function Get_XMLDocument: IXMLDOMDocument;
- procedure Set_XMLDocument(const ppDoc: IXMLDOMDocument);
- function Get_JavaDSOCompatible: Integer;
- procedure Set_JavaDSOCompatible(fJavaDSOCompatible: Integer);
- function Get_readyState: Integer;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Connect; override;
- procedure ConnectTo(svrIntf: IXMLDSOControl);
- procedure Disconnect; override;
- property DefaultInterface: IXMLDSOControl read GetDefaultInterface;
- property readyState: Integer read Get_readyState;
- property XMLDocument: IXMLDOMDocument read Get_XMLDocument write Set_XMLDocument;
- property JavaDSOCompatible: Integer read Get_JavaDSOCompatible write Set_JavaDSOCompatible;
- published
- property Server: TXMLDSOControlProperties read GetServerProperties;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Classe proxy Propriétés Serveur OLE
-// Objet serveur : TXMLDSOControl
-// (Cet objet est utilisé pas l'inspecteur de propriété de l'EDI pour la
-// modification des propriétés de ce serveur)
-// *********************************************************************//
- TXMLDSOControlProperties = class(TPersistent)
- private
- FServer: TXMLDSOControl;
- function GetDefaultInterface: IXMLDSOControl;
- constructor Create(AServer: TXMLDSOControl);
- protected
- function Get_XMLDocument: IXMLDOMDocument;
- procedure Set_XMLDocument(const ppDoc: IXMLDOMDocument);
- function Get_JavaDSOCompatible: Integer;
- procedure Set_JavaDSOCompatible(fJavaDSOCompatible: Integer);
- function Get_readyState: Integer;
- public
- property DefaultInterface: IXMLDSOControl read GetDefaultInterface;
- published
- property XMLDocument: IXMLDOMDocument read Get_XMLDocument write Set_XMLDocument;
- property JavaDSOCompatible: Integer read Get_JavaDSOCompatible write Set_JavaDSOCompatible;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// La classe CoXMLDocument fournit une méthode Create et CreateRemote pour
-// créer des instances de l'interface par défaut IXMLDocument2 exposée
-// pas la CoClass XMLDocument. Les fonctions sont destinées à être utilisées par
-// les clients désirant automatiser les objets CoClass exposés par
-// le serveur de cette bibliothèque de types.
-// *********************************************************************//
- CoXMLDocument = class
- class function Create: IXMLDocument2;
- class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IXMLDocument2;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Déclaration de classe proxy de serveur OLE
-// Objet serveur : TXMLDocument
-// Chaîne d'aide : XMLDocument extends IXML Document. It is obsolete. You should use DOMDocument. This object should not be confused with the XMLDocument property on the XML data island.
-// Interface par défaut : IXMLDocument2
-// DISP Int. Déf. ? : No
-// Interface événements :
-// TypeFlags : (2) CanCreate
-// *********************************************************************//
- TXMLDocumentProperties= class;
- TXMLDocument = class(TOleServer)
- private
- FIntf: IXMLDocument2;
- FProps: TXMLDocumentProperties;
- function GetServerProperties: TXMLDocumentProperties;
- function GetDefaultInterface: IXMLDocument2;
- protected
- procedure InitServerData; override;
- function Get_root(out p: IXMLElement2): HResult;
- function Get_url(out p: WideString): HResult;
- function Set_url(const p: WideString): HResult;
- function Get_readyState(out pl: Integer): HResult;
- function Get_charset(out p: WideString): HResult;
- function Set_charset(const p: WideString): HResult;
- function Get_version(out p: WideString): HResult;
- function Get_doctype(out p: WideString): HResult;
- function Get_async(out pf: WordBool): HResult;
- function Set_async(pf: WordBool): HResult;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Connect; override;
- procedure ConnectTo(svrIntf: IXMLDocument2);
- procedure Disconnect; override;
- function createElement(vType: OleVariant; var1: OleVariant; out ppElem: IXMLElement2): HResult;
- property DefaultInterface: IXMLDocument2 read GetDefaultInterface;
- published
- property Server: TXMLDocumentProperties read GetServerProperties;
- end;
-// *********************************************************************//
-// Classe proxy Propriétés Serveur OLE
-// Objet serveur : TXMLDocument
-// (Cet objet est utilisé pas l'inspecteur de propriété de l'EDI pour la
-// modification des propriétés de ce serveur)
-// *********************************************************************//
- TXMLDocumentProperties = class(TPersistent)
- private
- FServer: TXMLDocument;
- function GetDefaultInterface: IXMLDocument2;
- constructor Create(AServer: TXMLDocument);
- protected
- function Get_root(out p: IXMLElement2): HResult;
- function Get_url(out p: WideString): HResult;
- function Set_url(const p: WideString): HResult;
- function Get_readyState(out pl: Integer): HResult;
- function Get_charset(out p: WideString): HResult;
- function Set_charset(const p: WideString): HResult;
- function Get_version(out p: WideString): HResult;
- function Get_doctype(out p: WideString): HResult;
- function Get_async(out pf: WordBool): HResult;
- function Set_async(pf: WordBool): HResult;
- public
- property DefaultInterface: IXMLDocument2 read GetDefaultInterface;
- published
- end;
-procedure Register;
-uses ComObj;
-class function CoDOMDocument.Create: IXMLDOMDocument;
- Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_DOMDocument) as IXMLDOMDocument;
-class function CoDOMDocument.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IXMLDOMDocument;
- Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_DOMDocument) as IXMLDOMDocument;
-procedure TDOMDocument.InitServerData;
- CServerData: TServerData = (
- ClassID: '{2933BF90-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}';
- IntfIID: '{2933BF81-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}';
- EventIID: '{3EFAA427-272F-11D2-836F-0000F87A7782}';
- LicenseKey: nil;
- Version: 500);
- ServerData := @CServerData;
-procedure TDOMDocument.Connect;
- punk: IUnknown;
- if FIntf = nil then
- begin
- punk := GetServer;
- ConnectEvents(punk);
- Fintf:= punk as IXMLDOMDocument;
- end;
-procedure TDOMDocument.ConnectTo(svrIntf: IXMLDOMDocument);
- Disconnect;
- FIntf := svrIntf;
- ConnectEvents(FIntf);
-procedure TDOMDocument.DisConnect;
- if Fintf <> nil then
- begin
- DisconnectEvents(FIntf);
- FIntf := nil;
- end;
-function TDOMDocument.GetDefaultInterface: IXMLDOMDocument;
- if FIntf = nil then
- Connect;
- Assert(FIntf <> nil, 'DefaultInterface est NULL. Le composant n''est pas connecté au serveur. Vous devez appeler ''Connect'' ou ''ConnectTo'' avant cette opération');
- Result := FIntf;
-constructor TDOMDocument.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FProps := TDOMDocumentProperties.Create(Self);
-destructor TDOMDocument.Destroy;
- FProps.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TDOMDocument.GetServerProperties: TDOMDocumentProperties;
- Result := FProps;
-procedure TDOMDocument.InvokeEvent(DispID: TDispID; var Params: TVariantArray);
- case DispID of
- -1: Exit; // DISPID_UNKNOWN
- 198: if Assigned(FOnondataavailable) then
- FOnondataavailable(Self);
- -609: if Assigned(FOnonreadystatechange) then
- FOnonreadystatechange(Self);
- end; {case DispID}
-function TDOMDocument.Get_doctype: IXMLDOMDocumentType;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_doctype;
-function TDOMDocument.Get_implementation_: IXMLDOMImplementation;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_implementation_;
-function TDOMDocument.Get_documentElement: IXMLDOMElement;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_documentElement;
-procedure TDOMDocument.Set_documentElement(const DOMElement: IXMLDOMElement);
- DefaultInterface.Set_documentElement(DOMElement);
-function TDOMDocument.Get_readyState: Integer;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_readyState;
-function TDOMDocument.Get_parseError: IXMLDOMParseError;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_parseError;
-function TDOMDocument.Get_url: WideString;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_url;
-function TDOMDocument.Get_async: WordBool;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_async;
-procedure TDOMDocument.Set_async(isAsync: WordBool);
- DefaultInterface.Set_async(isAsync);
-function TDOMDocument.Get_validateOnParse: WordBool;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_validateOnParse;
-procedure TDOMDocument.Set_validateOnParse(isValidating: WordBool);
- DefaultInterface.Set_validateOnParse(isValidating);
-function TDOMDocument.Get_resolveExternals: WordBool;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_resolveExternals;
-procedure TDOMDocument.Set_resolveExternals(isResolving: WordBool);
- DefaultInterface.Set_resolveExternals(isResolving);
-function TDOMDocument.Get_preserveWhiteSpace: WordBool;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_preserveWhiteSpace;
-procedure TDOMDocument.Set_preserveWhiteSpace(isPreserving: WordBool);
- DefaultInterface.Set_preserveWhiteSpace(isPreserving);
-procedure TDOMDocument.Set_onreadystatechange(Param1: OleVariant);
- DefaultInterface.Set_onreadystatechange(Param1);
-procedure TDOMDocument.Set_ondataavailable(Param1: OleVariant);
- DefaultInterface.Set_ondataavailable(Param1);
-procedure TDOMDocument.Set_ontransformnode(Param1: OleVariant);
- DefaultInterface.Set_ontransformnode(Param1);
-function TDOMDocument.createElement(const tagName: WideString): IXMLDOMElement;
- Result := DefaultInterface.createElement(tagName);
-function TDOMDocument.createDocumentFragment: IXMLDOMDocumentFragment;
- Result := DefaultInterface.createDocumentFragment;
-function TDOMDocument.createTextNode(const data: WideString): IXMLDOMText;
- Result := DefaultInterface.createTextNode(data);
-function TDOMDocument.createComment(const data: WideString): IXMLDOMComment;
- Result := DefaultInterface.createComment(data);
-function TDOMDocument.createCDATASection(const data: WideString): IXMLDOMCDATASection;
- Result := DefaultInterface.createCDATASection(data);
-function TDOMDocument.createProcessingInstruction(const target: WideString; const data: WideString): IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction;
- Result := DefaultInterface.createProcessingInstruction(target, data);
-function TDOMDocument.createAttribute(const name: WideString): IXMLDOMAttribute;
- Result := DefaultInterface.createAttribute(name);
-function TDOMDocument.createEntityReference(const name: WideString): IXMLDOMEntityReference;
- Result := DefaultInterface.createEntityReference(name);
-function TDOMDocument.getElementsByTagName(const tagName: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList;
- Result := DefaultInterface.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
-function TDOMDocument.createNode(type_: OleVariant; const name: WideString;
- const namespaceURI: WideString): IXMLDOMNode;
- Result := DefaultInterface.createNode(type_, name, namespaceURI);
-function TDOMDocument.nodeFromID(const idString: WideString): IXMLDOMNode;
- Result := DefaultInterface.nodeFromID(idString);
-function TDOMDocument.load(xmlSource: OleVariant): WordBool;
- Result := DefaultInterface.load(xmlSource);
-procedure TDOMDocument.abort;
- DefaultInterface.abort;
-function TDOMDocument.loadXML(const bstrXML: WideString): WordBool;
- Result := DefaultInterface.loadXML(bstrXML);
-procedure TDOMDocument.save(destination: OleVariant);
- DefaultInterface.save(destination);
-constructor TDOMDocumentProperties.Create(AServer: TDOMDocument);
- inherited Create;
- FServer := AServer;
-function TDOMDocumentProperties.GetDefaultInterface: IXMLDOMDocument;
- Result := FServer.DefaultInterface;
-function TDOMDocumentProperties.Get_doctype: IXMLDOMDocumentType;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_doctype;
-function TDOMDocumentProperties.Get_implementation_: IXMLDOMImplementation;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_implementation_;
-function TDOMDocumentProperties.Get_documentElement: IXMLDOMElement;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_documentElement;
-procedure TDOMDocumentProperties.Set_documentElement(const DOMElement: IXMLDOMElement);
- DefaultInterface.Set_documentElement(DOMElement);
-function TDOMDocumentProperties.Get_readyState: Integer;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_readyState;
-function TDOMDocumentProperties.Get_parseError: IXMLDOMParseError;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_parseError;
-function TDOMDocumentProperties.Get_url: WideString;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_url;
-function TDOMDocumentProperties.Get_async: WordBool;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_async;
-procedure TDOMDocumentProperties.Set_async(isAsync: WordBool);
- DefaultInterface.Set_async(isAsync);
-function TDOMDocumentProperties.Get_validateOnParse: WordBool;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_validateOnParse;
-procedure TDOMDocumentProperties.Set_validateOnParse(isValidating: WordBool);
- DefaultInterface.Set_validateOnParse(isValidating);
-function TDOMDocumentProperties.Get_resolveExternals: WordBool;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_resolveExternals;
-procedure TDOMDocumentProperties.Set_resolveExternals(isResolving: WordBool);
- DefaultInterface.Set_resolveExternals(isResolving);
-function TDOMDocumentProperties.Get_preserveWhiteSpace: WordBool;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_preserveWhiteSpace;
-procedure TDOMDocumentProperties.Set_preserveWhiteSpace(isPreserving: WordBool);
- DefaultInterface.Set_preserveWhiteSpace(isPreserving);
-procedure TDOMDocumentProperties.Set_onreadystatechange(Param1: OleVariant);
- DefaultInterface.Set_onreadystatechange(Param1);
-procedure TDOMDocumentProperties.Set_ondataavailable(Param1: OleVariant);
- DefaultInterface.Set_ondataavailable(Param1);
-procedure TDOMDocumentProperties.Set_ontransformnode(Param1: OleVariant);
- DefaultInterface.Set_ontransformnode(Param1);
-class function CoDOMFreeThreadedDocument.Create: IXMLDOMDocument;
- Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_DOMFreeThreadedDocument) as IXMLDOMDocument;
-class function CoDOMFreeThreadedDocument.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IXMLDOMDocument;
- Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_DOMFreeThreadedDocument) as IXMLDOMDocument;
-procedure TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.InitServerData;
- CServerData: TServerData = (
- ClassID: '{2933BF91-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}';
- IntfIID: '{2933BF81-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}';
- EventIID: '{3EFAA427-272F-11D2-836F-0000F87A7782}';
- LicenseKey: nil;
- Version: 500);
- ServerData := @CServerData;
-procedure TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.Connect;
- punk: IUnknown;
- if FIntf = nil then
- begin
- punk := GetServer;
- ConnectEvents(punk);
- Fintf:= punk as IXMLDOMDocument;
- end;
-procedure TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.ConnectTo(svrIntf: IXMLDOMDocument);
- Disconnect;
- FIntf := svrIntf;
- ConnectEvents(FIntf);
-procedure TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.DisConnect;
- if Fintf <> nil then
- begin
- DisconnectEvents(FIntf);
- FIntf := nil;
- end;
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.GetDefaultInterface: IXMLDOMDocument;
- if FIntf = nil then
- Connect;
- Assert(FIntf <> nil, 'DefaultInterface est NULL. Le composant n''est pas connecté au serveur. Vous devez appeler ''Connect'' ou ''ConnectTo'' avant cette opération');
- Result := FIntf;
-constructor TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FProps := TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties.Create(Self);
-destructor TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.Destroy;
- FProps.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.GetServerProperties: TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties;
- Result := FProps;
-procedure TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.InvokeEvent(DispID: TDispID; var Params: TVariantArray);
- case DispID of
- -1: Exit; // DISPID_UNKNOWN
- 198: if Assigned(FOnondataavailable) then
- FOnondataavailable(Self);
- -609: if Assigned(FOnonreadystatechange) then
- FOnonreadystatechange(Self);
- end; {case DispID}
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.Get_doctype: IXMLDOMDocumentType;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_doctype;
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.Get_implementation_: IXMLDOMImplementation;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_implementation_;
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.Get_documentElement: IXMLDOMElement;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_documentElement;
-procedure TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.Set_documentElement(const DOMElement: IXMLDOMElement);
- DefaultInterface.Set_documentElement(DOMElement);
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.Get_readyState: Integer;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_readyState;
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.Get_parseError: IXMLDOMParseError;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_parseError;
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.Get_url: WideString;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_url;
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.Get_async: WordBool;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_async;
-procedure TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.Set_async(isAsync: WordBool);
- DefaultInterface.Set_async(isAsync);
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.Get_validateOnParse: WordBool;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_validateOnParse;
-procedure TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.Set_validateOnParse(isValidating: WordBool);
- DefaultInterface.Set_validateOnParse(isValidating);
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.Get_resolveExternals: WordBool;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_resolveExternals;
-procedure TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.Set_resolveExternals(isResolving: WordBool);
- DefaultInterface.Set_resolveExternals(isResolving);
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.Get_preserveWhiteSpace: WordBool;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_preserveWhiteSpace;
-procedure TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.Set_preserveWhiteSpace(isPreserving: WordBool);
- DefaultInterface.Set_preserveWhiteSpace(isPreserving);
-procedure TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.Set_onreadystatechange(Param1: OleVariant);
- DefaultInterface.Set_onreadystatechange(Param1);
-procedure TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.Set_ondataavailable(Param1: OleVariant);
- DefaultInterface.Set_ondataavailable(Param1);
-procedure TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.Set_ontransformnode(Param1: OleVariant);
- DefaultInterface.Set_ontransformnode(Param1);
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.createElement(const tagName: WideString): IXMLDOMElement;
- Result := DefaultInterface.createElement(tagName);
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.createDocumentFragment: IXMLDOMDocumentFragment;
- Result := DefaultInterface.createDocumentFragment;
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.createTextNode(const data: WideString): IXMLDOMText;
- Result := DefaultInterface.createTextNode(data);
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.createComment(const data: WideString): IXMLDOMComment;
- Result := DefaultInterface.createComment(data);
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.createCDATASection(const data: WideString): IXMLDOMCDATASection;
- Result := DefaultInterface.createCDATASection(data);
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.createProcessingInstruction(const target: WideString;
- const data: WideString): IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction;
- Result := DefaultInterface.createProcessingInstruction(target, data);
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.createAttribute(const name: WideString): IXMLDOMAttribute;
- Result := DefaultInterface.createAttribute(name);
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.createEntityReference(const name: WideString): IXMLDOMEntityReference;
- Result := DefaultInterface.createEntityReference(name);
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.getElementsByTagName(const tagName: WideString): IXMLDOMNodeList;
- Result := DefaultInterface.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.createNode(type_: OleVariant; const name: WideString;
- const namespaceURI: WideString): IXMLDOMNode;
- Result := DefaultInterface.createNode(type_, name, namespaceURI);
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.nodeFromID(const idString: WideString): IXMLDOMNode;
- Result := DefaultInterface.nodeFromID(idString);
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.load(xmlSource: OleVariant): WordBool;
- Result := DefaultInterface.load(xmlSource);
-procedure TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.abort;
- DefaultInterface.abort;
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.loadXML(const bstrXML: WideString): WordBool;
- Result := DefaultInterface.loadXML(bstrXML);
-procedure TDOMFreeThreadedDocument.save(destination: OleVariant);
- DefaultInterface.save(destination);
-constructor TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties.Create(AServer: TDOMFreeThreadedDocument);
- inherited Create;
- FServer := AServer;
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties.GetDefaultInterface: IXMLDOMDocument;
- Result := FServer.DefaultInterface;
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties.Get_doctype: IXMLDOMDocumentType;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_doctype;
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties.Get_implementation_: IXMLDOMImplementation;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_implementation_;
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties.Get_documentElement: IXMLDOMElement;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_documentElement;
-procedure TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties.Set_documentElement(const DOMElement: IXMLDOMElement);
- DefaultInterface.Set_documentElement(DOMElement);
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties.Get_readyState: Integer;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_readyState;
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties.Get_parseError: IXMLDOMParseError;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_parseError;
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties.Get_url: WideString;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_url;
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties.Get_async: WordBool;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_async;
-procedure TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties.Set_async(isAsync: WordBool);
- DefaultInterface.Set_async(isAsync);
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties.Get_validateOnParse: WordBool;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_validateOnParse;
-procedure TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties.Set_validateOnParse(isValidating: WordBool);
- DefaultInterface.Set_validateOnParse(isValidating);
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties.Get_resolveExternals: WordBool;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_resolveExternals;
-procedure TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties.Set_resolveExternals(isResolving: WordBool);
- DefaultInterface.Set_resolveExternals(isResolving);
-function TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties.Get_preserveWhiteSpace: WordBool;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_preserveWhiteSpace;
-procedure TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties.Set_preserveWhiteSpace(isPreserving: WordBool);
- DefaultInterface.Set_preserveWhiteSpace(isPreserving);
-procedure TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties.Set_onreadystatechange(Param1: OleVariant);
- DefaultInterface.Set_onreadystatechange(Param1);
-procedure TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties.Set_ondataavailable(Param1: OleVariant);
- DefaultInterface.Set_ondataavailable(Param1);
-procedure TDOMFreeThreadedDocumentProperties.Set_ontransformnode(Param1: OleVariant);
- DefaultInterface.Set_ontransformnode(Param1);
-class function CoXMLHTTPRequest.Create: IXMLHttpRequest;
- Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_XMLHTTPRequest) as IXMLHttpRequest;
-class function CoXMLHTTPRequest.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IXMLHttpRequest;
- Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_XMLHTTPRequest) as IXMLHttpRequest;
-procedure TXMLHTTPRequest.InitServerData;
- CServerData: TServerData = (
- ClassID: '{ED8C108E-4349-11D2-91A4-00C04F7969E8}';
- IntfIID: '{ED8C108D-4349-11D2-91A4-00C04F7969E8}';
- EventIID: '';
- LicenseKey: nil;
- Version: 500);
- ServerData := @CServerData;
-procedure TXMLHTTPRequest.Connect;
- punk: IUnknown;
- if FIntf = nil then
- begin
- punk := GetServer;
- Fintf:= punk as IXMLHttpRequest;
- end;
-procedure TXMLHTTPRequest.ConnectTo(svrIntf: IXMLHttpRequest);
- Disconnect;
- FIntf := svrIntf;
-procedure TXMLHTTPRequest.DisConnect;
- if Fintf <> nil then
- begin
- FIntf := nil;
- end;
-function TXMLHTTPRequest.GetDefaultInterface: IXMLHttpRequest;
- if FIntf = nil then
- Connect;
- Assert(FIntf <> nil, 'DefaultInterface est NULL. Le composant n''est pas connecté au serveur. Vous devez appeler ''Connect'' ou ''ConnectTo'' avant cette opération');
- Result := FIntf;
-constructor TXMLHTTPRequest.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FProps := TXMLHTTPRequestProperties.Create(Self);
-destructor TXMLHTTPRequest.Destroy;
- FProps.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TXMLHTTPRequest.GetServerProperties: TXMLHTTPRequestProperties;
- Result := FProps;
-function TXMLHTTPRequest.Get_status: Integer;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_status;
-function TXMLHTTPRequest.Get_statusText: WideString;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_statusText;
-function TXMLHTTPRequest.Get_responseXML: IDispatch;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_responseXML;
-function TXMLHTTPRequest.Get_responseText: WideString;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_responseText;
-function TXMLHTTPRequest.Get_responseBody: OleVariant;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_responseBody;
-function TXMLHTTPRequest.Get_responseStream: OleVariant;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_responseStream;
-function TXMLHTTPRequest.Get_readyState: Integer;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_readyState;
-procedure TXMLHTTPRequest.Set_onreadystatechange(const Param1: IDispatch);
- DefaultInterface.Set_onreadystatechange(Param1);
-procedure TXMLHTTPRequest.open(const bstrMethod: WideString; const bstrUrl: WideString);
- DefaultInterface.open(bstrMethod, bstrUrl, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam);
-procedure TXMLHTTPRequest.open(const bstrMethod: WideString; const bstrUrl: WideString;
- varAsync: OleVariant);
- DefaultInterface.open(bstrMethod, bstrUrl, varAsync, EmptyParam, EmptyParam);
-procedure TXMLHTTPRequest.open(const bstrMethod: WideString; const bstrUrl: WideString;
- varAsync: OleVariant; bstrUser: OleVariant);
- DefaultInterface.open(bstrMethod, bstrUrl, varAsync, bstrUser, EmptyParam);
-procedure TXMLHTTPRequest.open(const bstrMethod: WideString; const bstrUrl: WideString;
- varAsync: OleVariant; bstrUser: OleVariant; bstrPassword: OleVariant);
- DefaultInterface.open(bstrMethod, bstrUrl, varAsync, bstrUser, bstrPassword);
-procedure TXMLHTTPRequest.setRequestHeader(const bstrHeader: WideString; const bstrValue: WideString);
- DefaultInterface.setRequestHeader(bstrHeader, bstrValue);
-function TXMLHTTPRequest.getResponseHeader(const bstrHeader: WideString): WideString;
- Result := DefaultInterface.getResponseHeader(bstrHeader);
-function TXMLHTTPRequest.getAllResponseHeaders: WideString;
- Result := DefaultInterface.getAllResponseHeaders;
-procedure TXMLHTTPRequest.send;
- DefaultInterface.send(EmptyParam);
-procedure TXMLHTTPRequest.send(varBody: OleVariant);
- DefaultInterface.send(varBody);
-procedure TXMLHTTPRequest.abort;
- DefaultInterface.abort;
-constructor TXMLHTTPRequestProperties.Create(AServer: TXMLHTTPRequest);
- inherited Create;
- FServer := AServer;
-function TXMLHTTPRequestProperties.GetDefaultInterface: IXMLHttpRequest;
- Result := FServer.DefaultInterface;
-function TXMLHTTPRequestProperties.Get_status: Integer;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_status;
-function TXMLHTTPRequestProperties.Get_statusText: WideString;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_statusText;
-function TXMLHTTPRequestProperties.Get_responseXML: IDispatch;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_responseXML;
-function TXMLHTTPRequestProperties.Get_responseText: WideString;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_responseText;
-function TXMLHTTPRequestProperties.Get_responseBody: OleVariant;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_responseBody;
-function TXMLHTTPRequestProperties.Get_responseStream: OleVariant;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_responseStream;
-function TXMLHTTPRequestProperties.Get_readyState: Integer;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_readyState;
-procedure TXMLHTTPRequestProperties.Set_onreadystatechange(const Param1: IDispatch);
- DefaultInterface.Set_onreadystatechange(Param1);
-class function CoXMLDSOControl.Create: IXMLDSOControl;
- Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_XMLDSOControl) as IXMLDSOControl;
-class function CoXMLDSOControl.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IXMLDSOControl;
- Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_XMLDSOControl) as IXMLDSOControl;
-procedure TXMLDSOControl.InitServerData;
- CServerData: TServerData = (
- ClassID: '{550DDA30-0541-11D2-9CA9-0060B0EC3D39}';
- IntfIID: '{310AFA62-0575-11D2-9CA9-0060B0EC3D39}';
- EventIID: '';
- LicenseKey: nil;
- Version: 500);
- ServerData := @CServerData;
-procedure TXMLDSOControl.Connect;
- punk: IUnknown;
- if FIntf = nil then
- begin
- punk := GetServer;
- Fintf:= punk as IXMLDSOControl;
- end;
-procedure TXMLDSOControl.ConnectTo(svrIntf: IXMLDSOControl);
- Disconnect;
- FIntf := svrIntf;
-procedure TXMLDSOControl.DisConnect;
- if Fintf <> nil then
- begin
- FIntf := nil;
- end;
-function TXMLDSOControl.GetDefaultInterface: IXMLDSOControl;
- if FIntf = nil then
- Connect;
- Assert(FIntf <> nil, 'DefaultInterface est NULL. Le composant n''est pas connecté au serveur. Vous devez appeler ''Connect'' ou ''ConnectTo'' avant cette opération');
- Result := FIntf;
-constructor TXMLDSOControl.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FProps := TXMLDSOControlProperties.Create(Self);
-destructor TXMLDSOControl.Destroy;
- FProps.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TXMLDSOControl.GetServerProperties: TXMLDSOControlProperties;
- Result := FProps;
-function TXMLDSOControl.Get_XMLDocument: IXMLDOMDocument;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_XMLDocument;
-procedure TXMLDSOControl.Set_XMLDocument(const ppDoc: IXMLDOMDocument);
- DefaultInterface.Set_XMLDocument(ppDoc);
-function TXMLDSOControl.Get_JavaDSOCompatible: Integer;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_JavaDSOCompatible;
-procedure TXMLDSOControl.Set_JavaDSOCompatible(fJavaDSOCompatible: Integer);
- DefaultInterface.Set_JavaDSOCompatible(fJavaDSOCompatible);
-function TXMLDSOControl.Get_readyState: Integer;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_readyState;
-constructor TXMLDSOControlProperties.Create(AServer: TXMLDSOControl);
- inherited Create;
- FServer := AServer;
-function TXMLDSOControlProperties.GetDefaultInterface: IXMLDSOControl;
- Result := FServer.DefaultInterface;
-function TXMLDSOControlProperties.Get_XMLDocument: IXMLDOMDocument;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_XMLDocument;
-procedure TXMLDSOControlProperties.Set_XMLDocument(const ppDoc: IXMLDOMDocument);
- DefaultInterface.Set_XMLDocument(ppDoc);
-function TXMLDSOControlProperties.Get_JavaDSOCompatible: Integer;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_JavaDSOCompatible;
-procedure TXMLDSOControlProperties.Set_JavaDSOCompatible(fJavaDSOCompatible: Integer);
- DefaultInterface.Set_JavaDSOCompatible(fJavaDSOCompatible);
-function TXMLDSOControlProperties.Get_readyState: Integer;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_readyState;
-class function CoXMLDocument.Create: IXMLDocument2;
- Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_XMLDocument) as IXMLDocument2;
-class function CoXMLDocument.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IXMLDocument2;
- Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_XMLDocument) as IXMLDocument2;
-procedure TXMLDocument.InitServerData;
- CServerData: TServerData = (
- ClassID: '{CFC399AF-D876-11D0-9C10-00C04FC99C8E}';
- IntfIID: '{2B8DE2FE-8D2D-11D1-B2FC-00C04FD915A9}';
- EventIID: '';
- LicenseKey: nil;
- Version: 500);
- ServerData := @CServerData;
-procedure TXMLDocument.Connect;
- punk: IUnknown;
- if FIntf = nil then
- begin
- punk := GetServer;
- Fintf:= punk as IXMLDocument2;
- end;
-procedure TXMLDocument.ConnectTo(svrIntf: IXMLDocument2);
- Disconnect;
- FIntf := svrIntf;
-procedure TXMLDocument.DisConnect;
- if Fintf <> nil then
- begin
- FIntf := nil;
- end;
-function TXMLDocument.GetDefaultInterface: IXMLDocument2;
- if FIntf = nil then
- Connect;
- Assert(FIntf <> nil, 'DefaultInterface est NULL. Le composant n''est pas connecté au serveur. Vous devez appeler ''Connect'' ou ''ConnectTo'' avant cette opération');
- Result := FIntf;
-constructor TXMLDocument.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FProps := TXMLDocumentProperties.Create(Self);
-destructor TXMLDocument.Destroy;
- FProps.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
-function TXMLDocument.GetServerProperties: TXMLDocumentProperties;
- Result := FProps;
-function TXMLDocument.Get_root(out p: IXMLElement2): HResult;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_root(p);
-function TXMLDocument.Get_url(out p: WideString): HResult;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_url(p);
-function TXMLDocument.Set_url(const p: WideString): HResult;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Set_url(p);
-function TXMLDocument.Get_readyState(out pl: Integer): HResult;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_readyState(pl);
-function TXMLDocument.Get_charset(out p: WideString): HResult;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_charset(p);
-function TXMLDocument.Set_charset(const p: WideString): HResult;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Set_charset(p);
-function TXMLDocument.Get_version(out p: WideString): HResult;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_version(p);
-function TXMLDocument.Get_doctype(out p: WideString): HResult;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_doctype(p);
-function TXMLDocument.Get_async(out pf: WordBool): HResult;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_async(pf);
-function TXMLDocument.Set_async(pf: WordBool): HResult;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Set_async(pf);
-function TXMLDocument.createElement(vType: OleVariant; var1: OleVariant; out ppElem: IXMLElement2): HResult;
- Result := DefaultInterface.createElement(vType, var1, ppElem);
-constructor TXMLDocumentProperties.Create(AServer: TXMLDocument);
- inherited Create;
- FServer := AServer;
-function TXMLDocumentProperties.GetDefaultInterface: IXMLDocument2;
- Result := FServer.DefaultInterface;
-function TXMLDocumentProperties.Get_root(out p: IXMLElement2): HResult;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_root(p);
-function TXMLDocumentProperties.Get_url(out p: WideString): HResult;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_url(p);
-function TXMLDocumentProperties.Set_url(const p: WideString): HResult;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Set_url(p);
-function TXMLDocumentProperties.Get_readyState(out pl: Integer): HResult;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_readyState(pl);
-function TXMLDocumentProperties.Get_charset(out p: WideString): HResult;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_charset(p);
-function TXMLDocumentProperties.Set_charset(const p: WideString): HResult;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Set_charset(p);
-function TXMLDocumentProperties.Get_version(out p: WideString): HResult;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_version(p);
-function TXMLDocumentProperties.Get_doctype(out p: WideString): HResult;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_doctype(p);
-function TXMLDocumentProperties.Get_async(out pf: WordBool): HResult;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Get_async(pf);
-function TXMLDocumentProperties.Set_async(pf: WordBool): HResult;
- Result := DefaultInterface.Set_async(pf);
-procedure Register;
- RegisterComponents('ActiveX',[TDOMDocument, TDOMFreeThreadedDocument, TXMLHTTPRequest, TXMLDSOControl,
- TXMLDocument]);
+{$I '..\src\imports\MSXML_TLB.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated, use "..\src\imports\MSXML_TLB.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/microsoft_agent.dpk b/microsoft_agent.dpk
index 1c07219..3f7c591 100644
--- a/microsoft_agent.dpk
+++ b/microsoft_agent.dpk
@@ -1,34 +1,2 @@
-package microsoft_agent;
-{$R *.res}
-{$R 'Imports\AgentObjects_TLB.dcr'}
-{$ALIGN 8}
-{$IMAGEBASE $400000}
- vcl;
- AgentObjects_TLB in 'Imports\AgentObjects_TLB.pas';
+{$I 'src\microsoft_agent.dpk'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\microsoft_agent.dpk" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/microsoft_xml.dpk b/microsoft_xml.dpk
index a33b668..9bab334 100644
--- a/microsoft_xml.dpk
+++ b/microsoft_xml.dpk
@@ -1,34 +1,2 @@
-package microsoft_xml;
-{$R *.res}
-{$R 'Imports\MSXML_TLB.dcr'}
-{$ALIGN 8}
-{$IMAGEBASE $400000}
- vcl;
- MSXML_TLB in 'Imports\MSXML_TLB.pas';
+{$I 'src\microsoft_xml.dpk'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\microsoft_xml.dpk" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uAjaxAnimation.pas b/uAjaxAnimation.pas
index 04e36c4..4828dd9 100644
--- a/uAjaxAnimation.pas
+++ b/uAjaxAnimation.pas
@@ -1,64 +1,2 @@
-unit uAjaxAnimation;
-// (c) Patrick Prémartin / Olf Software 02/2017
- fmx.objects;
-procedure ajax_animation_set(zone: TRectangle);
-procedure ajax_animation_on;
-procedure ajax_animation_off(reinitialiser: boolean = false);
- compteur: integer;
- zoneAjax: TRectangle;
-procedure ajax_animation_set(zone: TRectangle);
- zoneAjax := zone;
-procedure ajax_animation_on;
- if Assigned(zoneAjax) then
- begin
- if (compteur < 1) then
- begin
- compteur := 1;
- zoneAjax.visible := true;
- zoneAjax.BringToFront;
- end
- else
- inc(compteur);
- end;
-procedure ajax_animation_off(reinitialiser: boolean = false);
- if Assigned(zoneAjax) then
- begin
- if reinitialiser then
- begin
- compteur := 0;
- zoneAjax.visible := false;
- end
- else if (compteur > 1) then
- dec(compteur)
- else
- begin
- compteur := 0;
- zoneAjax.visible := false;
- end;
- end;
-compteur := 0;
-zoneAjax := nil;
+{$I 'src\uAjaxAnimation.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\uAjaxAnimation.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uChecksumVerif.pas b/uChecksumVerif.pas
index 85054d0..389a754 100644
--- a/uChecksumVerif.pas
+++ b/uChecksumVerif.pas
@@ -1,108 +1,2 @@
-unit uChecksumVerif;
- system.classes;
- TChecksumVerifParamList = class(TStrings)
- function addParam(ch: string): TChecksumVerifParamList;
- end;
- ChecksumVerif = class
- private
- class function get(param: string; key1: string; key2: string; key3: string;
- key4: string; key5: string; isPublic: boolean): string; overload;
- public
- class function get(param: TChecksumVerifParamList; key1: string = '';
- key2: string = ''; key3: string = ''; key4: string = '';
- key5: string = ''): string; overload;
- class function get(param: string; key1: string = ''; key2: string = '';
- key3: string = ''; key4: string = ''; key5: string = ''): string;
- overload;
- class function check(verif: string; param: TChecksumVerifParamList;
- key1: string = ''; key2: string = ''; key3: string = '';
- key4: string = ''; key5: string = ''): boolean; overload;
- class function check(verif: string; param: string; key1: string = '';
- key2: string = ''; key3: string = ''; key4: string = '';
- key5: string = ''): boolean; overload;
- end;
-uses u_md5;
-class function ChecksumVerif.get(param: string; key1: string; key2: string;
- key3: string; key4: string; key5: string; isPublic: boolean): string;
- verif: string;
- verif := MD5(param + key1 + key2 + key3 + key4 + key5);
- if isPublic then
- result := copy(verif, 1 + random(Length(verif) - 10), 10)
- else
- result := verif;
-class function ChecksumVerif.get(param: TChecksumVerifParamList;
- key1: string = ''; key2: string = ''; key3: string = ''; key4: string = '';
- key5: string = ''): string;
- i: integer;
- ch: string;
- ch := '';
- for i := 0 to param.Count - 1 do
- begin
- ch := ch + param[i];
- end;
- result := get(ch, key1, key2, key3, key4, key5, true);
- param.Free;
-class function ChecksumVerif.get(param: string; key1: string = '';
- key2: string = ''; key3: string = ''; key4: string = '';
- key5: string = ''): string;
- result := get(param, key1, key2, key3, key4, key5, true);
-class function ChecksumVerif.check(verif: string; param: TChecksumVerifParamList;
- key1: string = ''; key2: string = ''; key3: string = ''; key4: string = '';
- key5: string = ''): boolean;
- i: integer;
- ch: string;
- ch := '';
- for i := 0 to param.Count - 1 do
- begin
- ch := ch + param[i];
- end;
- result := check(verif, ch, key1, key2, key3, key4, key5);
-class function ChecksumVerif.check(verif: string; param: string;
- key1: string = ''; key2: string = ''; key3: string = ''; key4: string = '';
- key5: string = ''): boolean;
- verif_: string;
- verif_ := get(param, key1, key2, key3, key4, key5, false);
- result := 0 < pos(verif, verif_);
-{ TChecksumVerifParamList }
-function TChecksumVerifParamList.addParam(ch: string): TChecksumVerifParamList;
- add(ch);
- result := self;
+{$I 'src\uChecksumVerif.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\uChecksumVerif.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uDivers.pas b/uDivers.pas
index 99d0b47..558641b 100644
--- a/uDivers.pas
+++ b/uDivers.pas
@@ -1,25 +1,2 @@
-unit uDivers;
-// (c) Patrick Prémartin / Olf Software 05/2016
- FMX.Forms;
-procedure intervertir_affichage(fiche_actuelle, fiche_a_activer: TForm);
-procedure intervertir_affichage(fiche_actuelle, fiche_a_activer: TForm);
- fiche_a_activer.Caption := fiche_actuelle.Caption;
- fiche_a_activer.Left := fiche_actuelle.Left;
- fiche_a_activer.Top := fiche_actuelle.Top;
- fiche_a_activer.Width := fiche_actuelle.Width;
- fiche_a_activer.Height := fiche_actuelle.Height;
- fiche_a_activer.Show;
- fiche_actuelle.Hide;
+{$I 'src\uDivers.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\uDivers.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uGetDeviceName.pas b/uGetDeviceName.pas
index 936fc43..34c1d9f 100644
--- a/uGetDeviceName.pas
+++ b/uGetDeviceName.pas
@@ -1,77 +1,2 @@
-unit uGetDeviceName;
-function getDeviceName: string;
-{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)}
-uses system.sysutils;
-{$ELSEIF Defined(IOS)}
- iOSapi.CocoaTypes, iOSapi.Foundation, Macapi.ObjectiveC, Macapi.helpers;
- UIDeviceClass = interface(NSObjectClass)
- ['{A2DCE998-BF3A-4AB0-9B8D-4182B341C9DF}']
- function currentDevice: Pointer; cdecl;
- end;
- UIDevice = interface(NSObject)
- ['{70BB371D-314A-4BA9-912E-2EF72EB0F558}']
- function localizedModel: NSString; cdecl;
- function model: NSString; cdecl;
- function name: NSString; cdecl;
- function systemName: NSString; cdecl;
- function systemVersion: NSString; cdecl;
- function uniqueIdentifier: NSString; cdecl;
- end;
- TUIDevice = class(TOCGenericImport)
- end;
-{$ELSEIF Defined(MACOS)}
-uses Macapi.Foundation, Macapi.helpers;
-uses Androidapi.JNI.Os, Androidapi.JNI.Provider, Androidapi.helpers;
-function getDeviceName: string;
-{$IF Defined(IOS)}
- hote: UIDevice;
-{$ELSEIF Defined(MACOS)}
- hote: NSHost;
-{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)}
- Result := GetEnvironmentVariable('COMPUTERNAME');
- if ('' = Result) then
- Result := GetEnvironmentVariable('HOSTNAME');
-{$ELSEIF Defined(IOS)}
- hote := TUIDevice.Create;
- Result := NSStrToStr(hote.name);
-{$ELSEIF Defined(MACOS)}
- hote := tnshost.Create;
- Result := NSStrToStr(hote.localizedName);
- Result := JStringToString(TJSettings_Secure.JavaClass.getString
- (TAndroidHelper.ContentResolver, StringToJString('bluetooth_name')));
- if ('' = Result) then
- Result := JStringToString(TJSettings_Global.JavaClass.getString
- (TAndroidHelper.ContentResolver, StringToJString('device_name')));
- if ('' = Result) then
- Result := JStringToString(tjbuild.JavaClass.model);
- if ('' = Result) then
- Result := JStringToString(tjbuild.JavaClass.DISPLAY);
- Result := GetEnvironmentVariable('HOSTNAME');
+{$I 'src\uGetDeviceName.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\uGetDeviceName.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uKeyboardSpecialKeyTest.pas b/uKeyboardSpecialKeyTest.pas
index c5b3ff2..9e64af3 100644
--- a/uKeyboardSpecialKeyTest.pas
+++ b/uKeyboardSpecialKeyTest.pas
@@ -1,173 +1,2 @@
-unit uKeyboardSpecialKeyTest;
- **********
- * Test d'appui des touches spéciales du clavier
- **********
- Liste des modifications :
- 04/04/2017, Patrick Prémartin (Olf Software) : version Windows/Mac du programme (utilisable en VCL et Firemonkey)
- 28/08/2023, pprem : updated for iOS/Android and Linux
- tKeyboardSpecialKeyTestPosition = (Left, Right, All, Any);
- tKeyboardSpecialKeyTest = class
- class function isAltDown(Position
- : tKeyboardSpecialKeyTestPosition = Any): Boolean;
- class function isCtrlDown(Position
- : tKeyboardSpecialKeyTestPosition = Any): Boolean;
- class function isShiftDown(Position
- : tKeyboardSpecialKeyTestPosition = Any): Boolean;
- class function isWindowsDown(Position
- : tKeyboardSpecialKeyTestPosition = Any): Boolean;
- class function isCommandDown(Position
- : tKeyboardSpecialKeyTestPosition = Any): Boolean;
- end;
-{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)}
-uses windows;
-{$ELSEIF Defined(IOS)}
-{$ELSEIF Defined(MACOS)}
-uses macapi.appkit;
-{$ELSEIF Defined(LINUX)}
- tKeyboardSpecialKeyTestKeycode = (Alt, Shift, Ctrl, windows, command);
-function isKeyDown(key: tKeyboardSpecialKeyTestKeycode;
- Position: tKeyboardSpecialKeyTestPosition): Boolean;
-{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)}
-{$ELSEIF Defined(IOS)}
-{$ELSEIF Defined(MACOS)}
-{$ELSEIF Defined(LINUX)}
- result := false;
-{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)}
- case Position of
- Left:
- case key of
- Alt:
- result := (getKeyState(VK_LMENU) < 0);
- Shift:
- result := (getKeyState(VK_LSHIFT) < 0);
- Ctrl:
- result := (getKeyState(VK_LCONTROL) < 0);
- windows:
- result := (getKeyState(VK_LWIN) < 0);
- end;
- Right:
- case key of
- Alt:
- result := (getKeyState(VK_RMENU) < 0);
- Shift:
- result := (getKeyState(VK_RSHIFT) < 0);
- Ctrl:
- result := (getKeyState(VK_RCONTROL) < 0);
- windows:
- result := (getKeyState(VK_RWIN) < 0);
- end;
- Any:
- case key of
- Alt:
- result := (getKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0);
- Shift:
- result := (getKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0);
- Ctrl:
- result := (getKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0);
- windows:
- result := (getKeyState(VK_LWIN) < 0) or (getKeyState(VK_RWIN) < 0);
- end;
- All:
- case key of
- Alt:
- result := (getKeyState(VK_LMENU) < 0) and (getKeyState(VK_RMENU) < 0);
- Shift:
- result := (getKeyState(VK_LSHIFT) < 0) and
- (getKeyState(VK_RSHIFT) < 0);
- Ctrl:
- result := (getKeyState(VK_LCONTROL) < 0) and
- (getKeyState(VK_RCONTROL) < 0);
- windows:
- result := (getKeyState(VK_LWIN) < 0) and (getKeyState(VK_RWIN) < 0);
- end;
- end;
-{$ELSEIF Defined(IOS)}
- // non géré
-{$ELSEIF Defined(MACOS)}
- // non géré
-// Event := TNSEvent.Create;
-// if (Event.modifierFlags <> 0) then
-// result := true
-// else
-// result := false;
- // non géré
-{$ELSEIF Defined(LINUX)}
- // non géré
-{ tKeyboardSpecialKeyTest }
-class function tKeyboardSpecialKeyTest.isAltDown
- (Position: tKeyboardSpecialKeyTestPosition): Boolean;
- result := isKeyDown(tKeyboardSpecialKeyTestKeycode.Alt, Position);
-class function tKeyboardSpecialKeyTest.isCommandDown
- (Position: tKeyboardSpecialKeyTestPosition): Boolean;
-{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)}
- result := isWindowsDown(Position);
-{$ELSEIF Defined(IOS)}
-result := false;
-{$ELSEIF Defined(MACOS)}
- result := isKeyDown(tKeyboardSpecialKeyTestKeycode.command, Position);
-result := false;
-{$ELSEIF Defined(LINUX)}
-result := false;
-class function tKeyboardSpecialKeyTest.isCtrlDown
- (Position: tKeyboardSpecialKeyTestPosition): Boolean;
- result := isKeyDown(tKeyboardSpecialKeyTestKeycode.Ctrl, Position);
-class function tKeyboardSpecialKeyTest.isShiftDown
- (Position: tKeyboardSpecialKeyTestPosition): Boolean;
- result := isKeyDown(tKeyboardSpecialKeyTestKeycode.Shift, Position);
-class function tKeyboardSpecialKeyTest.isWindowsDown
- (Position: tKeyboardSpecialKeyTestPosition): Boolean;
-{$IF Defined(MSWINDOWS)}
- result := isKeyDown(tKeyboardSpecialKeyTestKeycode.windows, Position);
-{$ELSEIF Defined(IOS)}
-result := false;
-{$ELSEIF Defined(MACOS)}
- result := isCommandDown(Position);
-result := false;
-{$ELSEIF Defined(LINUX)}
-result := false;
+{$I 'src\uKeyboardSpecialKeyTest.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\uKeyboardSpecialKeyTest.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uParam.pas b/uParam.pas
index f26b82e..ba4dbfa 100644
--- a/uParam.pas
+++ b/uParam.pas
@@ -1,58 +1,2 @@
-unit uParam;
- Gestion automatisée d'un fichier de stockage sous forme de dictionnaire de
- données (clé / valeur) pour les logiciels développés sous Delphi.
- Logiciel open source distribué sous licence MIT.
- Open source software distributed under the MIT license
- Copyright Patrick Prémartin / Olf Software
- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
- copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- Find the original source code on
- https://github.com/DeveloppeurPascal/librairies
- Find explanations on
- https://developpeur-pascal.fr/plutot-ini-ou-json-pour-stocker-vos-parametres.html
- Liste des mises à jour :
- => 11/05/2020, Patrick Prémartin :
- * ajout de la notice de copyright et licence d'utilisation
- * gestion de données de types Syngle et TDataTime
- * correction d'une perte de mémoire au niveau du remplacement d'une valeur sur un paramètre existant
- => 22/04/2022, Patrick PRémartin :
- * ajout de la procédure setFolderName() pour permettre la modification du dossier de stockage du fichier de paramètres
- => 19/05/2022, Patrick Prémartin :
- * depréciation de cette unité au profit de l'unité Olf.RTL.Params
- Olf.RTL.Params;
- TParams = Olf.RTL.Params.TParams;
-{$MESSAGE WARN 'uParam unit is deprecated. Use Olf.RTL.Params unit instead.'}
+{$I 'src\uParam.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\uParam.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/u_AnalysePageHTML.pas b/u_AnalysePageHTML.pas
index 9f88df2..f93f3a1 100644
--- a/u_AnalysePageHTML.pas
+++ b/u_AnalysePageHTML.pas
@@ -1,199 +1,2 @@
-unit u_AnalysePageHTML;
-Cette unité fourni des fonctions et procédures permettant d'interpréter une page
-HTML et d'y modifier les éventuels tags.
-(c) Patrick Prémartin 21/05/2000
-Site : https://developpeur-pascal.fr
-// (c) Patrick Prémartin / Olf Software 06/2002
- TTag_Action = (rien, effacer, remplacer);
- Ttag_traitement_proc = procedure (tag, instruction_html: string; var action: TTag_Action; var nouveau_tag: string);
-procedure tag_traiter_fichier (nom_fichier_html: string; proc: Ttag_traitement_proc); overload;
-procedure tag_traiter_page (var contenu_fichier: string; proc: Ttag_traitement_proc); overload;
-function tag_nom_instruction (tag: string): string;
-function tag_valeur (tag, nom_param: string): string;
- Classes, SysUtils;
-procedure tag_traiter_fichier (nom_fichier_html: string; proc: Ttag_traitement_proc);
- contenu_fichier: string;
- liste: TSTringList;
- contenu_fichier := '';
- liste := TStringList.Create;
- try
- liste.LoadFromFile (nom_fichier_html);
- contenu_fichier := liste.Text;
- tag_traiter_page (contenu_fichier, proc);
- liste.Text := contenu_fichier;
- liste.SaveToFile (nom_fichier_html);
- finally
- liste.Free;
- end;
-procedure tag_traiter(var contenu_fichier: string; tag: string; tag_debut, tag_fin: integer; var position_dans_source: integer; var proc: Ttag_traitement_proc);
- i: integer;
- sortie : boolean;
- action_a_faire: TTag_Action;
- Nouveau_Tag : string;
- tag := UpperCase (tag);
- // on enlève les espaces éventuels de début de tag
- sortie := false;
- i := 1;
- while not ((i = length (tag)) or (sortie)) do
- if (tag [i] = ' ') then
- delete (tag, i, 1)
- else if (tag [i] in ['0'..'9', 'A'..'Z']) then
- sortie := true
- else
- inc (i);
- {endif}
- {endwhile}
- if ((copy (tag, 2, 1) >= '0') { tag de début ou seul }
- or ((copy (tag, 2, 1) = '/') and (copy (tag, 3, 1) >= '0'))) {tag de fin } then begin
- if (assigned (proc)) then begin
- proc (tag, tag_nom_instruction (tag), action_a_faire, nouveau_tag);
- case action_a_faire of
- effacer: begin
- position_dans_source := pred (tag_debut);
- while ((contenu_fichier[tag_fin+1]=#13) or (contenu_fichier[tag_fin+1]=#10)) do
- inc (tag_fin);
- {endwhile}
- delete (contenu_fichier, tag_debut, succ (tag_fin - tag_debut));
- end;
- remplacer: begin
- delete (contenu_fichier, tag_debut, succ (tag_fin - tag_debut));
- insert (nouveau_tag, contenu_fichier, tag_debut);
- position_dans_source := pred (tag_debut+length (nouveau_tag));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-procedure tag_traiter_page (var contenu_fichier: string; proc: Ttag_traitement_proc);
- i : integer;
- tag: string;
- c: char;
- tag_on: boolean;
- tag_debut, tag_fin : integer;
- tag := '';
- tag_on := false;
- i := 0;
- while (i < length (contenu_fichier)) do begin
- inc (i);
- c := contenu_fichier [i];
- if tag_on then begin
- if (c = '>') then begin
- tag := tag + '>';
- tag_fin := i;
- tag_traiter (contenu_fichier, tag, tag_debut, tag_fin, i, proc);
- tag_on := false;
- end else if (c >= ' ') then begin
- tag := tag + c;
- end else
- tag := tag + ' ';
- {endif}
- end else if (c = '<') then begin
- tag_on := true;
- tag_debut := i;
- tag := '<';
- end;
- end;
- tag := 'Ce texte est exclusivement réservé aux lecteurs adultes consentants';
- i := pos (tag, contenu_fichier);
- if (i > 0) then begin
- delete (contenu_fichier, i, length (tag));
- insert ('
', contenu_fichier, i);
- end;
-function tag_nom_instruction(tag: string): string;
- i : integer;
- ch : string;
- en_cours: boolean;
- sortie: boolean;
- fin_de_tag : boolean;
- tag := UpperCase (tag);
- en_cours := false;
- sortie:= false;
- fin_de_tag := false;
- i := 0;
- while ((i < length (tag)) and (not sortie)) do begin
- inc (i);
- if ((tag [i] = '/') and (not en_cours)) then
- fin_de_tag := true;
- {endif}
- if (tag [i] in ['0'..'9', 'A'..'Z']) then
- if (en_cours) then
- ch := ch + tag [i]
- else begin
- en_cours := true;
- ch := tag [i];
- end
- else
- sortie := en_cours;
- {endif}
- end;
- if fin_de_tag then
- ch := '/'+ch;
- {endif}
- result := ch;
-function tag_valeur(tag, nom_param: string): string;
- ch : string;
- n : integer;
- i : integer;
- fin : set of char;
- tag := UpperCase (tag);
- nom_param := UpperCase (nom_param);
- ch := '';
- n := pos (nom_param, tag);
- if (n > 0) then begin
- i := n + length (nom_param);
- while ((i < length (tag)) and (tag [i] in [' ', '='])) do
- inc (i);
- {endwhile}
- if (tag [i] = '"') then begin
- fin := ['"'];
- inc (i);
- end else
- fin := [' ', '>'];
- {endif}
- while ((i < length (tag)) and not (tag [i] in fin)) do begin
- ch := ch + tag [i];
- inc (i);
- end;
- end;
- result := ch;
+{$I 'src\u_AnalysePageHTML.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\u_AnalysePageHTML.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/u_GenerationUtilitaire.pas b/u_GenerationUtilitaire.pas
index 3590e6c..612e8bf 100644
--- a/u_GenerationUtilitaire.pas
+++ b/u_GenerationUtilitaire.pas
@@ -1,253 +1,2 @@
-unit u_GenerationUtilitaire;
-// (c) Patrick Prémartin / Olf Software 12/2000
- db;
-function changer_accents (ch : string) : string;
-function compression_blancs (ch : string) : string;
-function remplacer_marqueur_fichier (var ch : string; tab: tdataset; marqueur, nom_zone: string): boolean;
-function modifier_texte_javascript (ch : string) : string;
-function URL_Encode (url: string): string;
- SysUtils;
-function URL_Encode (url: string): string;
- n : longint;
- ch : string;
- ch := '';
- for n := 1 to length (url) do
- case url [n] of
- #32: ch := ch + '+';
- #33..#47, #58..#64, #91..#96, #123..#255: ch := ch + '%' + format ('%x', [ord (url [n])]);
- else
- ch := ch + url [n];
- end;
- {endfor}
- result := ch;
-function changer_accents (ch : string) : string;
- n : longint;
- n := pos ('& ', ch);
- while (n > 0) do
- begin
- ch := copy (ch, 1, pred (n))+'&'+copy (ch, succ (n), length (ch)-n);
- n := pos ('& ', ch);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- n := pos ('<', ch);
- while (n > 0) do
- begin
- ch := copy (ch, 1, pred (n))+'<'+copy (ch, succ (n), length (ch)-n);
- n := pos ('<', ch);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- n := pos ('>', ch);
- while (n > 0) do
- begin
- ch := copy (ch, 1, pred (n))+'>'+copy (ch, succ (n), length (ch)-n);
- n := pos ('>', ch);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- n := pos (#$d, ch);
- while (n > 0) do
- begin
- delete (ch, n, 1);
- n := pos (#$d, ch);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- n := pos (#$a#$a, ch);
- while (n > 0) do
- begin
- ch := copy (ch, 1, pred (n))+'
'+copy (ch, succ (n), length (ch)-n);
- n := pos (#$a, ch);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- n := pos (#$a, ch);
- while (n > 0) do
- begin
- ch := copy (ch, 1, pred (n))+'
'+copy (ch, succ (n), length (ch)-n);
- n := pos (#$a, ch);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- n := pos ('â', ch);
- while (n > 0) do
- begin
- ch := copy (ch, 1, pred (n))+'â'+copy (ch, succ (n), length (ch)-n);
- n := pos ('â', ch);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- n := pos ('à', ch);
- while (n > 0) do
- begin
- ch := copy (ch, 1, pred (n))+'à'+copy (ch, succ (n), length (ch)-n);
- n := pos ('à', ch);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- n := pos ('ä', ch);
- while (n > 0) do
- begin
- ch := copy (ch, 1, pred (n))+'ä'+copy (ch, succ (n), length (ch)-n);
- n := pos ('ä', ch);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- n := pos ('é', ch);
- while (n > 0) do
- begin
- ch := copy (ch, 1, pred (n))+'é'+copy (ch, succ (n), length (ch)-n);
- n := pos ('é', ch);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- n := pos ('ê', ch);
- while (n > 0) do
- begin
- ch := copy (ch, 1, pred (n))+'ê'+copy (ch, succ (n), length (ch)-n);
- n := pos ('ê', ch);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- n := pos ('è', ch);
- while (n > 0) do
- begin
- ch := copy (ch, 1, pred (n))+'è'+copy (ch, succ (n), length (ch)-n);
- n := pos ('è', ch);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- n := pos ('ë', ch);
- while (n > 0) do
- begin
- ch := copy (ch, 1, pred (n))+'ë'+copy (ch, succ (n), length (ch)-n);
- n := pos ('ë', ch);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- n := pos ('î', ch);
- while (n > 0) do
- begin
- ch := copy (ch, 1, pred (n))+'î'+copy (ch, succ (n), length (ch)-n);
- n := pos ('î', ch);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- n := pos ('ï', ch);
- while (n > 0) do
- begin
- ch := copy (ch, 1, pred (n))+'ï'+copy (ch, succ (n), length (ch)-n);
- n := pos ('ï', ch);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- n := pos ('ô', ch);
- while (n > 0) do
- begin
- ch := copy (ch, 1, pred (n))+'ô'+copy (ch, succ (n), length (ch)-n);
- n := pos ('ô', ch);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- n := pos ('ö', ch);
- while (n > 0) do
- begin
- ch := copy (ch, 1, pred (n))+'ö'+copy (ch, succ (n), length (ch)-n);
- n := pos ('ö', ch);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- n := pos ('û', ch);
- while (n > 0) do
- begin
- ch := copy (ch, 1, pred (n))+'û'+copy (ch, succ (n), length (ch)-n);
- n := pos ('û', ch);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- n := pos ('ù', ch);
- while (n > 0) do
- begin
- ch := copy (ch, 1, pred (n))+'ù'+copy (ch, succ (n), length (ch)-n);
- n := pos ('ù', ch);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- n := pos ('ü', ch);
- while (n > 0) do
- begin
- ch := copy (ch, 1, pred (n))+'ü'+copy (ch, succ (n), length (ch)-n);
- n := pos ('ü', ch);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- n := pos ('ç', ch);
- while (n > 0) do
- begin
- ch := copy (ch, 1, pred (n))+'ç'+copy (ch, succ (n), length (ch)-n);
- n := pos ('ç', ch);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- n := pos ('"', ch);
- while (n > 0) do
- begin
- ch := copy (ch, 1, pred (n))+'"'+copy (ch, succ (n), length (ch)-n);
- n := pos ('"', ch);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- Result := ch;
-end; { Changer_Accents }
-function compression_blancs (ch : string) : string;
- while ((length (ch) > 0) and (ch [length (ch)] = ' ')) do
- delete (ch, length (ch), 1);
- {endwhile}
- Result := ch;
-end; { Compression_Blancs }
-function remplacer_marqueur_fichier (var ch : string; tab: tdataset; marqueur, nom_zone: string): boolean;
- n : Integer;
- res: string;
-// writeln (marqueur, ':', nom_zone, '
- result := false;
- n := pos (UpperCase (marqueur), UpperCase (ch));
- if (n > 0)
- then
- begin
- result := true;
- delete (ch, n, length (marqueur));
- if (Tab.FieldByName (Nom_Zone).DataType = ftCurrency)
- then
- res := FormatFloat ('#####0.00', Tab.FieldByName (Nom_Zone).AsFloat)
- else
- res := Compression_blancs (Tab.FieldByName (Nom_Zone).AsString);
- {endif}
- if ((copy (marqueur, length (marqueur) - 4, 3) = ' JS') or (copy (marqueur, length (marqueur) - 2, 3) = ' JS'))
- then
- ch := copy (ch, 1, pred (n))+modifier_texte_javascript (Changer_Accents (res))+copy (ch, n, succ (length (ch)-n))
- else
- ch := copy (ch, 1, pred (n))+Changer_Accents (res)+copy (ch, n, succ (length (ch)-n));
- {endif}
- end;
- {endif}
-end; { Remplacer_Marqueur_Fichier }
-function modifier_texte_javascript (ch : string) : string;
- Res : string;
- i : longint;
- res := '';
- for i := 1 to length (ch) do
- case ch [i] of
- '''' : res := res + '\''';
- '\' : res := res + '\\';
- else
- res := res + ch [i];
- end;
- {endfor}
- Result := res;
+{$I 'src\u_GenerationUtilitaire.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\u_GenerationUtilitaire.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/u_android_media_scanner.pas b/u_android_media_scanner.pas
index 10858e3..9f50e6f 100644
--- a/u_android_media_scanner.pas
+++ b/u_android_media_scanner.pas
@@ -1,57 +1,2 @@
-unit u_android_media_scanner;
-// Cette unité Delphi contient des procedures à utiliser sous Android lorsqu'on
-// désire donner accès en USB (MTP) à des fichiers créés depuis une application
-// (c) 2016 Patrick Prémartin / Olf Software
-// Liste des mises à jour :
-// 16/06/2016, Patrick Prémartin : mise en production de la version initiale
-/// Add a file to the media files cache.
-/// Call it after creating the file you want to share with USB connected device.
-/// absolute path + name of the file to add
-procedure android_media_scanner_add_file(filename: string);
-/// Add a folder to the media files cache
-/// Call it after creating the folder you want to share with USB connected device.
-/// absolute path + name of the folder to add
-procedure android_media_scanner_add_folder(foldername: string);
-uses AndroidApi.JNI.GraphicsContentViewText, AndroidApi.JNI.App,
- AndroidApi.JNI.Net, AndroidApi.Helpers;
-procedure android_media_scanner_add_file(filename: string);
- Intent: JIntent;
- Intent := TJIntent.Create;
- Intent.setAction(TJIntent.JavaClass.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE);
- Intent.setData(StrToJURI('file://' + filename));
- TAndroidHelper.Activity.sendBroadcast(Intent);
-procedure android_media_scanner_add_folder(foldername: string);
- Intent: JIntent;
- Intent := TJIntent.Create;
- Intent.setAction(TJIntent.JavaClass.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED);
- Intent.setData(StrToJURI('file://' + foldername));
- TAndroidHelper.Activity.sendBroadcast(Intent);
+{$I 'src\u_android_media_scanner.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\u_android_media_scanner.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/u_compteur_db.pas b/u_compteur_db.pas
index 0dfcd97..833c46a 100644
--- a/u_compteur_db.pas
+++ b/u_compteur_db.pas
@@ -1,83 +1,2 @@
-unit u_compteur_db;
-Unit: U_Compteur_Reg
-Author: Patrick Prémartin (pprem@lenet.net or pprem@infonie.fr)
-Date: 29 March 1998 / modified on the 9th april 1998
-Comment: This unit use COMPTEUR.DB (a Paradox Database) for counters. If you use
- it, think about the BDE (Borland Database Engine).
- TString80 = String [80];
-function compteur_add (Application, Code: TString80): Integer;
- db, dbTables, FileCtrl, SysUtils;
- tab_compteur: TTable;
- First_Use : boolean;
-procedure initialisation;
- Tab_Compteur := TTable.Create (nil);
- Tab_Compteur.Databasename := copy (ExtractFilePath (ParamStr (0)), 1, pred (length (ExtractFilePath (ParamStr (0)))))+'\Donnees';
- if (not DirectoryExists (Tab_Compteur.DatabaseName))
- then
- ForceDirectories (Tab_Compteur.DatabaseName);
- {endif}
- Tab_Compteur.TableName := 'compteur.db';
- if not FileExists (Tab_Compteur.Databasename+'\'+Tab_Compteur.TableName)
- then
- begin
- Tab_Compteur.TableType := ttParadox;
- Tab_Compteur.FieldDefs.Clear;
- Tab_Compteur.FieldDefs.Add ('Cpt_application', ftString, 80, True);
- Tab_Compteur.FieldDefs.Add ('Cpt_code', ftString, 80, True);
- Tab_Compteur.FieldDefs.Add ('Cpt_valeur', ftInteger, 0, True);
- Tab_Compteur.IndexDefs.Clear;
- Tab_Compteur.IndexDefs.Add ('', 'Cpt_application;Cpt_code', [ixPrimary, ixUnique]);
- Tab_Compteur.CreateTable;
- end;
- {endif}
- Tab_Compteur.Open;
- First_Use := false;
-end; { Initialisation }
-function compteur_add (Application, Code: TString80): Integer;
- if First_Use
- then
- Initialisation;
- {endif}
- if Tab_Compteur.Findkey ([Application, Code])
- then
- begin
- Tab_Compteur.Edit;
- Result := Succ (Tab_Compteur.FieldByName ('Cpt_valeur').AsInteger);
- Tab_Compteur.FieldByName ('Cpt_valeur').AsInteger := Result;
- Tab_Compteur.Post;
- end
- else
- begin
- Tab_Compteur.Insert;
- Tab_Compteur.FieldByName ('Cpt_application').AsString := Application;
- Tab_Compteur.FieldByName ('Cpt_code').AsString := Code;
- Tab_Compteur.FieldByName ('Cpt_valeur').AsInteger := 1;
- Tab_Compteur.Post;
- Result := 1;
- end
- {endif}
-end; { Compteur_Add }
- First_Use := True;
- tab_compteur.free;
+{$I 'src\u_compteur_db.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\u_compteur_db.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/u_compteur_reg.pas b/u_compteur_reg.pas
index d925985..2912199 100644
--- a/u_compteur_reg.pas
+++ b/u_compteur_reg.pas
@@ -1,49 +1,2 @@
-unit u_compteur_reg;
-Unit: U_Compteur_Reg
-Author: Patrick Prémartin (pprem@lenet.net or pprem@infonie.fr)
-Date: 29 March 1998
-Comment: This unit use Windows registry for counters.
- TString80 = String [80];
-function compteur_add (Application, Code: TString80): Integer;
- Windows,
- Registry;
- NomDeLaCle : string = '\Software\Olf Software\Counter';
- BaseDeRegistres: TRegistry;
-function compteur_add (Application, Code: TString80): Integer;
- ch : string;
- ch := Application+' * '+Code;
- try
- Result := BaseDeRegistres.ReadInteger (ch);
- except
- Result := 0;
- end;
- inc (Result);
- BaseDeRegistres.WriteInteger (ch, Result);
-end; { Compteur_Add }
- BaseDeRegistres := TRegistry.Create;
- BaseDeRegistres.RootKey := HKEY_Local_Machine;
- BaseDeRegistres.OpenKey (NomDeLaCle, not BaseDeRegistres.KeyExists (NomDeLaCle));
- BaseDeRegistres.Free;
+{$I 'src\u_compteur_reg.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\u_compteur_reg.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/u_download.pas b/u_download.pas
index d8b87c2..5d1c237 100644
--- a/u_download.pas
+++ b/u_download.pas
@@ -1,77 +1,2 @@
-unit u_download;
-uses system.SysUtils;
- tdownload_file = class(tobject)
- class procedure download(from_url, to_filename: string;
- success: tproc = nil; error: tproc = nil);
- class function temporaryFileName(appName: string): string;
- end;
-{ download_file }
-uses system.ioutils, system.Net.HttpClient, system.Classes;
-class procedure tdownload_file.download(from_url, to_filename: string;
- success: tproc = nil; error: tproc = nil);
- tthread.CreateAnonymousThread(
- procedure
- var
- serveur: THTTPClient;
- serveur_reponse: IHTTPResponse;
- fichier: tfilestream;
- begin
- try
- serveur := THTTPClient.Create;
- try
- serveur_reponse := serveur.Get(from_url);
- if serveur_reponse.StatusCode = 200 then
- begin
- fichier := tfilestream.Create(to_filename,
- fmCreate or fmOpenWrite or fmShareDenyWrite);
- try
- fichier.CopyFrom(serveur_reponse.ContentStream,
- serveur_reponse.ContentStream.Size);
- finally
- fichier.Free;
- end;
- if assigned(success) then
- tthread.queue(nil,
- procedure
- begin
- success;
- end);
- end
- else
- begin
- raise Exception.CreateFmt
- ('Cannot get distant file. Please contact us or retry later. HTTP %d - %s',
- [serveur_reponse.StatusCode, serveur_reponse.StatusText]);
- end;
- finally
- serveur.Free;
- end;
- except
- if assigned(error) then
- tthread.queue(nil,
- procedure
- begin
- error;
- end);
- end;
- end).Start;
-class function tdownload_file.temporaryFileName(appName: string): string;
- result := tpath.Combine(tpath.gettempPath,
- appName + '-' + datetimetotimestamp(now).Time.ToString + '.tmp')
+{$I 'src\u_download.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\u_download.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/u_langue.pas b/u_langue.pas
index 712e41d..4023573 100644
--- a/u_langue.pas
+++ b/u_langue.pas
@@ -1,25 +1,2 @@
-unit u_langue;
-// (c) Patrick Prémartin / Olf Software 08/2016
-// This file is distributed under AGPL license.
-// Get the latest version at
-// https://github.com/DeveloppeurPascal/librairies
-uses Olf.RTL.Language;
-function GetOSLangID: String;
-{$MESSAGE WARN 'u_langue unit is deprecated. Use Olf.RTL.Language unit instead.'}
-function GetOSLangID: String;
- result := GetCurrentLanguageISOCode;
+{$I 'src\u_langue.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\u_langue.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/u_md5.pas b/u_md5.pas
index 06eee11..649b93f 100644
--- a/u_md5.pas
+++ b/u_md5.pas
@@ -1,27 +1,2 @@
-unit u_md5;
-/// Get MD5 code from a string
-/// String to encode
-/// The function return the MD5 of the S string.
-function MD5(S: String): String;
- IdHashMessageDigest, System.SysUtils;
-function MD5(S: String): String;
- ch: string;
- with TIdHashMessageDigest5.Create do
- begin
- ch := HashStringAsHex(S);
- DisposeOf;
- end;
- result := ch.ToLower;
+{$I 'src\u_md5.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\u_md5.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/u_niveau_bdd.pas b/u_niveau_bdd.pas
index d77b40d..3e1a010 100644
--- a/u_niveau_bdd.pas
+++ b/u_niveau_bdd.pas
@@ -1,73 +1,2 @@
-unit u_niveau_bdd;
-Unit: U_Niveau_Bdd
-Author: Patrick Prémartin (pprem@lenet.net or pprem@infonie.fr)
-Date: 15 May 1998
-Comment: This unit copy all Paradox files (*.db) from a folder to an other.
-procedure Verifier_Niveau_Base_de_Donnees (dossier1, dossier2: string);
- Windows, Dialogs, SysUtils, FMXUtils, FileCtrl;
-Function Nom_Fichier_Generique (s : string): string;
- n : integer;
- n := pos ('.', s);
- if (n > 0)
- then
- Result := copy (s, 1, n)+Nom_Fichier_Generique (copy (s, Succ(n), length (s)-n))
- else
- Result := '*';
- {endif}
-end; { Nom_Fichier_Generique }
-procedure Verifier_Niveau_Base_de_Donnees (dossier1, dossier2: string);
- f, f2 : TSearchRec;
- res: integer;
- { On vire le '\' en fin de dossier ! }
- while (dossier1 [length (dossier1)] = '\') do delete (dossier1, length (Dossier1), 1);
- while (dossier2 [length (dossier2)] = '\') do delete (dossier2, length (Dossier2), 1);
- { Si le dossier de départ n'existe pas, on laisse tomber ! }
- if not DirectoryExists (Dossier1)
- then
- exit;
- {endif}
- { Si le dossier d'arrivée n'existe pas, on le crée ! }
- if not DirectoryExists (Dossier2)
- then
- ForceDirectories (dossier2);
- {endif}
- res := FindFirst (dossier1+'\*.db', faReadOnly+faArchive, f);
- while (res = 0) do
- begin
- if (not FileExists (dossier2+'\'+f.Name))
- then
- begin
- res := FindFirst (dossier1+'\'+Nom_Fichier_Generique (ExtractFileName (f.Name)), faReadOnly+faArchive, f2);
- while (res = 0) do
- begin
- CopyFile (dossier1+'\'+f2.Name, Dossier2);
- res := FindNext (f2);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- FindClose (f2);
- end;
- {endif}
- res := FindNext (f);
- end;
- {endwhile}
- FindClose (f);
-end; { Verifier_Niveau_Base_de_Donnees }
+{$I 'src\u_niveau_bdd.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\u_niveau_bdd.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/u_scores.pas b/u_scores.pas
index 4fd0cf7..bfdded1 100644
--- a/u_scores.pas
+++ b/u_scores.pas
@@ -1,22 +1,2 @@
-unit u_scores;
- Stockage automatisé de scores pour jeux vidéos développés sous Delphi.
- Copyright Patrick Prémartin / Olf Software
- Find the original source code on
- https://github.com/DeveloppeurPascal/librairies
- This file is deprecated. Use Gamolf.RTL.Scores.pas from https://github.com/DeveloppeurPascal/FMXGameEngine instead.
-{$MESSAGE FATAL 'This file is deprecated. Use Gamolf.RTL.Scores.pas from https://github.com/DeveloppeurPascal/FMXGameEngine instead.'}
+{$I 'src\u_scores.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\u_scores.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/u_urlOpen.pas b/u_urlOpen.pas
index 7716cb2..267130c 100644
--- a/u_urlOpen.pas
+++ b/u_urlOpen.pas
@@ -1,45 +1,2 @@
-unit u_urlOpen;
-/// Launch URL website on the default browser
-/// Absolute address of the website to open in the web browser
-procedure url_Open_In_Browser(URL: string);
- System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants,
-{$IF Defined(IOS)}
-macapi.helpers, iOSapi.Foundation, FMX.Helpers.iOS;
- Androidapi.JNI.GraphicsContentViewText,
- Androidapi.Helpers;
-{$ELSEIF Defined(MACOS)}
- Posix.Stdlib;
- Winapi.ShellAPI, Winapi.Windows;
-procedure url_Open_In_Browser(URL: string);
-{$IF Defined(ANDROID)}
- Intent: JIntent;
-{$IF Defined(ANDROID)}
- Intent := TJIntent.Create;
- Intent.setAction(TJIntent.JavaClass.ACTION_VIEW);
- Intent.setData(StrToJURI(URL));
- // SharedActivity.startActivity(Intent);
- tandroidhelper.Activity.startActivity(Intent);
- ShellExecute(0, 'OPEN', PWideChar(URL), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
-{$ELSEIF Defined(IOS)}
- SharedApplication.OpenURL(StrToNSUrl(Url));
-{$ELSEIF Defined(MACOS)}
- _system(PAnsiChar('open ' + AnsiString(URL)));
+{$I 'src\u_urlOpen.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\u_urlOpen.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/u_util.pas b/u_util.pas
index 044ad8d..f2180de 100644
--- a/u_util.pas
+++ b/u_util.pas
@@ -1,57 +1,2 @@
-unit u_util;
-function sans_decimal_separator (ch: string): string;
-function sans_les_blancs (ch : string): string;
-function convert_date (date: string): string;
-function convert_heure (heure: string): string;
- SysUtils;
-function sans_decimal_separator (ch: string): string;
- n : integer;
- if (DecimalSeparator <> '.') then begin
- n := pos (DecimalSeparator, ch);
- while (n > 0) do begin
- delete (ch, n, Length (DecimalSeparator));
- insert ('.', ch, n);
- n := pos (DecimalSeparator, ch);
- end;
- end;
- Result := ch;
-function sans_les_blancs (ch : string): string;
- ch2 : string;
- ch2 := '';
- while (ch > '') do begin
- if (ch[1] in ['0'..'9', ',', '.']) then
- ch2 := ch2+ch[1];
- {endif}
- delete (ch, 1, 1);
- end;
- Result := ch2;
-function convert_date (date: string): string;
- Result := copy (date, 7, 2)+'/'+copy (date, 5, 2)+'/'+copy (date, 1, 4);
-function convert_heure (heure: string): string;
- Result := copy (heure, 1, 2)+':'+copy (heure, 3, 2)+':'+copy (heure, 5, 2);
+{$I 'src\u_util.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\u_util.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/u_version.pas b/u_version.pas
index b8e8b52..39d6053 100644
--- a/u_version.pas
+++ b/u_version.pas
@@ -1,63 +1,2 @@
-unit u_version;
-function GetApplicationVersion: string;
-function GetFileVersion(aFileName : String; var Found : Boolean) : String;
- SysUtils, windows;
-function GetApplicationVersion: string;
- trouve : boolean;
- result := GetFileVersion (ParamStr (0), trouve);
-function GetFileVersion(aFileName : String; var Found : Boolean) : String;
- woMajorVersion, woMinorVersion, woSubVersion, woBuildNumber : Word;
- doInfoSize, doVersionSize : LongWord;
-{$IFDEF VER100}
- Wnd : Integer;
- Wnd : Cardinal;
- ptVersion : Pointer;
- ptFixedFileInfo : PVSFixedFileInfo;
- s : String;
- s := '';
- aFileName := ExtractFileName(aFileName);
- doInfoSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(aFileName), Wnd);
- if (doInfoSize <> 0) then begin
- GetMem(ptVersion, doInfoSize);
- try
- if GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(aFileName), Wnd, doInfoSize, ptVersion) then
- if VerQueryValue(ptVersion, '\', Pointer(ptFixedFileInfo), doVersionSize) then begin
- woMajorVersion := (ptFixedFileInfo^.dwFileVersionMS div $FFFF);
- woMinorVersion := (ptFixedFileInfo^.dwFileVersionMS and $0000FFFF);
- woSubVersion := (ptFixedFileInfo^.dwFileVersionLS div $FFFF);
- woBuildNumber := (ptFixedFileInfo^.dwFileVersionLS and $0000FFFF);
- s := Format('(v %d.%d.%d.%d)', [woMajorVersion, woMinorVersion, woSubVersion, woBuildNumber]);
- Found := True;
- end;
- {endif}
- finally
- FreeMem(ptVersion);
- end;
- end else begin
- s := '';
- Found := True;
- end;
- if s = '' then
- s := '(v inconnue)';
- {endif}
- result := s;
\ No newline at end of file
+{$I 'src\u_version.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\u_version.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/u_vibrate.pas b/u_vibrate.pas
index f809ee6..7b985cf 100644
--- a/u_vibrate.pas
+++ b/u_vibrate.pas
@@ -1,79 +1,2 @@
-unit u_vibrate;
- Permet le déclenchement du vibreur du smartphone.
- basé sur http://community.embarcadero.com/blogs/entry/how-to-vibrate-ios-and-android-phones-using-firemonkey-and-xe8
- Pour Android :
- - activer l'autorisation "vibrate" ou "vibrer" dans les autorisations de l'application
- Pour iOS :
- - ajouter le framework "AudioToolbox" dans le SDK Manager avec comme chemin "$(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks"
- Pour les autres plateformes :
- - ne rien faire puisqu'elles ne sont pas gérées.
- Liste des mises à jour :
- 23/05/2016, Patrick Prémartin : version initiale
-/// Use vibrator's smartphone or tablet (Android / iOS)
-/// Number of milliseconds the device vibrate for Android. On iOs, there is no delay.
-procedure vibrate(milliseconds: cardinal = 500);
- Androidapi.JNI.Os,
- Androidapi.JNI.GraphicsContentViewText,
- Androidapi.Helpers,
- Androidapi.JNIBridge;
- IOSapi.MediaPlayer,
- IOSapi.CoreGraphics,
- FMX.Platform,
- FMX.Platform.IOS,
- IOSapi.UIKit,
- Macapi.ObjCRuntime,
- Macapi.ObjectiveC,
- IOSapi.Cocoatypes,
- Macapi.CoreFoundation,
- IOSapi.Foundation,
- IOSapi.CoreImage,
- IOSapi.QuartzCore,
- IOSapi.CoreData;
- libAudioToolbox =
- '/System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/AudioToolbox';
- kSystemSoundID_vibrate = $FFF;
-Procedure AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(inSystemSoundID: integer); Cdecl;
- External libAudioToolbox Name _PU + 'AudioServicesPlaySystemSound';
-procedure vibrate(milliseconds: cardinal);
- Vibrator: JVibrator;
- Vibrator := TJVibrator.Wrap
- ((SharedActivityContext.getSystemService
- (TJContext.JavaClass.VIBRATOR_SERVICE) as ILocalObject).GetObjectID);
- Vibrator.vibrate(milliseconds);
- AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(kSystemSoundID_vibrate);
+{$I 'src\u_vibrate.pas'}
+{$message warn 'This file is deprecated. It will be deleted after the 2025-03-10. Use "src\u_vibrate.pas" instead of it.'}
\ No newline at end of file